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Kelp communities are experiencing exacerbated heat-related impacts from more intense, frequent, and deeper marine heatwaves (MHWs), imperiling the long-term survival of kelp forests in the climate change scenario. The occurrence of deep thermal anomalies is of critical importance, as elevated temperatures can impact kelp populations across their entire bathymetric range. This study evaluates the impact of MHWs on mature sporophytes of Pterygophora californica (walking kelp) from the bathymetric extremes (8–10 vs. 25–27 m) of a population situated in Baja California (Mexico). The location is near the southernmost point of the species's broad distribution (from Alaska to Mexico). The study investigated the ecophysiological responses (e.g., photobiology, nitrate uptake, oxidative stress) and growth of adult sporophytes through a two-phase experiment: warming simulating a MHW and a post-MHW phase without warming. Generally, the effects of warming differed depending on the bathymetric origin of the sporophytes. The MHW facilitated essential metabolic functions of deep-water sporophytes, including photosynthesis, and promoted their growth. In contrast, shallow-water sporophytes displayed metabolic stress, reduced growth, and oxidative damage. Upon the cessation of warming, certain responses, such as a decline in nitrate uptake and net productivity, became evident in shallow-water sporophytes, implying a delay in heat-stress response. This indicates that variation in temperatures can result in more prominent effects than warming alone. The greater heat tolerance of sporophytes in deeper waters shows convincing evidence that deep portions of P. californica populations have the potential to serve as refuges from the harmful impacts of MHWs on shallow reefs.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were isolated from sporophytes and from gametophyte cultures of several species in the order Laminariales. For each example, the isolation and culture procedures were investigated systematically, to identify conditions leading to plant regeneration. After dedifferentiation through a filamentous stage, protoplasts isolated from adultLaminaria saccharina sporophytes regenerated polystichous bladelets. In contrast, cells isolated fromLaminaria digitata sporophytes proved recalcitrant in culture, except when the donor plants were undifferentiated sporelings. The most critical factors for protoplast development were the origin of explants, the osmoticum used for cell isolation, cultivation in plain seawater, and the absence of stress during the first two weeks of culture. We also found that protoplast isolation from the sporophytes of members of the Laminariales results in the release of hydrogen peroxide, up to 5–120 μM final concentration in the macerating medium, a characteristic which may be related to protoplast recalcitrance. Protoplasts isolated from the gametophytic phase readily regenerated into normal gametophytes, capable of gametogenesis and producing sporophytes by fertilization.  相似文献   

Species may circumvent the impacts of climate warming if the habitats they use reduce ambient temperature. In this study, we identified which frog species from a tropical montane rain forest in the Philippines may be vulnerable to climate warming. To do so, we selected five anuran species that utilize four breeding habitats and identified the sensitivity and exposure of tadpoles and direct‐developer eggs to heat by measuring their critical thermal maximums (CTmax) and the habitat‐specific temperatures they experience. Our study species included two direct‐developer frogs—one species that lays its eggs on exposed leaves, and another that lays its eggs in ferns—and three species that produce aquatic free‐swimming tadpoles—two stream breeders, and one phytotelm (tree hole) breeder. We compared thermal tolerances derived from microclimates of breeding habitats with tolerances derived from macroclimate (i.e., non‐buffered air temperature taken from the rain forest canopy). We also examined whether differences in CTmax existed across life‐history stages (egg, metamorph/young‐of‐year, and adult) for the two direct‐developer frog species. Habitats buffered ambient temperature and expanded thermal tolerances of all frog species. We found that direct‐developers, however, are more vulnerable to increased temperatures than aquatic breeders—indicated by their high sensitivity to temperature, and exposure to high temperatures. Direct‐developer eggs were more sensitive to warming than both metamorph and adult life‐history stages. Thermally buffered microhabitats may represent the only protection against current and impending climate warming. Our data highlight the importance of considering sensitivity and exposure in unison when deciphering warming vulnerability of frogs.  相似文献   

Climate change is affecting marine ecosystems in many ways, including raising temperatures and leading to ocean acidification. From 2014 to 2016, an extensive marine heat wave extended along the west coast of North America and had devastating effects on numerous species, including bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana). Bull kelp is an important foundation species in coastal ecosystems and can be affected by marine heat waves and ocean acidification; however, the impacts have not been investigated on sensitive early life stages. To determine the effects of changing temperatures and carbonate levels on Northern California's bull kelp populations, we collected sporophylls from mature bull kelp individuals in Point Arena, CA. At the Bodega Marine Laboratory, we released spores from field-collected bull kelp, and cultured microscopic gametophytes in a common garden experiment with a fully factorial design crossing modern conditions (11.63 ± 0.54°C and pH 7.93 ± 0.26) with observed extreme climate conditions (15.56 ± 0.83°C and 7.64 ± 0.32 pH). Our results indicated that both increased temperature and decreased pH influenced growth and egg production of bull kelp microscopic stages. Increased temperature resulted in decreased gametophyte survival and offspring production. In contrast, decreased pH had less of an effect but resulted in increased gametophyte survival and offspring production. Additionally, increased temperature significantly impacted reproductive timing by causing female gametophytes to produce offspring earlier than under ambient temperature conditions. Our findings can inform better predictions of the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems and provide key insights into environmental dynamics regulating the bull kelp lifecycle.  相似文献   

Understanding of the physiological responses of kelp to environmental parameters is crucial, especially in the context of environmental change that may have contributed to the decline of kelp forests all over the world. The current study presents the photosynthetic characteristics of the macroscopic sporophyte and microscopic gametophyte stages of the brown alga Alaria crassifolia from Hokkaido, Japan, as determined by examining their photosynthetic responses over a range of temperature and irradiance using dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Net photosynthetic rates of the sporophyte were consistently higher than those of gametophyte across temperature gradients and irradiance levels. Photosynthesis–irradiance curves at 8°C, 16°C, and 20°C revealed similar initial slopes (α = 0.4–0.9) on the two life history stages, but higher compensation (E c = 4–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1) and saturation irradiances (E k = 53–103 μmol photons m?2 s?1) for the sporophyte than for the gametophyte (E c = 0–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1; E k = 7–10 μmol photons m?2 s?1). Both stages exhibited chronic photoinhibition, as shown by the failure of recovery in their maximum quantum yields (F v/F m) following high irradiance stress, with greater possibility of photodamage at low temperature. Gametophytes were less sensitive to low temperatures than sporophytes, given their relatively stable F v/F m response. Nevertheless, temperature optima for photosynthesis of both stages coincide with each other at 20–23°C, which correspond to the growth and maturation periods of A. crassifolia in Japan. This species is also likely to suffer from thermal inhibition as both GP rates and F v/F m decreased above 24°C.  相似文献   

Warming ocean temperatures have been linked to kelp forest declines worldwide, and elevated temperatures can act synergistically with other local stressors to exacerbate kelp loss. The bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana is the primary canopy-forming kelp species in the Salish Sea, where it is declining in areas with elevated summer water temperatures and low nutrient concentrations. To determine the interactive effects of these two stressors on microscopic stages of N. luetkeana, we cultured gametophytes and microscopic sporophytes from seven different Salish Sea populations across seven different temperatures (10–22°C) and two nitrogen concentrations. The thermal tolerance of microscopic gametophytes and sporophytes was similar across populations, and high temperatures were more stressful than low nitrogen levels. Additional nitrogen did not improve gametophyte or sporophyte survival at high temperatures. Gametophyte densities were highest between 10 and 16°C and declined sharply at 18°C, and temperatures of 20 and 22°C were lethal. The window for successful sporophyte production was narrower, peaking at 10–14°C. Across all populations, the warmest temperature at which sporophytes were produced was 16 or 18°C, but sporophyte densities were 78% lower at 16°C and 95% lower at 18°C compared to cooler temperatures. In the field, bottom temperatures revealed that the thermal limits of gametophyte growth (18°C) and sporophyte production (16–18°C) were reached during the summer at multiple sites. Prolonged exposure of bull kelp gametophytes to temperatures of 16°C and above could limit reproduction, and therefore recruitment, of adult kelp sporophytes.  相似文献   

Habitat forming algae play an important role in the ecology of temperate reefs worldwide. Despite this, our understanding of levels of gene flow within and among populations of algae is largely limited to studies on intertidal species; we know comparatively little about important habitat-forming subtidal algae. Here, we develop eight polymorphic microsatellite markers for the characterisation of population genetic diversity and structure in the subtidal kelp, Ecklonia radiata. This large macroalga is the most abundant habitat-forming kelp on the subtidal rocky reefs of temperate Australia and New Zealand where it forms extensive forests that support an astounding diversity of associated taxa.  相似文献   

To investigate seasonal changes in the taxon richness and abundance of mobile invertebrates inhabiting holdfasts of the warm temperate annual kelp Ecklonia radicosa, five holdfasts were collected monthly at the central Pacific coast of Japan from April to November 2014. During the study period, there was little variation in holdfast height and diameter, which ranged from 5.9 to 8.5 cm and from 7.1 to 10.8 cm, respectively. In total 7087 animals were collected from 40 holdfasts (177.2 individuals inds./holdfast, on average). The number of mobile invertebrates gradually increased from May (15 ± 9.9 inds./holdfast) to August (346 ± 152.5 inds./holdfast), with over 300 inds./holdfast until October before rapidly decreasing in November (110 ± 85.6 inds./holdfast). Similarly, taxon richness increased gradually from April (4.3 ± 1.0 taxa/holdfast) to August (11.0 ± 3.7 taxa/holdfast), and decreased in November (8.6 ± 2.3 taxa/holdfast). Interestingly, hundreds of mobile invertebrates inhabited holdfasts of kelp plants that had shed their blade in October and November. Taxon composition from August to October and the number of invertebrates from July to November were comparable to data previously reported for perennial kelps. In this study, the importance of annual Ecklonian species as biogenic habitats was demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of kelps to elevated temperatures has been linked to recent declines in some kelp populations, with cascading impacts on marine communities. However, it remains unclear how thermal stress affects the ability of kelps to respond to other environmental factors, which could influence their vulnerability to climate change. We investigated the effect of thermal stress on the ability of the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana to acclimate to its surrounding hydrodynamic environment through tension-regulated plasticity in blade morphology. We first determined optimal and stressful temperatures for N. luetkeana by measuring growth over nine temperatures from 5°C to 22°C. We then exposed N. luetkeana blades to a factorial combination of temperature (13°C and 20°C) and tension (0.5 N and 2.0 N) simulating different flow conditions, and measured changes in blade length and width after 7 days. The temperature at which N. luetkeana exhibited maximum growth was estimated to be ~11.9°C, though growth was high over a relatively wide temperature range. When thermally stressed, N. luetkeana maintained morphological responses to simulated high flow, but were inhibited from acclimating to low flow, indicated by an inability of blades to widen. Our results suggest that N. luetkeana in sheltered habitats may be particularly vulnerable to climate warming, where an inability to adjust blade morphology to local hydrodynamic conditions could drive declines at sublethal levels of warming. As ecologically important foundation species, declines in sheltered kelp populations could result in major biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The adverse effects of high temperatures on the early life stages of anadromous whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were experimentally examined by assessing fertilization success, the percentage of developmental abnormalities, cumulative mortality and the rate of embryogenesis across a range of temperatures. Temperatures ≥ 7° C increased the proportion of unfertilized and abnormally dividing eggs, deformed embryos and consequent mortality. The higher the temperature, the more severe were the effects. When eggs were fertilized and constantly incubated at various temperatures, the effective level for 50% of the eggs and embryos (EL50) of temperature was 7·6° C at the developmental stage when eye pigmentation was visible. Fewer developmental abnormalities and a lower cumulative mortality rate were observed when embryos were exposed to high temperatures from the later, gastrula stage, than from fertilization or the four‐cell stage. Irrespective of retarded development in terms of day‐degrees (i.e. the sum of daily mean temperatures), a high incubation temperature reduced the development time of C. lavaretus, leading to earlier hatching, and hatched fry were shorter than at the reference temperature of 4–5° C. Global warming will particularly pose risks for stenothermic species such as C. lavaretus, with early life stages being especially susceptible. Thus, relatively small increases and fluctuations in river water temperatures during the spawning season of this anadromous species may have substantial negative impacts on its recruitment and population persistence.  相似文献   

Aim Within clades, most taxa are rare, whilst few are common, a general pattern for which the causes remain poorly understood. Here we investigate the relationship between thermal performance (tolerance and acclimation ability) and the size of a species’ geographical range for an assemblage of four ecologically similar European diving beetles (the Agabus brunneus group) to examine whether thermal physiology relates to latitudinal range extent, and whether Brown’s hypothesis and the environmental variability hypothesis apply to these taxa. Location Europe. Methods In order to determine the species tolerances to either low or high temperatures we measured the lethal thermal limits of adults, previously acclimated at one of two temperatures, by means of thermal ramping experiments (± 1°C min?1). These measures of upper and lower thermal tolerances (UTT and LTT respectively) were then used to estimate each species’ thermal tolerance range, as total thermal tolerance polygons and marginal UTT and LTT thermal polygons. Results Overall, widespread species have higher UTTs and lower LTTs than restricted ones. Mean upper lethal limits of the Agabus brunneus group (43 to 46°C), are similar to those of insects living at similar latitudes, whilst mean lower lethal limits (?6 to ?9°C) are relatively high, suggesting that this group is not particularly cold‐hardy compared with other mid‐temperate‐latitude insects. Widespread species possess the largest thermal tolerance ranges and have a relatively symmetrical tolerance to both high and low temperatures, when compared with range‐restricted relatives. Over the temperature range employed, adults did not acclimate to either high or low temperatures, contrasting with many insect groups, and suggesting that physiological plasticity has a limited role in shaping distribution. Main conclusions Absolute thermal niche appears to be a good predictor of latitudinal range, supporting both Brown’s hypothesis and the environmental variability hypothesis. Restricted‐range species may be more susceptible to the direct effect of climate change than widespread species, notwithstanding the possibility that even ‘thermally‐hardy’, widespread species may be influenced by the indirect effects of climate change such as reduction in habitat availability in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the contents of two photosynthates, namely, mannitol and laminaran, were investigated in Ecklonia cava Kjellman with reference to its maturation. The samples were collected from a depth of 8 m in Nishiki Bay, central Japan. The mannitol and laminaran contents in the bladelets were measured. We also determined the content of these photosynthates in the bladelets occupying different positions on the frond and in the sorus and non‐sorus portions of the bladelets. The maturation of sori initiated in July and peaked in October. The content of the two photosynthates in the bladelets was low in winter; this coincided with the active formation of new bladelets. Mannitol levels were high during the beginning of the maturation season in summer. Laminaran, in particular, was present in the bladelets only in summer. The laminaran content was higher in the sorus portions than in the non‐sorus ones; however, the mannitol content was almost equal in both portions. The laminaran content was high only in the bladelets just prior to maturation and in the mature bladelets at the beginning of the maturation season. These results suggested that mannitol and laminaran were important energy sources for the maturation of E. cava from summer to autumn, and laminaran in particular was closely associated with the maturation of reproductive structures.  相似文献   

We analyzed relative sensitivities to ozone partial pressure for male gametophytes (pollen and pollen tubes) of five tree-crop species in the family Rosaceae (almond, apple, apricot, nectarine/peach, pear) and of four cultivars of almond. Relative sensitivities to ozone partial pressure were previously described using field-based, whole-plant, physiological measurements for the sporophytes of each of the species and cultivars used in this study. Our objective was to determine the extent of correlation between sporophyte and gametophyte responses to ozone among and within these tree species. If the relative sensitivities prove to be similar for the two generations, two research strategies become possible for breeders interested in developing new cultivars with improved tolerance to atmospheric ozone: First, because screening large numbers of sporophytes for their responses to ozone partial pressure is a formidable task, exploiting the much more easily manipulated male gametophyte generation for large-scale screening of individuals for ozone tolerance could greatly facilitate identification and selection of tolerant genotypes. Second, it opens the possibility of applying selection pressure to the gametophyte generation (as during pollen germination or pollen tube growth) to favor production of ozonetolerant progeny. Results indicate that, among and within species, relative responses of pollen tube growth to ozone partial pressure are highly correlated with that of the sporophytes. Pollen germination was inhibited by ozone treatments for all but one species (pear), but differences among and within species were neither significant nor (with the exception of pear) did they correlate with relative sporophyte sensitivities.  相似文献   

Kelps, seaweeds and seagrasses provide important ecosystem services in coastal areas, and loss of these macrophytes is a global concern. Recent surveys have documented severe declines in populations of the dominant kelp species, Saccharina latissima, along the south coast of Norway. S. latissima is a cold‐temperate species, and increasing seawater temperature has been suggested as one of the major causes of the decline. Several studies have shown that S. latissima can acclimate to a wide range of temperatures. However, local adaptations may render the extrapolation of existing results inappropriate. We investigated the potential for thermal acclimation and heat tolerance in S. latissima collected from three locations along the south coast of Norway. Plants were kept in laboratory cultures at three different growth temperatures (10, 15, and 20°C) for 4–6 weeks, after which their photosynthetic performance, fluorescence parameters, and pigment concentrations were measured. S. latissima obtained almost identical photosynthetic characteristics when grown at 10 and 15°C, indicating thermal acclimation at these temperatures. In contrast, plants grown at 20°C suffered substantial tissue deterioration, and showed reduced net photosynthetic capacity caused by a combination of elevated respiration and reduced gross photosynthesis due to lowered pigment concentrations, altered pigment composition, and reduced functionality of Photo‐system II. Our results support the hypothesis that extraordinarily high temperatures, as observed in 1997, 2002, and 2006, may have initiated the declines in S. latissima populations along the south coast of Norway. However, observations of high mortality in years with low summer temperatures suggest that reduced population resilience or other factors may have contributed to the losses.  相似文献   

Typically, laboratory studies on the physiological effects of temperature are conducted using stable acclimation temperatures. Nonetheless, information extrapolated from these studies may not accurately represent wild populations living in thermally variable environments. The aim of this study was to compare the growth rate, metabolism and swimming performance of wild Atlantic salmon exposed to cycling temperatures, 16–21°C, and stable acclimation temperatures, 16, 18.5, 21°C. Growth rate, metabolic rate, swimming performance and anaerobic metabolites did not change among acclimation groups, suggesting that within Atlantic salmon's thermal optimum range, temperature variation has no effect on these physiological properties.  相似文献   

Critical thermal maximum (CTmax) is widely used to measure upper thermal tolerance in fish but is rarely examined in embryos. Upper thermal limits generally depend on an individual's thermal history, which molds plasticity. We examined how thermal acclimation affects thermal tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos using a novel method to assess CTmax in embryos incubated under three thermal regimes. Warm acclimation was associated with an increase in embryonic upper thermal tolerance. However, CTmax variability was markedly higher than is typical for juvenile or adult salmonids.  相似文献   

The temperature and soil moisture conditions as well as vegetation patterns were studied to describe the habitat and to model the life cycle of Melanoplus frigidus, a true alpine grasshopper of the Scandes. In the low alpine belt of the Norwegian Scandes the species colonizes only the warmest microhabitats with maximum soil surface temperatures of 31°C. Vegetation of these habitats consists of shrub‐rich heath dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus and Calluna vulgaris. Using continuously measured temperature data, the development times for four different seasons were modeled and related to field observations. The maximum delay of adult molt was estimated to amount to 3 weeks, the delay being determined by the variation in spring temperature conditions between different years. The possibilities of using M. frigidus as an indicator organism of climate change effects on alpine zoo‐coenoses of the Scandes are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Thermal tolerance has a strong predictive power for understanding the ecology and distribution of organisms, as well as their responses to changes in land use and global warming. However, relatively few studies have assessed thermal tolerances for bees. 2. The present study aimed to determine whether the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) of carpenter bees (Apidae: genus Xylocopa Latreille) varies with different patterns of foraging activity and elevation. In addition, the influence of body size, body water content and relative age was examined with respect to their CTmax and differences in thoracic temperature (Tth) among species were evaluated. 3. The CTmax of one crepuscular (Xylocopa olivieri) and two diurnal species (Xylocopa violacea and Xylocopa iris) of carpenter bees was assessed at sea level on the Greek island of Lesvos. To detect variation as a result of elevation, the CTmax of a population of X. violacea at 625 m.a.s l. was assessed and compared with that from sea level. 4. Xylocopa olivieri displayed a similar CTmax to that of X. violacea but lower than that of X. iris. Body size, body water content, and relative age did not affect CTmax. In X. violacea, CTmax decreased with elevation and all three species have high Tth independent of ambient temperatures. 5. The results of the present study are consistent with variations in CTmax predicted by broad spatial and temporal patterns reported for other insects, including honey and bumble bees. The implications of the results are discussed aiming to understand the differences in the foraging pattern of these bees.  相似文献   

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