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Exons 2 and 3 of alpha-tropomyosin are spliced in a strict mutually exclusive manner. Exon 3 is a default choice, being selected in almost all cell types where the gene is expressed. The default selection arises from a competition between the two exons, in which the stronger branch point/pyrimidine tract elements of exon 3 win. Exon 2 is selected predominantly or exclusively only in smooth muscle cells. We show here that the basis for the smooth muscle-specific switching of exon selection is inhibition of exon 3. Exon 3 is still skipped with smooth muscle specificity, even in the absence of exon 2. We have defined two conserved sequence elements, one in each of the introns flanking exon 3, that are essential for this regulation. Mutation of either element severely impairs regulated suppression of exon 3. No other exon or intron sequences appear to be necessary for regulation. We have also demonstrated skipping of exon 3 that is dependent upon both regulatory elements in an in vitro splicing assay. We further show that both splice sites of exon 3 must be inhibited in a concerted fashion to switch to selection of exon 2. This may relate to the requirement for negative elements on both sides of the exon.  相似文献   

Mutually exclusive splicing is an important means of increasing the protein repertoire, by which the Down''s syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene potentially generates 38,016 different isoforms in Drosophila melanogaster. However, the regulatory mechanisms remain obscure due to the complexity of the Dscam exon cluster. Here, we reveal a molecular model for the regulation of the mutually exclusive splicing of the serpent pre-mRNA based on competition between upstream and downstream RNA pairings. Such dual RNA pairings confer fine tuning of the inclusion of alternative exons. Moreover, we demonstrate that the splicing outcome of alternative exons is mediated in relative pairing strength-correlated mode. Combined comparative genomics analysis and experimental evidence revealed similar bidirectional structural architectures in exon clusters 4 and 9 of the Dscam gene. Our findings provide a novel mechanistic framework for the regulation of mutually exclusive splicing and may offer potentially applicable insights into long-range RNA–RNA interactions in gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of eukaryotic pre-mRNAs is an important mechanism for generating proteome diversity and regulating gene expression. The Drosophila melanogaster Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (Dscam) gene is an extreme example of mutually exclusive splicing. Dscam contains 95 alternatively spliced exons that potentially encode 38,016 distinct mRNA and protein isoforms. We previously identified two sets of conserved sequence elements, the docking site and selector sequences in the Dscam exon 6 cluster, which contains 48 mutually exclusive exons. These elements were proposed to engage in competing RNA secondary structures required for mutually exclusive splicing, though this model has not yet been experimentally tested. Here we describe a new system that allowed us to demonstrate that the docking site and selector sequences are indeed required for exon 6 mutually exclusive splicing and that the strength of these RNA structures determines the frequency of exon 6 inclusion. We also show that the function of the docking site has been conserved for ~500 million years of evolution. This work demonstrates that conserved intronic sequences play a functional role in mutually exclusive splicing of the Dscam exon 6 cluster.  相似文献   

Mutually exclusive splicing of exons is a mechanism of functional gene and protein diversification with pivotal roles in organismal development and diseases such as Timothy syndrome, cardiomyopathy and cancer in humans. In order to obtain a first genomewide estimate of the extent and biological role of mutually exclusive splicing in humans, we predicted and subsequently validated mutually exclusive exons (MXEs) using 515 publically available RNA‐Seq datasets. Here, we provide evidence for the expression of over 855 MXEs, 42% of which represent novel exons, increasing the annotated human mutually exclusive exome more than fivefold. The data provide strong evidence for the existence of large and multi‐cluster MXEs in higher vertebrates and offer new insights into MXE evolution. More than 82% of the MXE clusters are conserved in mammals, and five clusters have homologous clusters in Drosophila. Finally, MXEs are significantly enriched in pathogenic mutations and their spatio‐temporal expression might predict human disease pathology.  相似文献   

Domain swapping is a mechanism for forming protein dimers and oligomers with high specificity. It is distinct from other forms of oligomerization in that the binding interface is formed by reciprocal exchange of polypeptide segments. Swapping plays a physiological role in protein–protein recognition, and it can also potentially be exploited as a mechanism for controlled self-assembly. Here, we demonstrate that domain-swapped interfaces can be engineered by inserting one protein into a surface loop of another protein. The key to facilitating a domain swap is to destabilize the protein when it is monomeric but not when it is oligomeric. We achieve this condition by employing the “mutually exclusive folding” design to apply conformational stress to the monomeric state. Ubiquitin (Ub) is inserted into one of six surface loops of barnase (Bn). The 38-Å amino-to-carboxy-terminal distance of Ub stresses the Bn monomer, causing it to split at the point of insertion. The 2.2-Å X-ray structure of one insertion variant reveals that strain is relieved by intermolecular folding with an identically unfolded Bn domain, resulting in a domain-swapped polymer. All six constructs oligomerize, suggesting that inserting Ub into each surface loop of Bn results in a similar domain-swapping event. Binding affinity can be tuned by varying the length of the peptide linkers used to join the two proteins, which modulates the extent of stress. Engineered, swapped proteins have the potential to be used to fabricate “smart” biomaterials, or as binding modules from which to assemble heterologous, multi-subunit protein complexes.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA is a major mechanism to increase protein diversity in higher eukaryotes. Dscam, the Drosophila homologue of human DSCAM (Down's syndrome cell adhesion molecule), generates up to 38016 isoforms through mutually exclusive splicing in four variable exon clusters. This enormous molecular diversity is functionally important for wiring of the nervous system and phagocytosis of invading pathogens. Current models explaining this complex splicing regulation include a default repressed state of the variable exon clusters to prevent the splicing together of adjacent exons, the presence of RNA secondary structures important for the release of one specific variable exon from the repressed state and combinatorial interaction of RNA-binding proteins for choosing a specific exon.  相似文献   

Comprehensive protein interaction maps can complement genetic and biochemical experiments and allow the formulation of new hypotheses to be tested in the system of interest. The computational analysis of the maps may help to focus on interesting cases and thereby to appropriately prioritize the validation experiments. We show here that, by automatically comparing and analyzing structurally similar regions of proteins of known structure interacting with a common partner, it is possible to identify mutually exclusive interactions present in the maps with a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity higher than 85% and that, in about three fourth of the correctly identified complexes, we also correctly recognize at least one residue (five on average) belonging to the interaction interface. Given the present and continuously increasing number of proteins of known structure, the requirement of the knowledge of the structure of the interacting proteins does not substantially impact on the coverage of our strategy that can be estimated to be around 25%. We also introduce here the Estrella server that embodies this strategy, is designed for users interested in validating specific hypotheses about the functional role of a protein-protein interaction and it also allows access to pre-computed data for seven organisms.  相似文献   



Genes of advanced organisms undergo alternative splicing, which can be mutually exclusive, in the sense that only one exon is included in the mature mRNA out of a cluster of alternative choices, often arranged in a tandem array. In many cases, however, the details of the underlying biologic mechanisms are unknown.


We describe 'variable window binding' - a mechanism used for mutually exclusive alternative splicing by which a segment ('window') of a conserved nucleotide 'anchor' sequence upstream of the exon 6 cluster in the pre-mRNA of the fruitfly Dscam gene binds to one of the introns, thereby activating selection of the exon directly downstream from the binding site. This mechanism is supported by the fact that the anchor sequence can be inferred solely from a comparison of the intron sequences using a genetic algorithm. Because the window location varies for each exon choice, regulation can be achieved by obstructing part of that sequence. We also describe a related mechanism based on competing pre-mRNA stem-loop structures that could explain the mutually exclusive choice of exon 17 of the Dscam gene.


On the basis of comparative sequence analysis, we propose efficient biologic mechanisms of alternative splicing of the Drosophila Dscam gene that rely on the inherent structure of the pre-mRNA. Related mechanisms employing 'locus control regions' could be involved on other occasions of mutually exclusive choices of exons or genes.  相似文献   

The Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene has essential roles in neural wiring and pathogen recognition in Drosophila melanogaster. Dscam encodes 38,016 distinct isoforms via extensive alternative splicing. The 95 alternative exons in Dscam are organized into clusters that are spliced in a mutually exclusive manner. The exon 6 cluster contains 48 variable exons and uses a complex system of competing RNA structures to ensure that only one variable exon is included. Here we show that the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein hrp36 acts specifically within, and throughout, the exon 6 cluster to prevent the inclusion of multiple exons. Moreover, hrp36 prevents serine/arginine-rich proteins from promoting the ectopic inclusion of multiple exon 6 variants. Thus, the fidelity of mutually exclusive splicing in the exon 6 cluster is governed by an intricate combination of alternative RNA structures and a globally acting splicing repressor.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing (AS) of pre-mRNAs in higher eukaryotes and several viruses is one major source of protein diversity. Usually, the following major subtypes of AS are distinguished: exon skipping, intron retention, and alternative 3′ and 5′ splice sites. Moreover, mutually exclusive exons (MXEs) represent a rare subtype. In the splicing of MXEs, two (or more) splicing events are not independent anymore, but are executed or disabled in a coordinated manner. In this review, several bioinformatics approaches for analyzing MXEs are presented and discussed. In particular, we revisit suitable definitions and nomenclatures, and bioinformatics tools for finding MXEs, adjacent and non-adjacent MXEs, clustered and grouped MXEs. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms for splicing MXEs proposed in the literature are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Many proteins are built from structurally and functionally distinct domains. A major goal is to understand how conformational change transmits information between domains in order to achieve biological activity. A two-domain, bi-functional fusion protein has been designed so that the mechanical stress imposed by the folded structure of one subunit causes the other subunit to unfold, and vice versa. The construct consists of ubiquitin inserted into a surface loop of barnase. The distance between the amino and carboxyl ends of ubiquitin is much greater than the distance between the termini of the barnase loop. This topological constraint causes the two domains to engage in a thermodynamic tug-of-war in which only one can exist in its folded state at any given time. This conformational equilibrium, which is cooperative, reversible, and controllable by ligand binding, serves as a model for the coupled binding and folding mechanism widely used to mediate protein-protein interactions and cellular signaling processes. The position of the equilibrium can be adjusted by temperature or ligand binding and is monitored in vivo by cell death. This design forms the basis for a new class of cytotoxic proteins that can be activated by cell-specific effector molecules, and can thus target particular cell types for destruction.  相似文献   

Allostery plays a key role in dictating the stoichiometry and thermodynamics of multi‐protein complexes driving a plethora of cellular processes central to health and disease. Herein, using various biophysical tools, we demonstrate that although Sos1 nucleotide exchange factor and Gab1 docking protein recognize two non‐overlapping sites within the Grb2 adaptor, allostery promotes the formation of two distinct pools of Grb2–Sos1 and Grb2–Gab1 binary signaling complexes in concert in lieu of a composite Sos1–Grb2–Gab1 ternary complex. Of particular interest is the observation that the binding of Sos1 to the nSH3 domain within Grb2 sterically blocks the binding of Gab1 to the cSH3 domain and vice versa in a mutually exclusive manner. Importantly, the formation of both the Grb2–Sos1 and Grb2–Gab1 binary complexes is governed by a stoichiometry of 2:1, whereby the respective SH3 domains within Grb2 homodimer bind to Sos1 and Gab1 via multivalent interactions. Collectively, our study sheds new light on the role of allostery in mediating cellular signaling machinery. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. Both its incidence and prevalence are expected to increase exponentially as populations' age worldwide. Despite impressive efforts of research worldwide, neither cure nor effective preventive strategy is available for this devastating disease. Currently there are several hypotheses on what causes AD, with the amyloid hypothesis being the most investigated and accepted hypothesis over the past 20 years. However the exact role of amyloid-β in the onset and progression of AD is not yet fully understood, and even the validity of the amyloid hypothesis itself is still being discussed. This debate is fuelled by the vascular hypothesis, as increasing epidemiological, neuroimaging, pathological, pharmacotherapeutic and clinical studies suggest that vascular pathology plays a key role in the onset and progression of AD. We here will discuss arguments in favor and limitations of both hypotheses within the framework of available literature, but also provide arguments for convergence of both hypotheses.Finally we propose approaches that may aid in unraveling the etiology and treatment of AD. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

A regulatory mechanism is introduced whereupon the catalytic activity of a given enzyme is controlled by ligand binding to a receptor domain of choice. A small enzyme (barnase) and a ligand-binding polypeptide (GCN4) are fused so that a simple topological constraint prevents them from existing simultaneously in their folded states. The two domains consequently engage in a thermodynamic tug-of-war in which the more stable domain forces the less stable domain to unfold. In the absence of ligand, the barnase domain is more stable and is therefore folded and active; the GCN4 domain is substantially unstructured. DNA binding induces folding of GCN4, forcibly unfolding and inactivating the barnase domain. Barnase-GCN4 is thus a "natively unfolded" protein that uses ligand binding to switch between partially folded forms. The key characteristics of each parent protein (catalytic efficiency of barnase, DNA binding affinity and sequence specificity of GCN4) are retained in the chimera. Barnase-GCN4 thus defines a modular approach for assembling enzymes with novel sensor capabilities from a variety of catalytic and ligand binding domains.  相似文献   

Synthetic/artificial protein switches provide an efficient means of controlling protein functions using chemical signals and stimuli. Mutually exclusive proteins, in which only the host or guest domain can remain folded at a given time owing to conformational strain, have been used to engineer novel protein switches that can switch enzymatic functions on and off in response to ligand binding. To further explore the potential of mutually exclusive proteins as protein switches and sensors, we report here a new redox-based approach to engineer a mutually exclusive folding-based protein switch. By introducing a disulfide bond into the host domain of a mutually exclusive protein, we demonstrate that it is feasible to use redox potential to switch the host domain between its folded and unfolded conformations via the mutually exclusive folding mechanism, and thus switching the functionality of the host domain on and off. Our study opens a new and potentially general avenue that uses mutually exclusive proteins to design novel switches able to control the function of a variety of proteins.  相似文献   

Dhakal S  Yu Z  Konik R  Cui Y  Koirala D  Mao H 《Biophysical journal》2012,102(11):2575-2584
G-quadruplex has demonstrated its biological functions in vivo. Although G-quadruplex in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) has been well characterized, investigation of this species in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) lags behind. Here we use chemical footprinting and laser-tweezers-based single-molecule approaches to demonstrate that a dsDNA fragment found in the insulin-linked polymorphic region (ILPR), 5'-(ACA GGGG TGT GGGG)2 TGT, can fold into a G-quadruplex at pH 7.4 with 100 mM K+, and an i-motif at pH 5.5 with 100 mM Li+. Surprisingly, under a condition that favors the formation of both G-quadruplex and i-motif (pH 5.5, 100 mM K+), a unique determination of change in the free energy of unfolding (ΔGunfold) by laser-tweezers experiments provides compelling evidence that only one species is present in each dsDNA. Under this condition, molecules containing G-quadruplex are more stable than those with i-motif. These two species have mechanical stabilities (rupture force≥17 pN) comparable to the stall force of RNA polymerases, which, from a mechanical perspective alone, could justify a regulatory mechanism for tetraplex structures in the expression of human insulin.  相似文献   

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