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U L?nn  S L?nn 《Radiation research》1985,102(1):71-75
X irradiation of cells induces damage in the DNA, which can be detected as fragmentation of the DNA in alkali. To examine whether DNA polymerase alpha plays a role in the X-ray-induced fragmentation of the DNA, cells with and without functioning DNA polymerase alpha have been compared. We have used the drug aphidicolin, which is a specific inhibitor of polymerase alpha. The results show that DNA of aphidicolin-treated cells is more easily fragmented in alkali than DNA of untreated cells. This is paralleled by a lower repair replication in cells without functioning DNA polymerase alpha. Hence polymerase alpha is involved in the repair process of lesions induced by X irradiation.  相似文献   

The biological inactivation of bacteriophage R17 by ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENUA) has been studied. At the mean lethal dose for the first compound 8 moles ethyl are bound/mole RNA and with the nitroso compound 3.5 moles ethyl are bound. Analysis of the amounts of the different ethylated derivatives formed shows that the toxicity of the sulphonate can be accounted for by the formation of 3-ethylcytosine, O6-ethylguanine, 1-ethyladenine and chain breaks produced on the hydrolysis of ethyl phosphotriesters. With the nitroso derivative on the other hand, the sum of chain breaks and of bases alkylated on a position involved in specific hydrogen bonding between base pairs only accounts for 65% of the observed toxicity. The possibility that 3-ethyladenine may constitute a lethal lesion is discussed.  相似文献   

Our previous results on the genotoxic effect of 8-methoxypsoralen-induced lesions on pBR322 suggested an important involvement of an inducible error-free repair pathway in the repair of plasmid lesions. We present herein further results obtained in order to explore that possibility, together with a more general report on the subject. pBR322 treated with increasing concentrations of 8-MOP plus fixed UVA light irradiation was used to transform several E. coli strains differing in their repair capacities, and plasmid survival and mutagenesis were determined. Survival results suggested that crosslinks were completely lethal in pBR322 whereas monoadducts were partially removed from plasmid DNA mainly through an error-free excision pathway. A mutagenic repair pathway did not show a significant contribution to the total repair process. Cell preirradiation stimulated plasmid recovery in recA+ strains, including the umuC strain, thus confirming our previous results indicating that an inducible error-free repair had occurred. Globally, our results showed a strong requirement on the excision pathway for the repair of psoralen-damaged plasmid DNA. In contrast, the recA dependent pathway was needed only for SOS induction. After a theoretical correction of the data for estimating the effect only due to 8-MOP adducts, a different pattern of repair mechanisms appeared to be involved.  相似文献   

The comparison of the frequency oftrp + revertants ofEscherichia coli B/r Hcr+ thy trp after UV-irradiation on the one hand and after UV-irradiation plus photoreactivation on the other showed that both photoreversible pyrimidine dimers of the cyclobutane type and the non-photoreversible DNA lesions cause, at equal lethal effects, alsotrp + reversions with the same efficiency. If lethal, the pyrimidine dimers may thus be conceived as primary pre-mutational lesions.  相似文献   

The role of the HCR system in the repair of prelethal lesions induced by UV-light, γ-rays and alkylating agents was studied in theBacillus subtilis SPP1 phage, its thermosensitive mutants (N3, N73 endts 1) and corresponding infectious DNA. The survival of phages and their transfecting DNA after treatment with UV light is substantially higher inhcr + cells than inhcr cells, the differences being more striking in intact phages than in their transfecting DNA’s. Repair inhibitors reduce the survival inhcr + cells: caffeine lowers the survival of UV-irradiated phage SPP1 in exponentially growinghcr + cells but has no effect on its survival in competenthcr + cells; acriflavin and ethidium bromide decrease the survival of UV-irradiated SPP1 phage in both exponentially growing and competenthcr + cells to the level of survival observed inhcr cells; moreover, ethidium bromide lowers the number of infective centres inhcr + cells of UV-irradiated DNA of the SPP1 phage. Repair inhibitors do not lower the survival of UV-irradiated phages or their DNA inhcr cells. The repair mechanism under study repairs effectively also lesions induced by polyfunctional alkylating agents in transfecting DNA’s ofB. subtilis phages but is not functional with lesions induced by these agents in free phages and lesions caused in phages and their DNA by ethyl methanesulphonate or γ-rays.  相似文献   

Effect of DNA lesions on transcription elongation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tornaletti S  Hanawalt PC 《Biochimie》1999,81(1-2):139-146

Permeabilized Chinese hamster cells were treated with the restriction endonucleases Pvu II and Bam H1 which generate blunt-ended and cohesive-ended DNA double-strand breaks (dsb), respectively. Cells were then assayed for their clonogenic ability. These experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that mammalian cell death following X-ray exposure arises from the induction of dsb in DNA, and via the formation of chromosomal aberrations. It was shown previously that Pvu II induces chromosome aberrations whereas Bam H1 was ineffective in this respect. The results reported here show that Pvu II simulates X-ray exposure, in causing a dose-dependent loss of the reproductive integrity of mammalian cells. Dsb generated by Pvu II, i.e. with blunt ends, can therefore be regarded as potentially clastogenic as well as potentially lethal. Bam H1 was found not to reduce cell survival in the same enzyme dose range. These results support the notion that X-irradiated mammalian cells undergo a mode of death in which dsb in the DNA cause chromosomal aberrations which are lethal as a result of loss of genetic material in the form of chromosome fragments, or as a result of chromosome bridge formation.  相似文献   

Like many intercalative antitumor drugs, the nonintercalative antitumor drug epipodophyllotoxin VM-26 (teniposide) induces topoisomerase II-linked DNA breaks as revealed by cell lysis with a strong protein denaturant such as sodium dodecyl sulfate or alkali. We show that the majority of topoisomerase II-linked DNA breaks reflect the formation of reversible topoisomerase II-DNA cleavable complexes in drug-treated cells by demonstrating the reversibility of this unusual type of DNA damage at elevated temperatures (e.g. 65 degrees C).  相似文献   

Pastor N  Cortés F 《DNA Repair》2003,2(12):1353-1360
The bufadienolide bufalin, a component of the Chinese medicine chan'su, has been reported to selectively inhibit the growth of various lines of human cancer cells, due at least in part to its specific effect on topoisomerase (topo) II. We have treated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with doses of bufalin that result in a dramatic reduction in both the level and catalytic activity of topo II without any concomitant induction of DNA damage, as assessed by the comet assay. When cells were pre-treated with bufalin and then irradiated with X-rays, a follow-up study revealed that the kinetics of DNA repair was clearly affected, with a general delay in the restoration of DNA to the situation observed in non-irradiated controls. The possible involvement of topo II in radiation damage repair is discussed.  相似文献   

Generation of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals in L-amino acid solutions in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, under X-ray irradiation was determined by enhanced chemiluminescence in the luminol-p-iodophenol-peroxidase system and using the fluorescent probe coumarin-3-carboxylic acid, respectively. Amino acids are divided into three groups according to their effect on the hydrogen peroxide formation under irradiation: those decreasing yield of H2O2, having no effect, and increasing its yield. All studied amino acids at 1 mM concentration decrease the yield of hydroxyl radicals in solution under X-ray irradiation. However, the highest effect is observed in the order: Cys > His > Phe = Met = Trp > Tyr. At Cys, Tyr, and His concentrations close to physiological, the yield of hydroxyl radicals decreases significantly. Immunoenzyme analysis using monoclonal antibodies to 8-oxoguanine (8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine) was applied to study the effect of amino acids with the most pronounced antioxidant properties (Cys, Met, Tyr, Trp, Phe, His, Lys, Arg, Pro) on 8-oxoguanine formation in vitro under X-ray irradiation. It is shown that amino acids decrease the content of 8-oxoguanine in DNA. These amino acids within DNA-binding proteins may protect intracellular DNA against oxidative damage caused by formation of reactive oxygen species in conditions of moderate oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Human diploid cells cultured in vitro provide an excellent model system for the study of aging. In this study, we examined the formation and rejoining of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) induced by X-rays in human lung diploid fibroblasts during senescence, by using a modified alkaline elution method. For detecting the formation and rejoining of DNA SSBs, conventional [14C]thymidine (TdR)-labeling and fluorometric methods were applied to dividing cells and to the whole cell population including non-dividing and slowly-dividing cells, respectively. We did not find any significant differences in the rejoining ability of X-ray-induced SSBs in human diploid cells at almost all population doubling levels, although only in terminally senescent cells the rejoining of SSBs seems to proceed more slowly. However, it was observed that the alkaline elution of DNA from unirradiated and X-irradiated cells seems to become faster with increasing in population doubling number, although there were no remarkable differences in the elution rates of DNA as measured by the [14C]TdR-labeling method and those measured by the fluorometric method. These results seem to suggest that the molecular size of DNA in human diploid cells in culture decreases with aging.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA's were separated using a counter-current distribution system for demonstrating alteration in secondary structure after heat denaturation and drug treatment. By using this method a complete separation of native and denatured DNA was achieved. Although the separation of DNA depends on the temperature used for denaturation, the counter-current distribution pattern did not follow exactly the hyperchromic shift. The results suggest that counter-current distribution offers a complementary approach for the study of DNA secondary structure as this method reveals alterations occurring over a wider temperature range than the increase in ultraviolet absorption. The changes in distribution pattern demonstrate cross-linkage occurring with nitrogen mustard and single-strand breaks following methylene dimethanesulphonate (MDMS) treatment in vitro.  相似文献   

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