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肿瘤组织中存在一小群能够自我更新、增殖和分化,对肿瘤的发生、发展、复发、转移起决定作用的细胞,即肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs)。在传统理论方法已不能攻克癌症的情况下,肿瘤干细胞理论为我们重新认识肿瘤的起源和本质提供了新的方向和视角。从20世纪50年代至今,随着生物技术的发展,肿瘤干细胞理论经历了从设想到验证的漫长历程。但该理论自提出之日起便受到来自各方面不同观点的质疑。当今针对肿瘤干细胞癌症治疗主要集中在靶向问题上。因此,寻找特异的肿瘤干细胞标志物,探索肿瘤干细胞与周围微环境间的复杂关系以及发现调控其功能的关键信号通路成为当前研究的热点。  相似文献   

目前,癌症是导致人类死亡的主要因素之一。尽管在癌症治疗方面取得了巨大进展,但是,其较高的复发率还是会导致死亡。连续治疗失败的一个可能原因是,残留的恶性细胞有类似干细胞的分化潜能,这样就能再次形成肿瘤和造成病灶转移。肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cell,CSC)假说认为,肿瘤组织中存在具有自我跟新能力,无限增殖和肿瘤形成能力的一小部分肿瘤细胞,近年来,随着在血液肿瘤和实体瘤中相继发现CSC存在的相关证据,对CSC的生物学特性的认识不断深入,对肿瘤的复发、病灶转移、耐药性形成也有了新的观点和研究方向,目前的研究主要集中在其分离鉴定阶段,本文就近年来该方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of scientific interest recently generated by the potential therapeutic applications of adult stem cells in human care but there are several challenges regarding quality and safety in clinical applications and a number of these challenges relate to the processing and banking of these cells ex-vivo. As the number of clinical trials and the variety of adult cells used in regenerative therapy increases, safety remains a primary concern. This has inspired many nations to formulate guidelines and standards for the quality of stem cell collection, processing, testing, banking, packaging and distribution. Clinically applicable cryopreservation and banking of adult stem cells offers unique opportunities to advance the potential uses and widespread implementation of these cells in clinical applications. Most current cryopreservation protocols include animal serum proteins and potentially toxic cryoprotectant additives (CPAs) that prevent direct use of these cells in human therapeutic applications. Long term cryopreservation of adult stem cells under good manufacturing conditions using animal product free solutions is critical to the widespread clinical implementation of ex-vivo adult stem cell therapies. Furthermore, to avoid any potential cryoprotectant related complications, reduced CPA concentrations and efficient post-thaw washing to remove CPA are also desirable. The present review focuses on the current strategies and important aspects of adult stem cell banking for clinical applications. These include current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs), animal protein free freezing solutions, cryoprotectants, freezing & thawing protocols, viability assays, packaging and distribution. The importance and benefits of banking clinical grade adult stem cells are also discussed.  相似文献   

Dental tissue-derived stem cells (DSCs) provide an easy, accessible, relatively noninvasive promising source of adult stem cells (ASCs), which brought encouraging prospective for their clinical applications. DSCs provide a perfect opportunity to apply for a patient's own ASC, which poses a low risk of immune rejection. However, problems associated with the long-term culture of stem cells, including loss of proliferation and differentiation capacities, senescence, genetic instability, and the possibility of microbial contamination, make cell banking necessary. With the rapid development of advanced cryopreservation technology, various international DSC banks have been established for both research and clinical applications around the world. However, few studies have been published that provide step-by-step guidance on DSCs isolation and banking methods. The purpose of this review is to present protocols and technical details for all steps of cryopreserved DSCs, from donor selection, isolation, cryopreservation, to characterization and quality control. Here, the emphasis is on presenting practical principles in accordance with the available valid guidelines.  相似文献   

The "Side Population" (SP) discrimination assay is a flow cytometry method used to detect stem cells based on the dye efflux properties of ABC transporters. We discuss the SP assay and its applications in stem cell?biology, with an emphasis on the technical challenges related to sample preparation, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation. We highlight the value of multicolor phenotyping, the impact of DNA ploidy, and the importance of distinguishing graft versus host cells for an appropriate SP discrimination. To improve the consistency and reliability of data between laboratories, we propose a set of recommendations for SP assay data reporting.  相似文献   

Recent advances in stem cell technology have generated enthusiasm for their potential to study and treat a diverse range of human disease. Pluripotent human stem cells for therapeutic use may, in principle, be obtained from two sources: embryonic stem cells (hESCs), which are capable of extensive self-renewal and expansion and have the potential to differentiate into any somatic tissue, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are derived from differentiated tissue such as adult skin fibroblasts and appear to have the same properties and potential, but their generation is not dependent upon a source of embryos. The likelihood that clinical transplantation of hESC- or iPSC-derived tissues from an unrelated (allogeneic) donor that express foreign human leucocyte antigens (HLA) may undergo immunological rejection requires the formulation of strategies to attenuate the host immune response to transplanted tissue. In clinical practice, individualized iPSC tissue derived from the intended recipient offers the possibility of personalized stem cell therapy in which graft rejection would not occur, but the logistics of achieving this on a large scale are problematic owing to relatively inefficient reprogramming techniques and high costs. The creation of stem cell banks comprising HLA-typed hESCs and iPSCs is a strategy that is proposed to overcome the immunological barrier by providing HLA-matched (histocompatible) tissue for the target population. Estimates have shown that a stem cell bank containing around 10 highly selected cell lines with conserved homozygous HLA haplotypes would provide matched tissue for the majority of the UK population. These simulations have practical, financial, political and ethical implications for the establishment and design of stem cell banks incorporating cell lines with HLA types that are compatible with different ethnic populations throughout the world.  相似文献   

The present day research on stem cells is yet not filled to the gunwales. The correlation of stem cell technology with tissue repair still has a long way to go. Since Embryonic stem cells are a kind of thorn inside when it comes to therapeutics, there emerged few potent contemporary sources of stem cells. Though bone marrow proves to be the pioneer among these, they lose themselves to adipose tissue in various aspects. The major shortcoming of bone marrow lies in lieu of its loss in potency with age. Adipose tissue puts up a tough competition among leading edge stem cell sources like cord blood and cord matrix. Adipose tissue wins over its counterparts in that it possesses astounding proliferation potency in vitro and holds a prominent stand in showcasing in vivo tissue repair efficacy. In spite of its precedence, the whole enchilada of adipose derived stem cells is still in its salad days. In our work we aim at excogitating the Mesenchymal stem cell population present in cultured adipose derived stem cells, in a wide perspective. Furthermore, the coalition of cell adhesion molecules with the proliferation potency of MSC and analysis of growth curve of ADSC was also paid accolade. The presence of robust MSC with immense differentiation and transdifferentiation potency was endorsed by lucrative differentiation of P3 cells into mesodermal and neuronal lineages. Additionally, mesenchymal stem cells exhibiting coherent expression of surface markers at P3 in all samples can be cryopreserved for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) cell culture models are becoming increasingly popular in contemporary cancer research and drug resistance studies. Recently, scientists have begun incorporating cancer stem cells (CSCs) into 3D models and modifying culture components in order to mimic in vivo conditions better. Currently, the global cell culture market is primarily focused on either 3D cancer cell cultures or stem cell cultures, with less focus on CSCs. This is evident in the low product availability officially indicated for 3D CSC model research. This review discusses the currently available commercial products for CSC 3D culture model research. Additionally, we discuss different culture media and components that result in higher levels of stem cell subpopulations while better recreating the tumor microenvironment. In summary, although progress has been made applying 3D technology to CSC research, this technology could be further utilized and a greater number of 3D kits dedicated specifically to CSCs should be implemented.  相似文献   

Fuchs E 《Cell Stem Cell》2012,10(6):640-641
Induced pluripotent stem cell research has broadened possibilities for regenerative medicine and captured the world's attention in a way that science rarely does. However, clinical applications utilizing cultured stem cells have existed for >30 years and can assist benchers and bedsiders in identifying and expediting promising avenues for future therapies.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are tumoral cells which have stem features such as self-renewal, high migration capacity, drug resistance, high proliferation abilities. In the last 10 years the pathological meaning and the existence of CSCs have been matter of discussion and a large number of articles have been published about the role that these cells play in the development and maintenance of the tumors. Head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide: early diagnosis of high-risk premalignant lesions are high priorities for reducing deaths due to head and neck cancer. In the last years the CSCs hypothesis has been faced also for head and neck cancer, with the aim of a better comprehension of the tumor biology and an early diagnosis. The evidence that the development of a tumor comes from a small number of cells with stem-like characteristic, could bring too to the identification of therapies against these cellular target, fundamental for maintenance and progression of the lesion. Here, a literature review has been reported about the detection of supposed CSCs in head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of tissue banking and associated international organisations following the fall of the Berlin wall in 1991 is described. This surge in collaboration led to a world-wide constructive movement to use and to produce human tissues. As the years progressed industrialisation, led by the USA, improved the quality of tissue allografts but led higher costs and consolidation within the developing industry. The growth of litigation more than kept pace with the industrial progress. One landmark case is described, the outcome of which could revolutionise the current practices now applied to eliminate possible viral contamination of implanted tissue grafts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The field of embryonic stem cell research has been plagued by exaggeration and misrepresentation, as three major journals have had to retract significant claims about progress in this field. This problem is exacerbated by the politicized climate in which the research is conducted and defended; it may also lie deeper, in a utilitarian ethic that in principle could justify unethical actions for admittedly worthwhile long-term goals. Such an ethic risks undermining the credibility of science, which must show a commitment to the facts that is independent of social and political goals.  相似文献   

With the continuous discovery of new alternative sources containing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), regenerative medicine therapies may find tailored applications in the clinics. Although these cells have been demonstrated to express specific mesenchymal markers and are able to differentiate into mesenchymal lineages in ad hoc culture conditions, it is still critical to determine the yield and differentiation potential of these cells in comparative studies under the same standardized culture environment. Moreover, the opportunity to use MSCs from bone marrow (BM) of multiorgan donors for cell banking is of relevant importance. In the attempt to establish the relative potential of alternative MSCs sources, we analyzed and compared the yield and differentiation potential of human MSCs from adipose and BM tissues of cadaveric origins, and from fetal annexes (placenta and umbilical cord) after delivery using standardized isolation and culture protocols. BM contained a significantly higher amount of mononuclear cells (MNCs) compared to the other tissue sources. Nonetheless, a higher cell seeding density was needed for these cells to successfully isolate MSCs. The MNCs populations were highly heterogeneous and expressed variable MSCs markers with a large variation from donor to donor. After MSCs selection through tissue culture plastic adhesion, cells displayed a comparable proliferation capacity with distinct colony morphologies and were positive for a pool of typical MSCs markers. In vitro differentiation assays showed a higher osteogenic differentiation capacity of adipose tissue and BM MSCs, and a higher chondrogenic differentiation capacity of BM MSCs.  相似文献   

The study of stem cells is one of the most exciting areas of contemporary biomedical research. During the 3rd Joint Meeting of Stem Cell Research Italy (June 2012, Ferrara, Italy), scientists from different multidisciplinary areas explored new frontiers of basic and applied stem cell research with key lectures and oral presentations. There was a public debate on ethics during the opening ceremony, specifically on the limits and potentialities of adult and embryonic stem cells. Some scientists presented basic research data showing evolutionary aspects, which could be of interest in understanding specific biological phenomena. Others focused on “dangerous liaisons” between gene transfer vectors and the human genome. Some speakers provided insight into current stem cell therapies, such as those involving human epithelial stem cells for treatment of skin diseases. Other researchers presented data on close‐to‐therapy findings, such as the use of mesenchymal stem cells in brain repair. Of note, during the meeting, spotlights were focused on major issues that have to be considered for GMP stem cell production for cell therapy. In “Meet the Expert” sessions, specialists presented innovative technologies such as a next‐generation sequencing system. Finally, the meeting provided an excellent opportunity for young scientists to show their findings, and to discuss with each other and with internationally recognized experts. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 911–914, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Functional heterogeneity within stem and progenitor cells has been shown to influence cell fate decisions. Similarly, intracellular signaling activated by external stimuli is highly heterogeneous and its spatiotemporal activity is linked to future cell behavior. To quantify these heterogeneous states and link them to future cell fates, it is important to observe cell populations continuously with single cell resolution. Live cell imaging in combination with fluorescent biosensors for signaling activity serves as a powerful tool to study cellular and molecular heterogeneity and the long-term biological effects of signaling. Here, we describe these methodologies, their advantages over classical approaches, and we illustrate how they could be applied to improve our understanding of the importance of heterogeneous cellular and molecular responses to external signaling cues.  相似文献   

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