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Scartichthys viridis maintains a herbivorous diet following recruitment to rocky intertidal areas, where it consumes almost exclusively macroalgae. The sheet–like green macroalgae Ulva and Enteromorpha were the main items consumed by individuals <130 mm L T. The tough branching red macroalga Gelidium made the bulk of the gut contents of specimens >220 mm L T, Ulva being consumed to a much lesser extent. Further, Gelidium increased in importance in the total gut contents during ontogeny. In contrast, both small (70–120 mm L T) and medium–sized (140–210 mm L T) S. viridis individuals preferred Ulva in the laboratory. It is suggested that the increasing consumption of Gelidium along the ontogeny of S. viridis results from the limited availability of Ulva in the field. Large S. viridis individuals possessed longer guts relative to their body length, in comparison with small individuals.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - A rocky intertidal fish assemblage at Dillon Beach, CA was persistent over 42 months. This time period represents greater than one mean generation time for...  相似文献   

Food resource partitioning in a rocky intertidal fish assemblage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Dietary habits and trophic‐guild structure were examined in a fish assemblage (47 species) of the Chesapeake Bay estuary, U.S.A., using 10 years of data from >25 000 fish stomachs. The assemblage was comprised of 10 statistically significant trophic guilds that were principally differentiated by the relative amounts of Mysida, Bivalvia, Polychaeta, Teleostei and other Crustacea in the diets. These guilds were broadly aggregated into five trophic categories: piscivores, zooplanktivores, benthivores, crustacivores and miscellaneous consumers. Food web structure was largely dictated by gradients in habitat (benthic to pelagic) and prey size. Size classes within piscivorous species were more likely to be classified into different guilds, reflecting stronger dietary changes through ontogeny relative to benthivores and other guilds. Relative to predator species and predator size, the month of sampling had negligible effects on dietary differences within the assemblage. A majority of sampled fishes derived most of their nutrition from non‐pelagic prey sources, suggesting a strong coupling of fish production to benthic and demersal food resources. Mysida (predominantly the opossum shrimp Neomysis americana) contributed substantially to the diets of over 25% of the sampled predator groups, indicating that this species is a critical, but underappreciated, node in the Chesapeake Bay food web.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic diet patterns and trophic guild structure of a 15 species temperate lake fish assemblage were analysed over wide size intervals (up to seven orders of magnitude in body mass), representing practically the whole life span in most species. A two-step objective clustering technique supplemented with other multivariate statistical tools proved that size-related diet changes clearly played an important role in structuring trophic organization of fishes inhabiting Lake Balaton. As many as 13 out of the 15 fish species showed marked size-related dietary changes with two to four ontogenetic feeding stages. At the assemblage level, 11 trophic guilds were separated. Guild membership was size-dependent in 11 fish species that participated in two to four trophic guilds during their life span. The most complex trophic ontogeny was observed in roach Rutilus rutilus and asp Aspius aspius with four guild memberships. This study showed that trophic status of fishes may be very size-sensitive and thus a universal classification of fish species to general trophic guilds, such as 'planktivore', 'benthivore', 'piscivore' or 'herbivore', should be applied very carefully even in environmental monitoring and fisheries management applications, unless it is supported by relevant results of life span diet analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the temporal patterns of variation of rocky intertidal resident fish assemblages and discuss possible mechanisms that may explain these patterns. These assemblages tend to be highly resilient and stable on an inter-annual basis, but tend to undergo marked seasonal fluctuations, as different species recruit and reach different phases of their life cycles. Larval supply is usually not a limiting factor suggesting that post-recruitment deterministic mechanisms exert a strong influence on assemblage organization. At methodological level, it is argued that traditional destructive sampling techniques should be avoided whenever possible. It is proposed that a deeper understanding of these assemblages requires more detailed information on intraspecific interactions between members of each constituent species, and information on the interactions between limited numbers of species for which mutually influences are particularly strong. It is argued that size, topography and biotic cover of a pool may provide a limited number of favourable sites for fishes of a given species and class size so that intraspecific competition, and possibly predation of the individuals less able to get access to best sites, may explain to a considerable extent the inter-annual stability and resilience of these assemblages.  相似文献   

Connectivity among most marine species depends of their life cycles, and the main phase that can regulate dispersal is the larval stage of an organism. Girella laevifrons (Girellidae) is an omnivore fish inhabiting in intertidal pools as juveniles and subtidal reefs as adults from northern to central Chile. It has a pelagic larval duration for approximately 69 days. In this study, we used eight molecular markers (microsatellites) to explore the genetic structure of their populations along 400 km of the central Chilean coast.20 juveniles were sampled from four different populations. Microsatellite loci did not detect a genetic structure within a 400 km scale along the coast of Central Chile. There is evidence (Fst = ?0.0038, p = 0.8954) suggesting that populations between Coquimbo and Littoral Central behave as a single whole population. This could be an estimate that may define future management units for the species.  相似文献   

The patterns of vertical distribution of chitons in various exposed rocky shore habitats of central Chile are described. The density and size of the individuals were determined at different levels on intertidal rock walls, in pools and on boulders. A group of four species was found on rock walls while another group of four species was found in tidal pools and on boulders. The species showed vertical separation on rock walls and segregation according to a range of increasing frequency of water movement in pools and on boulders. Only the two species with largest adult individuals (Acanthopleura echinata (Barnes) and Chitonlatus Sowerby) showed vertical segregation in size. Small-sized species and small individuals of large-sized species were found higher on rock walls or in zones where water movement is less; large chitons occur in zones of greatest water impact. This suggests that water movement may be a significant factor in setting the lower limits of distribution of these herbivores. Some of the species examined were extremely abundant (600·m-2) with densities of one to two orders of magnitude greater than for other chiton species elsewhere.  相似文献   

The first comparison of the intertidal fish fauna from three estuaries within the longest contiguous mangrove area of the world, in north Brazil, revealed a significant heterogeneity in the species composition and functional and ecological guilds with an increase of Tetraodontidae and Engraulidae and a decrease of Sciaenidae and Mugilidae towards the Amazon mouth. A classification of the mangrove estuaries to identify types of estuaries and coastal sectors is urgently required to provide a tool for regional management systems in order to improve research, monitoring and conservation of this unique mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

The trophic relationships of 13 intertidal fish species collected in northern Chile (20 degrees 18' S and 20 degrees 54' S) from July 1997 to July 1998, the stomach content analysis of 820 specimens, were investigated. The importance of the prey items was assessed by means of gravimetric and frequency of ocurrence methods, together with the Shannon-Wiener (trophic diversity) and Pianka (trophic overlap) indexes. The results allowed to recognize a fish assemblage composed of: 46% of carnivorous species, preying mainly on porcelain crabs. polichaetes and minor crustaceans: 23% of herviborous species, preying mainly on chlorophitic algae: 31% of omnivorous species. preying mainly on chlorophitic algae. Copepoda and Gastropoda. The carnivorous fishes Cheilodactylus variegatus. Helcogrammoides chilensis. Labrisomus philippii and the omnivorous Oplegnatus insignis showed euriphagic tendencies (>2.0 bits), however, the major trophic overlap (>0.90) was observed among herbivorous and omnivorous fishes. Finally, the increase of fish species towards lower latitudes and the increase of herbivory and omnivory levels in the rocky intertidal shore were analyzed.  相似文献   

Length-weight relationships for seven fish species caught from tidepools in an intertidal rocky shore in the Gulf of Cadiz are presented. Fish were sampled monthly (April 2008–January 2012), using hand nets (mesh size 1.5 mm). The values of b parameter remained within the expected range of 2.5–3.5 for all fish species. An ANCOVA test was used to evaluate differences in the b growth parameter between females and males. Gobius cobitis, G. incognitus and G. paganellus showed significant differences in the parameters of the length-weight relationships according to the sex.  相似文献   

The ability to be faithful to a particular area or site was analysed in the shanny Lipophrys pholis. Using passive integrated transponders, adults from a population of L. pholis at Cabo Raso, Portugal, were followed over a period of 3 years. The findings showed that site fidelity is a consistent behaviour during the breeding season with specific breeding males being found only in particular sectors within the area, and in specific nests throughout the years. The fact that, in general, L. pholis individuals were absent from the study area during the non‐breeding season and breeding males were recorded returning to the same nests and sectors for consecutive breeding seasons suggests that they have developed excellent homing abilities. Translocation data corroborate this idea showing that breeding males successfully returned to their nests after a displacement of >100 m. Altogether, these findings highlight the relevance of life‐history traits (e.g. nesting) in the conditioning of site fidelity and homing for this species of rocky intertidal fish, and more importantly, provide evidence for the need of a well‐developed navigational system.  相似文献   

Studies on the implications of food web interactions to community structure have often focused on density-mediated interactions between predators and their prey. This approach emphasizes the importance of predator regulation of prey density via consumption (i.e. lethal effects), which, in turn, leads to cascading effects on the prey's resources. A more recent and contrasting view emphasizes the importance of non-lethal predator effects on prey traits (e.g. behaviour, morphology), or trait-mediated interactions. On rocky intertidal shores in New England, green crab ( Carcinus maenas ) predation is thought to be important to patterns of algal abundance and diversity by regulating the density of herbivorous snails ( Littorina littorea ). We found, however, that risk cues from green crabs can dramatically suppress snail grazing, with large effects on fucoid algal communities. Our results suggest that predator-induced changes in prey behaviour may be an important and under-appreciated component of food web interactions and community dynamics on rocky intertidal shores.  相似文献   

This study adopts an ecomorphological approach to test the utility of body shape as a predictor of niche relationships among a stream fish assemblage of the Tickfaw River (Lake Pontchartrain Basin) in southeastern Louisiana, U.S.A. To examine the potential influence of evolutionary constraints, analyses were performed with and without the influence of phylogeny. Fish assemblages were sampled throughout the year, and ecological data (habitat and tropic guild) and body shape (geometric morphometric) data were collected for each fish specimen. Multivariate analyses were performed to examine relationships and differences between body shape and ecological data. Results indicate that a relationship exists between body shape and trophic guild as well as flow regime, but no significant correlation between body shape and substratum was found. Body shape was a reliable indicator of position within assemblage niche space.  相似文献   

Two key morphological traits, horizontal gape and eye diameter, were measured in a large representative group of coral reef fishes. These morphological traits were used concurrently to assess their utility in exploring abilities of coral reef fishes at an assemblage level. A total of 1,218 specimens from 181 species found on the Great Barrier Reef were examined. Cryptobenthic fishes were included to provide a broader representation of reef fish groups. In the analyses, a clear morphological distinction was found between nocturnal and diurnal fishes. Nocturnal fishes had larger relative horizontal gapes and relative eye diameters by factors of 1.6 and 1.5, respectively. A bivariate plot separated into quadrants was used to assess the implications of morphological variation. The morphological measures reflected distinct ecological traits in each quadrant. Whilst nocturnal fishes had large relative gapes and eye diameters, diurnal predators and detritivores had the same wide gapes, but small relative eye diameters. Highly selective, visual feeders such as the Chaetodontidae and Pseudochromidae had large eyes and small gapes, whilst non-selective feeders with low visual dependence such as the grazing herbivores (Acanthuridae, Siganidae, etc.) had both small eye diameters and gape sizes. The analysis proved to be robust enough to apply to a wide assemblage, but with enough subtlety to distinguish morphological differences within individual families. The methods used in this study may have broad applications to other fish assemblages, both fossil and extant. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The composition, abundance, species richness and diversity of a rocky intertidal fish assemblage in the central zone of the Pacific coast of Colombia were determined. From July to December 2002, 10 tidepools with volumes ranging from 0·087 to 1·350 m3 were surveyed. A total of 893 fishes belonging to 14 species and 12 families were found. The most abundant species were Bathygobius ramosus and Abudefduf concolor , representing 71% of all fishes collected. Bathy gobius ramosus , Malacoctenus zonifer and Gobiesox adustus were residents, Abudefduf concolor , Abudefduf troschelii , Microsphatodon bairdii , Chaenomugil proboscideus , Halichoeres aestuaricola and Echidna nocturna were transients, and Apogon dovii , Sargocentron suborbitalis , Cerdale sp, Rypticus nigripinnis and Ctenochaetus marginatus were considered as accidental visitors. The temporal and spatial variation of assemblage structure was tested. The fish assemblage structure did not differ between months and there was not a clear relationship between tidepool surface area and depth, and community variables. Diversity and species richness were negatively correlated with tidepool height. It is suggested that the tidepool assemblage was stable and resilient in time on short (annual) scales. The constancy in time and space could have been a consequence of eurytopic features of the organisms and the lack of drastic seasonal changes in the tropics.  相似文献   

Summary The trophic ecology of eleven predator species (Falconiforms: Buteo polyosoma, Elanus leucurus, Falco sparverius, Geranoaetus melanoleucus, Parabuteo unicinctus; Strigiforms: Athene cunicularia, Bubo virginianus, Tyto alba; Carnivores: Dusicyon culpaeus; Snakes: Philodryas chamissonis, Tachymenis peruviana) in two nearby localities of central Chile is analyzed. The localities exhibit the typical climate (hot-dry summers, coldrainy winters), and vegetation (chaparral), of mediterranean ecosystems. Densities of the staple prey (small mammals) were estimated by seasonal trapping during two years in both open and dense patches of chaparral.The trophic parameters examined are: 1) proportion of diurnal, crepuscular, or nocturnal prey found in the predators' diet; 2) relationship between abundance of different mammalian prey in the predators' diet, and in both open and densely vegetated habitat patches; 3) mean weight and variance of weight of small mammal prey consumed; 4) average weight of the predators; 5) food-niche breadth of the predators; 6) relationship between average weight of predators and mean weight of mammalian prey taken, its variance, and food-niche breadth; 7) overlap in food-niche between all the predator species; 8) guild packing of the predators. Parameters 1) and 2) are used to assess the importance of temporal and habitat segregation of the predators, respectively; parameters 3), 4), 5), and 6) provide information on the possibilities of partitioning the prey resources among the predators; parameters 1), 2), 7) and 8) are used to investigate the organization of the community in terms of guilds.Three niche dimensions seem to be important in determining the structure of the predator community: 1) hunting activity period (diurno-crepuscular, nocturno-crepuscular), 2) hunting habitat (open, or both open and dense patches), and 3) mean prey size taken. Segregation along these three axes results in generally low food niche overlaps (<54% in 47 of the 55 pairwise comparisons) among the predators, but it is not possible to determine whether this was produced by competitive interactions or stochastic differences. Three guilds (niche overlap >90% in pair-wise comparisons) can be recognized: a) the carnivorous-insectivorous guild formed by the diurnal raptors A. cunicularia and F. sparverius, which tend to hunt in open habitat patches; b) the herpetophagous guild formed by the diurnal snakes P. chamissonis and T. peruviana, which presumably hunt in open habitat patches; c) the carnivorous guild (highly specialized in the capture of two rodent species) formed by the diurnal raptors B. polyosoma, G. melanoleucus, P. unicinctus, and the carnivore D. culpaeus, which hunt in open habitat patches. The diurnal raptor E. leucurus is not clearly associated with any guild, and the only two nocturnal raptors in the community (B. virginianus and T. alba) exhibit marked differences in their trophic ecology.  相似文献   

The shallow lakes of Eastern England have been subject to intense anthropogenic pressures including nutrient enrichment and fish stocking. We sought to determine the relationships between fish community structure and other ecosystem characteristics in 28 of these lakes through classification of fish species into piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and benthivorous feeding guilds according to the literature. Canonical correspondence analysis produced clear associations between fish and ecosystem characteristics that generally agreed with other theoretical (e.g. the alternative stable states hypothesis) and empirical studies, but with some important differences. There was a striking lack of relationships between nutrients and other variables, indicating the importance of top-down rather than bottom-up processes as a structuring force in the generally eutrophic study lakes. The presence of submerged (and shoreline) vegetation was associated with a diverse assemblage of apparently co-existing piscivorous (principally pike Esox lucius) and zooplanktivorous species. Perch Perca fluviatilis, a significant predator in other studies, was unimportant and argued to be limited by water quality in the extremely shallow lakes. In contrast, the benthivorous fish guild (principally carp Cyprinus carpio, bream Abramis brama and tench Tinca tinca) essentially represented the inverse of the potential pelagic associations between piscivores/zooplanktivores and vegetation. The introduction of large benthivores to many study lakes could have precipitated a loss of submerged vegetation through direct uprooting during foraging, with the effect of simplifying the fish community being most acute where littoral vegetation was limited by other anthropogenic factors. It is implied that attempts to promote or restore submerged vegetation in these lakes would best target benthivorous species.  相似文献   

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