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南京汤山早期人类及南方几个猿人遗址的生活环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐钦琦 《人类学学报》1999,18(4):263-269
南京汤山的早期人类的地质时代相当于中更新世晚期,距今12.7—50万年。该动物群是一个单调的北方型动物群,生活在寒冷期,相当于深海氧同位素的等10阶段,距今33—37万年。郧县的古人类与蓝田的公王岭动物群同时,为早更新世,距今100—140万年。它们生活在温暖期,相当于欧洲的Waalian暖期。与元谋人共生的元谋动物群(相当于元谋组的第四段)包括许多典型的北方型动物,如复齿鼠兔,泥河湾剑齿虎、麅、羚羊等,故它们生活在寒冷期,也属早更新世,距今140—190万年。  相似文献   

描述了2002-2005年间在青海德令哈深沟上油砂山组采集的小哺乳动物化石。化石共有16种,隶属食虫目、啮齿目和兔形目的12科,代表了迄今青藏高原发现种类最多、材料最丰富的小哺乳动物群。深沟动物群的组成与陕西蓝田灞河组下部层位发现的小哺乳动物组合最为接近,两者有相似的群体结构,共有Sciurotamias,Lophocricetus,Protalactaga,Myocricetodon,Nannocricetua,Pararhizomys和Ochotona 7属。但由于深沟动物群含有略进步的属、种,其时代似乎稍晚,很可能属晚中新世早期,或者中国陆生哺乳动物时代的保德期早期,与欧洲MN10上部或MN11下部的时代相当。深沟动物群指示了一个温带开阔干旱草原为主体的景观。晚中新世柴达木盆地的气候似乎没有现在这样干燥,在草原中尚有一些灌丛甚至林地。动物群的组成及所指示的生态环境都表明,青藏高原在中新世以后有过较大幅度的上升。深沟动物群中含有一鼠科新种——细弱许氏鼠(Huerzelerimys extguus sp.nov.)。Huerzele—rimys属过去只发现于欧洲,新种为该属在亚洲的首次发现。其特征为:与现知最小种H.minor相比,其臼齿更小,M1中t1的位置相对靠后,c6和t9间有超过50%的标本具一弱脊连接,m1和m2的唇侧齿带狭窄、附尖弱小。Ochotonoma primitiva(Zheng & Li,1982)是动物群中较为多见的一种鼠兔。该种最先发现于甘肃天祝,并作为Ochotona属描述。正型地点的标本不多,但尺寸和形态完全落入深沟标本的变异范围,因此认为同属一种。该种的特征增订为:中等大小的鼠兔。P2冠面长三角形,舌侧长度明显大。p3的下前边尖宽大,一般具有两个前褶或凹槽,而且至少有一褶具水泥质充填物;连接前边尖和后边尖间的齿桥(dentine isthmus)宽;前褶(paraflexis)比O.anatolica的短而狭窄,向后延伸没有O.csarnotana的那样明显。  相似文献   

元谋新第三纪食肉动物化石的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对云南元谋盆地产古猿化石地点的部分食肉类化石进行了初步观察分类,认为它们的时代似应稍晚于禄丰,相当上新世早期,估计距今5-6百万年.  相似文献   

滇西北丽江盆地中更新世哺乳动物化石新材料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简记了滇西北丽江盆地的中更新世哺乳动物化石新材料.化石产自东元桥村南东元桥组的河流相灰黄、灰色砂层和砂砾层中,计有8属10种,即Megantereon sp.、Equussp.、Dicerorhinus sp.、Cervavitus ultimus、cf.Axis rugosus、cf.Axis yunnanensis、Rusayunnanensis、Rusa sp.、Muntiacus sp.、Bos sp..动物群中的一些属种出现于元谋盆地“元谋人”动物群中,表现出两地动物群的相似性,这为“元谋人” 时代的确定可能提供新资料.  相似文献   

中国南方第四纪哺乳动物群所反映的自然环境变迁   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
<正> 现代哺乳动物的地理分布,显示出世界各大陆的动物区系同地球上气候分带是密切相关,根据我国现代动物区划(郑作新、张荣祖,1959),可将全国分二界,七个基本区,最主要是东洋与古北二界。南方地区可以划分为西南、华中及华南三亚区,这三亚区基本上是属于东洋界。一些属于东洋界的属种,仅分布于长江以南地区,而华北地区分布很少或  相似文献   

我国南方第四纪哺乳动物群的划分和演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
到目前为止,通过调查和研究已认识到,在我国南方第四纪存在四个主要的哺乳动物群,即:元谋动物群、柳城巨猿动物群、大熊猫-剑齿象动物群和现代哺乳动物群。本文对这四个主要的哺乳动物群的进一步划分和演变进行讨论。元谋动物群、柳城巨猿动物群、建始高坪动物群和柳州笔架山动物群均属早更新世。元谋组发现的动物群似乎可以分为两个不同的层位:早期以森林中生活的动物为主,其时代似可划归晚上新世;晚期的动物则反映出以森林—疏林草原为主的生态环境。早更新世的元谋动物群以元谋组上部(3—4段)发现者为代表。柳城巨猿动物群中现生种类比元谋动物群中多,似较后者为晚。柳城巨猿动物群和大熊猫-剑齿象动物群有较密切的关系,可以说前者是后者的原始类型。建始高坪动物群和柳州笔架山动物群代表柳城巨猿动物群和大熊猫-剑齿象动物群之间的过渡类型。大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的地质时代为中-晚更新世,根据动物群的组合情况可分为四个不同的发展阶段:(1)含第三纪残留种类或古老种类;(2)含中更新世典型种类;(3)含早期智人化石;(4)含晚期智人化石或相当于这一阶段的人类制造的文化遗物。我国南方现代哺乳动物群奠基于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群,大体上形成于晚更新世后期。在全新世早期可能有个别更新世残留下来的种类,稍后可能还有个别绝灭种或绝灭亚种;而地理分布改变的种类,在全新世较长的时期内还有所残留。我国南方第四纪哺乳动物表现出土生土长的特点。动物群大致经历过三次较大的变化。和华北地区比较,我国南方第四纪哺乳动物群显示出三大特点:(1)古老种类延续时期较长;(2)现生种类出现较早;(3)动物群的变化不及华北那么明显。  相似文献   

元谋盆地含古猿化石地层时代的初步划分   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
宗冠福  姜础 《人类学学报》1991,10(2):155-166

The timing and route of the earliest dispersal from Africa to Eastern Asia are contentious topics in the study of early human evolution because Asian hominin fossil sites with precise age constraints are very limited. Here we report new high-resolution magnetostratigraphic results that place stringent age controls on excavated hominin incisors and stone tools from the Yuanmou Basin, southwest China. The hominin-bearing layer resides in a reverse polarity magnetozone just above the upper boundary of the Olduvai subchron, yielding an estimated age of 1.7Ma. The finding represents the age of the earliest documented presence of Homo, with affinities to Homo erectus, in mainland East Asia. This age estimate is roughly the same as for H. erectus in island Southeast Asia and immediately prior to the oldest archaeological evidence in northeast Asia. Mammalian fauna and pollen obtained directly from the hominin site indicate that the Yuanmou hominins lived in a varied habitat of open vegetation with patches of bushland and forest on an alluvial fan close to a lake or swamp. The age and location are consistent with a rapid southern migration route of initial hominin populations into Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

After the discovery of the controversial hominids and artefacts at the Longgupo site, three Early Pleistocene sites in the southern valleys of the Changjiang (Yangtze) were excavated from 1998 to 2000 in order to test the hypothesis that the hominids exist in China before 2 Ma. Three cheek teeth of Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, more than six hundreds pieces of artefacts of Mode 1 technology and thousands pieces of mammal fossils of Villafranchian age were unearthed in situ at the Longgudong Site in Hubei Province. More than 120 pieces of artefacts of Mode 1 technology and seven thousands pieces of mammal fossils of Villafranchian age were unearthed in situ at the Renzidong Site in Anhui Province. Although no new materials of hominids and artefacts were unearthed at the Yuanmou Man Site at Danawu in Yunnan Province, new materials of mammalian fauna confirm the horizon yielding the Yuanmou Man fossils is of the Early Pleistocene. These new discoveries imply that the appearance of hominids in China is very likely before 2 Ma. If the new report of 3 Ma artefact from Yuxian of the Nihewan Basin in northern China can be confirmed, it will be a strong support for the Continuity Theory.  相似文献   

Serge Legendre 《Geobios》1980,13(6):839-847
The occurrence of an emballonurid bat is revealed within the micromammalian fauna found at the Lower Miocene locality of Port-la-Nouvelle (Aude). The material is described, and the comparison with homologous elements of fossil and living Emballonuridae indicates a modern character of the teeth.This species could be related to the recent genusTaphozous.. Therefore, a new family is added to the Western European mammalian Neogene fauna; and the Neogene geographical area of this family, previously limited to East Africa, is now extended to Europe.  相似文献   

最近在广西崇左泊岳山巨猿洞采集到大量步氏巨猿、猩猩、长臂猿等高等灵长类及伴生的属种丰富的哺乳动物化石。本文系统记述了该化石点小哺乳动物群中的优势群体——鼠科化石:似锡金小鼠(Mus cf.M.pahari)、似大林姬鼠(Apodemus cf.A.peninsulae)、细狨鼠(Hapalomys gracilis)、狭齿狨鼠(Hapalomys angustidens)、先社鼠(Niviventer preconfucianus)、安氏白腹鼠(Niviventer andersoni)、拟爱氏巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsioides)和似始家鼠(Rattus cf.R.pristinus)共6属8种,其中包括了5个绝灭种。研究表明,泊岳山巨猿洞鼠类主要属种的形态特征显然要比同地区的三合大洞显得原始,而较相似于重庆巫山龙骨坡的相关鼠类,因此推测其时代为早更新世早期,这与古地磁的测年结果(距今约180万年)相吻合。泊岳山巨猿洞的鼠类大部分均为东洋界成员以及树栖、半树栖及林地生活的种类,反映当时的自然景观为热带-亚热带的森林-林灌环境。泊岳山巨猿洞鼠科化石的研究丰富了我国南方早更新世巨猿-中华乳齿象动物群中小哺乳动物化石的记录,这对于探讨我国南方第四纪生物地层的划分将提供重要的信息。  相似文献   

云南中甸新发现的早更新世哺乳动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了最近发现于横断山脉中段的一批哺乳类化石 ,具体地点位于云南迪庆州中甸县城 (香格里拉 )以南约 6km处的公路旁。这批材料包括灵长类 (Procynocephaluscf.P .wimani)、啮齿类 (Hystrixsp .)、食肉类、奇蹄类 (Equusyunnanensis)及偶蹄类 ,其中以鹿类 (Cer vavitusultimus、Eucladocerossp .、Cervus (Rusa)yunnanensis等 )和牛羊类最为丰富 ,揭示了当时一种混合的森林 -草原环境。从动物群总体面貌来看 ,这批哺乳类可与元谋人动物群相比 ,时代为更新世早期。但其中有些种类与北方早更新世类群相似 ,如真枝角鹿及羚羊等 ,表明该动物群也与北方动物群之间存在着某种生物地理上的联系。  相似文献   

Two hominid upper central incisors found in the Yuanmou Basin in southwest China in 1965 have affinities with Homo erectus fossils from Zhoukoudian, but exhibit primitive features. The Yuanmou hominid remains are alleged to be coeval with or older than African specimens dated at about 1.8 m.y.a. Recent age refinements of geomagnetic short reversal events and excursions permit assigning the Yuanmou hominid-bearing bed to the early Brunhes chron (about 0.7 m.y.a.). Magnetochronological assessments confirm that the Lantian calotte which has been dated to about 1.2 m.y.a., is the oldest reliable evidence for the emergence of Homo in eastern Asia as well as China, and that hominid fossils from Sangiran and Mojokerto, Java, do not exceed 1.1 Ma in age. These results refute the view that the genus Homo migrated into eastern Asia in the late Pliocene or the earliest Pleistocene.  相似文献   

陕西蓝田地区第四纪哺乳动物群的划分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正> 陕西蓝田地区的新生代地层保存得非常完好,各个时代的地层,几乎都有其代表,并发现了丰富的哺乳动物化石。在第四纪地层中,特别具有意义的是公王岭及陈家窝分别发现了蓝田人头盖骨及下颌骨,一些地区还发现了旧石器,更进一步证实这一地区在第四  相似文献   

云南省迪庆州更新世早期哺乳类化石的发现   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文简述横断山脉中段中甸尼西的哺乳类化石九种,能鉴定到种一级的只有1/3,其中(亻莫)鼠是新种.  相似文献   

CricetidaeRochebrune,l883KowalskiaFahlbusch,1969Kowalskiahanaesp.nov.(Figs.l-3iPl.I)EtymologyNamedinhonourtoProf.HanDefel1whoconductedtheexcava-tionatthesiteinl983andhasmadegreatcontributionstothestudyofthehomi-noidfauna-HolotypeLeftMl(V1o843;2.oOX1.35mm).ParatypesLayerl:6M1,7M2,2M3,l2m1,l2m2,6m3(Vlo844.l-45);Il:3Ml,2M2,2M3,9m1,l3m2,3m3(Vlo844.46-77);IlI:amandib1ewithm1-3(Vlo844.78);IV:adamagedmandiblewithml-3(Vlo844.79);V:l5M1,14M2,8M3,16ml,12m2,9m3(VlO844.8O-l53);VI:onedamage…  相似文献   

甘肃兰州盆地中中新世泉头沟动物群的睡鼠类和沙鼠类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱铸鼎 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):297-305,T001
记述了甘肃兰州永登泉头沟发现的一种睡鼠 ,MicrodyromyswuaeQiu ,1 996和沙鼠科的二个新种 ,Mellalomysgansussp .nov .与Myocricetodonplebiussp .nov .,同时讨论了泉头沟动物群的生物年代学、动物地理学和古生态学问题。泉头沟动物群中的沙鼠类是迄今所知该科动物在我国最早的化石记录。小哺乳动物的组合表明 ,泉头沟动物群与内蒙古中中新世通古尔动物群的时代和指示的生态环境大体近似 ,但沙鼠类的出现 ,似乎指示了泉头沟动物群代表更为干旱和开阔的自然环境  相似文献   

钱方 《人类学学报》1985,4(4):324-332
通过对元谋组进一步研究,同时综合地层、古生物化石、磁性地层、元谋人牙齿化石及新构造运动等方面材料,对元谋组时代进行了探讨,证明元谋组时代为早更新世。 元谋人化石产于元谋组的第四段25层中。地层层次清晰,没有紊乱,磁性地层重新研究得出第四段的磁极性相当松山反向期中的奥都维事件附近,元谋人的年代仍为距今170万年左右,而不是刘东生等认为的50—60万年。  相似文献   

The Lesvos Petrified Forest (western Lesvos, Greece) has long been famous for its plant fossils. Recently, one proboscidean (from the Gavathas locality) and seven micromammalian species (from the Lapsarna locality) were described; these were the first animals to be found in the Early Miocene subtropical forest. For the first time, a fauna of gastropods and ectothermic vertebrates from the Lapsarna locality is now available. This fauna derives from lacustrine sediments under the pyroclastic material that contains the petrified plants. Based on fragmented mollusc remains, isolated fish pharyngeal teeth and utricular otoliths (lapilli), fragmented amphibian vertebrae and a tooth-bearing element, and reptile fragmented dentaries, teeth, osteoderms and vertebrae, the presence of eight freshwater and three terrestrial gastropod species, three freshwater cyprinid species, and two amphibian and five reptile taxa has been confirmed. Stratigraphical and radiometric data suggest an age older than 18.4 ± 0.5 Ma (latest Early Miocene), in good agreement with the faunal composition. This paper is the first report of the concurrent presence of three cyprinid fish species in a Greek Early Miocene locality, as well as the first documentation of an Early Miocene proteid amphibian in southeastern Europe. The present findings represent one of the best-documented Early Miocene gastropod and fish faunas in the Aegean/southern Balkans, thus adding to our knowledge of Early Miocene amphibians and reptiles from that region and providing valuable information on the local subtropical ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study presents isotopic analyses of Gigantopithecus blacki and contemporaneous fauna from Early Pleistocene southern China cave localities with a view to reconstructing the paleoecology of this large extinct ape. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions were determined using tooth enamel carbonate of Gigantopithecus and eight other taxa from Longgudong Cave and additional Gigantopithecus specimens from Juyuandong Cave. Carbon isotopic values of Gigantopithecus fauna reflect a densely forested habitat rarely preserved in the fossil record. These values overlap with those of other ape habitats including Miocene Sivapithecus faunas in the Siwaliks of Pakistan and modern chimpanzee faunas at Kibale National Park, Uganda, and the Ituri Forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Despite the overlap, Gigantopithecus fauna carbon values are significantly lower than those of the Siwaliks and Kibale, likely reflecting a more continuous canopy or more humid forest. Carbon isotope values suggest the habitat consisted of vegetation similar to current subtropical monsoon forests of southern China. Ranges of carbon and oxygen isotopic values for Gigantopithecus suggest a broad diet comprising both terrestrial and canopy plants. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:571–578, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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