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马鸡属鸟类的系统发育关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马鸡属(Crossoptilon)为我国鸟类的特有属,隶属于鸡形目(Galliformes)雉科(Phasianidae)(郑作新等,1978)。其中褐马鸡(C.mantchuricum)为我国Ⅰ级重点保护动物和全球易危物种,藏马鸡(C.harmani)、白马鸡(C.crossoptilon)及蓝马鸡(C.auritum)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物(郑光美、王岐山,1998;I-UCN,2004)。就分布而言,藏马鸡生活于喜马拉雅山东北麓和念青唐古拉山之间;白马鸡见于云南西北部、四川西部、西藏东部以及青海南部;蓝马鸡分布于青海东部、东北部、甘肃西北部及南部、四川西北部以及宁夏贺兰山地;褐马鸡分布于山西西北部、陕西省黄龙山、河北西北部及北京门头沟地区(郑作新等,1978;徐振武等,1998)。  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the species of the nase genus Chondrostoma was constructed from a complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). Molecular phylogeny was used to revise the current systematics of this group, and to infer a biogeographical model of the Mediterranean area during the Cenozoic period. We confirmed the monophyly of the genus Chondrostoma, and defined seven different lineages within it: Polylepis, Arcasii, Lemmingii, Toxostoma, Nasus, C. genei, and C. soetta. The separation of main lineages within Chondrostoma occurred in the Middle-Upper Miocene, approximately 11 million years ago, while the greatest species radiation took place in the Pliocene close to the time the current drainages system were created. It is unlikely that this genus experienced an extensive dispersal during the Messinian, in the Lago-Mare Phase. Given the level of current knowledge, a biogeographical model constructed on the basis of vicariant events seems more realistic than does a dispersalist model.  相似文献   

Although calyptraeid gastropods are not well understood taxonomically, in part because their simple plastic shells are the primary taxonomic character, they provide an ideal system to examine questions about evolution in the marine environment. I conducted a phylogenetic analysis of calyptraeid gastropods using DNA sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes and the nuclear 28S gene. The resultant phylogeny was used to examine the biogeographic patterns of speciation in the Calyptraeidae. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the combined data sets for 94 calyptraeid operational taxonomic units and 24 outgroups produced well-resolved phylogenies. Both approaches resulted in identical sister-species relationships, and the few differences in deeper topology did not affect biogeographic inferences. The geographic distribution of the species included here demonstrate numerous dispersal events both between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and across the equator. When parsimony is used to reconstruct the movement from the Pacific to the Atlantic oceans on the phylogeny, there are 12 transitions between oceans, primarily from the Pacific to the Atlantic. When the latitude is coded as north versus south of the equator, the most-parsimonious reconstruction gives the origin of calyptraeids in the north followed by 15 dispersal events to regions south of the equator and no returns to the north. Many clades of the most closely related species are either sympatric or occur along a single coastline. Closely related species can, however, occur in such divergent regions as Southern California and South Africa. There is little evidence for sister-species pairs or larger clades having been split by the Isthmus of Panama or the Benguela upwelling, but the East Pacific Barrier appears to separate the most basal taxa from the rest of the family.  相似文献   

Aim We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Brotogeris (Psittacidae) using several distinct and complementary approaches: we test the monophyly of the genus, delineate the basal taxa within it, uncover their phylogenetic relationships, and finally, based on these results, we perform temporal and spatial comparative analyses to help elucidate the historical biogeography of the Neotropical region. Location Neotropical lowlands, including dry and humid forests. Methods Phylogenetic relationships within Brotogeris were investigated using the complete sequences of the mitochondrial genes cyt b and ND2, and partial sequences of the nuclear intron 7 of the gene for Beta Fibrinogen for all eight species and 12 of the 17 taxa recognized within the genus (total of 63 individuals). In order to delinetae the basal taxa within the genus we used both molecular and plumage variation, the latter being based on the examination of 597 skin specimens. Dates of divergence and confidence intervals were estimated using penalized likelihood. Spatial and temporal comparative analyses were performed including several closely related parrot genera. Results Brotogeris was found to be a monophyletic genus, sister to Myiopsitta. The phylogenetic analyses recovered eight well‐supported clades representing the recognized biological species. Although some described subspecies are diagnosably distinct based on morphology, there was generally little intraspecific mtDNA variation. The Amazonian species had different phylogenetic affinities and did not group in a monophyletic clade. Brotogeris diversification took place during the last 6 Myr, the same time‐frame as previously found for Pionus and Pyrilia. Main conclusions The biogeographical history of Brotogeris implies a dynamic history for South American biomes since the Pliocene. It corroborates the idea that the geological evolution of Amazonia has been important in shaping its biodiversity, argues against the idea that the region has been environmentally stable during the Quaternary, and suggests dynamic interactions between wet and dry forest habitats in South America, with representatives of the Amazonian biota having several independent close relationships with taxa endemic to other biomes.  相似文献   

Aim In this paper, I discuss the temporal and spatial aspects of historical biogeography and speciation in a widely distributed Holarctic subfamily of birds (Tetraoninae). Location Northern Holarctic. Results Using dated fossils, I calibrated the molecular clock for the mitochondrial control region at 7.23 ± 1.58% nucleotide divergence (maximum likelihood corrected) per million years. The data suggest that grouse (Tetraoninae) originated in the Middle Pliocene, 6.3 Ma. Grouse apparently originated in the northern part of western Nearctic, and Palearctic was colonized independently three times, first by the ancestor of all grouse in the Middle Pliocene, then by the ancestor of forest (Falcipennis, Tetrao and Lyrurus) and prairie (Centrocercus, Dendragapus and Tympanuchus) grouse in the Late Pliocene, and finally by the ancestral Lagopus in the Early Pleistocene. Only once Nearctic was colonized from Palearctic by a common ancestor of forest grouse. Sympatry and range symmetry were positively correlated with molecular divergence. These correlations suggest that peripatric isolation was the predominant mode of speciation throughout grouse history. Main conclusions Speciation events in grouse were driven by climatic oscillations of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Isolation of small peripheral populations from widely distributed ancestors was the dominant mode of speciation in grouse. Isolations during interglacials both across Beringia, and in southern mountain areas when boreal habitats were restricted to high elevations, suggest an important role for vicariance in grouse speciation.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among eight of nine Myrmecocichla chat species were inferred from DNA data. Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum‐likelihood bootstrap percentages strongly supported most branches in the phylogeny. Based on these results, Myrmecocichla, as currently defined, is not monophyletic. The results indicated that Myrmecocichla albifrons is part of a Cercomela + Oenanthe clade, whereas Oenanthe monticola is shown to be a Myrmecocichla. In addition, Myrmecocichla arnotti is shown to be polyphyletic. Phylogenetic analyses support three Southern versus Eastern or Northern speciation events. The dating of these speciation events suggests that they correspond to periods when the Afrotropical forests were expanded to coastal Kenya, 3–5 Mya. This forest expansion thus served as a vicariant driver of speciation in the genus, a result consistent with speciation patterns in other arid‐adapted African bird genera. Our haplotype analysis within one of the most widespread and habitat diverse Myrmecocichla species (formicivora, a southern African endemic) showed little genetic variation. Along with speciation patterns shown for Myrmecocichla and other avian genera, this lack of standing variation would appear to support large, inter‐regional drivers of speciation as having the largest effect on the diversification of arid‐adapted Africa bird species, which is in stark contrast to other vertebrate lineages whose genetic structure often shows strong intra‐regional effects. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 180–190.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences from the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among 15 genera of fig-pollinating wasps. We present evidence supporting broad-level co-cladogenesis with respect to most but not all of the corresponding groups of figs. Using fossil evidence for calibrating a molecular clock for these data, we estimated the origin of the fig-wasp mutualism to have occurred ca. 90 million years ago. The estimated divergence times among the pollinator genera and their current geographical distributions corresponded well with several features of the break-up of the southern continents during the Late Cretaceous period. We then explored the evolutionary trajectories of two characteristics that hold profound consequences for both partners in the mutualism: the breeding system of the host (monoecious or dioecious) and pollination behaviour of the wasp (passive or active). The fig wasp mutualism exhibits extraordinarily long-term evolutionary stability despite clearly identifiable conflicts of interest between the interactors, which are reflected by the very distinct variations found on the basic mutualistic theme.  相似文献   

We examined the phylogenetic relationships among 23 species of the North American aquatic snail genus Tryonia (Hydrobiidae), 10 additional representatives of the subfamily Cochliopinae, and two outgroups. Maximum parsimony analysis of a 601-base-pair sequence from the mitochondrial COI gene did not support monophyly of the genus nor its subgenus Paupertryonia. A clade composed of the type species of Tryonia and 16 congeners was strongly supported by the COI data and congruent with recently discovered variation in female genitalic morphology. This "true Tryonia" clade included two large western subclades having a sister-group relationship. The phylogenetic structure of one of these subclades is congruent with vicariant events associated with late Neogene history of the lower Colorado River drainage. The other subclade mirrors development of the modern Rio Grande rift and inception of modern topography in the southwestern Great Basin during the late Neogene. Both subclades are represented in the composite Tryonia fauna of the Amargosa River basin, whose assembly is attributed to the complex geological history of the Death Valley region.  相似文献   

We examined the phylogenetic relationships of 16 northern species of the aplocheiloid genus Rivulus inhabiting the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. A total of 714 base pairs per taxon were sequenced from two segments of the mitochondrial genome, 12S rRNA and cytochrome b. Both parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses suggest an ancient vicariant origin of the Greater Antillean taxa, in addition to a quite recent dispersal of species into the Lesser Antilles from the South American mainland. Combined analyses support the monophyly of the northern South American assemblage as the sister group of a Central American/Columbian biota. However, the monophyly of the Central American biota remains uncertain. Divergence estimates for the Central American taxa are calibrated from the Last Cretaceous separation of the proto-Antilles from the Americas. These data suggest that the extant Central American taxa represent the descendants of at least two separate invasions during the Cenozoic, prior to the closing of the Panamanian isthmus. Times are consistent with the extensive evidence for reptilian and mammalian exchange throughout the Cenozoic.   相似文献   

Cheracebus is a new genus of New World primate of the family Pitheciidae, subfamily Callicebinae. Until recently, Cheracebus was classified as the torquatus species group of the genus Callicebus. The genus Cheracebus has six species: C. lucifer, C. lugens, C. regulus, C. medemi, C. torquatus, and C. purinus, which are all endemic to the Amazon biome. Before the present study, there had been no conclusive interpretation of the phylogenetic relationships among most of the Cheracebus species. The present study tests the monophyly of the genus and investigates the relationships among the different Cheracebus species, based on DNA sequencing of 16 mitochondrial and nuclear markers. The phylogenetic analyses were based on Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian Inference, and multispecies coalescent approaches. The divergence times and genetic distances between the Cheracebus taxa were also estimated. The analyses confirmed the monophyly of the genus and a well-supported topology, with the following arrangement: ((C. torquatus, C. lugens), (C. lucifer (C. purinus, C. regulus))). A well-differentiated clade was also identified within part of the geographic range of C. lugens, which warrants further investigation to confirm its taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Nuclear ribosomal DNA (internal transcribed spacer region) and chloroplast DNA (trnL-trnF region) were sequenced from 40 samples representing all three genera (Brachelyma, Dichelyma, and Fontinalis) and 18 species of the aquatic moss family, Fontinalaceae. Phylogenetic reconstructions recovered from separate and combined analyses were used to test the hypotheses that Fontinalis and Dichelyma are monophyletic (Brachelyma is monotypic), that groups of species within Fontinalis based on leaf morphology (keeled, concave, plane) form monophyletic groups, and that species delineation based on morphological characters within Fontinalis are congruent with nr- and cpDNA gene trees. Using Brachelyma subulata to root the tree, both Dichelyma and Fontinalis are monophyletic and patristically divergent (each united by >15 synapomorphic mutations). Groups of species within Fontinalis defined by leaf morphology are polyphyletic and it is clear that leaf morphology is labile in the genus. As defined morphologically, species of Fontinalis are nonmonophyletic for both nr- and cpDNA sequences and populations of some morphological taxa are separated in widely divergent clades. Molecular evidence suggests that at least some morphospecies are artificial, defined by convergent leaf forms. The weight of the evidence indicates that F. antipyretica is positively paraphyletic, with European populations more closely related to (i.e., share a more recent common ancestor with) European endemic species than to North American populations that are morphologically conspecific. North American populations are more closely related to North American endemic species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Fagonia were inferred from analyses of plastid trnL intron and nuclear ribosomal ITS DNA sequences. Sampling of the genus was nearly complete, including 32 of 34 species. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using parsimony, and Bayesian model averaging. The latter method allows model-based inference while accounting for model-selection uncertainty, and is here used for the first time in phylogenetic analyses. All species of Fagonia in the Old World, except F. cretica, form a weakly supported clade, and all Fagonia species of the New World, except F. scoparia, are well supported as sister to the Old World clade. Fagonia scoparia, from Mexico, and F. cretica, from Northern Africa, are well supported as sisters to all other Fagonia species. Vicariance-dispersal analysis, using DIVA, indicated that the occurrences of Fagonia in South America and southern Africa are due to dispersals, and also, that the ancestor of Fagonia had a distribution compatible with the boreotropics hypothesis.  相似文献   

The family Labridae is a large assemblage of marine fish composed of about 580 species in 82 genera distributed in tropical and temperate marine waters around the world. Several subgroups, currently classified as tribes, have been identified in this large family, yet only a few phylogenetic analyses have been performed on labrid clades. We confirm monophyly of the labrid tribe Labrini and propose a phylogeny of the 23 species of the genera Acantholabrus, Centrolabras, Ctenolabrus, Labrus, Lappanella, Symphodus, Tautoga, and Tautogolabrus occurring in the eastern and western Atlantic and the Mediterranean. We analyzed a 577-bp segment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and a 506-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region in 22 species, for a total of up to 1069 bp per species. We used both parsimony and likelihood approaches under a variety of assumptions and models to generate phylogenetic hypotheses. The main features of the molecular phylogeny for the Labrini turned out to be the same for the two algorithms applied. The tree structure is similar to a previous, unpublished morphological phylogeny for a subset of labrine species. Estimated divergence times of the Labrini based on fossils and a molecular clock range from about 15 mya for the deepest splits to less than 1 mya for younger clades. Biogeographic patterns of the Symphodus species group and the genus Labrus are dominated by speciation events driven by the closing and opening of the Mediterranean Sea and periodic glaciation events during the past 1 million years. The Labrini are the only clade in the entire Labridae that exhibit nest-building and broodcare behavior. We use the phylogeny to show that similar broodcare behavior has evolved twice in the labrine fish and discuss scenarios for the evolution of broodcare from the diandric protogynous hermaphroditism found in ancestral labrines and many other wrasses.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of tropical marine hotspots has long intrigued evolutionary biologists and biogeographers. The genus Haemulon (grunts) is one of the most important (numerically, ecologically, and economically) reef fish groups in the New World and an excellent candidate to test hypotheses of speciation and diversity generation in the Greater Caribbean, the richest Atlantic biodiversity hotspot, as well as the eastern Pacific. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among the species of Haemulon, we obtained a combined total of 2639 base pairs from two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I), and two nuclear genes (TMO-4C4 and RAG2) from all nominal species. Parsimony, Maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses resulted in a well-resolved phylogeny with almost identical topologies. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on adult morphology, such as the close relationship among H. aurolineatum, H. boschmae, and H. striatum were not supported, whereas others using developmental characters, such as the relationship between H. plumieri and H. sciurus, were confirmed. Our data also indicate that the populations of the nominal H. steindachneri from the two sides of the Isthmus of Panama are genetically divergent at the species level in each ocean, and that the boga, Inermia vittata (family Inermiidae), belongs in the genus Haemulon. This evidence implies that there are 21 valid species of Haemulon, two more than previously recognized. The Amazon barrier and the Isthmus of Panama seem to have played roles in allopatric speciation of Haemulon. However, the majority of sister species pairs have completely overlapping distributions, indicating that vicariance is not the only process driving speciation in this genus. We conclude that both vicariance between biogeographic provinces, and ecological mechanisms of speciation within provinces contribute to species richness in the genus Haemulon.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relatedness of Issatchenkia spp. was estimated from partial rRNA sequences in two regions of the large subunit and one region of the small subunit. I. terricola was the most divergent species of the genus, differing from other members by 18% nucleotide differences in the highly variable 25S-635 region. These data indicate Issatchenkia to be the most divergent ascomycetous yeast genus presently known.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was performed on the genera and subgenera within the freshwater triclad family Dugesiidae, based on 19 terminal taxa and 17 morphological characters. The phylogenetic tree proposed has length of 27 steps and consistency index of 0.66. This phylogenetic hypothesis implies that the current genus Dugesia is paraphyletic and that its subgenera Girardia, Schmidiea and Dugesia S.S. should be elevated to the rank of genus. The genera Cura, Spathula and Neppia are presumed monophyletic by default because the database was unable to provide autapomorphies for any of these genera. The genera Dugesia S.S. and Neppia share sistergroup relationship. Several characters are discussed which were previously considered to be of phylogenetic importance but were not included in the present analysis. It is emphasized that sensory organs form potentially useful set of phylogenetic characters for the Dugesiidae.  相似文献   

Historical relationships were inferred for the oriental lizards of the genus Takydromus Daudin 1802 (Lacertidae) on the basis of DNA sequences. Of the 17 species currently recognized for the genus, 13 species represented by 42 specimens from 29 localities were examined. Maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony analyses of data for 829 aligned sites from parts of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes yielded relationships that, while showing no substantial discrepancy with each other, were strikingly different from a currently prevailing phylogenetic hypothesis from a parsimony analysis of morphological characters. Based on the results of these molecular analyses, supplemented by results of the morphological analysis that offered robust evidence for positions of two additional species ( T. khasiensis and T. sylvaticus ), the following interrelationships were hypothesized as the most preferred phylogeny: ( kuehnei ( sexlineatus khasiensis ))( tachydromoides (( smaragdinus ( sauteri ( dorsalis sylvaticus ))) ( amurensis ((( formosanus wolteri ) hsuehshanensis )( toyamai ( septentrionalis stejnegeri )))))). These interrelationships indicate: (1) invalidity of Platyplacopus Boulenger 1917 , which was recently resurrected as a subgenus of Takydromus on the basis of the morphological analysis; (2) homoplasy in states of some morphological characters, such as green dorsal coloration, that were considered as synapomorphs of certain nodes in the morphological analysis; and (3) involvement of the genus in a series of vicariances in both the continental and insular parts of eastern Eurasia. Due to the paucity of available samples, phylogenetic status of T. intermedius and T. haughtonianus remain to be examined in future studies.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 76 , 493–509.  相似文献   

Portions of two mitochondrial genes (12S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b) were sequenced in seven species to examine phylogenetic relationships within the lizard family Xantusiidae. Phylogenies derived from these sequences (709 total bp) are concordant and indicate that the Cuban species Cricosaura typica is the sister group to all other xantusiids. The Middle American genus Lepidophyma is the closest relative of Xantusia, and X. riversiana (California Islands) the closest relative of X. vigilis (mainland). These findings are not in agreement either with the results of a recent morphological analysis that united Cricosaura and Lepidophyma as closest relatives or with past studies that have recognized X. riversiana as a separate genus. Levels of sequence divergence, as well as the age and affinities of some mainland fossil taxa, suggest that the origin of Cricosaura was associated with the tectonic evolution of the Greater Antilles in the late Cretaceous. These results further demonstrate that significant resolution of phylogenies can be obtained with relatively short DNA sequences and that these mitochondrial genes are concordant in their estimation of phylogeny.  相似文献   

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