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An extremely unusual case of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-producing Grawitz tumor is reported in a 56-year-old female. The clinical feature of the patient was compatible with Cushing's syndrome. The plasma levels of ACTH and cortisol were markedly elevated. At autopsy, a left renal tumor was demonstrated and its histopathological diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma (Grawitz tumor). The adrenal gland was bilaterally enlarged with diffuse hyperplasia of the fasciculate zone. The adenohypophyseal cells were atrophic and showed Crooke's degeneration. The tumor contained extremely high levels of ACTH, beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin. The presence of large molecular weight forms of ACTH has also been demonstrated by a Sephadex G-50 gel filtration of the tumor extract. We authors believe that this is the first documented case of ACTH-producing Grawitz tumor in the literature.  相似文献   

Cytochemical aspects of Mercenaria mercenaria hemocytes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hemocytes of the hard clam M. mercenaria were of three types: an agranulocyte, a small, and a large granulocyte. The agranulocyte, with only a thin periphery of cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus, had no visible cytoplasmic granules in living preparations but did exhibit a few centers of nonspecific esterase activity. This cell type represented 2% of the hemocyte population. The small granulocyte possessed four distinct granule types and comprised 61% of the total cell population. Large granulocytes accounted fro 37% of all hemocytes. While they contained the same four granule types identified in the small granulocyte, only one-third the total number were present. The nucleus of all three hemocyte types appeared morphologically similar. The four types of granules observed were a blunt, dot-like, a refractile and a filamentous granule. Blunt granules were identified as mitochondria, based on their ability to reduce Janus Green B to diethyl safranin, the presence of NADH dehydrogenase activity and boundary staining with Sudan black B. Dot-like granules were identified as lysosomes on the basis of neutral red staining, localization of acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase activity and staining with Sudan black B. Refractile granules were demonstrated to be membrane-bound, lipid-filled structures that reacted positively with Sudan black B and Oil red O, respectively; these granules act as lipid storage centers. Nuclear similarity of the three cell types suggest that these cells might represent different stages of maturity, rather than three distinct cell lines. This was also indicated by the similar yet graded cytochemical reactions and the varying degree of motility and phagocytic activity demonstrated by hemocyte types.  相似文献   

Turions, which are modified shoot apices, are vegetative, dormant overwintering organs produced by perennial aquatic plants. In this study, the turion cytochemistry and ultrastructure of Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Utricularia vulgaris and U. stygia were compared with particular emphasis placed on storage substances. These three aquatic, rootless carnivorous plant species were studied at the end of their winter dormancy. At this stage, the turions of all species had starch as their main storage material. In contrast with A. vesiculosa, Utricularia turions were rich in protein storage vacuoles, and proteins were also accumulated as crystalline inclusions in the nuclei. All examined species accumulated lipid droplets in cells of epidermal glands.  相似文献   

Cytochemical determinations of the amount of protein in the cell nucleus together with the amount of DNA give a background for judging the growth activity of the individual cell. A series of human breast carcinomas of different malignancy grades was studied, and it was shown that judged by their types of DNA profiles, the tumors of low malignancy grades were characterized by growth-arrested cells while the majority of cells in highly malignant tumors were intensely growth activated. This indicates that determinations of proteins in the nucleus together with DNA determinations can be used to better judge malignancy grades in individual breast carcinomas, which is of considerable clinical importance.  相似文献   

In Allium cepa mierospores, the nucleolar organizing region appears as an area of low density situated between two nucleolar masses. It consists of a series of zones with a density similar to that of the chromatin surrounded by areas of lower density. The dense zones are sometimes arranged in an orderly pattern of 2–4 rows. The organizing region consists of filaments, about 100 Å in diameter, which are seen to be concentrated in the dense areas, and more scattered in the rest of the region. — The alcoholic PTA staining technique reveals the presence of an appreciable quantity of arginine-Iysine rich histones in the organizing region, as well as a similarity between the dense areas of this region and the rest of the chromatin: a similarity which is also brought out by the thallium alcoholate technique, used for DNA staining. By means of uranyl-BDTA-lead RNP material can be shown to be predominantly located in the low-density areas of the organizing region in the form of fibres of about 80 Å in diameter, presumably representing the newly synthetized r-RNA (45 S RNA). A pattern is suggested for the organizing region, in which areas of functional chromatin (euchromatin) would appear alternating with areas of non-functional chromatin (heterochromatin).  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that sex-specific differences in toxicity profiles and outcome after radiotherapy are accumulating in medical oncology, and that treatment strategies may require some modification. Furthermore, sex-specific differences in the sensitivity to genotoxic and therapeutical agents are also of general concern for risk estimation. This review is focussed on the specific influence of sex on these endpoints covering both a clinical and a biological point of view. In this paper, the literature was systematically reviewed with respect to sex-specific differences in tumor and normal tissue sensitivity after exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as to the relevant underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms. Although a number of data on sex-specific differences are available and remarkable differences on clinical, molecular, and cellular levels have been reported, a firm conclusion on any existing sex-specific differences is not yet possible. Future studies are required and should be focussed on this aspect of individual radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

The different distribution of cytochemically demonstrable enzymes: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH,, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH,, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR,, acid phosphatase (AcP, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP,, has been documented in Yoshida ascites hepatoma cells in vivo or stored at 80 degrees C. The dehydrogenase activities (LDH, SDH, DHFR) show a strong reaction in all samples. An increased level of these enzyme activities has been observed in the malignant cells spreading through the organs of tumor bearing rats. On the contrary, in the same samples, acid and alkaline phosphatase activities are very low. The strong dehydrogenase activities observed in Yoshida ascite cells stress the rapid turnover of tumor cells. Our results indicate that the histochemical method may be a useful tool to detect the scattered tumor cells. Furthermore, the cytochemical methods allow the characterization of the metabolic pathways employed by the primary and disseminated tumor cells.  相似文献   

The characteristics of scaled skin of reptiles is one of their main features that distinguish them from the other amniotes, birds and mammals. The different scale patterns observed in extant reptiles result from a long evolutive history that allowed each species to adapt to its specific environment. The present review deals with comparative aspects of epidermal keratinization in reptiles, chelonians (turtles and tortoises), lepidosaurian (lizards, snakes, sphenodontids), archosaurians (crocodilians). Initially the morphology and cytology of reptilian scales is outlined to show the diversity in the epidermis among different groups. The structural proteins (alpha-keratins and associated proteins), and enzymes utilized to form the corneous layer of the epidermis are presented. Aside cytokeratins (alpha-keratins), used for making the cytoskeleton, reptilian alpha-keratinocytes produce interkeratin (matrix) and corneous cell envelope proteins. Keratin bundles and degraded cell organelles constitute most of the corneous material of alpha-keratinocytes. Matrix, histidine-rich and sulfur-rich proteins are produced in the soft epidermis and accumulated in the cornified cell envelope. Main emphasis is given to the composition and to the evolution of the hard keratins (beta-keratins). Beta-keratins constitute the hard corneous material of scales. These small proteins are synthesized in beta-keratinocytes and are accumulated into small packets that rapidly merge into a compact corneous material and form densely cornified layers. Beta-keratins are smaller proteins (8-20 kDa) in comparison to alpha-keratins (40-70 kDa), and this size may determine their dense packing in corneocytes. Both glycine-sulfur-rich and glycine-proline-rich proteins have been so far sequenced in the corneous material of scales in few reptilian species. The latter keratins possess C- and N-amino terminal amino acid regions with sequence homology with those of mammalian hard keratins. Also, reptilian beta-keratins possess a central core with homology with avian scale/feather keratins. Multiple genes code for these proteins and their discovery and sequentiation is presently an active field of research. These initial findings however suggest that ancient reptiles already possessed some common genes that have later diversified to produce the specific keratin-associated proteins in their descendants: extant reptiles, birds and mammals. The evolution of these small proteins in lepidosaurians, chelonians and archosaurians represent the next step to understand the evolution of cornification in reptiles and derived amniotes (birds and mammals).  相似文献   

A TRH fixation in vitro occurs at the level of the human polynuclear neutrophil, which suggests putative membrane receptor (s) for the hypothalamic hormone. After TRH administration, enzyme modifications (myeloperoxydase, alkaline phosphatase) and metabolism changes (PAS, Sudan black) happen in vivo within the neutrophil, showing a functional activation of that blood cell. Two processes may be considered to explain those data: 1) the TRH is directly fixed, as observed in vitro; 2) a mediate hormone (TSH, T4, T3) is released capable of binding the granulocyte membrane.  相似文献   

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