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In a series of experiments the influence of the trypsin inhibitors aprotinin (Trasylol) and TLCK (N-p-tosyl-L-lysin chloromethyl ketone) on the gelatinolytic activity of acrosin and motility of rabbit spermatozoa was tested. Ejaculated, highly motile spermatozoa were washed in Brackett-Medium. 12.5 to 1000 microns Aprotinin and 50 to 1000 micrograms TLCK, respectively, were added to samples of 1 ml sperm suspension: the specimens were incubated at 37 degrees C. Increasing aprotinin concentrations reduced the gelatinolytic activity of acrosin and the sperm incubation at a concentration of 1000 micrograms Aprotinin/ml sperm. Spermatozoa in all TLCK specimens were entirely immotile 1.5 hours after incubation. The gelatinolytic activity of acrosin was obviously not inhibited at any TLCK concentration. These results suggest that, under these experimental conditions, aprotinin and TLCK may impair primarily the motility spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Forty-two mature Baladi female rabbits were used in a randomized 3x2 factorial experiment to determine the effects of three treatments (control, progesterone injection: 2 mg/doe and DES injection: 0.1 mg/doe) and two semen sperm cell concentrations (1x10(6) and 60x10(6) sperm/0.25 ml semen on sperm transport and distribution in the female reproductive tract. The injections were given for three consecutive days after which rabbits were injected with 5 IU HCG and inseminated with 0.25 ml semen. The does were sacrificed 10 hrs after insemination and the sperm were recovered and counted from the oviducts, uterine horns, cervices and vagina. Total spermatozoa recovered was high when rabbits were inseminated with 60x10(6) sperm as compared to those inseminated with 1x10(6) sperm. When rabbits were injected with progesterone or DES, the number of sperm recovered relative to the total number of sperm inseminated was high in rabbits inseminated with 1x10(6) sperm, in comparison to those inseminated with 6x10(6) sperm. The number of sperm recovered was highest from cervix which was followed by vagina, uterus and oviducts. DES increased the number of the total sperm recovered while progesterone decreased the number as compared to control. This trend was also observed within the different segments of the reproductive tract and with groups inseminated with 1x10(6) or 60x10(6) sperm/0.25 ml semen. The effect of DES was more obvious with does inseminated with low sperm numbers. Significant correlation coefficients were found between the sperm numbers recovered in the uterus and oviducts and in the cervix and uterus of all groups of rabbits.  相似文献   

Mice of the PL/J strain exhibit a high percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm and provide a model for studying the function of abnormal sperm. The ability of such sperm to reach the site of fertilization within the female reproductive tract has been investigated. We have found a decrease in the percentage of structurally abnormal sperm within the population that reaches the oviduct. This observation suggests either that there is an active selection against abnormal sperm or that they are physiologically disadvantaged in reaching the site of fertilization.  相似文献   

An investigation was performed to study the interaction of Trasylol with both trypsin-pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) and alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2-M)-trypsin-PSTI complexes. Trasylol was readily able to displace immunogenic PSTI from a complex with trypsin in vitro. A similar scale of displacement of PSTI by Trasylol from alpha 2-M-trypsin-PSTI complexes could not be demonstrated. Using complexes manufactured in vitro with 125I-labelled PSTI, we found that only a small percentage of the PSTI label could be liberated, even when presented with amounts of Trasylol in a 10-molar excess to the PSTI.  相似文献   

Bucks immunized with the bacteriophage-cloning vector fd-tet display strong humoral seminal immunity of 1.5 x 10(6) fd-tet neutralizing units (nu) ml-1. We used this model to study the distribution of seminal immunoglobulin in the female reproductive tract after copulation and artificial insemination. In contrast to artificial insemination, significant (P < 0.01) amounts (147 nu ml-1, i.e. about 1.25 x 10(-4) input ejaculate) of neutralizing activity reached the uterus within 20 min of a single copulation, which is evidence for rapid transport of seminal plasma to distal parts of the tract. Oviducts were also quickly impregnated with antibodies to fd-tet, which persist in the distal compartments for at least 24 h.  相似文献   

Reproductive tracts from 23 female muskoxen were collected from the Canadian high arctic during annual native muskox hunts. Twenty tracts were collected during the late breeding season and the last third of pregnancy or anoestrus, with 3 additional specimens taken just before the breeding season in August. The non-gravid muskox uterus was very similar to that of sheep and goats except for two features found in parous muskoxen. The first was endometrial pigmentation found only in the caruncles and associated with a dense collection of lipofuscin granules in the endometrial stroma. The second was a prominent 5 mm deep band of muscular tissue protruding from the antimesometrial border of the uterine horns throughout most of their length. The pregnant uterus and the fetal membranes of the muskox resembled homologous structures in domestic ruminants. However, there was no morphological evidence of a corpus luteum during late pregnancy, apart from a luteal scar in the ovary ipsilateral to the pregnant horn. Of the 4 females collected at the end of the breeding season, 2 lactating females were apparently not cyclic while 2 others had more than one CL, suggesting that they had undergone at least 2 cycles without conceiving or remaining pregnant.  相似文献   

66 women of reproductive age with different course of the inflammatory process in the upper section of the reproductive tract (endometritis and salpingo-oophoritis) were examined. The cell composition, viability and functional activity of the phagocytizing cells of cervical and endometrial secretions, as well as peritoneal exudate, were studied. The study revealed that these characteristics of the phagocytizing cells of the reproductive tract in women with the inflammatory process differed from similar characteristics in healthy women. Different changes in the functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in the biological fluids under study in different course of the inflammatory process were detected.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mating behaviour, sperm transfer and sperm precedence were studied in the moth Spodoptera litura (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). There existed a rhythmic, diel pattern of mating behaviour of this moth during the scotophase, presumably set with respect to an endogenous activity rhythm. Approximately 30 min after copulation had started, the formation of the corpus of the spermatophore began in the bursa copulatrix of the female moth, but full inflation of the corpus was not completed until 45–60 min after mating had started. The mature spermatophore contained about 350 eupyrene sperm bundles and a large number of individual (loose) apyrene spermatozoa. The mating status and the age of the male insect influenced the number of sperm transferred to the female within the spermatophore, and also affected the consequent fertility. There was no evidence of sperm reflux within the male tract. Within the female, dissociation of eupyrene sperm bundles was evident within the spermatophore less than 15 min after the completion of mating. Spermatozoa began to move from the bursa (in which the spermatophore is lodged) into the spermatheca 30–45 min after the end of the copulation, and the quantity of sperm in the spermatheca reached a plateau at 90 min after mating. Apyrene sperm reached the spermatheca first, followed by eupyrene sperm. Examination of total (apyrene plus eupyrene) sperm in the female tract showed that 86% of mated females received an apparently normal amount of total sperm from the male. Examination of eupyrene sperm alone showed that 81% of matings resulted in an apparently normal transfer of eupyrene sperm. A small proportion (approximately 8%) of the matings, however, were identified as transferring a clearly subnormal quantity of eupyrene sperm to the spermatheca. The eggs produced as a result of such pairings displayed much reduced fertility (about 43%) compared to those from matings confirmed to have transferred normal quantities of sperm, which showed about 92% fertility. This shows that the availability of eupyrene sperm in the spermatheca may be an important constraint on fertility in normal populations of insects. In the laboratory, S. litura females exhibited multiple matings. Of the females, 93% mated, and the mean frequency of mating was 1.69. Mating with a fertile male led to the oviposition of an increased number of eggs. This effect continued even when the female subsequently mated with an infertile male. Displacement of sperm from previous matings is known to be an important factor in the evolution of multiple mating strategies. Our results on sperm utilization by S. litura indicated that after a second mating, the sperm utilized for subsequent fertilization were almost exclusively from the last mating with little mixing. The proportion of eggs fertilized by sperm from the second mating (P2) was calculated as 0.95, indicating almost complete sperm precedence from the last mating.  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the female reproductive tract of the Indonesian wild pig Babyrousa celebensis was studied by means of reproductive tracts obtained from seven animals aged between two and 22 years of age. The ovary appeared to have the ability to ovulate up to four ova at one time. However, the combined ovarian output seemed to average 1.86 ova. Ovulation can take place at any time from puberty to old age (22 years). The opening to the uterine tube was indicated by a ‘flower-like' array of tall, broad epithelial ‘petals' arising from the luminal surface of the funnel. The mucosal surfaces of these structures were covered in a mixture of prominent ciliated cells and bulbous secretory cells. The uterine tube followed a tightly convoluted path to the tip of the uterine horn. The uterus was proportionately short. The anatomical construction of the uterus was similar to those of other suids in that the columnar endometrium was heavily folded, there was a rich supply of uterine glands in the lamina propria, and the uterus was provided with a good blood supply. The cervix was thick walled and had a spiral lumen.  相似文献   

The study uniquely described the clinical value of transabdominal ultrasonography for monitoring features characterizing the estrous cycle in female cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). The reproductive tracts of 21 female, nulliparous, and relatively aged (median: 11 and interquartile range: 9.25–14 years) captive cheetahs resident on two sites in Namibia were assessed by transabdominal ultrasound. Subsequently, the ovarian findings on ultrasound were compared with direct visualization while performing laparoscopic sterilization. A combination of these observations supported by concurrent sampling for vaginal cytology and serum progesterone concentrations defined the estrous status of individual animals. At one site, six cheetahs had been implanted with the GnRH agonist, deslorelin as a contraceptive at least once within the preceding 11 years. On ultrasound, 31 uterine horns and 35 ovaries with discernible structures on 28 (86%) were visualized in the 21 cheetahs. The uterine body was difficult to visualize because of its intrapelvic location. Eleven of 19 uteri (58%) visualized showed endometrial edema suggestive of estrogenization. The uteri of four cheetahs (19%) showed evidence of mild cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Paraovarian cysts were seen on ultrasound (n = 21) and laparoscopy (n = 26) in 16 (76.2%) and 18 (85.7%) cheetahs, respectively. Ovarian volumes obtained from ultrasonographically determined dimensions predicted cyclic activity. Laparoscopy showed that 19 ovaries had discernible follicular structures. In the study population, 10 (47.6%) cheetahs were in proestrus or estrus; none in the luteal phase; and 11 (52.4%) in anestrus. Transabdominal ultrasound, in combination with serum progesterone concentrations and vaginal cytology, was used with acceptable accuracy to assess cyclic ovarian activity in captive cheetahs. A considerable proportion of this aged population showed ovarian activity and the prevalence of paraovarian cysts was notable. A history of prior deslorelin treatment was not associated with either reproductive activity or uterine pathology.  相似文献   

Proteins in the female reproductive tract of Heligmosomoides polygyrus at days 8, 16, 35, 90, and 140 postinfection (PI) were examined using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Sixteen-day-old and 140-day-old worms also were examined histochemically. Egg production of these worms was assessed for each age group. In analyzing proteins using electrophoresis, the reproductive tracts were separated into 3 sections: the tip, or anteriormost part of tract, containing oogonia; the middle region, containing developing oocytes; and the posterior region, containing the uterus with fertilized eggs. Three major reproductive tract proteins were identified as having molecular weights of greater than 140 kDa, 115 kDa, and 82 kDa. These were found in all parts of the reproductive tract from worms of all ages except those at 8 days PI (which are too young to produce eggs) and are believed to be yolk proteins. Four low molecular weight proteins (L1-4) are believed to be nucleoproteins. L4 was absent from the posterior section of the reproductive tracts and L3 was limited to the posterior sections and may be associated with sperm stored in the uterus. Of 5 high molecular weight proteins the second heaviest, designated H2, appeared to be relatively more concentrated in the posterior sections of the reproductive tract. An 85-kDa protein was limited to the tip and middle sections of reproductive tracts. Histochemical tests on sectioned H. polygyrus showed strong positive reactions for protein in cytoplasmic granules in developing oocytes and in eggs of younger worms (16 days) but a reduced reaction in older worms (140 days). Strains for collagen showed a slight positive reaction in and between developing oocytes and a strong reaction in the egg shells. Stains for nucleoproteins particularly reacted with sperm stored in the uterus, and slightly reacted with fertilized eggs and the nucleoli of the intestinal and ovarian epithelium. Egg production by H. polygyrus increased to 123 eggs/female/day by 16 days PI but declined from 121 eggs/female/day at 35 days PI to 64 eggs/female/day in worms 140 days old. Electrophoresis indicated no loss in the different types of proteins in the reproductive tract of older worms, but histochemistry and protein content assays suggest that older worms that produce fewer eggs contain a relatively smaller amount of protein in the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

The use of transabdominal ultrasonography to assess the oestrous cycle has not been previously described in the African lion (Panthera leo). Twelve sexually mature lionesses and five female cubs had their reproductive organs assessed by transabdominal ultrasound. Ovarian findings were compared to laparoscopic findings while performing laparoscopic ovariectomy or salpingectomy. Vaginal cytology was performed and serum progesterone levels were determined. By combining all data the oestrous cycle stage of each lion was determined. One lion was far pregnant and was not operated on. In adults a uterine body could be seen ultrasonographically in 67% of lions while mural structures could be distinguished in 44% of lions. Five uterine horns could be seen in 3 lions. In 12 adults 10 ovaries were found of which eight had discernable follicles or luteal structures. During laparoscopy 12 active ovaries were seen with luteal structures seen in 11 ovaries and follicles in 2 ovaries. Using laparoscopy as the gold standard, ultrasonography had a sensitivity of 66% and specificity of 83% to detect ovarian reproductive activity. Two uterine cysts and a cluster of periovarian cysts were seen in three different lions. Three lions were pregnant, two were in oestrus, three in a luteal phase (dioestrus), and four were in anoestrus. Transabdominal ultrasound in combination with serum progesterone levels and vaginal cytology can be used to assess ovarian cyclical activity with reasonable accuracy in captive bred lions.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological analysis of the female reproductive tract in macroglossine bats was undertaken to test the hypothesis that nectarivory arose at least twice within Old World fruit bats. Given that features of the female reproductive tract are not directly involved in adaptations for feeding, this data set should provide a test of the monophyly of macroglossine bats. A cladistic analysis of variation in the structure of the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, and external genitalia supports the hypothesis that Megaloglossus has developed a nectar-feeding habit independent of other macroglossine genera. Most of the variation in female reproductive organs among pteropodids is found in the development of derived external and internal features of the uterus. Fusion of uterine cornua, expansion of the common uterine body, and elaboration of the cervical region are found in a group which includes species of Pteropus, Dobsonia, Nyctimene, and the macroglossines (excluding Megaloglossus). Results of this study are concordant with independent data sets, thus providing a phylogenetic framework to evaluate critically structural and functional design in the evolution of pteropodid feeding mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study examined proteolytic enzymes and serine proteinase inhibitors in turkey seminal plasma with relation to their distribution within the reproductive tract and to yellow semen syndrome (YSS). Proteases of blood plasma, extracts from the reproductive tract, and seminal plasma were analyzed by gelatin zymography. We found a clear regional distribution of proteolytic enzymes in the turkey reproductive tract. Each part was characterized by a unique profile of serine proteolytic enzymes of molecular weights ranging from 29 to 88 kDa. The ductus deferens was found to be a site of very intense proteolytic activity. Two metalloproteases of 58 and 66 kDa were detected in all parts of the reproductive tract and seminal plasma. Using electrophoretic methods for detection of anti-trypsin activity, we found three serine proteinase inhibitors in turkey seminal plasma. Two inhibitors were found in the testis and epididymis and a third in the ductus deferens and seminal plasma. Blood plasma was characterized by the presence of two metalloproteinases and one serine proteinase inhibitor (of low migration rate) that were also detected in the reproductive tract. Amidase and anti-trypsin activities (expressed per gram of protein) differed for yellow and white seminal plasma. We concluded that turkey seminal plasma contains metalloproteases, serine proteinases, and serine proteinase inhibitors. The metalloproteases and one proteinase inhibitor are related to blood proteinases but the other two inhibitors and serine proteinases seem to be unique for the reproductive tract.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the induction of buffalo sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction in the excised reproductive tract of hamsters at the estrogen- and progesterone-dominated stages of estrus. The percentages of the maximum capacitation and acrosome reaction were significatly (P < 0.01) higher for spermatozoa incubated in the uterus with oviducts of estrogen dominated hamsters compared with those incubated in BWW medium in a test tube (64.6%, 60.2%; 16.2%, 14.7%). Buffalo spermatozoa incubated in the uterus and oviducts of progesterone-dominated hamsters showed significantly (P < 0.01) lower capacitation and acrosome reaction rates than those incubated in the uterus and oviducts of estrogen-dominated hamsters (34.8%, 34.3%: 64.6%, 60.2%). The percentage of capacitation and acrosome reaction in spermatozoa were significantly (P < 0.01) more when incubated in the uterus plus oviducts than without the oviduct irrespective of whether the reproduct tract of hamster was estrogen- or progesterone-dominated. The time for the onset of maximum capacitation and acrosome reaction was reduced from 12 to 10 h when the spermatozoa were incubated in the hamster reproductive tract rather than in BWW medium in test tubes. The significance of the results in relation to hormonal regulation of sperm capaciation and acrosome reaction are also discussed.  相似文献   

Daily administration of cannabis extract (mice: 1 mg/day, rats: 5 mg/day for a period of 64 days) results in a cessation of ovarian cyclic activity as judged by vaginal smear and the absence of corpora-lutea in the ovaries of treated rats and mice. Distinct effects are produced upon uterine tissue. Uterine glands were regressed and the stromal edema was conspicuous. Cannabis extract resulted in a decreased uterine RNA, glycogen, and sialic acid concentration. It also brings about a significant depletion in the level of adrenal ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

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