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《The New phytologist》1947,46(2):286-296
Les Associations Végétales de la Vallée Moyenne du Niger. By G. R oberty .
Botany, Principles and Problems. By E dmund W. S innott .
A Textbook of Systematic Botany. By D eane B. S wingle .
Botany by Observation: A Text-Book for Australian Schools. By G ladys C arey
A Botanical Bibliography of the Islands of the Pacific. By E lmer D. M errill ; and a Subject Index to the same, by E. H. W alker .
Advances in Genetics. Vol. i. Edited by M. DEMEREC.
Woodland Mosses. By H. W atson .
The Evolution of Gossypium and the Differentiation of the Cultivated Cottons. By J. B. H utchinson , R. A. S ilow and S. G. S tephens .
Ancient Plants and the World They Live in. By H enry N. A ndrews .
The Arboretums and Botanical Gardens of North America. By D onald W yman .
Practical Plant Anatomy . By A driance S. F oster .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
East African Monographs in Biology Vol. 2: 'The Ruminant Stomach'. By R. R. Hoffmann.
East African Vegetation. By E. M. Lind and M. E. S. Morrison.
Mammals of East and Central Africa. By R. M. B ere
Wild Cats of the World. By C. A. W. G uggisberg
Elephants and Their Habitats; The Ecology of Elephants in North Bunyoro, Uganda. By R. M. L aws , I. S. C. P arker & R. C. B. J ohnstone
Hyaena. By H ans K ruuk
The Biology of Hystricomorph Rodents. Edited by I. W. Rowlands & Barbara J. Weir
Handy Matrices. By C. J. P ennycuick  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1958,57(3):400-408
General Microbiology . By R. Y. S tanier , M. D oudoroff and E. A. A delberg
Looking at Chromosomes . By J ohn M c L elish and B rian S noad
Drawings of British plants . Part X. Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig
Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America . By W illiam R andolph T aylor
'Die Fagus- Abies- und Piceagurtelarten in der Kontaktzone der Tannen- und Fichtenwälder der Schweiz .' By A. S axer
Protoplasmatologia Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . By M. E rrhra
Bericht über das Geobotanische Forschungsinstitut Rübel in Zürich für das Jahr 1956 . Edited by E. RÜ bel and W. LÜ udi
An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains . By H. A. H yde and K. F. A dams
Flora of the British Isles , Illustrations. I Pteridophyta to Papilionaceae. Drawn by S ybil J. R oles . By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg
Advances in Genetics , vol. IX. Edited by M. D emerec
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplamaforschung (L. V. Heilhrunn and F. Weber, editors), vol. 1, 2. Biocolloids and their Interactions . By H. L. B ooij and H. G. B ungenberg de J ong
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , vol. 9. Edited by A. S. C rafts , L. M achlis and J. G. T orrey  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1948,47(1):146-152
The genus Crepis , Parts 1 and 2. By E rnest B rown B abcock .
The Nature and Prevention of the Cereal Rusts as exemplified in the Leaf Rust of Wheat. By K. S tarr C hester , Ph.D.
Den Skogliga Rasforskningen och Praktiken. By B erth . L indquist .
Die Goldhafenoiese ( Trisetetum flavescentis ) der Schweis. Eine soziologisch-ökologische Studie. By F ranz M arschall .
North American Species of Mycena. By A lexander H. S mith .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1974,73(4):797-804
Books reviewed in this article:
Physiology of plants and their cells. By J. A. G ross .
Plant Physiology. By M eiron T homas , S. L. R anson and J. A. R ichardson .
Rate Control of Biological Processes. Symposium No. 27 of the Society for Experimental Biology. Ed. by D. D. D avies
Towards an Understanding of the Mechanism of Heredity. By H. L. K. W hitehouse .
Chromosome Botany and the Origins of Cultivated Plants. By C. D. D arlington .
Handbook of Phycological Methods: Culture Methods and Growth Measurements. By J anet R. S tein (Ed.)
Drawings of British Plants. Part XXXI. Lemnaceae, Alismataceae, Butomaceae, Junca-ginaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Potamagetonaceae, Ruppiaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Zosteraceae, Najadaceae, Eriocaulaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Census Catalogue of the Flora of Ireland. By M. J. P. S cannell and D. M. S ynnot .
The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America. By R. C. R ollins and E. A. S haw .
Allgemeine Geobotanik. By H. W alter .
Einführung In Die Botanik. By R. B ornkamm .
Ökologie der Pflanzen. By W. L archer .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
The Anatomy of the Migratory Locust. F. O. A lbrecht .
Insecticides and Colonial Agricultural Development. Edited by T. W allace and J. T. M artin .
Diseases of British Grasses and Herbage Legumes. By K athleen S ampson and J. H. W estern .
Principles of Biochemistry: A Biological Approach. M. V. T racey , M.A.
Information Theory in Biology. Edited by H. Q uestler .
Die Larvenformen der Dipteren. By W. H ennig .
Manual of the North American Smut Fungi. By George W illiam F ischer .
Sex-determination. By F. A. E. C rew . 3rd ed.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1952,51(2):266-279
Review in this article:
The Grass, Fern and Savannah Lands of Ceylon, their Nature and Ecological Significance. By C. H. H olmes .
Guide to the National Pinetum and Forest Plots at Bedgebury. By W. D allimore , R. F. W ood and others. Edited for H.M. Forestry Commission by J. M acdonald and H. J. E dlin .
Elementary Genetics. By W ilma G eorge .
The Stipitate Hydnums of the Eastern United States. By W illiam C hambers C oker and A lma H olland B eere .
Leaf Analysis. By H. L undegårdh , translated by R. L. M itchell .
Trace Elements in Plant Physiology (Lotsya, Vol. 3, I.U.B.S. Colloquia, Series B., No. 1).
Respiration et Métabolisme Azoté ( Etude de physiologie foliaire ) By A lexis M oyse .
Manual of Phycology. An Introduction to the Algae and their Biology. Edited by G ilbert M. S mith .
Recent Advances in the Study of Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
An Introduction to the Anatomy of Seed Plants. By E. L. S tover .
Drawings of British Plants. Part V. Caryophyllaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Zur Lebensgeschichte des Schilfs an den Ufern der Schweizer Seen. Beiträge zur geobotanischen Landesaufnahme der Schweiz. Heft 30. By H ans H ürlimann .
Vegetationskarte der Schweiz. In four sheets, I-IV. Scale 1: 200,000. By E mil S chmid .
Native Orchids of North America. By D. S. C orrell .
Advances in Genetics. Vol. IV. Edited by M. D emerec .
Flora of the British Isles. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Introduction to Mycology. By J. A. M acdonald .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. VII. Cereal Crops. By H. F. B arnes
Mosquitoes of North America (North of Mexico). By S tanley J. C arpenter and W alter J. L acasse
Soil Zoology. Proceedings of the University of Nottingham Second Easter School in Agricultural Science, 1955. Edited by D. K eith M ce . K evan
Experimental Design. By W. T. F ederer  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,113(3):423-430
The Flavonoids. Advances in Research since 1980. Ed. by J. B. H arborne .
Hungry crops : a guide to nutrient deficiencies in field crops By N. J. G rundon .
Microbial ecology: organisms, habitats, activities. By H einz S tolp .
Evolutionary Biology of the Fungi. Ed. by A. D. M. R ayner , C. M. B rasier and D. M oore .
Micro-algal Biotechnology . Edited by M.A. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka .
Experimental Phycology: A laboratory manual Edited by C hristopher S. L obban , D avid J. C hapman , and B runo P. K remer .
100 Families of Flowering Plants. By M. H ickey and C. K ing .
Differentiation Patterns in Higher Plants. Edited by K. M. U rbanska .
The Living Tundra. By Yu. I. C hernov , Translated by D. L öve .
North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Edited by M. G. B arbour & W. D. B illings .
Biogeography and Quaternary History in Tropical Latin America. By T. C. W hitmore and G. T. P rance (Editors).
Biogeographical Evolution of the Malay Archipelago . By T. C. W hitmore (Editor).
Postglacial Vegetation of Canada. By J. C. R ichie .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1985,101(2):345-345
Atlas of Mapped Distributions of Dominance and Modern Pollen Percentages for Important Tree Taxa of Eastern North America . By P. A. D elcourt , H. R. D elcourt and T. W ebb III.
New Manual of Bryology. Volume 1. Edited by R. M. S chuster .
The Ecology and Physiology of the Fungal Mycelium. Edited by D. H. J ennings and A. D. M. R ayner .
Isotopes and Radiation in Agricultural Sciences. Edited by M. E. L'A nnunziata and J. O. L egg .
The Physiology of Flowering Plants : their growth and development . Third edition. By H. E. S treet and H. Ö pik .
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments. By J. J. L owe and M. J. C. W alker .
European Mires. Edited by P. M oore .
Compartments in Algal Cells and Their Interaction. (Proceedings in Life Sciences Series.) Edited by W. W iessner , D. G. R obinson and R. C. S tarr .
Chloroplast Metabolism. By B arry H alliwell .
Flooding and Plant Growth. Ed. by T. T. K ozlowski .
Mode of Action of Antifungal Agents. Ed. by A. P. J. T rinci and J. F. R yley .
Disease Resistance in Plants. By J. E. V anderplank .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1997,137(4):714-714
Book Reviewed in this article:
In Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction and Related Technology . Ed. by J iang GU.
The Tropical Rain Forest: An Ecological Study . By P. W. RICHARDS wity contributions by R. P. D. WALSH, I. C. BAILLIE and P. GREIG-SMITH.
Fire and Vegetation Dynamics: Studies from the North American Boreal Forest . By E dward A. JOHNSON.
Ethnobotany, Principles and applications . By C. M. COTTON.
Lupin Development Guide . By M. DRACUP and E. J. M. KIRBY.
Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Algae . Ed. by B.R.CHAUDHARY and S.B. AGRAWAL.
Working with Mycorrhizas in Forestry and Agriculture . By M ark BRUNDRETT, N eale BOUGHER, B ernie DELL, T im GROVE and N ick MALAJCZUK.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1997,137(2):371-371
Book Reviewed in this article:
Fungi and Environmental Change. Ed. by J. C. FRANKLAND, N. MAGANandG. M. GADD.
Population Genetics and Genetic Conservation of Forest Trees. Ed. by PH. BARADAT, W. T. ADAMS AND G. MÜLLER-STARCK.
The Siol Seed Banks of North West Europe: Methodology, Density and Longevity . By K. THOMPSON, J. P. BAKKER AND R. M. BEKKER.
Identification of Tropical Woody Plants in the Absence of Flowers and Fruits. By R. KELLER.
Biology of Citrus . By P. SPIEGEL-ROY and E. E. GOLDSCHMIDT.
Mechanisms of Plant Growth and Improved Productivity. Modern Approaches . Ed. by A. S. BASRA.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1939,38(1):80-83
Book reviewed in this article
Plant Physiology. By N. A. M aximov , edited by R. B. H arvey and A. E. M urneek .
The Physiology of Plants. By W illiam S eifriz .
A Textbook of General Botany. By R. M. H olman and W. W. R obbins .
Plant Form and Function. By F. E. F ritsch and E. J. S alisbury .
Plant Physiology, with Reference to the Green Plant. By E. C. M iller , Ph.D.
The Vegetation of South Africa. By R. S. A damson , M.A., D.Sc.  相似文献   

Tobacco Diseases and Decays. By F. A. W olf
Diseases of Vegetable Crops. By J. C. W alker
Bacterial Plant Diseases. By A. J aczewski
The Cultivated Races of Sorghum. By J. D. S nowden
Protoplasm. By W. S eifriz
Evolution. By A. F ranklin S hull
Sea Trout and Trout. By W. J. M. M enzies  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Die Fusarien. By H. W. W ollenweber and O. A. B einking .
Biological Processes in Tropical Soils. By A. S teven C okbet .
Problems in Soil Microbiology. By D. W ard C utler and Lettice M. Crump.
Limnology. By P. S. W elch .
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
Heredity and the Ascent of Man. By C. C. H urst .
A Text-book of Mycology. By E. A. B essey .
The Arachnida. By T. H. S avory .
Garden Science. By J ohn G rainger .
Plant Physiology. By M eieion T homas .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1936,35(1):94-100
Books Review in this article:
Forest Trees and Timbers of the British Empire. Part I. Some East African Coniferae and Leguminosae. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D. and H. E. D esch , B.SC.
Part II. Twenty West African Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., H. E. D esch , B.SC, M.A. and A. C. H oyle , B.Sc, M.A.
Part III. Fifteen South African High Forest Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., M. M. C hattaway , B.SC, M.A., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., F. S. L aughton , B.SC. and M. H. S cott , B.SC.
Colloids in Agriculture. By C. E. M arshall .
Flore Laurentienne. By F rère M arie -V ictorin , D.SC.
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
Plant Life: A Text-book of Botany. By D. B. S wingle .
Gardening in East Africa: A Practical Handbook. Edited by A. J. J ex -B lake , with a foreword by Sir A rthur W. H ill .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi (Coelomycetes). Vol. I. Sphaeropsidales. By W. B. G rove , M.A.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1980,86(1):119-119
Dictionary of Microbiology. By P aul S ingleton and D iane S ainsbury
Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 6. Ed. by H. W. W oolhouse
Nitrogen Assimilation and Crop Productivity. Ed. by S. P. S en , Y. P. A brol and S. K. S inha
Abrégé de Cryptogamie. By PH. B ouchet
Über die Chemie der Sinnpflanze Mimosa pudica L. By H. S childknecht
Principles of Plant Nutrition. By K. M engel and A. E. K lrby
Water Flow in Plants. By J ohn A. M ilburn  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(2):567-577
Book reviewed in this article:
A Course in Biology . By J. J. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Papers on Plant Systematics . By R. O rnduff .
Die Entstehung der Arten und hoheren Kategorien . By H. L amprecht .
Flora of Iraq , Vol. 9. Gramineae . By N. L. B or . (Ed. by C. C. T ownsend and E van G uest , with the collaboration of A li A l -R awi ).
Wild Elowers of North Carolina . By W illiam S. J ustice and C. R itchie B ell .
The Lichen Genera Cetrelia and Platismatia ( Parmeliaceae ). By W. L. C ulberson and C. F. C ulberson .
Essays on Form in Plants . By C. W. W ardlaw .
Crop Responses to Water at Different Stages of Growth . By P. J. S alter and J. E. G oode .
Protons, Electrons, Phosphorylation and Active Transport . By R. N. R obertson .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, XVIII, Sexuality: Reproduction; Alternation of Generations . General editor, W. R uhland ; sub-editor for this volume, H. F. L inskens .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 19. 1968. By L. M achlis (Ed.).
Biophysical Technique as Applied to Cell Biology . By J. C hayen and E. E. D enby .
The Measurement of Environmental Factors in Terrestrial Ecology . British Ecological Society Symposium No. 8. Ed. by R. M. W adsworth et al .
Guide to the Check Sheet for IBP Areas . IBP Handbook No. 4. By G. E. P eterken .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1948,47(2):294-300
The Chemical Activities of Bacteria. By E. F. G ale , B.A., Ph.D.
Heredity and Variation in Micro-organisms. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology.
The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain. By H erbert W illiam R ickett .
The Living Plant. By I. V. N ewman .
Hormones and Horticulture. The use of special chemicals in the control of plant growth. By G eorge S. A very and E lizabeth B indloss J ohnson , with the collaboration of R uth M. A ddoms and B etty F. T homson .
Plant Physiology. By M eirion T homas .
The Genetics of Garden Plants. By M. B. C rane and W. J. C. L awrence , with a foreword by S ir D aniel H all .
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith , F.R.S.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(2):447-459
Book reviewed in this article:
Flora Palaestina . By M. Z ohary and N. F einbrun -D othan . Vol. 1, by M ichael Z ohary .
Nouvelle Flore du Liban et de la Syrie . By P aul M outerde
Tropical Plant Types . By B. G. M. J amieson and J. F. R eynolds .
The Biology of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses . By G reta S tevenson .
The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants . By C. D. S culthorpe .
Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie . Band VIII/I. Anatomie des Blattes 1. Blattanatomie der Gymnospermen . By K lans N app -Z inn .
The Lichen Symbiosis . By V ernon A hmadjiax .
Plant Anatomy . By A. F ahn , translated from the Hebrew by S ybil B roido -A ltman .
Gymnosperms—Structure and Evolution . By C. J. C hamberlain .
Structure and Reproduction of the Gymnosperms; Fossil and Living . By B. S. T rivedi and D. K. S ingh .
An Introduction to Gvmnosperms . By S. C. D atta .
Sourcebook of Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology . Ed. by the Sourcebook Committee of the American Phytopathological Society (Chairman, A. K elman ).
Diffusion Systems . By M. H. J acobs .  相似文献   

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