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We have cloned and characterized the white gene of Anopheles albimanus. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of this white gene with its homologs from six species of Diptera show that the An. albimanus gene is most similar to the white gene of An. gambiae (92% identity). A spontaneous white-eyed mutant An. albimanus was caused by an approximately 10 kb insertion into a CT dinucleotide repeat region of intron 2 of the white locus. The flanks of this insertion are long (at least 400 bp), nearly perfect inverted terminal repeat sequences. This cloned white gene should be useful as a marker for germ line transformation of An. albimanus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

卷翅是果蝇遗传学上最常用的标记之一,但卷翅形成的具体机制还不清楚.过去的研究发现,理化刺激影响果蝇卷翅的形成.我们最近研究发现,H_2O_2处理不仅会影响果蝇的羽化率,还会使其出现卷翅现象.本研究通过改变H_2O_2浓度、果蝇培养温度和H_2O_2处理时间,探讨影响黑腹果蝇卷翅形成的具体因素,并对其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活力进行检测,探讨H_2O_2对果蝇抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明:果蝇的羽化率与H_2O_2浓度成反比.温度、H_2O_2浓度和H_2O_2处理时间的改变均会影响果蝇翅的卷曲程度和卷翅果蝇所占的比例.其中white基因突变果蝇对这3种条件反应最明显,mini-white(white基因回复突变)果蝇却可以拯救该表型,它的反应与野生型OR相似.H_2O_2对含Cy基因的果蝇卷翅的形成也有一定的影响,可以加大果蝇翅的卷曲程度.对SOD、CAT和GSH-PX活力检测发现,H_2O_2处理会使果蝇的抗氧化能力降低.实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,H_2O_2处理会导致果蝇基因表达量发生改变.黑腹果蝇卷翅形成是一个十分复杂的过程,H_2O_2可能作为某种信号分子或是间接影响某种因子参与黑腹果蝇的卷翅形成过程.该卷翅形成过程可能与Cy基因导致的果蝇卷翅过程是同一个信号途径,两者也可能是通过不同的模式进行调控的.  相似文献   

卷翅是果蝇遗传学上最常用的标记之一,但卷翅形成的具体机制还不清楚.过去的研究发现,理化刺激影响果蝇卷翅的形成.我们最近研究发现,H2O2处理不仅会影响果蝇的羽化率,还会使其出现卷翅现象.本研究通过改变H2O2浓度、果蝇培养温度和H2O2处理时间,探讨影响黑腹果蝇卷翅形成的具体因素,并对其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活力进行检测,探讨H2O2对果蝇抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明: 果蝇的羽化率与H2O2浓度成反比.温度、H2O2浓度和H2O2处理时间的改变均会影响果蝇翅的卷曲程度和卷翅果蝇所占的比例.其中white基因突变果蝇对这3种条件反应最明显,mini-white(white基因回复突变)果蝇却可以拯救该表型,它的反应与野生型OR相似.H2O2对含Cy基因的果蝇卷翅的形成也有一定的影响,可以加大果蝇翅的卷曲程度.对SOD、CAT和GSH-PX活力检测发现,H2O2处理会使果蝇的抗氧化能力降低.实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,H2O2处理会导致果蝇基因表达量发生改变.黑腹果蝇卷翅形成是一个十分复杂的过程,H2O2可能作为某种信号分子或是间接影响某种因子参与黑腹果蝇的卷翅形成过程.该卷翅形成过程可能与Cy基因导致的果蝇卷翅过程是同一个信号途径,两者也可能是通过不同的模式进行调控的.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation and the period gene of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The identification of genes of large effect on ecologically important traits is an important aim of molecular ecology. The period gene of Drosophila is a candidate for a gene with a large influence on premating isolation between Drosophila species, as it determines species specific aspects of courtship behaviour. Strains of D. melanogaster are available which have been genetically transformed with the period gene of either D. melanogaster or D. simulans. Here we show that D. melanogaster females do not discriminate between two such strains. This suggests that period may only make a small contribution to total premating isolation between these species. We discuss the use of genetically transformed strains in assessing the influence of single genes on complex traits.  相似文献   

Gene pyramiding has been successfully practiced in plant breeding for developing new breeds or lines in which favorable genes from several different lines were integrated.But it has not been used in animal breeding,and some theoretical investigation and simulation analysis with respect to its strategies,feasibility and efficiency are needed before it can be implemented in animals.In this study,we used four different pure fines of Drosophila melanogaster,each of which is homozygous at a specific mutant gene with a visible effect on phenotype,to simulate the gene pyramiding process and analyze the duration and population size required in different pyramiding strategies.We finally got the ideal individuals,which are homozygous at the four target genes simultaneously.This study demonstrates that gene pyramiding is feasible in animal breeding and the interaction between genes may affect the final results.  相似文献   

Gene pyramiding has been successfully practiced in plant breeding for developing new breeds or lines in which favorable genes from several different lines were integrated.But it has not been used in animal breeding,and some theoretical investigation and simulation analysis with respect to its strategies,feasibility and efficiency are needed before it can be implemented in animals.In this study,we used four different pure lines of Drosophila melanogaster,each of which is homozygous at a specific mutant gene ...  相似文献   

Drosophila have a variety of innate immune strategies for defending itself from infection, including humoral and cell mediated responses to invading microorganisms. At the front lines of these responses, are a diverse group of pattern recognition receptors that recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns. These patterns include bacterial lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans, and fungal β?1,3 glucans. Some of the receptors catalytically modify the pathogenic determinant, but all are responsible for directly facilitating a signaling event that results in an immune response. Some of these events require multiple pattern recognition receptors acting sequentially to activate a pathway. In some cases, a signaling pathway may be activated by a variety of different pathogens, through parallel receptors detecting different pathogenic determinants. In this chapter, we review what is known about pattern recognition receptors in Drosophila, and how those lessons may be applied towards a broader understanding of immunity.  相似文献   

白三叶转基因及其生态适应性研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
牧草基因工程是近年来国内国际研究的热点之一 ,白三叶作为温带地区优良的豆科牧草 ,是人工草地建植的首选草种 ,也是各类观赏性草坪和绿地的主要组分。但白三叶的生态幅较窄 ,适宜在温暖 (适宜生长温度为 19~ 2 4℃ )湿润、年降雨量 70 0~10 0 0 mm的地区生长 ,对土壤酸碱度的要求比较严 ,适宜的土壤 p H为 6~ 7,耐酸性和耐盐碱能力都比较差 ,从而限制了其在许多地区的应用。利用转基因手段提高其抗逆性和生态适应性 ,培育抗性强、适应性广的白三叶新品种 ,对我国尤其是北方畜牧业、草坪业和生态建设都具有重要意义。在提高其对生物胁迫和非生物胁迫的抗性和生态适应性方面 ,白三叶的转基因研究已经取得了较大进展。结合国内外白三叶基因工程及生态适应性研究动态 ,系统介绍了白三叶转基因研究的主要内容和方法 ,在对已有成果进行综合分析的基础上 ,就目前白三叶转基因和生态适应性研究中亟待解决的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Wang C  Cai W  Li Y  Girton J  Johansen J  Johansen KM 《Fly》2012,6(2):93-97
The JIL-1 kinase is a multidomain protein that localizes specifically to euchromatin interband regions of polytene chromosomes and is the kinase responsible for histone H3S10 phosphorylation at interphase. Genetic interaction assays have suggested that the function of the epigenetic histone H3S10ph mark is to antagonize heterochromatization by participating in a dynamic balance between factors promoting repression and activation of gene expression as measured by position-effect variegation (PEV) assays. Interestingly, JIL-1 loss-of-function alleles can act either as an enhancer or indirectly as a suppressor of w(m4) PEV depending on the precise levels of JIL-1 kinase activity. In this study, we have explored the relationship between PEV and the relative levels of the H3S10ph and H3K9me2 marks at the white gene in both wild-type and w(m4) backgrounds by ChIP analysis. Our results indicate that H3K9me2 levels at the white gene directly correlate with its level of expression and that H3K9me2 levels in turn are regulated by H3S10 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to sets of other chromosomes initiates a series of events which result in sexual differentiation. In addition, this ratio establishes dosage compensation, a mechanism which equalizes the products of X-linked genes in males and females. The present review discusses possible genetic entities responsible for the interpretation of chromosomal sex and subsequent sex-mediated regulation during development.  相似文献   

The JIL-1 kinase is a multidomain protein that localizes specifically to euchromatin interband regions of polytene chromosomes and is the kinase responsible for histone H3S10 phosphorylation at interphase. Genetic interaction assays have suggested that the function of the epigenetic histone H3S10ph mark is to antagonize heterochromatization by participating in a dynamic balance between factors promoting repression and activation of gene expression as measured by position-effect variegation (PEV) assays. Interestingly, JIL-1 loss-of-function alleles can act either as an enhancer or indirectly as a suppressor of wm4 PEV depending on the precise levels of JIL-1 kinase activity. In this study, we have explored the relationship between PEV and the relative levels of the H3S10ph and H3K9me2 marks at the white gene in both wild-type and wm4 backgrounds by ChIP analysis. Our results indicate that H3K9me2 levels at the white gene directly correlate with its level of expression and that H3K9me2 levels in turn are regulated by H3S10 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A large body of data on molecular analyses of several multiallelic loci in Drosophila melanogaster has demonstrated a high incidence of mobile DNA element insertions among spontaneous mutations. In the sibling species D. simulans, the dispersed, middle repetitive, nomadic sequences are reduced to about one-seventh that of its sibling species (Dowsett and Young 1982). Does this reduced amount of middle repetitive DNA (or mobile DNA sequences) mean that in D. simulans the occurrence of insertion mutants will be rare compared with that of D. melanogaster? To test this possibility, we collected seven different spontaneous white mutants of D. simulans and studied their molecular gene structures. Five out of seven mutants had insertion sequences which varied in length from 0.4 kb to 16 kb. One bore a deletion spanning the w region and another showed no gross structural alteration. Thus the proportion of insertional mutations at the white locus in D. simulans is equivalent to that observed in D. melanogaster. Among the five insertional mutants, one, wmky, showed genetic instability; the other four were stable. wmky was found to mutate at a frequency of 2.1 x 10(-5) in meiotic cells and may also be unstable in somatic cells.  相似文献   

The Posterior Sex Combs (Psc) gene of Drosophila is a member of the Polycomb (Pc) group of transregulatory genes. Previous analyses of the function of this gene in Drosophila em-bryogenesis have been hampered by the lack of a null mutation. We recently isolated a mutation that deletes the 5′ end of the Psc gene. This allele appears to be a null mutation, and we have used it to determine the Psc zygotic null phenotype and to look at the interactions of a null allele of Psc with five other Pc group mutations. We find evidence for transformations along both the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes in embryos of a variety of genotypes that include a null mutation in Psc. The phenotypes of embryos that are doubly mutant for a null allele of Psc and a mutation in a second Pc group gene show dramatic synergistic effects, but in their specifics they are dependent on the identify of the second Pc group gene. This is different from the relatively uniform phenotypes seen among double mutants that contained the allele Psc1, which has both gain and loss of function properties. The differences in the phenotypes of the doubly mutant embryos allow us to eliminate one class of molecular models to explain the dramatic synergism seen with mutations in this group of genes.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of Toll-related genes in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Drosophila genome encodes a total of nine Toll and related proteins. The immune and developmental functions of Toll and 18Wheeler (18W) have been analyzed extensively, while the in vivo functions of the other Toll-related proteins require further investigation. We performed transgenic experiments and found that overexpression of Toll-related genes caused different extents of lethality and developmental defects. Moreover, 18w, Toll-6, Toll-7 and Toll-8 often caused related phenotypic changes, consistent with the idea that these four genes have more conserved molecular structure and thus may regulate similar processes in vivo. Deletion alleles of Toll-6, Toll-7 and Toll-8 were generated by targeted homologous recombination or P element excision. These mutant alleles were viable, fertile, and had no detectable defect in the inducible expression of antimicrobial peptide genes except for the Toll-8 mutant had some defects in leg development. The expression of 18w, Toll-7 and Toll-8 mRNA showed wide and overlapping patterns in imaginal discs and the 18w, Toll-8 double and Toll-7, Toll-8 double mutants showed substantially increased lethality. Overall our results suggest that some of the Toll-related proteins, such as 18W, Toll-7 and Toll-8, may have redundant functions in regulating developmental processes.  相似文献   

Developmental gene regulation in vertebrate somatic muscles involves the cooperative interaction of MEF2 (myocyte-specific enhancer-binding factor 2) and members of the b-HLH (basic helix-loop-helix) family of myogenic factors. Until recently, however, nothing was known about the factors that control the developmental regulation of muscle genes during embryogenesis in Drosophila. The Drosophila Tropomyosin I (TmI) gene contains a proximal and distal muscle enhancer within the first intron that regulates its expression in embryonic/larval and adult muscles. We have recently shown that the 355-bp proximal enhancer contains a binding site for the Drosophila homologue of vertebrate MEF2 and that MEF2 acts cooperatively with a basal level muscle activator region to direct high level muscle expression in transgenic flies. The 92-bp muscle activator region, however, does not contain any consensus E-box (CANNTG) binding site sequences for b-HLH myogenic factors, suggesting the MEF2 may interact with other factors to regulate muscle genes in Drosophila. In this study we have used mutation analysis and germ-line transformation to analyze the cis-acting elements within the muscle activator region that regulate its expression in transgenic flies. We have identified a 71-bp region that is sufficient for low basal level temporal- and muscle-specific expression in the embryo, larva, and adult. Substitution mutations within the muscle activator region have identified several cis-element regions spanning 60-bp that are required for either full or partial muscle activator function. An analysis of proteins that bind to this region by gel mobility shift assay and copper nuclease footprinting has allowed us to identify the sites in this region at which multiple proteins complex and interact. We propose that these cis-elements and the proteins that they bind regulate muscle activator function and together with MEF2 are capable of regulating high level muscle expression. Dev. Genet. 20:297–306, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Glucosidation plays a major role in the inactivation and excretion of a great variety of both endogenous and exogenous compounds. The recent determination of the complete genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster has revealed the presence of over 30 putative UDP-glucosyltransferase (UGT) genes in this organism. We report here the molecular cloning and functional characterisation of one of these genes, named DmUgt37a1. The predicted protein comprises 525 amino acids and has about 30% overall amino acid identity with vertebrate members of the UGT family. The phylogenetic relationships of DmUgt37a1 with other members of the UGT family from D. melanogaster are discussed. DmUgt37a1 was expressed in lepidopteran insect cells and the ability of the enzyme to conjugate 38 potential substrates belonging to diverse chemical groups was assessed using UDP-glucose as sugar-donor. However, no activity was detected with any compound under the conditions used and thus, the substrate specificity of the enzyme remains unknown.  相似文献   

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