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Recoverin is an EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein that is suggested to control the activity of the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK-1 or rhodopsin kinase in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. It undergoes a Ca(2+)-myristoyl switch when Ca(2+) binds to EF-hand 2 and 3. We investigated the mechanism of this switch by the use of point mutations in EF-hand 2 (E85Q) and 3 (E121Q) that impair their Ca(2+) binding. EF-hand 2 and 3 display different properties and serve different functions. Binding of Ca(2+) to recoverin is a sequential process, wherein EF-hand 3 is occupied first followed by the filling of EF-hand 2. After EF-hand 3 bound Ca(2+), the subsequent filling of EF-hand 2 triggers the exposition of the myristoyl group and in turn binding of recoverin to membranes. In addition, EF-hand 2 controls the mean residence time of recoverin at membranes by decreasing the dissociation rate of recoverin from membranes by 10-fold. We discuss this mechanism as one critical step for inhibition of rhodopsin kinase by recoverin.  相似文献   

In recent years, substantial progress has been made towards an understanding of the physiological function of EF-hand calcium sensor proteins of the Calmodulin (CaM) superfamily in neurons. This deeper appreciation is based on the identification of novel target interactions, structural studies and the discovery of novel signalling mechanisms in protein trafficking and synaptic plasticity, in which CaM-like sensor proteins appear to play a role. However, not all interactions are of plausible physiological relevance and in many cases it is not yet clear how the CaM signaling network relates to the proposed function of other EF-hand sensors. In this review, we will summarize these findings and address some of the open questions on the functional role of EF-hand calcium binding proteins in neurons.  相似文献   

The past year has seen several sets of experimental results demonstrate that fast, large and highly localized rises in intracellular Ca2+ concentration can occur in neurons. These results confirm previous theoretical predictions of acute spatial compartmentalization of Ca2+ signalling, and document a form of signalling that may occur whenever rapid and local signal processing is the goal. The dimensions involved present severe challenges for attempts to directly measure these signalling events.  相似文献   

The localizations of three members of the neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) family were studied in HeLa cells. Using hippocalcin-EYFP and NCS-1-ECFP, it was found that their localization differed dramatically in resting cells. NCS-1 had a distinct predominantly perinuclear localization (similar to trans-Golgi markers), whereas hippocalcin was present diffusely throughout the cell. Upon the elevation of intracellular Ca(2+), hippocalcin rapidly translocated to the same perinuclear compartment as NCS-1. Another member of the family, neurocalcin delta, also translocated to this region after a rise in Ca(2+) concentration. Permeabilization of transfected cells using digitonin caused loss of hippocalcin and neurocalcin delta in the absence of calcium, but in the presence of 10 microm Ca(2+), both proteins translocated to and were retained in the perinuclear region. NCS-1 localization was unchanged in permeabilized cells regardless of calcium concentration. The localization of NCS-1 was unaffected by mutations in all functional EF hands, indicating that its localization was independent of Ca(2+). A minimal myristoylation motif (hippocalcin-(1-14)) fused to EGFP resulted in similar perinuclear targeting, showing that localization of these proteins is because of the exposure of the myristoyl group. This was confirmed by mutation of the myristoyl motif of NCS-1 and hippocalcin that resulted in both proteins remaining cytosolic, even at elevated Ca(2+) concentration. Dual imaging of hippocalcin-EYFP and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration in Fura Red-loaded cells demonstrated the kinetics of the Ca(2+)/myristoyl switch in living cells and showed that hippocalcin rapidly translocated with a half-time of approximately 12 s after a short lag period when Ca(2+) was elevated. These results demonstrate that closely related Ca(2+) sensor proteins use their myristoyl groups in distinct ways in vivo in a manner that will determine the time course of Ca(2+) signal transduction.  相似文献   

Peterson BZ  DeMaria CD  Adelman JP  Yue DT 《Neuron》1999,22(3):549-558
Elevated intracellular Ca2+ triggers inactivation of L-type calcium channels, providing negative Ca2+ feedback in many cells. Ca2+ binding to the main alpha1c channel subunit has been widely proposed to initiate such Ca2+ -dependent inactivation. Here, we find that overexpression of mutant, Ca2+ -insensitive calmodulin (CaM) ablates Ca2+ -dependent inactivation in a "dominant-negative" manner. This result demonstrates that CaM is the actual Ca2+ sensor for inactivation and suggests that CaM is constitutively tethered to the channel complex. Inactivation is likely to occur via Ca2+ -dependent interaction of tethered CaM with an IQ-like motif on the carboxyl tail of alpha1c. CaM also binds to analogous IQ regions of N-, P/Q-, and R-type calcium channels, suggesting that CaM-mediated effects may be widespread in the calcium channel family.  相似文献   

Different intracellular pools participate in generating Ca(2+) signals in neuronal cells and in shaping their spatio-temporal patterns. They include the endoplasmic reticulum (endowed with different classes of Ca(2+) channels, with distinct functional properties and highly defined expression patterns in the brain), the Golgi apparatus, and the mitochondria. The release of Ca(2+) from intracellular pools plays an important role in controlling processes such as neurite outgrowth, synaptic plasticity, secretion and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

In spite of significant scientific progress in recent years, acute pancreatitis (AP) is still a dangerous and in up to 5% of cases deadly disease with no specific cure. It is self-resolved in the majority of cases, but could result in chronic pancreatitis (CP) and increased risk of pancreatic cancer (PC). One of the early events in AP is premature activation of digestive pro-enzymes, including trypsinogen, inside pancreatic acinar cells (PACs) due to an excessive rise in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, which is the result of Ca2+ release from internal stores followed by Ca2+ entry through the store operated Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane. The leading causes of AP are high alcohol intake and biliary disease with gallstones obstruction leading to bile reflux into the pancreatic duct. Recently attention in this area of research turned to another cause of AP – Asparaginase based drugs – which have been used quite successfully in treatments of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Unfortunately, Asparaginase is implicated in triggering AP in 5–10% of cases as a side effect of the anti-cancer therapy. The main features of Asparaginase-elicited AP (AAP) were found to be remarkably similar to AP induced by alcohol metabolites and bile acids. Several potential therapeutic avenues in counteracting AAP have been suggested and could also be useful for dealing with AP induced by other causes. Another interesting development in this field includes recent research related to pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) that are much less studied in their natural environment but nevertheless critically involved in AP, CP and PC. This review will attempt to evaluate developments, approaches and potential therapies for AP and discuss links to other relevant diseases.  相似文献   

The fact that many cells in the cardiovascular system are coupled via gap junctions enables direct intercellular Ca2+ signalling. Ca2+ ions and/or inositol trisphosphate (IP3) can pass through these aqueous pores. Cell-cell coupling can occur between cells of the same type, or via special junctions between adjacent cells of different types. Homocellular coupling acts to amplify and prolong Ca2+ signals, whereas heterocellular coupling allows complex interactions between the cells, including the modulation of their respective responses. This review will focus on the interactions between cells that form the blood vessel wall, illustrating how cell-cell communication defines important physiological functions.  相似文献   

Maximyuk  O.  Khmyz  V.  Lozovaya  N.  Dascal  N.  Krishtal  O. 《Neurophysiology》2002,34(2-3):182-183
Experiments on isolated rat brain neurons with an elevated intracellular sodium concentration (due to tetanic stimulation) demonstrated the existence of earlier unknown negative modulation of calcium channels by intracellular sodium.  相似文献   

Ca2+signalling in stomatal guard cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ca(2+) is a ubiquitous second messenger in the signal transduction pathway(s) by which stomatal guard cells respond to external stimuli. Increases in guard-cell cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) have been observed in response to stimuli that cause both stomatal opening and closure. In addition, several important components of Ca(2+)-based signalling pathways have been identified in guard cells, including the cADP-ribose and phospholipase C/Ins(1, 4,5)P(3)-mediated Ca(2+)-mobilizing pathways. The central role of stimulus-induced increases in [Ca(2+)](cyt) in guard-cell signal transduction has been clearly demonstrated in experiments examining the effects of modulating increases in [Ca(2+)](cyt) on alterations in guard-cell turgor or the activity of ion channels that act as effectors in the guard-cell turgor response. In addition, the paradox that Ca(2+) is involved in the transduction of signals that result in opposite end responses (stomatal opening and closure) might be accounted for by the generation of stimulus-specific Ca(2+) signatures, such that increases in [Ca(2+)](cyt) exhibit unique spatial and temporal characteristics.  相似文献   

Cells use signalling networks to translate with high fidelity extracellular signals into specific cellular functions. Signalling networks are often composed of multiple signalling pathways that act in concert to regulate a particular cellular function. In the centre of the networks are the receptors that receive and transduce the signals. A versatile family of receptors that detect a remarkable variety of signals are the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Virtually all cells express several GPCRs that use the same biochemical machinery to transduce their signals. Considering the specificity and fidelity of signal transduction, a central question in cell signalling is how signalling specificity is achieved, in particular among GPCRs that use the same biochemical machinery. Ca(2+) signalling is particularly suitable to address such questions, since [Ca(2+)](i) can be recorded with excellent spatial and temporal resolutions in living cells and tissues and now in living animals. Ca(2+) is a unique second messenger in that both biochemical and biophysical components form the Ca(2+) signalling complex to regulate its concentration. Both components act in concert to generate repetitive [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations that can be either localized or in the form of global, propagating Ca(2+) waves. Most of the key proteins that form Ca(2+) signalling complexes are known and their activities are reasonably well understood on the biochemical and biophysical levels. We review here the information gained from studying Ca(2+) signalling by GPCRs to gain further understanding of the mechanisms used to generate cellular signalling specificity.  相似文献   

The review summarizes recent data and current opinions of the Ca2+ signal formation in cells. Mechanisms of Ca2+ mobilization from the intracellular Ca2+ stores are discussed along with the pathways of Ca2+ entry from the external medium.  相似文献   

Local Ca2+ rises and propagated Ca2+ signals represent different patterns that are differentially decoded for fine tuning cellular signalling. This Ca2+ concentration plasticity is absolutely required to allow adaptation to different needs of the cells ranging from contraction or increased learning to proliferation and cell death. A wide diversity of molecular structures and specific location of Ca2+ signalling molecules confer spatial and temporal versatility to the Ca2+ changes allowing specific cellular responses to be elicited. Various types of local Ca2+ signals have been described. Ca2+ spikes correspond to Ca2+ signals spanning several micrometers but displaying limited propagation into a cell leading to regulation of cellular functions in one particular zone of this cell. This is of particular relevance in cells presenting distinct morphological specializations, i.e. apical versus basal sites or dendritic versus somatic/axonal sites. More stereotyped elementary Ca2+ events (denominated Ca2+ sparks or Ca2+ puffs depending on the type of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channel involved) are highly confined and non-propagated Ca2+ rises which are observed in the close neighbouring of the Ca2+ channels. These elementary Ca2+ events play a major role in controlling cellular excitability. Elementary Ca2+ events involve Ca2+ release channels such as the ryanodine receptors (RyRs) and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs). The molecular bases underlying the various local Ca2+ release events will be discussed by reviewing the channels and particularly the different isoforms of RyRs and InsP3Rs and their role in inducing localized Ca2+ responses. These calcium release events are controlled by various second messengers and are regulated by Ca2+ channel-associated proteins, intra-luminal Ca2+ content of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and other Ca2+ organelles. We will discuss on how the control of local cellular Ca2+ content may account for cellular functions in physiological and physiopathological conditions.  相似文献   

High-resolution fluorescent imaging of mitochondrial-targeted probes was used to examine the ability of mitochondria to decode complex spatial and temporal Ca2+ signals evoked in synaptically active networks of hippocampal neurons. Green-to-red photoconversion of the mitochondrial-targeted probe, mito-Kaede, demonstrated that mitochondria were present as discrete organelles 2-6 microm in length. Real-time imaging of mitochondrial-targeted ratiometric pericam (2 mtRP) visualised rapid, repetitive, transient mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes in response to periods of synaptic activation. Mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes within cellular compartments were dependent on the extent of synaptic recruitment, but independent of cross-talk with the endoplasmic reticulum or the presence of an interconnected mitochondrial network. Mitochondria in dendritic regions demonstrated a greater sensitivity to synaptic activation compared with somatic mitochondria. Temporal decoding of synaptic signals was rate-limited by the activity of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Spatial regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was determined by the magnitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ rise in each cellular compartment.  相似文献   

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