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As one of the major pathogens, hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) can cause severe diseases in penaeid shrimp. We developed a TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay for the HPV detection in China. A pair of primers (HPVF and HPVR) and a TaqMan probe were designed according to the HPV genomic sequence of Chinese isolate (GenBank: GU371276). Our data showed that the primers and TaqMan probe were specific for HPV, and they exhibited no cross-reaction with infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and specific pathogen free (SPF) shrimp DNA. The assay had a detection limit of four plasmid HPV DNA copies per reaction. Furthermore, HPV was detected in 16 of 21 Fenneropenaeus Chinensis, 3 of 52 Litopenaeus vannamei and 2 of 2 Marsupenaeus japonicus penaeid shrimp samples. In addition, HPV was also detected in crabs. Therefore, this assay could be successfully used as a sensitive and rapid molecular-based diagnostic method to screen HPV-free animals and survey the prevalence of HPV in cultured populations of penaeid shrimp in China.  相似文献   

We describe a duplex real-time PCR assay using TaqMan probes for the simultaneous detection of monodon baculovirus (MBV) and hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV). Both MBV and HPV are shrimp enteric viruses that infect intestinal and hepatopancreatic epithelial cells. Both viruses can cause significant mortalities and depressed growth in infected larval, postlarval, and early juvenile stages of shrimp, and thus present a risk to commercial aquaculture. In this duplex assay, we combined 2 single real-time PCRs, amplifying MBV and HPV, in a one-tube PCR reaction. The 2 viruses were distinguished by specific fluorescent labels at the 5' end of TaqMan probes: the MBV probe was labeled with dichlorodimethoxyfluorescein (JOE), and the HPV probe was labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM). The duplex real-time PCR assay was performed in a multi-channel real-time PCR detection system, and MBV and HPV amplification signals were separately detected by the JOE and FAM channels. This duplex assay was validated to be specific to the target viruses and found to have a detection limit of single copies for each virus. The dynamic range was found to be from 1 to 1 x 10(8) copies per reaction. This assay was further applied to quantify MBV and HPV in samples of infected Penaeus monodon collected from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The specificity and sensitivity of this duplex real-time PCR assay offer a valuable tool for routine diagnosis and quantification of MBV and HPV from both wild and farmed shrimp stocks.  相似文献   

We developed and validated a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay to determine Mycoplasma genitalium bacterial load in endocervical swabs, based on amplification of the pdhD gene which encodes dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, using the Rotor-Gene platform. We first determined the qPCR assay sensitivity, limit of detection, reproducibility and specificity, and then determined the ability of the qPCR assay to quantify M. genitalium in stored endocervical specimens collected from Zimbabwean women participating in clinical research undertaken between 1999 and 2007. The qPCR assay had a detection limit of 300 genome copies/mL and demonstrated low intra- and inter-assay variability. The assay was specific for M. genitalium DNA and did not amplify the DNA from other mycoplasma and ureaplasma species. We quantified M. genitalium in 119 of 1600 endocervical swabs that tested positive for M. genitalium using the commercial Sacace M. genitalium real-time PCR, as well as 156 randomly selected swabs that were negative for M. genitalium by the same assay. The M. genitalium loads ranged between < 300 and 3,240,000 copies/mL. Overall, the qPCR assay demonstrated good range of detection, reproducibility and specificity and can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses of M. genitalium in endocervical specimens and potentially other genital specimens.  相似文献   

We describe the use of quantitative PCR (QPCR) to titer recombinant baculoviruses. Custom primers and probe were designed to gp64 and used to calculate a standard curve of QPCR derived titers from dilutions of a previously titrated baculovirus stock. Each dilution was titrated by both plaque assay and QPCR, producing a consistent and reproducible inverse relationship between C(T) and plaque forming units per milliliter. No significant difference was observed between titers produced by QPCR and plaque assay for 12 recombinant viruses, confirming the validity of this technique as a rapid and accurate method of baculovirus titration.  相似文献   

The use of previously published primers to amplify the monodon baculovirus (MBV) polyhedrin gene sequence by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from post larvae (PL) of Thai Penaeus monodon resulted in failure. As a result, the putative polyhedrin protein of MBV was isolated from infected PL by homogenization, differential centrifugation and density gradient centrifugation with verification by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By SDS-PAGE, a single major protein band at 58 kDa was obtained from the putative polyhedrin fraction and this corresponded to a previous report of the molecular weight of polyhedrin from MBV. When used for N-terminal sequence analysis, the putative polyhedrin protein yielded a sequence of 25 amino acids (M F D D S M M M E N M D D L S G D Q K M V L T L A) that did not correspond to the deduced amino acid sequence derived from a previous report of a putative MBV polyhedrin gene amplicon. Despite this, a synthetic peptide of our 25 amino acid sequence (25Pmbv) was conjugated with bovine serum albumin and used as an antigen for antiserum production in mice. Using immunohistochemistry with tissue sections of PL infected with MBV or other viruses, the mouse anti-25Pmbv antiserum showed strong immunoreactivity to occlusion bodies of MBV only. It also showed strong reactivity to the 58 kDa putative polyhedrin protein in Western blots. Altogether, the results suggest that the 58 kDa protein is Thai MBV polyhedrin and that a previously reported MBV polyhedrin gene sequence may represent another protein or polyhedrin from a different variety of MBV.  相似文献   

Shellfish aquaculture is a growing industry in Scotland, dominated by the production of the mussel Mytilus edulis, the native species. Recently the discovery of Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus trossulus together with M. edulis and all 3 hybrids in cultivation in some Scottish sea lochs led to questions regarding the distribution of mussel species in Scotland. The establishment of an extensive sampling survey, involving the collection of mussels at 34 intertidal sites and 10 marinas around Scotland, motivated the development of a high-throughput method for identification of Mytilus alleles from samples. Three Taqman®-MGB probes and one set of primers were designed, based on the previously described Me 15/16 primers targeting the adhesive protein gene sequence, and samples were screened for the presence of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus alleles using real-time PCR. Mytilus edulis alleles were identified in samples from all 44 sites. Mytilus galloprovincialis alleles were found together with M. edulis alleles extensively in northern parts of the west and east coasts. Mytilus trossulus alleles were identified in samples from 6 sites in the west and south-west of Scotland. Because M. trossulus is generally undesirable in cultivation and therefore preventing the geographical spread of this species across Scotland is considered beneficial by the shellfish aquaculture industry, these 6 samples were further analysed for genotype frequencies using conventional PCR. Although distribution of the non-native species M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus have proven to be more widespread than previously thought, there is no evidence from our study of either M. trossulus or M. galloprovincialis acting as an invasive species in Scotland. The real-time PCR method developed in this study has proven to be a rapid and effective tool for the identification of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus alleles from samples and should prove useful in future surveys, ecological or aquaculture management related studies in both unispecific and mixed species areas of these species.  相似文献   

Naegleria fowleri is a free-living amoeba that can cause primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). While, traditional methods for diagnosing PAM still rely on culture, more current laboratory diagnoses exist based on conventional PCR methods; however, only a few real-time PCR processes have been described as yet. Here, we describe a real-time PCR-based diagnostic method using hybridization fluorescent labelled probes, with a LightCycler instrument and accompanying software (Roche), targeting the Naegleria fowleriMp2Cl5 gene sequence.Using this method, no cross reactivity with other tested epidemiologically relevant prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms was found. The reaction detection limit was 1 copy of the Mp2Cl5 DNA sequence. This assay could become useful in the rapid laboratory diagnostic assessment of the presence or absence of Naegleria fowleri.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to develop a sensitive real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the rapid detection of Cladosporium fulvum in tomato leaves. Methods and Results: Three PCR primer pairs were designed based on the nucleotide sequences of: (i) the internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal RNA; (ii) a microsatellite region amplified by the microsatellite primer M13; and (iii) the β-tubulin gene of C. fulvum. Each primer pair amplified the expected target DNA fragment from geographically diverse isolates of C. fulvum. No PCR products were amplified with these primer pairs from DNA of other fungal species. Among the three pairs of primers, the primer pair CfF1/CfR1 developed based on the microsatellite region was the most sensitive. Using this sensitive primer pair, a real-time PCR assay was developed to detect early infection of C. fulvum in tomato leaves. Significance and Impact of the Study: DNA regions amplified by the microsatellite primer M13 have a high potential for developing highly sensitive species-specific PCR primers for the detection of phytopathogenic fungi. The real-time PCR assay developed in this study is useful in monitoring early infection of C. fulvum, and can help growers make timely decisions on fungicide application.  相似文献   

Clonorchiasis caused by the oriental liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis is a fish-borne zoonosis endemic in a number of countries. This article describes the development of a TaqMan based real-time PCR assay for detection of C. sinensis DNA in human feces and in fishes. Primers targeting the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) sequence of the fluke were highly specific for C. sinensis, as evidenced by the negative amplification of closely related trematodes in the test with the exception of Opisthorchis viverrini. The detection limit of the assay was 1 pg of purified genomic DNA, 5 EPG (eggs per gram feces) or one metacercaria per gram fish filet. The assay was evaluated by testing 22 human fecal samples and 37 fish tissues microscopically determined beforehand, and the PCR results were highly in agreement with the microscopic results. This real-time PCR assay provides a useful tool for the sensitive detection of C. sinensis DNA in human stool and aquatic samples in China and other endemic countries where O. viverrini and Opisthorchis felineus are absent.  相似文献   

Quantitation of wild-type and deleted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coexisting within the same cell (a.k.a., heteroplasmy) is important in mitochondrial disease and aging. We report the development of a multiplex three-primer PCR assay that is capable of absolute quantitation of wild-type and deleted mtDNA simultaneously. Molecular beacons were designed to hybridize with either type of mtDNA molecule, allowing real-time detection during PCR amplification. The assay is specific and can detect down to six copies of mtDNA, making it suitable for single-cell analyses. The relative standard deviation in the threshold cycle number is approximately 0.6%. Heteroplasmy was quantitated in individual cytoplasmic hybrid cells (cybrids), containing a large mtDNA deletion, and bulk cell samples. Individual cybrid cells contained 100-2600 copies of wild-type mtDNA and 950-4700 copies of deleted mtDNA, and the percentage of heteroplasmy ranged from 43+/-16 to 95+/-16%. The average amount of total mtDNA was 3800+/-1600 copies/cybrid cell, and the average percentage of heteroplasmy correlated well with the bulk cell sample. The single-cell analysis also revealed that heteroplasmy in individual cells is highly heterogeneous. This assay will be useful for monitoring clonal expansions of mtDNA deletions and investigating the role of heteroplasmy in cell-to-cell heterogeneity in cellular models of mitochondrial disease and aging.  相似文献   

Genetic testing of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD/BMD) is a difficult task due to the occurrence of deletions or duplications within dystrophin (DMD) gene that requires dose sensitive tests. We developed three multiplex quantitative real-time PCR assays for dystrophin exon 5, 45, and 51 within two major hotspots of deletion/duplication. Each exon was co-amplified with a reference X-linked gene and the copy number of the target fragment was calculated by comparative threshold cycle method (delta deltaC(t)). We compared the performance of this method with previously described end-point PCR fluorescent analysis (EPFA) by studying 24 subjects carrying DMD deletions or duplications. We showed that Q-PCR is an accurate and sensitive technique for the identification of deletions and duplications in DMD/BMD. Q-PCR is a valuable tool for independent confirmation of EPFA screening, particularly when deletions/duplications of single exons occur or for rapid identification of known mutations in at risk carriers.  相似文献   

用基于TaqMan探针的Real-time PCR技术定量检测副溶血弧菌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
副溶血弧菌是一种引起食源性疾病的重要病原菌,传统的鉴定方法费时费力且容易出现假阴性,建立一种定量检测副溶血弧菌基因的方法尤为重要。根据GenBank公布的副溶血弧菌的gyrB基因序列设计一对引物和TaqMan探针,建立了基于TaqMan探针的RealtimePCR方法。通过对9种细菌(12株菌株)的DNA进行扩增,结果所有4株副溶血弧菌均可产生扩增曲线,其他8株非副溶血弧菌均不产生扩增曲线,证明了引物和探针具有很高的特异性。细菌纯培养物品和人工布菌的检测敏感度分别为1CFUPCR反应体系和10CFUPCR反应体系,相关系数均为0.99(r2=0.99),整个试验可在1h内完成。建立的方法可用于海产品中副溶血弧菌的快速定量检测。  相似文献   

山羊痘病毒TaqMan-MGB荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用DNAStar分析了GenBank中所有8株羊痘病毒全基因序列,选取位于山羊痘病毒(AY077835)基因组gp064区域约64bp的基因片段,设计并合成了一对PCR引物和一条TaqMan-MGB探针,建立了FQ-PCR和标准曲线,并利用该方法对山羊痘临床皮肤痘疹材料和人工感染动物材料进行GPV核酸检测。结果表明,构建的FQ-PCR具有良好的敏感性、特异性、稳定性和临床应用性。该方法的建立为山羊痘临床快速高效地诊断和山羊痘病毒感染羊只的发生、发展及转归研究提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

应用real-timePCR法快速定量人类粪便中双歧杆菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立快速、准确从粪便标本中定量双歧杆菌的RT—PCR技术。方法传统培养定量法,普通PCR定量法,real—timePCR比较测量。结果(I)粪便标本前处理采取简单的离心和清洗、稀释步骤能去除粪便标本中的抑制物,实现不提取DNA直接进行PCR、real—time定量粪便中双歧杆菌。(2)本实验建立的PCR方法直接半定量粪便双歧杆菌技术在双歧杆菌值介于10^3~10^7CFU/ml时具有较好的分辨率,粪便标本普通PCR得理论菌数与培养得菌数值之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05);real-timePCR直接定量双歧杆菌技术在双歧杆菌值介于10^1-10^7CFU/ml时具有较好的分辨率,粪便标本RT—PCR得理论菌数与培养得菌数值之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论利用PCR、real—timePCR直接半定量和定量粪便中的双歧杆菌可行。  相似文献   

The marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium includes a number of species which produce neurotoxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), which in humans may cause muscular paralysis, neurological symptoms, and, in extreme cases, death. A. minutum is the most widespread toxic PSP species in the western Mediterranean basin. The monitoring of coastal waters for the presence of harmful algae also normally involves microscopic examinations of phytoplankton populations. These procedures are time consuming and require a great deal of taxonomic experience, thus limiting the number of specimens that can be analyzed. Because of the genetic diversity of different genera and species, molecular tools may also help to detect the presence of target microorganisms in marine field samples. In this study, we developed a real-time PCR-based assay for rapid detection of all toxic species of the Alexandrium genus in both fixative-preserved environmental samples and cultures. Moreover, we developed a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the quantification of A. minutum cells in seawater samples. Alexandrium genus-specific primers were designed on the 5.8S rDNA region. Primer specificity was confirmed by using BLAST and by amplification of a representative sample of the DNA of other dinoflagellates and diatoms. Using a standard curve constructed with a plasmid containing the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 A. minutum sequence and cultured A. minutum cells, we determined the absolute number of 5.8S rDNA copies per cell. Consequently, after quantification of 5.8S rDNA copies in samples containing A. minutum cells, we were also able to estimate the number of cells. Several fixed A. minutum bloom sea samples from Arenys Harbor (Catalan Coast, Spain) were analyzed using this method, and quantification results were compared with standard microscopy counting methods. The two methods gave comparable results, confirming that real-time PCR could be a valid, fast alternative procedure for the detection and quantification of target phytoplankton species during coastal water monitoring.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted of a novel real-time quantitative PCR test (LightCycler System) with FastStart DNA Master(PLUS) SYBR Green I dye to detect DNA of human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6). Results were compared with those of a real-time quantitative PCR with hybridization probe (HP) formats using the fluorescence resonance energy transfer method, and with those of a single qualitative PCR test. The detection limit of the test with SYBR Green I dye was 20 copies of the virus, similar to that of the other two tests. The reproducibility was satisfactory. The new test has the same advantages as real-time PCR with HP formats and offers a greater versatility at lower cost.  相似文献   

Infections caused by species of the genus Mannheimia cause diverse disease complexes in many wild and domestic animals worldwide. Fast and accurate detection of single species within the genus remains an unsolved problem till today. To resolve this diagnostic challenge, we developed a real-time PCR assay for the rapid and specific identification of five species of the genus Mannheimia (M. haemolytica, M. varigena, M. ruminalis, M. granulomatis and M. glucosida) from bacterial cultures and tissue samples. The assay was validated with reference strains, field isolates and bacteria spiked tissue samples. The sodA gene was used as target region for species-specific primer pairs. The real-time PCR assay demonstrated species specificity for all five examined Mannheimia spp. and a rapid test completion time of less than 5 h. This is a considerable advantage compared to the traditional phenotyping methods currently used to distinguish between the species of the genus. The assay was able to detect approximately 10(3) bacterial cells per gram lung tissue sample, as determined with spiked tissue samples. We assume that the assay could become useful for fast laboratory diagnostic assessment particularly of respiratory infections caused by Mannheimia in animals.  相似文献   

A novel micro-PCR-based detection method, termed ultra-rapid real-time PCR, was applied to the development of a rapid detection for Paenibacillus larvae (P. larvae) which is the causative agent of American Foulbrood (AFB). This method was designed to detect the 16S rRNA gene ofP. larvae with a micro-scale chip-based real-time PCR system, GenSpector® TMC-1000, which has uncommonly fast heating and cooling rates (10 °C per second) and small reaction volume (6 μl). In the application of ultra-rapid real-time PCR detection to an AFB-infected larva, the minimum detection time was 7 min and 54 s total reaction time (30 cycles), including the melting temperature analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this novel detection method is one of the most rapid real-time PCR-based detection tools.  相似文献   

Melampsora medusae (Mm), one of the causal agents of poplar rust, is classified as an A2 quarantine pest for European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and its presence in Europe is strictly controlled. Two formae speciales have been described within Mm, Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae (Mmd), and Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidae (Mmt) on the basis of their pathogenicity on Populus species from the section Aigeiros (e.g. Populus deltoides) or Populus (e.g. Populus tremuloides), respectively. In this study, a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed allowing the detection of Mmd, the forma specialis that is economically harmful. A set of primers and hydrolysis probe were designed based on sequence polymorphisms in the large ribosomal RNA subunit (28S). The real-time PCR assay was optimized and performance criteria of the detection method, i.e. sensitivity, specificity, repeatability, reproducibility, and robustness, were assessed. The real-time PCR method was highly specific and sensitive and allowed the detection of one single urediniospore of Mmd in a mixture of 2 mg of urediniospores of other Melampsora species. This test offers improved specificity over currently existing conventional PCR tests and can be used for specific surveys in European nurseries and phytosanitary controls, in order to avoid introduction and spread of this pathogen in Europe.  相似文献   

Large-scale nosocomial outbreaks of Serratia marcescens septicaemia in Japan have had a fatality rate of 20-60% within 48 h. As a countermeasure, a real-time PCR assay was constructed for the rapid diagnosis of S. marcescens septicaemia. This assay indeed detected S. marcescens in clinical blood specimens (at ca. 10(2)CFU ml(-1)), at a frequency of 0.5% in suspected cases of septicaemia. In mice, the assay provided estimates of blood S. marcescens levels at various infectious stages: namely, 10(7) to 10(8)CFU ml(-1) at a fatal stage (resulting in 100% death), 10(4)-10(5)CFU ml(-1) at a moderately fatal stage (resulting in 50% or more death), and <10(3)CFU ml(-1) at a mild stage (resulting in 100% survival), consistent with actual CFU measurements. Blood bacterial levels could be an important clinical marker that reflects the severity of septicaemia. The simultaneous detection of S. marcescens and the carbapenem resistance gene was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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