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Genetic determinants of dengue type 4 virus neurovirulence for mice.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
H Kawano  V Rostapshov  L Rosen    C J Lai 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6567-6575
Mouse-adapted dengue type 4 virus (DEN4) strain H241 is highly neurovirulent for mice, whereas its non-mouse-adapted parent is rarely neurovirulent. The genetic basis for the neurovirulence of the mouse-adapted mutant was studied by comparing intratypic chimeric viruses that contained the three structural protein genes from the parental virus or the neurovirulent mutant in the background sequence of nonneurovirulent DEN4 strain 814669. The chimera that contained the three structural protein genes from mouse neurovirulent DEN4 strain H241 proved to be highly neurovirulent in mice, whereas the chimera that contained the corresponding genes from its non-mouse-adapted parent was not neurovirulent. This finding indicates that most of the genetic loci for the neurovirulence of the DEN4 mutant lie within the structural protein genes. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of the parent and its mouse neurovirulent mutant proteins revealed that there were only five amino acid differences in the structural protein region, and three of these were located in the envelope (E) glycoprotein. Analysis of chimeras which contained one or two of the variant amino acids of the mutant E sequence substituting for the corresponding sequence of the parental virus identified two of these amino acid changes as important determinants of mouse neurovirulence. First, the single substitution of Ile for Thr-155 which ablated one of the two conserved glycosylation sites in parental E yielded a virus that was almost as neurovirulent as the mouse-adapted mutant. Thus, the loss of an E glycosylation site appears to play a role in DEN4 neurovirulence. Second, the substitution of Leu for Phe-401 also yielded a neurovirulent virus, but it was less neurovirulent than the glycosylation mutant. These findings indicate that at least two of the genetic loci responsible for DEN4 mouse neurovirulence map within the structural protein genes.  相似文献   

Issues associated with newly emerging viruses, their genetic diversity, and viral evolution in modern environments are currently attracting growing attention. In this study, a phylogenetic analysis was performed and the evolution rate was evaluated for such pathogenic flaviviruses endemic to Russia as tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) and Powassan virus (PV). The analysis involved 47 nucleotide sequences of the TBEV genome region encoding protein E and 17 sequences of the PV NS5-encoding region. The nucleotide substitution rate was estimated as 1.4 × 10−4 and 5.4 × 10−5 substitutions per site per year for the E protein-encoding region of the TBEV genome and for the NS5 genome region of PV, respectively. The ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions (dN/dS) in viral sequences was calculated as 0.049 for TBEV and 0.098 for PV. The highest dN/dS values of 0.201–0.220 were found in the subcluster of Russian and Canadian PV strains, and the lowest value of 0.024 was observed in the cluster of Russian and Chinese strains of the Far Eastern TBEV genotype. Evaluation of time intervals between the events of viral evolution showed that the European subtype of TBEV diverged from the common TBEV ancestor approximately 2750 years ago, while the Siberian and Far Eastern subtypes emerged approximately 2250 years ago. The PV was introduced into its natural foci of the Russian Primorskii krai only approximately 70 years ago; these strains were very close to Canadian PV strains. The pattern of PV evolution in North America was similar to the evolution of the Siberian and Far Eastern TBEV subtypes in Asia. The moments of divergence between major genetic groups of TBEV and PV coincide with historical periods of climate warming and cooling, suggesting that climate change was a key factor in the evolution of flaviviruses in past millennia.  相似文献   

The problem of emerging viruses, their genetic diversity and viral evolution in nature are attracting more attention. The phylogenetic analysis and evaluationary rate estimation were made for pathogenic flaviviruses such as tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) and Powassan (PV) circulated in natural foci in Russia. 47 nucleotide sequences of encoded protein E of the TBEV and 17 sequences of NS5 genome region of the PV have been used. It was found that the rate of accumulation of nucleotide substitutions for E genome region of TBEV was approximately 1.4 x 10(-4) and 5.4 x 10(-5) substitutions per site per year for NS5 genome region of PV. The ratio of non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions to synonymous substitution (dN/dS) for viral sequences were estimated of 0.049 for TBEV and 0.098 for PV. Maximum value dN/dS was 0.201-0.220 for sub-cluster of Russian and Canadian strains of PV and the minimum - 0.024 for cluster of Russian and Chinese strains of Far Eastern genotype TBEV. Evaluation of time intervals of evolutionary events associated with these viruses showed that European subtype TBEV are diverged from all-TBEV ancestor within approximately 2750 years and the Siberian and Far Eastern subtypes are emerged about 2250 years ago. The PV was introduced into natural foci of the Primorsky Krai of Russia only about 70 years ago and PV is a very close to Canadian strains of PV. Evolutionary picture for PV in North America is similar to evolution of Siberian and Far Eastern subtypes TBEV in Asia. The divergence time for main genetic groups of TBEV and PV are correlated with historical periods of warming and cooling. These allow to propose a hypothesis that climate changes were essential to the evolution of the flaviviruses in the past millenniums.  相似文献   

Denguevirusescausedenguefever(DF),denguehaemorrhagicfever(DHF)anddengueshocksyndrome(DSS).DFisoneofthemostimportantarthropod-bornehumandiseasesintropicalandsubtropicalareas.Severallarge-scaledenguefeverepidemicsinSouthChinahavetakenplaceinSouthChinaeveryfewyearssince1978andmorethan1000casesofdenguefeverwerereportedinFuzhouofChinainAugust1999[1].However,nodenguevaccinesarecommerciallyavailableatpresent.Onemajordifficultyhinderingthedevelopmentofadenguevaccinehasbeenthelackofasuitableanim…  相似文献   

Oral use of Luromarin, extracted from sea algae Zostera asiatica, was efficient in protection of mice from lethal infection induced by highly pathogenic strain of TBE virus, by extending their average lifespan. Luromarin demonstrated potentiating action in combination with ribavirin and cycloferon.  相似文献   



In Southeast Asia, dengue viruses often co-circulate with other flaviviruses such as Japanese encephalitis virus, and due to the presence of shared antigenic epitopes it is often difficult to use serological methods to distinguish between previous infections by these flaviviruses.


Convalescent sera from 69 individuals who were known to have had dengue or Japanese encephalitis virus infection were tested by western blotting against dengue, Japanese encephalitis and West Nile virus antigens. We determined that individuals who had been infected with dengue viruses had IgG responses against the premembrane protein of dengue viruses but not Japanese encephalitis, whereas individuals who had been infected with Japanese encephalitis had IgG specific for the premembrane protein of Japanese encephalitis virus but not the dengue viruses. None reacted with the premembrane protein of West Nile virus. Using the Pearson Chi Square test, it was determined that the difference between the two groups was highly significant with a p value of <0.001.


The use of flavivirus premembrane protein in seroepidemiological studies will be useful in determining what flaviviruses have circulated in a community.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (MABs) to human laminin-binding protein (LBP) can efficiently block the penetration of some alphaand flaviviruses into the cell. A panel of 13 types of MABs to human recombinant LBP was used for more detailed study of the mechanism of this process. Competitive analysis has shown that MABs to LBP can be divided into six different competition groups. MABs 4F6 and 8E4 classified under competition groups 3 and 4 can inhibit the replication of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), which is indicative of their interaction with the receptor domain of LBP providing for binding with virions. According to enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting data, polyclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies to MABs 4F6 and 8E4 modeling paratopes of the LBP receptor domain can specifically interact with VEEV E2 protein and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) E protein. Mapping of binding sites of MABs 4F6 and 8E4 with LBP by constructing short deletion fragments of the human LBP molecule has shown that MAB 8E4 interacts with the fragment of amino acid residues 187–210, and MAB 4F6 interacts with the fragment of residues 263–278 of LBP protein, which is represented by two TEDWS peptides separated by four amino acid residues. This suggested that the LBP receptor domain interacting with VEEV E2 and TBEV E viral proteins is located at the C-terminal fragment of the LBP molecule. A model of the spatial structure of the LBP receptor domain distally limited by four linear loops (two of which are represented by experimentally mapped regions of amino acid residues 187–210 and 263–278) as well as the central β-folded region turning into the α-helical site including residues 200–216 of the LBP molecule and providing for the interaction with the laminin-1 molecule has been proposed.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between macrophage tropism and neurovirulence, macaques were inoculated with two recombinant hybrid viruses derived from the parent viruses SIVmac239, a lymphocyte-tropic, non-neurovirulent clone, and SIV/17E-Br, a macrophage-tropic, neurovirulent virus strain. The first recombinant, SIV/17E-Cl, contained the portion of the env gene that encodes the surface glycoprotein and a short segment of the transmembrane glycoprotein of SIV/17E-Br in the backbone of SIVmac239. Unlike SIVmac239, SIV/17E-Cl replicated productively in macrophages, demonstrating that sequences in the surface portion of env determine macrophage tropism. None of five macaques inoculated with SIV/17E-Cl developed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) encephalitis. The second recombinant, SIV/17E-Fr, which contained the entire env and nef genes and the 3' long terminal repeat of SIV/17E-Br in the SIVmac239 backbone, was also macrophage tropic. Six of nine macaques inoculated with SIV/17E-Fr developed SIV encephalitis ranging from mild to moderate in severity, indicating a significant (P = 0.031) difference in the neurovirulence of the two recombinants. In both groups of macaques, CD4+ cell counts declined gradually during infection and there was no significant difference in the rate of the decline between the two groups of macaques. This study demonstrated that macrophage tropism alone is not sufficient for the development of neurological disease. In addition, it showed that while sequences in the surface portion of the envelope gene determine macrophage tropism, additional sequences derived from the transmembrane portion of envelope and/or nef confer neurovirulence.  相似文献   

Elshuber S  Mandl CW 《Journal of virology》2005,79(18):11813-11823
Cleavage of the viral surface protein prM by the proprotein convertase furin is a key step in the maturation process of flavivirus particles. A mutant of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) carrying a deletion mutation within the furin recognition motif of protein prM (changing R-T-R-R to R-T-R) was previously shown to be noninfectious in BHK-21 cells. We now demonstrate how natural selection can overcome this lethal defect in two different growth systems by distinct resuscitating mutations. In BHK-21 cells, a spontaneous codon duplication created a minimal furin cleavage motif (R-R-T-R). This mutation restored infectivity by enabling intracellular prM cleavage. A completely different mutation pattern was observed when the mutant virus was passaged in mouse brains. The "pr" part of protein prM, which is removed by cleavage, contains six conserved Cys residues. The mutations selected in mice changed the number of Cys residues to five or seven by substitution mutations near the original cleavage site, probably causing a major perturbation of the structural integrity of protein prM. Although viable in mice, such Cys mutants could not be passaged in BHK-21 cells under normal growth conditions (37 degrees C), but one of the mutants exhibited a low level of infectivity at a reduced incubation temperature (28 degrees C). No evidence for the cleavage of protein prM in BHK-21 cells was obtained. This suggests that under certain growth conditions, the structural perturbation of protein prM can restore the infectivity of TBEV by circumventing the need for intracellular furin-mediated cleavage. This is the first example of a flavivirus using such a molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

目的构建以乙型脑炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)疫苗株SA14-14-2为基因骨架的乙脑/登革4型嵌合病毒,并分析该嵌合病毒对小鼠的神经毒力。方法通过重叠PCR方法扩增含有登革病毒4型(DENV-4)H241株pr ME基因序列和乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2的NS1蛋白前177个核苷酸的融合片段,用Nar I和Bgl II双酶切后替换乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2全长克隆中的相应区域,构建成乙脑/登革4型嵌合全长克隆,通过体外转录和转染BHK21细胞获得嵌合病毒(JEV/DENV-4 chimeric virus,JD4)。通过测定嵌合病毒JD4和2个母本株JEV SA14-14-2株及DENV-4 H241株蚀斑大小、小鼠脑内神经毒力和皮下感染入脑能力、乳鼠脑内神经毒力,比较JD4和母本株之间的差异。通过将JD4在原代地鼠肾(primary hamster kidney,PHK)细胞传代30次,分析传代后嵌合病毒的神经毒力是否减弱及减弱的程度。结果测序结果表明,构建的嵌合病毒JD4基因组序列和预期一致,没有产生新的位点突变。JD4蚀斑较SA14-14-2明显偏小,但和DENV-4 H241株没有明显区别。JD4对3周龄小鼠具有较强的脑内神经毒力,和母本株DENV-4 H241没有差异,对小鼠没有神经侵袭力。乳鼠实验结果表明,嵌合病毒JD4脑内神经毒力虽然略低于母本株DENV-4 H241,但两者之间没有明显差异,都明显强于乙脑疫苗株SA14-14-2。在PHK细胞传代30次后,小鼠神经毒力虽然有所减低,但并不明显。结论成功构建了嵌合病毒JD4,通过测定并比较JD4与母本株的蚀斑特征、小鼠及乳鼠神经毒力等试验,为分析登革疫苗候选株安全性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The two major vector-borne diseases of northern temperate regions, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis (LB), show very different epidemiological patterns, but both have increased significantly in incidence since the 1980s. Insight into the temporal dynamics of TBE, gained from statistical analysis of spatial patterns integrated with biological explanation, suggests that the recent increases in TBE cases in Central Europe and the Baltic States may have arisen largely from changes in human behaviour that have brought more people into contact with infected ticks. Under forecast climate change scenarios, it is predicted that enzootic cycles of TBE virus may not survive along the southern edge of their present range, e.g. in Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, where case numbers are indeed decreasing. New foci, however, are predicted and have been observed in Scandinavia. At the same time, human impact on the landscape, increasing both the habitat and wildlife hosts of ticks, has allowed tick populations to multiply significantly. This probably accounts for a genuine emergence of LB, with its high potential transmission rate, in both the USA and Europe, although the rate of emergence has been exaggerated by improved surveillance and diagnosis.  相似文献   

An attempt of chacteristization of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains, isolated in Poland in 1955--1970, was based on the determination and analysis of neurovirulence for white mice at intracerbral and subcutaneous virus inoculation, neuroinvasion, antigenic properties, cytopathogenic abilities, susceptibility to nonspecific hemagglutination inhibitors, susceptibility to temperature of 50degree and to 2M urea. Strains isolated in different regions of the country showed certain differentiation in pathogenic and antigenic properties as well in susceptibility to nonspecific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Y Okuno  A Igarashi  K Fukai 《Biken journal》1978,21(4):137-147
Neutralization tests were made on 4 types of dengue (DEN) virus and Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus by incubation of serially diluted antisera and constant amounts of the viruses and then focus assay of surviving virus infectivity with peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) staining. Neutralization reactions were virtually completed in 2 hr on incubation of serum-virus mixtures at 28 C. A straight regression line was obtained on a probit chart by plotting the focus reduction rates at various dilutions of a given serum against the logarithm of the serum dilution used in the test. The slopes of the probit regression lines for the neutralization for DEN types 1 and 3 were similar, but differed somewhat from those for DEN type 2 and type 4. The slope of the line for JE virus was quite different from those for DEN viruses. Using these relations, the fifty percent focus reduction titer (FR50) of neutralizing antibodies of a given serum could be estimated from the focus reduction rates at several dilutions of the test serum when the latter was between 25-75% of the value of the control.  相似文献   

The diagnostic possibilities of several variants of the solid-phase immunofluorescent micromethod (requiring 100-200 microliter of the reaction mixture), intended for the determination of influenza virus and tick-borne encephalitis virus antigens in material obtained from patients and ticks, have been studied. A high degree of correlation between the results obtained by the methods under investigation and the control methods has been established.  相似文献   

A recombinant live attenuated dengue virus type 4 (DEN4) vaccine candidate, 2ADelta30, was found previously to be generally well tolerated in humans, but a rash and an elevation of liver enzymes in the serum occurred in some vaccinees. 2ADelta30, a non-temperature-sensitive (non-ts) virus, contains a 30-nucleotide deletion (Delta30) in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome. In the present study, chemical mutagenesis of DEN4 was utilized to generate attenuating mutations which may be useful in further attenuation of the 2ADelta30 candidate vaccine. Wild-type DEN4 2A virus was grown in Vero cells in the presence of 5-fluorouracil, and a panel of 1,248 clones were isolated. Twenty ts mutant viruses were identified that were ts in both simian Vero and human liver HuH-7 cells (n = 13) or only in HuH-7 cells (n = 7). Each of the 20 ts mutant viruses possessed an attenuation phenotype, as indicated by restricted replication in the brains of 7-day-old mice. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 20 ts mutant viruses identified nucleotide substitutions in structural and nonstructural genes as well as in the 5' and 3' UTRs, with more than one change occurring, in general, per mutant virus. A ts mutation in the NS3 protein (nucleotide position 4995) was introduced into a recombinant DEN4 virus possessing the Delta30 deletion, thereby creating rDEN4Delta30-4995, a recombinant virus which is ts and more attenuated than rDEN4Delta30 virus in the brains of mice. We are assembling a menu of attenuating mutations that should be useful in generating satisfactorily attenuated recombinant dengue vaccine viruses and in increasing our understanding of the pathogenesis of dengue virus.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of Sindbis virus neurovirulence in mice.   总被引:44,自引:37,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We examined a variety of strains of Sindbis virus for the genetic changes responsible for differences in neurovirulence in mice. SV1A (a low passage of the AR339 strain of Sindbis virus), a neuroadapted Sindbis virus (NSV), and two laboratory strains of Sindbis virus (HRSP and Toto1101) were examined. NSV causes severe encephalomyelitis with hind-limb paralysis and high mortality after intracerebral inoculation in weanling mice. In contrast, SV1A causes only mild, nonfatal disease in weanling mice; however, in suckling mice, SV1A causes a fatal encephalomyelitis after either intracerebral or subcutaneous inoculation. The two laboratory strains used have a greatly reduced neurovirulence for suckling mice and are avirulent for weanling mice. The nucleotide sequences and encoded amino acid sequences of the structural glycoproteins of these four strains were compared. Hybrid genomes were constructed by replacing restriction fragments in a full-length cDNA clone of Sindbis virus, from which infectious RNA can be transcribed in vitro, with fragments from cDNA clones of the various strains. These recombinant viruses allowed us to test the importance of each amino acid difference between the various strains for neurovirulence in weanling and suckling mice. Glycoproteins E2 and E1 were of paramount importance for neurovirulence in adult mice. Recombinant viruses containing the nonstructural protein region and the capsid protein region from an avirulent strain and the E1 and E2 glycoprotein regions from NSV were virulent, although they were less virulent than NSV. Furthermore, changes in either E2 (His-55 in NSV to Gln in SV1A) or E1 (Ala-72 in NSV to Val in SV1A and Asp-313 in NSV to Gly in SV1A) reduced virulence. For virulence in suckling mice, we found that a number of changes in E2 and E1 can lead to decreased virulence and that in fact, a gradient of virulence exists.  相似文献   

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