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水稻螟虫神经肽PBAN及其受体序列的生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】性信息素合成激活肽(PBAN)是控制昆虫产生性信息素的激素,本文旨在分析水稻螟虫神经肽PBAN及其受体的序列。【方法】通过t Blastn同源检索从水稻螟虫基因组和转录组数据库中鉴定水稻螟虫PBAN神经肽及其受体序列,在此基础上进行序列比对及系统发生分析。【结果】发现二化螟Chilo suppressalis、三化螟Tryporyza incertulas和大螟Sesamia inferens的PBAN成熟肽序列均含有33个氨基酸残基,其C端五肽序列完全相同,3种水稻螟虫PBAN多肽相似度为54.55%~63.64%;发现二化螟PBAN受体3个异构体全长氨基酸序列(PBANR-A、PBANR-B和PBANR-C),均含有7个跨膜区域。【结论】进化树分析发现不同昆虫PBAN神经肽及其受体存在一定的保守性和多样性,并且在进化树上的位置几乎与昆虫系统发育分类一致,推测PBAN神经肽和PBAN受体在昆虫系统进化过程中可能存在协同进化现象。本研究为水稻螟虫PBAN神经肽及其受体的结构和功能分析提供基础。  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]tyrosyl-PBAN28-33NH2 to pheromone gland membranes of the moth Heliothis peltigera was investigated. The study describes the development of a pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN) radioreceptor assay and demonstrates the presence of a putative PBAN binding site on the pheromone gland. It also describes synthesis of a radioligand and optimization of binding conditions with respect to membrane preparation, number of gland equivalents, kinetics of ligand binding and composition of the binding solution. Binding was found to be optimal when membranes were freshly prepared from frozen glands, incubated at a concentration of one gland equivalent per reaction tube in the presence of 10 mM HCO3 ions. Equilibrium of ligand binding was obtained after 20 min. Presence of other components such as NaCl, KCl or SH reagents did not have any effect on binding. Binding was found to be saturable, with a Kd of 5.73 ± 1.05 × 10−6 M and a Bmax of 1.85 ± 0.22 nmol/mg protein. Binding was effectively displaced by unlabeled PBAN1-33NH2 and PBAN28-33ΝΗ2 with a Ki of 4.3 ± 1.1 × 10−6 M and 4.9 ± 2.6 × 10−6 M, respectively. Accepted: 4 February 1999  相似文献   

A D-Phe scan (sequential D-Phe replacement) library of linear peptides, synthesized on the basis of a slightly modified active sequence of PBAN (YFSPRL-amide) was employed to detect potential inhibitors of cuticular melanization in Spodoptera littoralis larvae and to compare their stimulatory and inhibitory melanization activity with their pheromonotropic agonistic and antagonistic activities. A quantitative melanotropic assay was used to monitor the extent of cuticular melanization elicited by Hez-PBAN1-33NH2 in S. littoralis larvae in the presence and absence of the D-Phe peptides. The data revealed the presence of two partial melanotropic antagonists, and disclosed the presence of selective pure melanotropic agonists and pure pheromonotropic antagonists indicating differences in the inhibitory and stimulatory patterns of the library with respect to both activities. The differences between the pheromonotropic and melanotropic inhibitory patterns of the peptides hints at the possibility that sex pheromone biosynthesis in the pheromone gland of Heliothis peltigera females and induction of cuticular melanization in S. littoralis may be mediated by different receptors (that may result either from presence of different receptor sub-types or may reflect species differences in receptor structure and/or properties) despite the fact that they are induced by the same peptide (PBAN1-33NH2).  相似文献   

Histamine is critically involved in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes through its actions at different receptors. Thus, histamine receptors have been actively pursued as therapeutic targets in the pharmaceutical industry for the treatment of a variety of diseases. There are currently four histamine receptors that have been cloned, all of which are G protein-coupled receptors. Studies from both academia and pharmaceutical companies have identified compounds that modulate the function of specific histamine receptors. These efforts led to the successful introduction of histamine H(1) and H(2) receptor antagonists for the treatment of allergy and excess gastric acid secretion, respectively. Histamine H(3) receptor ligands are currently under investigation for the treatment of obesity and neurological disorders. The recently identified histamine H(4) receptor is preferentially expressed in the immune tissues, suggesting a potential role in normal immune functions and possibly in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Even with the long history of histamine research and the important applications of histamine receptor ligands, assays to measure the affinity of compounds binding to histamine receptors are still routinely analyzed using a filtration assay, a very low-throughput assay involving washing and filtration steps. This article describes a simple, robust, and homogeneous binding assay based on the scintillation proximity assay (SPA) technology that provides results equivalent to those obtained using the more complex filtration assay. The SPA format is easily adapted to high-throughput screening because it is amenable to automation. In summary, this technique allows high-throughput screening of compounds against multiple histamine receptors and, thus, facilitates drug discovery efforts.  相似文献   

A homogenous high-throughput assay has been developed to measure the binding between nuclear receptors and test compounds. This assay applies a fluorescence polarization (FP) detection method using human glucocorticoid receptor (GR) as a model system. Crude receptor extract, which requires no additional purification, is used in the assay. The binding conditions (i.e., DMSO tolerance, temperature, stability, and variability) have been investigated and validated. At the optimized conditions, a signal-to-background ratio of 2:1 and a Z'-factor of 0.7 was achieved in a 384-well format. Several known strong and weak GR ligands have been evaluated in this system. Possible interference of fluorescent compounds and methods to identify false positives are also discussed. This FP-based assay system can potentially be used for many soluble nuclear receptors in high-throughput binding assays.  相似文献   

The folate receptor (FR) is a valuable therapeutic target that is highly expressed on a variety of cancers. The current development of folate-targeted cancer therapies has created the need for quantitating functional FRs in clinical specimens. In this article, we report on the creation of a highly sensitive radioactive binding method for quantitatively measuring FR expression in frozen tissue homogenates. Expression was positive in approximately 89% of human ovarian carcinomas but was negligible in both mucinous ovarian carcinomas and normal ovary. Expression was also significant in carcinomas of the kidney, endometrium, lung, breast, bladder, and pancreas. Normal tissues from humans and six different laboratory species were also analyzed; surprisingly, some interspecies variability in FR expression (especially in kidney, spleen, and lung tissue) was found. Interestingly, normal human lung tissue displayed high expression levels, whereas expression in normal lung of the other species was negligible. However, considering that folate-drug conjugates fail to accumulate in the lungs of patients, the consequence of this finding was not considered to be of clinical concern. Overall, this new methodology is reliable for determining functional FR expression levels in tissues, and it could possibly be a useful clinical test to determine patient candidacy for FR-targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   

In this study a novel general approach is presented that allows for a straightforward design of receptor binding assays. This principle of a receptor binding assay is applied to the estrogen receptor, which is important in the management of breast cancer and for the estimation of the estrogenic potency of chemicals in the environment. The inhibitory concentrations to reduce cell proliferation in 50% of controls for 17-beta-estradiol, 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, and tamoxifen are determined to be 61 nM, 33 nM, and 17 microM, respectively. The measurement time of the nanoparticle based immunoassay format is 3 s. The Z' factor, which is calculated to be 0.89, reflects the excellent assay performance.  相似文献   

The rapid rise in pathogenic bacteria resistant to current treatments, coupled with the paucity of new therapeutic agents in the pipeline, has resulted in a significant need for new antibiotics. One strategy to overcome resistance requires new chemical entities that inhibit key enzymes in essential metabolic processes that have not been previously targeted and for which there is no preexisting drug resistance. Biotin protein ligase (BPL), required to complete acetyl CoA carboxylase’s capability for fatty acid biosynthesis, is one target that has not yet been fully explored. However, its application in large-scale compound screens has been limited due to the lack of a truly high-throughput assay for enzyme activity. Here we report a novel assay system for BPL from Escherichia coli (BirA). This assay employs fluorescence polarization technology together with a unique peptide substrate for BirA. Additionally, the multiple handling steps and requirement for radiolabeled ligands associated with previous assays have been eliminated. Kinetic analysis of MgATP (Km 0.25 ± 0.01 mM) and biotin (Km 1.45 ± 0.15 μM) binding produced results consistent with published data. Inhibition studies with end products of the BPL reaction, AMP and pyrophosphate, further validated the assay. Statistical analysis, performed upon both intraassay and interassay results (n = 30), showed the coefficient of variance to be <10% across all data sets. Furthermore, Z′ factors between 0.5 and 0.8 demonstrated the utility of this technology in high-throughput applications.  相似文献   

PBAN (also termed melanization and reddish coloration hormone, MRCH) is a cerebral factor known to regulate sex pheromone biosynthesis and cuticular melanization in moths. In the present study we developed a quantitative method (based on computerized image analysis of cuticles) to determine the effect of Helicoverpa zea PBAN (Hez-PBAN) on cuticular melanization and to study the structure-activity relationship of the neuropeptide in Spodoptera littoralis larvae. The results indicate that Hez-PBAN stimulates cuticular melanization in an interspecific manner, and that the minimal dose evoking formation of melanins is between 3–10 pmol/larva. Higher doses of Hez-PBAN did not stimulate melanization any further. Examination of the structure-activity relationship of Hez-PBAN revealed that the first eight N-terminal amino acids are not essential for the melanotropic activity and that the activity resides in the C-terminal region. Within this region the C-terminal amide was found to play a very important role. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have evaluated a novel, time-resolved fluorometric GTP binding assay for its suitability for functional screening of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptor ligands. Our results suggest that this assay, which relies on the use of a europium-labeled GTP analogue, Eu-GTP, provides a powerful alternative to the [35S]guanosine-5′-O-(3-thio)triphosphate binding assay for assessing the functional properties of NPFF analogs. Further, we demonstrate that the tetrapeptide PMRF-NH2 exhibited high agonist potency at the NPFF2 receptor, and that the efficacies of this peptide and another shortened NPFF analog were greater than that of NPFF.  相似文献   

Male moths respond to conspecific female-released pheromones with remarkable sensitivity and specificity, due to highly specialized chemosensory neurons in their antennae. In Antheraea silkmoths, three types of sensory neurons have been described, each responsive to one of three pheromone components. Since also three different pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) have been identified, the antenna of Antheraea seems to provide a unique model system for detailed analyzes of the interplay between the various elements underlying pheromone reception. Efforts to identify pheromone receptors of Antheraea polyphemus have led to the identification of a candidate pheromone receptor (ApolOR1). This receptor was found predominantly expressed in male antennae, specifically in neurons located beneath pheromone-sensitive sensilla trichodea. The ApolOR1-expressing cells were found to be surrounded by supporting cells co-expressing all three ApolPBPs. The response spectrum of ApolOR1 was assessed by means of calcium imaging using HEK293-cells stably expressing the receptor. It was found that at nanomolar concentrations ApolOR1-cells responded to all three pheromones when the compounds were solubilized by DMSO and also when DMSO was substituted by one of the three PBPs. However, at picomolar concentrations, cells responded only in the presence of the subtype ApolPBP2 and the pheromone (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal. These results are indicative of a specific interplay of a distinct pheromone component with an appropriate binding protein and its related receptor subtype, which may be considered as basis for the remarkable sensitivity and specificity of the pheromone detection system.  相似文献   

Radioactively labeled steroids undergo decomposition processes, which are dependent on time, storage conditions (temperature, solvents, etc.), degree of labeling etc. This communication shows that several decomposition products of 17α-ethynyl-11β-methoxy-estradiol-17β (R 2858 0) bind to rat uterine cytosol in a way that would be interpreted as ‘specific receptor binding’ if some of these compounds were present in the ligand solution used for estrogen receptor determination. Thys, the binding was charcoal-resistant and displaceable with an excess of unlabeled R 2858, and the percentage of binding was of significant magnitude to seriously interfere with receptor measurements.  相似文献   

Murine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), a member of the alpha-chemokine family, is one of several proteins secreted by cells in response to lipopolysaccharide. Many of the alpha-chemokines, such as interleukin-8, gro-alpha/MGSA, and neutrophil activating peptide-2 (NAP-2), are associated with neutrophil activation and chemotaxis. We describe the expression, purification, and characterization of murine MIP-2 from Pichia pastoris. Circular dichroism spectroscopy reveals that MIP-2 exhibits a highly ordered secondary structure consistent with the alpha/beta structures of other chemokines. Recombinant MIP-2 is chemotactic for human and murine neutrophils and up-regulates cell surface expression of Mac-1. MIP-2 binds to human and murine neutrophils with dissociation constants of 6.4 nM and 2.9 nM, respectively. We further characterize the binding of MIP-2 to the human types A and B IL-8 receptors and the murine homologue of the IL-8 receptor. MIP-2 displays low-affinity binding to the type A IL-8 receptor (Kd > 120 nM) and high-affinity binding to the type B IL-8 receptor (Kd 5.7 nM) and the murine receptor (Kd 6.8 nM). The three-dimensional structure of IL-8 and sequence analysis of six chemokines (IL-8, gro-alpha, NAP-2, ENA-78, KC, and MIP-2) that display high-affinity binding to the IL-8 type B receptor are used to identify an extended N-terminal surface that interacts with this receptor. Two mutants of MIP-2 establish that this region is also involved in binding and activating the murine homologue of the IL-8 receptor. Differences in the sequence between IL-8 and related chemokines identify a unique hydrophobic/aromatic region surrounded by charged residues that is likely to impart specificity to IL-8 for binding to the type A receptor.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of the pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) has been developed. Six antisera have been obtained that recognize the carboxyl terminal side of this peptide. Two immunogens have been rationally designed and synthesized in order to direct antibody specificity, using as haptens PBAN or PBAN(20-33) with a Cys residue attached to their amino-terminal side. The Cys thiol group has been used to covalently bind the peptide to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) by using N-succinimidyl-4-(maleidimidomethyl) cyclohexane carboxylate (SMCC) as a convenient heterobifunctional cross-linker. Several usable competitive immunoassays have been obtained by synthesizing eight different coating antigens and screening the sera against all of them. The best assay was obtained with antibody 4 using Cys-Hez-PBAN(20-33) coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) through the Lys groups by using the homobifunctional cross-linker dimethylpimelidate dihydrochloride (DMP) as the coating antigen. The optimized assay allows to detect PBAN at concentrations as low as 1 fmol/well (l50 = 2.5 fmol/well). An extraction procedure for the hemolymph has been developed that allows to perform PBAN measurements in this tissue even after a tenfold dilution. In these conditions matrix effect is negligible. Preliminary results on the presence of PBAN like immunoreactivity (PBAN-IR) in the hemolymph of Spodoptera littoralis females are reported.© 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) hydrolyze cyclic nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) into inactive 5' monophosphates, and exist as 11 families. Inhibitors of PDEs allow the elevation of cAMP and cGMP, which leads to a variety of cellular effects including airway smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of cellular inflammation or of immune responses. PDE4 inhibitors specifically prevent the hydrolysis of cAMP. We have validated the manually developed reporter gene assay in a high-throughput screening format that allows for fast and cost-effective identification of potential inhibitors of PDE4 isozymes. The assay is sensitive and robust, with a Z' value of >0.5. The assay is also amenable to 384-well format.  相似文献   

The insect myokinin (leucokinin-like) neuropeptide family includes peptides that have different physiological effects such as the induction of hindgut myotropic activity and stimulation of urine production. The C-terminal pentamer of myokinins Phe-X-(Ser/Pro/Ala)-Trp-Gly-amide [X=Phe, His, Asn, Ser or Tyr], had been previously determined as the minimum fragment able to elicit a functional response. The receptor(s) for these insect neuropeptides has not yet been identified. In order to characterize the Malpighian tubule leucokinin-like peptide receptor(s) from the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti), a leucokinin photoaffinity analogue (LPA) of sequence dAla-dTyr-Bpa-dLys-Phe-Phe-Ser-Trp-Gly-amide was designed based on structure/activity relationships for leucokinins. LPA caused depolarization of the transepithelial voltage (TEV) in female Malpighian tubule, confirming the activity of the peptide. The effective concentration to give half the maximum depolarization (EC50) was 17 nM. The 125I-LPA was then used to characterize leucokinin binding proteins in female Malpighian tubule membranes. It specifically labeled and saturated a protein(s) of about 54 kDa as shown by SDS-PAGE/autoradiography and by competition experiments with excess unlabeled leucokinin analogues. 125I-LPA bound to the 54 kDa protein(s) with a Kd value of 13±3 nM in agreement with the EC50 for the TEV bioassay. Altogether these data suggest that the 54 kDa protein is an Aedes-leucokinin receptor. This is the first characterization of an insect leucokinin receptor and reveals that LPA is a powerful tool to label insect myokinin receptors.  相似文献   

The rat adenine receptor (rAdeR) was the first member of a family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activated by adenine and designated as P0-purine receptors. The present study aimed at gaining insights into structural aspects of ligand binding and function of the rAdeR. We exchanged amino acid residues predicted to be involved in ligand binding (Phe1103.24, Asn1153.29, Asn1734.60, Phe17945.39, Asn1945.40, Phe1955.41, Leu2015.47, His2526.54, and Tyr2687.32) for alanine and expressed them in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. Membrane preparations subjected to [3H]adenine binding studies revealed only minor effects indicating that none of the exchanged amino acids is part of the ligand binding pocket, at least in the inactive state of the receptor. Furthermore, we coexpressed the rAdeR and its mutants with mammalian Gi proteins in Sf9 insect cells to probe receptor activation. Two amino acid residues, Asn1945.40 and Leu2015.47, were found to be crucial for activation since their alanine mutants did not respond to adenine. Moreover we showed that—in contrast to most other rhodopsin-like GPCRs—the rAdeR does not contain essential disulfide bonds since preincubation with dithiothreitol neither altered adenine binding in Sf9 cell membranes, nor adenine-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells transfected with the rAdeR. To detect rAdeRs by Western blot analysis, we developed a specific antibody. Finally, we were able to show that the extended N-terminal sequence of the rAdeR constitutes a putative signal peptide of unknown function that is cleaved off in the mature receptor. Our results provide important insights into this new, poorly investigated family of purinergic receptors.  相似文献   

A simple method for the determination of the proportion of true GABA within labeled GABA used for membrane binding assay is presented. The method is intended for the assessment of the integrity of refrigerator (+4°C) stored labeled neurotransmitter. Its application allows a precise determination of the binding parameters.  相似文献   

Altstein M  Ben-Aziz O  Daniel S  Zeltser I  Gilon C 《Peptides》2001,22(9):1379-1389
A radio-receptor assay (RRA) for the insect pyrokinin/PBAN family has been developed. The development involved examination of the ligand (3H-tyrosyl-PBAN28-33NH2)-receptor interaction under various incubation conditions and variations on sex pheromone gland membrane preparation. Application of the RRA for a partial characterization of the putative pyrokinin/PBAN receptor in the pheromone gland of H. peltigera revealed age-dependence of its expression. Pharmacological characterization revealed a high correlation between the binding-affinity to the receptor of various PBAN-derived peptides and their in vivo pheromonotropic bioactivity, and shed light on the interaction of backbone cyclic and linear ([Arg27,D-Phe30]PBAN28-33NH2) PBAN antagonists with the receptor.  相似文献   

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