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A three-dimensional picture of the hypothalamohypophysial neurosecretory system of B. bargarius could be obtained by adopting in situ staining techniques. The paired NPO give rise to left and right neurosecretory tracts which, although they approximate as a common tract, maintain their individuality till entering the pars intermedia. The ventral hypothalamic and the hypophysial arteries take their origin from the internal carotid artery. The former contributes to the formation of the primary plexus of the median eminence and the latter enters the pituitary directly, giving rise to the neuroadreno-interface vasculature. The vasculature of the median eminence lies in close contact with the long common neurosecretory tract. Morphological evidence suggests that in B. bagarius there are three pathways of hypothalamic control of the hypophysis: (1) A direct neuroglandular pathway, where the neurosecretory axons come directly in contact with the adrenohypophysial cells. (2) An indirect neurovasculoglandular pathway, where the blood exposed to the NSM at the median eminence comes in contact with gland cells. (3) Another indirect neurovasculoglandular pathway, where the blood is exposed to NSM at the neurohypophysis prior coming in contact with the gland cells. Thus, B. bagarius has the 'median eminence equivalent' neuroadeno-interface vasculature typical of the teleosts and the median eminence comparable to the Elasmobranchs, Holocephali and primitive Actinopterygians. This shows that the pituitary portal system of teleosts is in general agreement with that of other fish groups, except that in some it is restricted to the neuroadreno-interface, whereas in others like B. bagarius it extends to the hypothalamus also. These may be termed anterior and posterior median eminence.  相似文献   

The skin of Bagarius bagarius (Ham.) is devoid of scales but is rough due to the presence of numerous pentagonal epidermal elevations, which are separated by deep furrows at regular intervals. These elevated pentagonal regions of the epidermis are covered by dead cornified cells in the form of caps. As the old cap goes off a new one is formed by the death of the underlying epidermal cells. The middle layer of the epidermis is mainly composed of well defined polygonal cells. Their cytoplasm is granular in nature and give reactions for protein bound sulphydryl groups. The stratum germinativum is composed of two types of basal cells, the columnar cells and the spherical cells. The flask shaped mucous glands are restricted to the epidermal furrows and secrete either neutral or acidic mucopolysaccharides. Certain large specialysed granular cells are found in the epidermis which are grouped around the taste buds. These specialysed cells may be the photocytes. Two layers of the dermis can be distinguished—the relatively thin stratum laxum and the thick stratum compactum. Dermal papillae mainly support the taste buds. The pigment cells are arranged in two layers in the dermis. The subcutis is composed of loose connective tissues, richly infiltrated with the fat cells, nerves and blood capillaries.  相似文献   

Functional morphology including the origin, insertion, and innervation of the respiratory muscles in relation to buccal pressure pump and opercular suction pumps in a fresh-water bottom dwelling siluroid fish, Bagarius bagarius have been studied. Histochemical studies were made on the succinic dehydrogenase activity of adductor mandibulae, retractor tentaculi, levator operculi, dilatator operculi, adductor operculi, intermandibularis, interhyoideus, hyohyoideus superior and constrictor branchialis. The intensity of reaction reveals the presence of three types of muscle fibres in some of the respiratory muscles. The muscle containing red muscle fibres are mostly innervated by the branches of the VIIth cranial nerve. The retractor tentaculi consists of superficial white muscle fibres and the interior part is dominated by red muscle fibres. The muscles (adductor operculi, levator operculi, dilatator operculi, interhyoideus, hyohyoideus superior) concerned with the opercular suction pumps are of mixed type and consist of white and red muscle fibres, whereas adductor mandibulae and intermandibularis are made up entirely of white muscle fibres. The adductor muscle bundles of the constrictor branchialis, which are responsible for movement of gill filaments, are dominated by the red muscle fibres. The abductor part, however, is made up entirely of white muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The effect of three organochlorinated pesticides on the gill structure of Puntius ticto, a freshwater teleost, was investigated. Fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of BHC (0.17 ppm), lindane (0.19 ppm) and endosulfan (0.20 ppm) were studied. The pesticides were detected qualitatively in the gill tissue by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The results showed that they could be detected after 15 days' exposure, but not after 96 h exposure. Histopathological examination revealed several structural and functional changes in the gills. Exposure to BHC was followed by an inflammatory reaction and complete dystrophy of the lamellar structure of the gills. Lindane-treated fish showed disruption of the epithelial covering of the gills and excessive haemorrhage in the blood vessels. In exposure to endosulfan the gill lamellae shrank and became thinner.  相似文献   

Small paired testes of Nandus nandus are situated posteriorly in the body cavity. They open posteriorly in a common sperm duct. A urinogenital sinus is present. Each testis consists of a large number of seminiferous tubules extending from the periphery towards the centre. The seminiferous tubules are separated from each other by a layer of interstitial tissue. 6 different stages of spermatogenesis are recognised. On the basis of morphological and histological changes in the testes during different months of the year, the reproduvtice cycle has been divided into post-spawning (October to December), pre-spawning (January to March) and spawning (April to August) periods. The monthly volume of testes is in direct correlation with the monthly changes in water temperature. Statistical observations indicate that the process of spermatogenesis is very active during pre-spawning period. The relative number of spermatozoa is maximum in July (69.89%), suddenly decreases in August (54.28%) and continues to decrease upto October (49.66%) indicating the maximum spawning in July and August.  相似文献   

1. Four different types of alpha-mannosidase activity were shown to occur in several tissues from the rat. There is the Zn2+-dependent enzyme, active at acidic pH, and three enzymes that are active near to neutral pH. 2. The 'neutral' enzymes are activated by Fe2+, Co2+ or Mn2+. 3. Optimum activities for these three enzymes are shown at pH values of 5.2, 6.5 and 7.3. The activity at pH6.5 is the only one evident without metal-ion activation, but activity is enhanced by all three metal ions. The activity at pH 5.2 is seen only in the presence of Fe2+ or Co2+, and the activity at pH7.3 is seen only in the presence of Co2+ or Mn2+ and in a non-chelating buffer medium. 4. The pH6.5-active enzyme is inactivated by EDTA, but activity is restored by excess of metal ion. 5. The enzymes differ markedly in their stability. The pH6.5-active enzyme is very labile and the pH7.3-active enzyme is the most stable. 6. Tissue preparations vary widely in their activity at pH6.5, but where activity is low it can be increased by incubation with one of the activating metal cations. 7. All the enzymes active at neutral pH are inhibited by heavy-metal ions and stabilized to some extent by thiol groups.  相似文献   

Low doses (0.2 mg and 0.4 mg) of LH did not reveal any effect on the ovary of Puntius ticto (Ham.), but with 0.6 mg of LH the vitellogenesis began. Full maturation in the ovary was recorded with a total dose of 1.2 mg of LH and the fish spawned with a dose of 1.4 mg of LH.  相似文献   

In female P. sophore the adrenal homologue is located inside its head kidneys and comprises interrenal cells and chromaffin cells. The clumps of interrenal cells surround the postcardinal vein and its major branches; they also lie in the haemopoietic tissue. The chromaffin cells mostly lie in the endothelium of the post-cardinal vein, while a few of them also lie interspersed among the interrenal cells. The seasonal study of the adrenal homologue shows that the interrenal cells undergo changes in bulk and composition in different months, while the chromaffin cells do not show any significant variation.  相似文献   

Zidovudine (AZT) induced concentration related aggregation in C. mrigala melanophores. Denervated melanophores failed to respond to AZT. Specific and nonspecific alpha adrenoceptor antagonists completely blocked the responses of fish melanophores to AZT. Histamine and prostaglandin antagonists also inhibited aggregation of the melanophores induced by AZT. The results suggest that AZT may release a mixture of neurotransmitter like substances, which cause the aggregation of this fish melanophores.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondria-rich (chloride) cells have been found to be present in the gill epithelia of four species of stenohaline fresh water teleosts. The cytoplasm of these chloride cells contains an extensive network of cytoplasmic tubules which communicate with intercellular spaces bordering the lateral and basal cell surfaces. Numerous vesicles with fairly electron-dense interiors are also present in the apical cytoplasm of chloride cells. The apical surface of a chloride cell forms an apical pit, but the lumen of the pit does not appear to be in continuity with the interior of the apical vesicles and tubules inside the cell.When Carassius auratus were kept in 100, 200, 300, and 400 mOsm-diluted sea water for a month, no appreciable changes occurred in the number and fine structure of the chloride cells, except for a dilation of the apical vesicles and a slight decrease in diameter of the cytoplasmic tubules in these cells in the fishes kept in 300 and 400 mOsm.These results suggest that chloride cells may be a rather common occurrence in the gill epithelia of stenohaline fresh water teleosts, and may function in ion-transport in these fishes in fresh water environments.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to study pharyngeal and pronephric thyroid follicles and contribute seasonal changes in them in a fresh water teleost, Puntius sophore. Their activity has been assessed histologically by the study of size of thyroid follicles, the shape and cell height of epithelial cells and the nature of their colloid. These follicles exhibit notable seasonal changes and record two periods of activity, one in summer months from May to August and the other in November.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in blood properties of two Indian major carps, L. rohita and C. mrigala, were investigated. Haematocrit values, haemoglobin concentrations and erythrocyte numbers showed seasonal fluctuations, being high from September to November and again in April-May, and low from January to March. Males had generally higher blood values than the females.  相似文献   

The histochemical localization of lipids in the respiratory muscles of Clarias batrachus (Linn.) has been studied. The muscles innervated by the facialis (VIIth) nerve contain more lipid than those innervated by the trigeminal (Vth). The muscles directly concerned with the opercular suction pumps (Inferior and Superior hyohyoideus, Adductor, Levator and Dilator operculi) have more lipids and suggest their sustained role in the maintainance of efficiency of the opercular suction pumps. The Retractor tentaculi associated with the movements of barbels also have lipid droplets in good quantity.  相似文献   

The effects of monovalent cations and inorganic phosphate, on gill AMP deaminase, were compared in different fresh water and sea water stenohaline and euryhaline Teleosts. Generally, sea water species displayed a lower sensitivity to these effectors than fresh water species. During salinity changes, the sensitivity of gill AMP deaminase to cations and phosphate were modified proportionally to the tolerance of a given species to variations of environmental salinity. In particular, these parameters were modified in the weak euryhaline, Salmo gairdneri, but not in the real euryhaline, Anguilla anguilla. In sea water adapted trout, the appearance of a modified AMP deaminase form, with similar properties to that found in sea water species, is suggested. When compared with the conclusions from the preceeding papers [Raffin (1986) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 85B, 157-162; 85B, 163-171], the results suggest that modification of gill AMP deaminase by limited proteolysis should be a rather general adaptation mechanism to stress.  相似文献   

O2 uptake in Esomus danricus has been determined in relation to body weight, length and thickness of the water-blood diffusion barrier at 27-28 degrees C temperature. Total O2 consumption in larvae was 1311 ml/kg/h but decreased significantly in juvenile fishes (720 ml/kg/h). The increase in the thickness of water-blood diffusion barrier at the secondary gill lamellae of the fish was found to be an important factor for the decrease in VO2. Logarithmic analyses of data for O2 uptake in relation to body weight gave a slope of 0.8865 for larvae and 0.5053 for juveniles. The exponent values of O2 uptake against diffusion barrier for larvae and juveniles were 1.7383 and 2.0956, respectively. The results obtained indicated that fish have an extra device which helps in extracting about 24% of the total VO2 required for the fulfilment of the metabolic oxygen demand of the body.  相似文献   

The paper chromatograms reveal the presence of 12 free amino acids, viz. leucine, isoleucine, valine, proline, tyrosine, phenyl-alanine, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid, serine, aspartic acid and lysine, in Opisthorchis pedicellata.  相似文献   

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