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Preliminary account of the microfungi colonizing Pistaca lentiscus L. litter - A preliminary account of the microfungi colonizing Pistacia lentiscus L. leaf litter in five small islands of South Sardinia is carried out. Two species, Beltrania rhombica Penzig and Endophragmiella boewei (Crane) Hughes are present in almost all the samples investigated. A very low index in richness of species seems to be characteristic of this particular area.  相似文献   


Preliminary studies on the marine phythobenthic communities in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands. — The results of algological researches carried out by the Gruppo di Algologia of the S.B.I. in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands are reported. 288 species have been collected, 275 of which have been identified: 160 were Rhodophyta, 62 Phaeophyta, 32 Chlorophyta, 16 Cyanophyta and 2 Angiospermae. The vegetational research leads to the following conclusions: 1 - the harbour areas (Pantelleria, Malta: loc. 1 and 11) show a nitrophile vegetation, particulary near La Valletta where an almost pure population of Pterocladia pinnata is found; 2 - there are important biogeographical differences between Pelagie islands (Lampedusa, Linosa) and Pantelleria. In fact the former ones have an algal flora composed mostly of eastern mediterranean species, whilst the latter shows strong affinities with the north-african basin, as is demonstrated by the rich well developed belt of Cystoseira sedoides; 3 - several species of atlantic origin, such as Callophyllis laciniata, Peyssonnelia coriacea, P. inamoena and Castagnea chordariaeformis, have been found on the banks (loc. 3, 6, 7).  相似文献   

S. Colla 《Protoplasma》1928,5(1):179-190
Conclusioni Le correnti protoplasmatiche nelle cellule internodiali diChara crinita L, sottoposte a soluzioni di differente pH, présentant) delle variazioni di velocità: si hanno due massimi a pH 5.3 e 7.1. Il minimo intermedio si trova nelle correnti delle cellule immerse in liquidi a pH 6.2.La velocità maggiore si è riscontrata a pH 5.3, pH che è quasi eguale al succo interprotoplasmatico.Si notano variazioni di comportamento nella corrente nei primi venti minuti degli esperimenti nelle alghe immerse in liquidi a pH 3.2-4.2-5.3, e pH 6.2-7.1-8.1.  相似文献   


The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino Islands (Gulf of La Spezia). — The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino islands in the Gulf of La Spezia shows various aspects although they are completely calcareous and do not exceed two hundred meters in height. Along the coast, we have noticed some small beaches with a few psammophytes, and some cliffs vertically overlooking the sea with the endemic Centaurea cineraria var. veneris and with a few shrubs (among which I would like to mention Pinus halepensis) that become bigger and bigger and grow in number with the altitude. On the southern side of Palmaria the Mediterranean « maquis » with Calicotome spinosa, Cistus monspeliensis, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus is to be noticed. This bush is either compact or rarefied so that it makes a sort of « garigue » on limestone with Euphorbia dendroides, Helichrysum stoechas, Ruta chalepensis, Thymus vulgaris. Owing to the fact that some land strips of Palmaria escaped from fire a thermophilous vegetation is to be found, with a few trees of Pinus halepensis and with a thick undergrowth of Euphorbia dendroides, Cistus incanus, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis, Smilax aspera. The vegetation of the northern side of Palmaria and Tino is less thermophilous, together with a thick wood of Quercus ilex with some plants of Quercus pubescens and with undergrowth of Viburnum tinus, Smilax aspera, Smilax mauritanica, Coronilla emerus; this wood, especially in the higher part of Palmaria, shows some glades where Erica arborea, Cistus salvifolius, Dorycnium hirsutum grow, with some entities which are distributed quite far from the sea, such as Peucedanum cervaria. Still on the northern side of Palmaria there are some traces of chestnut woods with Castanea sativa, Quercus pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia, Corylus avellana, Cytisus laburnum and with some plants that usually grow in the cooler areas among the chestnut woods and often in the beech woods like Daphne laureola, Digitalis lutea, Helleborus foetidus and Sesleria autumnalis. A comparison between the biological spectrum of the two islands with the one of Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of Marettimo island in western Sicily, clearly shows that in going down southwards, a strong increase of the therophytes (respectively 29,57%, 41,73%, 49,59%), of the chamaephytes and of the nanophanerophytes (13,53%, 16,94%, 18,47%) is to be noticed, while the hemicryptophytes decrease (35,33%, 22,72%, 21,28%). Besides, the vegetation of Capo Caccia although being situated half way between the two Ligurian islands and Marettimo, is much more similar to the latter one; evidently Palmaria and Tino are conditioned by their closeness to the La Spezia coasts while having a climate quite different from them.  相似文献   


STUDIES ON MECHANISM OF COCHLIOBOLIN ACTIVITY. A: EFFECTS OF THE TOXIN ON FRESH POTATO TUBER SLICES. — Cochliobolin, a toxic compound produced by Helminthosporium oryzae, causes inorganic phosphorus leakage from fresh potato tuber slices, higher amounts being found in incubation media with higher toxin concentrations and for longer incubation periods. Organic compounds, also, are released by potato tuber slices, like phenolic products, large amounts of sugars, and some aminoacids, alanine, lysine, tyrosine, valine and γ-aminobutirric acid, which have never been observed in the incubation meida of untreated slices. Cochliobolin uptake by fresh potato tuber slices does not take place actively or, anyhow, at a metabolic level. Indeed, neither 2,4-dinitro-phenol (at concentration, pH, and incubations periods apt to reduce active uptake), nor low temperatures (0–2°C) prevent toxin uptake. Potato tuber slices are not affected by cochliobolin, unless kept at 25°C, and this fact suggests that while toxin uptake does not interest metabolic pathways, it might affect some phase, or structure, essential to cell metabolism. The locus of toxin activity seems therefore to be identified with its influence on cell absortion and retention activities, of products essential for metabolic processes. Thus the impairing of cell permeability, possibly affecting the processes or the structures which regulate the active uptake, seems to be, at the moment, the only evident interpretation of the phenomena observed.  相似文献   


Tests on disbudding and their effects on the histogenesis of the wood ring. In this work the effects of hormonic character which appear during the histogenesis of the wood ring have been studied testing disbudding effects on the peach tree.

Some observations on the consequences due to defoliation are also included.

By removal of the buds, the annual ring shows a greater depth and a more marked uniformity of structure, due to an increased frequency of the vascular elements.

By removal of the leaves, the cambial activity is completely inhibited. These results are attributed to the fact that the leaves, according to the more recent hypotheses, produce the substance which stimulates the formation of the wood elements and the differentiation of the newly formed elements.

This inactive substance, produced by the leaf, would exert its action only when the buds, towards which it is directed, transform it into its active form. The removal of the buds would eliminate the centres of diffusion of the inactive substance and also its centres of activation and concentration for the coming rest period, in view of a new vegetative cycle.

As a conseguence the circulation of the inactive substance is more marked, as it is probably activated by the cambium, and its activity lasts longer, producing in the annual ring those characters peculiar to the spring wood, that is of a season in which the circulation of this substance is at its utmost.  相似文献   


Pollen analysis of the sediments of a bog on the slopes of Panià di Corfino (Apennines, near Lucca). Fossil pollens in the sediments of a bog situated on the slopes of Pania di Corfino (Lucca) have been studied. The site studied lies on oligocenic rocks and is surrounded by beeches.

From a depth of 120 cm up to 50 cm the prevailing pollens belong to species typical of beech and silver-fir woods. Layers from 50 to 25 cm contain mostly pollen of herbaceous plants and of Ericales shrubs, especially belonging to the genus Vaccinium. The upper layers (25 to 5 cm) show a prevalence of Pinus mugo pollen. These data suggest that, after a long period during which climatic conditions resembled those of the present, a shift to a colder climate lowered the upper limit of the beechwoods.  相似文献   


The effects of kinetin on chlorophyll breakdown in irradiated barley leaves. — Kinetin is shown to inhibit the breakdown of chlorophyll in isolated barley leaves. Moreover the kinetin is shown to inhibit, even if with lower effect, the chlorophyll breakdown in irradiated barley leaves. This possible correlation of these observations, with kinetin promoted protein synthesis is suggested.  相似文献   

Lauro Galzigna 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):224-227

ON THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF COLCHICINE ON MITOSIS. — The effect of colchicine on glutathione has been studied in order to explain its effect on mitosis. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that colchicine or its derivatives (colcemide) exert their antimitotic action by reversible oxidation of thiolic proteins present in the cell. This hypothesis could also explain the lack of antimitotic action of thiocol-chisode.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori descrivono gli aspetti ultrastrutturali delle cellule di Leydig di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in esemplari in letargo del mese di Gennaio (I gruppo) e in altri in periodo degli amori del mese di Maggio (II gruppo).Negli animali del primo gruppo le cellule di Leydig sono poco numerose, piccole, con scarso sviluppo del reticolo endoplasmatico, e mitocondri di dimensioni ridotte e prevalentemente con creste lamellari.Gli esemplari del secondo gruppo presentano cellule di Leydig numerose ed ipertrofiche con un R.E. liscio sviluppatissimo in forma di tubuli e di vescicole; i mitocondri sono numerosi, ipertrofici, con creste prevalentemente tubulari e con la parete spesso interrotta; sono presenti gocce lipidiche e vari lisosomi.La presenza dei caratteri ultrastrutturali propri delle cellule steroidogenetiche nelle cellule di Leydig degli esemplari di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in periodo degli amori, tende a confermare la loro partecipazione al metabolismo degli steroidi sessuali.
On the fine structure of leydig cells in january and may specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf.
Summary In order to study the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in the lizard Lacerta s. sicula Raf., the AA. examined two groups of animals, namely: January specimens in hibernation and May specimens in the mating period.In the animals of the first group, the Leydig cells were scarce, small and possessed a poorly developed E.R. and small mitochondria usually presenting laminar cristae.In the specimens of the second group the interstitial cells were large and possessed a very well developed smooth E.R. arranged in a system of anastomosing tubules and vesicles; the mitochondria were numerous and large, with prevailingly tubular cristae and often with a discontinuous wall. Lipid droplets and lysosomes were also present.The observation on the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in May specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. seems to confirm the opinion that these elements participate in the metabolism of the sexual steroids; in fact they possess ultrastructural features that are typical of steroidogenetic cells.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo n.115.1121.1245. della Impresa di Endocrinologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, e svolto, per le osservazioni al M.E., presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli.  相似文献   


PHOSPHOGLUCOISOMERASE FROM PEA COTYLEDONS. — 6-P-glucose iso-merase has been purified from pea cotyledons. A 70-fold purification has been obtained by means of acetone fractionation and two absorption-elution steps on calcium phosphate gel. The partially purified enzyme is free of interfering activities.

KM values of 2.5×10?4 and 10?4 been measured for glucose-6-P and fructose-6-P respectively. reaction, measured at pH 7.8 and 30° C., is 3.7 (Gl-6-PIFr-6-P).

The enzyme is not inhibited by p-chloro-mercurybenzoate up to 10?3 M. Besides the substances already known to inhibit competitively the isomerase from animal tissues, the pea enzyme has been found to be competitively inhibited by ribose-5-P and by triosespho-sphates, the K1, being respectively 7×10?4 and 2.5×10?4.

The properties of the pea enzyme are compared to those of animal tissues isomerase. The possible physiological significance of these properties is discussed.  相似文献   


The effect of sugars on growth of isolated cotyledons from germinating castor bean seeds. — The presence of sugars in the medium induces a number of biochemical and physiological changes in the cotyledons isolated from germinating castor bean seeds. In the present research, the extent and the mechanism of the effect of sugars on growth of the isolated cotyledons was investigated.

The results achieved may be summarized as follows:

  • Sucrose markedly stimulates the growth (as increase of fresh weight) of the isolated cotyledons; its action is already apparent when using a 10-2M concentration and reaches a maximum (stimulation by about 400%) for the concentration between 5.10-2M and 1,5.10-3M. The increase of sucrose induced growth is due in almost equal proportions to water uptake and to increase of dry weight.

  • The difference (Δ P.O.) between the osmotic pressure (P.O.) of the cell sap and that of the external medium is markedly higher for the cotyledons treated with sucrose (7–8 atm.) than the Δ P.O. of cotyledons incubated in water.

  • Analyses of cell contents in sugars show that sucrose is taken up by the cotyledon cells against a concentration gradient. The increase of the difference of osmotic pressure between cotyledon and the external medium is satisfactorily accounted for by this active accumulation of sugars.

  • When mannitol is added to the incubating medium in addition to sucrose, the active uptake of sugar is not disturbed; but the effect of sucrose on growth decreases, and it completly disappears when mannitol concentration in the medium is such, to make the value of Δ P.O. for the cotyledons in sucrose plus mannitol equal to the Δ P.O. for the cotyledons incubated in water.

  • Besides increasing the P.O. in the cotyledons, sucrose markedly accelerates the decrease of free aminoacid in the isolated cotyledons.

  • Auxin (β—indolacetic acid) does not stimulate, or stimulates weakly, growth of the cotyledon incubated in water; some stimulation can be observed only when sucrose is present. Gibberellic acid stimulates growth (though to a much lower extent than sucrose) in the cotyledons in water, while its action does no longer appear when sugar is present.

The decrease of free aminoacid together with other observations, indicates an effect of sucrose on protein metabolism; however, growth stimulation by sucrose seems to depend essentially on its active accumulation - against a concentration gradient - and thuson the increase of osmotic pressure. It is thus suggested that in these tissues osmotic pressure is the most important factor in limiting growth by cell extension.  相似文献   


Marine mycoflora of Portofino bay.—On a detrital limestone in Portofino bay, wood panels of Fraxinus ornus, Abies alba, Ochroma lagopus, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Pinus pinaster, Populus alba and Olea europaea have been laid as bait in different periods of the year to show the incidental seasonal influence on the installation of fungine species.

A different seasonal frequency has been noticed also concerning fouling organisms. The wooden bait has been fished out after a minimum time of 50 and a maximum of 283 days, and incubated in a moist chamber to foster growth and isolation of fungi.

Lulworthia medusa is one of the most frequent species and fructifies plentifully near corpses and holes of the isopod Limnoria tripunctata.

This ascomycete fructifies also on wood panels incubated in Petri dishes in contact with filter paper imbued with bacteria, whereas it does not fructify in culture if strips of the same paper are sterilized. It seems therefore that bacteria carry on an important role in the complex relations between isopod crustaceans and fungi; Limnoria carrying bacteria stimulated the forming of perithecia of Lulworthia. This lignicolous fungus has been isolated in two different species, according to the length of the mucillagineous appendages of the ascospora and on some physiological characters.

The presence of Trichocladium achrasporum for the Mediterranean, of Halosphaeria maritima for the Italian seas are reported for the first time; the presence of Nia vibrissa and of Humicola alopallonella is reported for the second time for Italy. Papulaspora halima has been isolated again, after protracted immersion and incubation. The partiality for temperate-cold temperatures of Cirrenalia macrocephala and of Corollospora maritima is confirmed. Other ubiquitous species are reported, and the hypothesis of Ceriosporiopsis halima flourishing in polluted water is renewed.  相似文献   


INTRACELLULAR LOCALIZATION OF CHLOROGENIC ACID OXIDASE IN AGED POTATO TUBER DISCS. — The localization in the cells of chlorogenic acid oxidase has been investigated in potato tubers and discs of potato tuber. It has been ascertained that the rise of activity per gram of tissue, after preparation of discs, is not due to bacterial or fungal growth. The activity is widely distributed among cell fractions. Some activity is found in mitochondria, while most of the activity is distributed among soluble fraction and a « microsomal » fraction sedimented by centrifugation in the range 15.000–50.000 x g. This fraction appears to contain mitochondrial fragments, fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. When tuber discs are aged, the rise of chlorogenic acid oxidase activity is much larger in the soluble than in particulate fraction.  相似文献   

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