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The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a promising drug target for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) because it plays the most important role in the replication of the RNA genome. Nucleotide analogs such as remdesivir and favipiravir are thought to interfere with the RNA replication by RdRp. More specifically, they are expected to compete with nucleoside triphosphates, such as ATP. However, the process in which these drug molecules and nucleoside triphosphates are taken up by RdRp remains unknown. In this study, we performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to clarify the recognition mechanism of RdRp for these drug molecules and ATP that were at a distance. The ligand recognition ability of RdRp decreased in the order of remdesivir, favipiravir, and ATP. We also identified six recognition paths. Three of them were commonly found in all ligands, and the remaining three paths were ligand-dependent ones. In the common two paths, it was observed that the multiple lysine residues of RdRp carried the ligands to the binding site like a “bucket brigade.” In the remaining common path, the ligands directly reached the binding site. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the efficient ligand recognition by RdRp at the atomic level.  相似文献   

刘建全 《生物多样性》2016,24(9):1004-1386
已有的各个物种概念对物种的认识类似盲人摸象, 只包含了物种的某一个方面; 而一个分化后期的成熟物种应涵盖了所有的物种概念。但是, 尚未到达分化后期的物种往往又已开始新一轮的物种分化; 自然中存在的多数“物种”处于分化路上。这种循环往复连续分化产生的物种, 存在种间生殖隔离不彻底、基因流频繁发生、网状进化突出等现象。此外, 对于不同的物种对, 最早开始分化的基因以及不同物种概念所要求的条件的分化顺序不是统一的, 而是随机的。定义一个适合所有“分化路上的物种”概念存在较大困难。但是, 应采用尽可能多的物种概念来界定分化路上的物种、发表新种和进行分类处理; 也应承认种间可能广泛存在不完全的生殖隔离和有限的基因流, 即有不属于两个物种群体的杂交或回交个体的存在。这样划分的物种比只依据一个物种概念认定的物种具有更高的客观性和科学性。  相似文献   

Ocean acidification—decreasing oceanic pH resulting from the uptake of excess atmospheric CO2—has the potential to affect marine life in the future. Among the possible consequences, a series of studies on coral reef fish suggested that the direct effects of acidification on fish behavior may be extreme and have broad ecological ramifications. Recent studies documenting a lack of effect of experimental ocean acidification on fish behavior, however, call this prediction into question. Indeed, the phenomenon of decreasing effect sizes over time is not uncommon and is typically referred to as the “decline effect.” Here, we explore the consistency and robustness of scientific evidence over the past decade regarding direct effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior. Using a systematic review and meta-analysis of 91 studies empirically testing effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior, we provide quantitative evidence that the research to date on this topic is characterized by a decline effect, where large effects in initial studies have all but disappeared in subsequent studies over a decade. The decline effect in this field cannot be explained by 3 likely biological explanations, including increasing proportions of studies examining (1) cold-water species; (2) nonolfactory-associated behaviors; and (3) nonlarval life stages. Furthermore, the vast majority of studies with large effect sizes in this field tend to be characterized by low sample sizes, yet are published in high-impact journals and have a disproportionate influence on the field in terms of citations. We contend that ocean acidification has a negligible direct impact on fish behavior, and we advocate for improved approaches to minimize the potential for a decline effect in future avenues of research.  相似文献   

A reasonable degree of synchrony in the sporulation of Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum 3814 was obtained by using three 10% transfers of 8-hr cultures in a medium containing 0.5% L-arabinose, 0.5% peptone, 0.5% yeast extract, and Gc minerals. Sporulation was stimulated by L-arabinose and L-xylose, but was repressed by glucose, mannose, fructose, and D-pentoses. Sporulating cells were long and thin, whereas repressed cells were shorter and thicker. The optimal pH for sporulation was in the range of pH 5.0 to 5.5. As sporulation continued, the accumulated acetate decreased. Label studies indicated that a significant amount of acetate-2-C14 was incorporated into the spore lipid. The calcium, phosphorus, and dipicolinic acid (DPA) concentrations on a dry weight basis were 2.55, 2.60, and 7.25%, respectively. The molar ratio of Ca-DPA was 1.47.  相似文献   

A “new” red cell antigen has been found so far only in members of Hutterite kindreds with the surname Waldner. The antigen, Wda, is inherited as an autosomal dominant and is not part of the ABO, Chido, Colton, Dombrock, Duffy, Kidd, MN, P, or Rh blood group systems.  相似文献   


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