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We have previously documented multiple, independent origins of placentas in the fish family Poeciliidae. Here we summarize similar analyses of fishes in the family Zenarchopteridae. This family includes three live-bearing genera. Earlier studies documented the presence of superfetation, or the ability to carry multiple litters of young in different stages of development in the same ovary, in some species in all three genera. There is also one earlier report of matrotrophy, or extensive postfertilization maternal provisioning, in two of these genera. We present detailed life-history data for approximately half of the species in all three genera and combine them with the best available phylogeny to make inferences about the pattern of life-history evolution within this family. Three species of Hemirhamphodon have superfetation but lack matrotrophy. Most species in Nomorhamphus and Dermogenys either lack superfetation and matrotrophy or have both superfetation and matrotrophy. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that matrotrophy may have evolved independently in each genus. In Dermogenys, matrotrophic species produce fewer, larger offspring than nonmatrotrophic species. In Nomorhamphus; matrotrophic species instead produce more and smaller offspring than lecithotrophic species. However, the matrotrophic species in both genera have significantly smaller masses of reproductive tissue relative to their body sizes. All aspects of these results are duplicated in the fish family Poeciliidae. We discuss the possible adaptive significance of matrotrophy in the light of these new results. The two families together present a remarkable opportunity to study the evolution of a complex trait because they contain multiple, independent origins of the trait that often include close relatives that vary in either the presence or absence of the matrotrophy or in the degree to which matrotrophy is developed. These are the raw materials that are required for either an analysis of the adaptive significance of the trait or for studies of the genetic mechanisms that underlie the evolution of the trait.  相似文献   

Superfetation is the ability of females to simultaneously carry multiple broods of embryos, with each brood at a different developmental stage. Matrotrophy is the post‐fertilization maternal provisioning of nutrients to developing embryos throughout gestation. Several studies have demonstrated that, in viviparous fishes, superfetation and matrotrophy have evolved in a correlated way, such that species capable of bearing several simultaneous broods also exhibit advanced degrees of post‐fertilization provisioning. The adaptive value of the concurrent presence of both reproductive modes may be associated with the production of larger newborns, which in turn may result in enhanced offspring fitness. In this study, we tested two hypotheses: (1) species with superfetation and moderate or extensive matrotrophy give birth to larger offspring compared with species without superfetation or matrotrophy; (2) species with higher degrees of superfetation and matrotrophy (i.e. more simultaneous broods and increased amounts of post‐fertilization provisioning) give birth to larger offspring compared with species with relatively low degrees of superfetation and matrotrophy (i.e. fewer simultaneous broods and lesser amounts of post‐fertilization provisioning). Using different phylogenetic comparative methods and data on 44 species of viviparous fishes of the family Poeciliidae, we found a lack of association between offspring size and the combination of superfetation and matrotrophy. Therefore, the concurrent presence of superfetation and moderate or extensive matrotrophy has not facilitated the evolution of larger offspring. In fact, these traits have evolved differently. Superfetation and matrotrophy have accumulated gradual changes that largely can be explained by Brownian motion, whereas offspring size has evolved fluidly, experiencing changes that probably resulted from selective responses to the local conditions.  相似文献   

Members of Poeciliidae are used as model organisms for experimental studies on natural and sexual selection, and comparative studies of life-history evolution. The latter have demonstrated multiple origins of both superfetation and placentotrophy within Poeciliidae. Most recently, placentotrophy has been described in five species of Poecilia (Pamphorichthys), but only one of these (P.hasemani) shows evidence of superfetation. Here, we use a molecular phylogeny based on concatenated nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences to test hypotheses of correlated evolution between superfetation and placentotrophy in Poecilia. Taxon sampling included all species in the subgenera Micropoecilia and Pamphorichthys for which the presence or absence of placentotrophy and superfetation have been determined, as well as representatives of all other Poecilia subgenera (Acanthophacelus, Limia, Mollienesia, Poecilia, Pseudolimia). Phylogenetic analyses were performed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods; ancestral states for life-history characters were reconstructed with parsimony and SIMMAP; correlation analyses were performed with SIMMAP; and divergence times were estimated using a relaxed molecular clock. All subgenera in Poecilia were recovered as monophyletic. The basal split in Poecilia is between P. (Acanthophacelus)+P. (Micropoecilia) and the other five subgenera. In the latter clade, P. (Poecilia) is the sister-group to the remaining four subgenera. Within P. (Pamphorichthys), all analyses with the combined data set recovered P. (Pamphorichthys) araguaiensis as the sister taxon to P. (Pamphorichthys) hollandi, and P. (Pamphorichthys) scalpridens as the sister taxon to P. (Pamphorichthys) minor. P. (Pamphorichthys) hasemani was either the sister taxon to P. (Pamphorichthys) hollandi+P. (Pamphorichthys) minor (maximum likelihood, Bayesian) or the sister taxon to all other Pamphorichthys species (maximum parsimony). Ancestral state reconstructions suggest that placentotrophy and superfetation evolved on the same branch in P. (Micropoecilia), whereas placentotrophy evolved before superfetation in P. (Pamphorichthys). SIMMAP analyses indicate a statistically significant association between placentotrophy and superfetation. Within P. (Micropoecilia) both placentotrophy and superfetation evolved in ≤4 million years. Within P. (Pamphorichthys), superfetation evolved in ≤9 million years on the P. (Pamphorichthys) hasemani branch, and placentotrophy evolved in ≤10 million years in the common ancestor of this subgenus.  相似文献   

Both matrotrophy, the maternal provisioning of nutrients to developing embryos after fertilization, and superfetation, the simultaneous presence of two or more groups of embryos at different stages of development, occur at varying degrees among species of the fish family Poeciliidae. However, it is still unclear if these two reproductive modes depend on the presence of relatively complex placentas. We describe the ultrastructure of the maternal follicular placenta of 11 poeciliid fishes using electron microscopy. In addition, we quantified six ultrastructure characteristics that reflect the degree of complexity (number of vesicles, area of vesicles, number of microvilli, microvilli length, thickness of the maternal follicle and follicular area). Using phylogenetic comparative methods, we evaluated the relationship between degree of matrotrophy and placental characteristics. We also analysed the potential effect of the presence of superfetation on placental complexity. We found a positive relationship between the degree of matrotrophy and follicular area, number of microvilli and number and area of vesicles. Similarly, follicular area and number of microvilli were larger in species with superfetation than in those without superfetation. We conclude that high degrees of matrotrophy and superfetation are associated with placental characteristics that increase the efficiency of nutrient transfer between mother and embryos.  相似文献   

A recent molecular analysis strongly supported sister group relationship between flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) and grebes (Podicipedidae), a hypothesis which has not been suggested before. Flamingos are long-legged filter-feeders whereas grebes are morphologically quite divergent foot-propelled diving birds, and sister group relationship between these two taxa would thus provide an interesting example of evolution of different feeding strategies in birds. To test monophyly of a clade including grebes and flamingos, I performed a cladistic analysis of 70 morphological characters which were scored for 17 taxa. Parsimony analysis of these data supported monophyly of the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) and the clade received high bootstrap support. Previously overlooked morphological, oological and parasitological evidence is recorded which supports this hypothesis, and which makes the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) one of the best supported higher-level clades within modern birds. The phylogenetic significance of some fossil flamingo-like birds is discussed. The Middle Eocene taxon Juncitarsus is most likely the sister taxon of the clade (Podicipedidae + (Palaelodidae + Phoenicopteridae)) although resolution of its exact systematic position awaits revision of the fossil material. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is more parsimonious to assume that flamingos evolved from a highly aquatic ancestor than from a shorebird-like ancestor.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 157–169.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis that includes representatives of all recent genera of mysticetes and several fossil species that were previously referred to the family Cetotheriidae, with tooth-bearing mysticetes and an archaeocete as an outgroup, is presented here. The result of this analysis forms the base of a revised classification of Mysticeti. Cetotheriidae is redefined as a monophyletic family, which includes the genera Cetotherium , Piscobalaena , and a new subfamily Herpetocetinae, including Herpetocetus , Nannocetus , Metopocetus , and Cephalotropis . Eschrichtiidae is the closest sister taxon to Cetotheriidae. A few species are referred to Eomysticetoidea, whereas the remaining species that were previously referred to Cetotheriidae appear in four clades that branch off from the lineage leading to Balaenopteridae. These are a Mauicetus clade and three clades that are named as new families Aglaocetidae, Pelocetidae, and Diorocetidae.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 875–894.  相似文献   

Evidence from morphology is used to infer the phylogeny of the superfamily Poecilioidea using other cyprinodontoid fishes as outgroups. The three equally most parsimonious trees resulting from the phylogenetic analysis support the monophyly of the families Anablepidae and Poeciliidae with respect to each other, but the previous taxonomy within the Poeciliinae is not consistent with the resultant phylogenetic trees. The Poeciliidae is recognized with three subfamilies: the Aplocheilichthyinae containing solely Aplocheilichthys spilauchen , the Procatopodinae containing Fluviphylax (Fluviphylacini) and the African lamp-eyed killifishes (Procatopodini), and the Poeciliinae. The inferred hierarchical relationships of included suprageneric taxa are: ((Oxyzygonectinae, Anablepinae) (Aplocheilichthyinae ((Fluviphylacini, Procatopodini) (Alfarini (Priapellini (Gambusini (Heterandrini (Cnesterodontini (Girardini, Poeciliini))))))))). The tribe Alfarini is resurrected and a new tribe, the Priapellini, is described. Tomeurus gracilis is not the most basal poeciliine, and facultative viviparity in Tomeurus is not a plesiomorphic intermediate condition of viviparity retained from the common ancestor of poeciliines. Facultative viviparity in Tomeurus is the result of an evolutionary loss of obligate viviparity. Tomeurus gracilis is recognized as a member of the tribe Cnesterodontini. Lamprichthys tanganicus and Micropanchax pelagicus are not sister taxa, and the pelagic lacustrine habits of these two species are inferred to have evolved independently. Based on the principles of vicariance biogeography, the origin of the Poecilioidea is inferred to have occurred before the separation of Africa and South America.  相似文献   

The lectotype for Euphrasia hirtella var. ramosa is selected. This taxon and E. hirtella var. karoiana are compared with E. amurensis and confirmed as synonyms, corroborating Juzepcuk (1955 ).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 215–223.  相似文献   

The snails Theodoxus danubialis and Theodoxus prevostianus form a single clade native to freshwaters of south-eastern Europe whose inter- and intraspecific relationships remain unresolved. The present study utilized a phylogeographical approach to clarify the relationship of these species as well as to reconstruct the evolutionary and demographic history of populations in the western portion of their range. Phylogenetic, population genetic, and nested clade analyses reveal a clade that has distributed itself upriver from a lower Danube River source population and become genetically distinct primarily through range expansion and localized allopatric divergence. Notably, this geographical pattern is replicated phylogenetically in the form of two cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO I) lineages that are present simultaneously in individual snails. Haplotypes from polymorphic individuals form two distinct clades, both of which show phylogenetic and nucleotide substitution patterns consistent with a mitochondrial origin, and whose common ancestor must have occurred in a lower Danube source population. Separated allopatrically from their Danubian relatives, populations of T. danubialis in northern Italy have also undergone substantial range expansion, much more recently than Danube watershed lineages. In addition to repeated patterns of range expansion, parallelism is found in T. prevostianus , which is shown to be a nonmonophyletic taxon of remarkable morphological and ecological similarity.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 603–617.  相似文献   

Despite the many studies that have investigated successful establishment of introduced bird species, very little is known about the patterns of success worldwide and the influence of life history and ecological traits. This study describes the analysis of non-native land bird introductions to test existing hypotheses of establishment success using a modern comparative approach to control for phylogenetic relatedness among taxa. I used randomization tests, permutational phylogenetic regressions, and across-taxa and sister-taxa comparisons to examine predicted correlates of introduction success. My analyses confirmed that the variability in establishment success among introduced land bird families is distributed in a manner significantly different from a random process, and that life history and ecological attributes are an important influence of introduction success. I found strong evidence, through a generalized linear model, that increased habitat generalism, lack of migratory tendency, and sexual monochromatism together explain significant variation in the successful establishment of introduced land bird species. This has resulted in a predictive equation for the novel introduction of land bird species.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 465–480.  相似文献   

The Zoroasteridae comprise a small but widespread family of asteroids distributed throughout the deep sea. Although poorly understood, they are often collected in the hundreds, suggesting that they occupy important ecological roles. A phylogenetic analysis including 24 terminal taxa and 70 morphological characters was performed, resulting in a single most-parsimonious tree. The tree separated zoroasterids with open, reticulate skeletons (e.g. Myxoderma ) as more basal than those with more heavily armored, imbricate skeletons (e.g. Zoroaster ), which were more derived. In addition to agreement with established genera, a new genus is supported by the phylogeny as the sister taxon to Myxoderma . The cladistic analysis was performed in conjunction with a revisionary survey of zoroasterid species, resulting in taxonomic changes to species in nearly every genus. Bathymetric and physiographic shifts were observed between the reticulate and imbricate zoroasterid clades. Zoroasterids possess a single marginal plate series, which occurs in basal sister-group neoasteroids (crown-group asteroids). Phylogenetic results suggest that the morphololgical resemblance between zoroasterids and Palaeozoic taxa, such as Calliasterella , is convergent but a paraphyletic Zoroasteride cannot be rejected and remains consistent with basal crown-group affinities. Although the phylogenetic position of the Eocene Zoroaster aff. fulgens was not strongly supported, its presence within a derived cluster of Zoroaster spp. suggests a relatively recent (i.e. Cenozoic) diversification into the deep sea. Taxonomic revisions, and geographical and bathymetric range extensions are also included.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 177–210.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the natural history of snakes of the colubrid genus Natrix have been well studied. With their extensive European distribution and relative abundance, their ecology, reproduction and behaviour are well known. Yet other facets of their biology remain poorly understood. These include knowledge of Natrix phylogeny, hypotheses explaining the current distribution of the three extant members of the genus, and their evolution and relationships. In this study we used molecular data, the nucleotide sequences of four protein-coding mitochondrial genes (3806 bp total), to provide a well-supported phylogeny for the genus Natrix . With these molecular data, evidence from the fossil record, and knowledge of palaeogeological events, we used two approaches in designing a time scale which we used to date the major events in Natrix speciation and intraspecific variation. Our data strongly support a phylogeny for the genus in which N. maura is basal with N. natrix and N. tessellata being sister species. The calibrated molecular clock suggests that N. maura diverged from the common ancestor of the three species 18–27 mya and that N. natrix and N. tessellata diverged 13–22 mya. Although the ranges of these estimates are large they support an early Miocene to late Oligocene origin for the three species. Intraspecific divergence is estimated to have commenced 5.3, 6.0 and 6.7 mya with evolutionary rates of 1 : 1.25 : 1.35% per million years for N. maura, N. natrix and N. tessellata , respectively.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 127–143.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic information is useful in understanding the evolutionary history of adaptive traits. Here, we present a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis for Heliconius butterflies and related genera. We use this tree to investigate the evolution of three traits, pollen feeding, pupal-mating behaviour and larval gregariousness. Phylogenetic relationships among 60 Heliconiina species (86% of the subtribe) were inferred from partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I , cytochrome oxidase II and 16S rRNA, and fragments of the nuclear genes elongation factor-1α , apterous , decapentaplegic and wingless (3834 bp in total). The results corroborate previous hypotheses based on sequence data in showing that Heliconius is paraphyletic, with Laparus doris and Neruda falling within the genus, demonstrating a single origin for pollen feeding but with a loss of the trait in Neruda . However, different genes are not congruent in their placement of Neruda ; therefore, monophyly of the pollen feeding species cannot be ruled out. There is also a highly supported monophyletic 'pupal-mating clade' suggesting that pupal mating behaviour evolved only once in the Heliconiina. Additionally, we observed at least three independent origins for larval gregariousness from a solitary ancestor, showing that gregarious larval behaviour arose after warning coloration.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 221–239.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among extant families in the suborder Trogiomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera') were inferred from partial sequences of the nuclear 18S rDNA and Histone 3 and mitochondrial 16S rDNA genes. Analyses of these data produced trees that largely supported the traditional classification; however, monophyly of the infraorder Psocathropetae (= Psyllipsocidae + Prionoglarididae) was not recovered. Instead, the family Psyllipsocidae was recovered as the sister taxon to the infraorder Atropetae (= Lepidopsocidae + Trogiidae + Psoquillidae), and the Prionoglarididae was recovered as sister to all other families in the suborder. Character states previously used to diagnose Psocathropetae are shown to be plesiomorphic. The sister group relationship between Psyllipsocidae and Atropetae was supported by two morphological apomorphies: the presence of a paraproctal anal spine and an anteriorly opened phallosome. Based on these sequence data and morphological observations, we propose a new classification scheme for the Trogiomorpha as follows: infraorder Prionoglaridetae (Prionoglarididae), infraorder Psyllipsocetae (Psyllipsocidae), infraorder Atropetae (Lepidopsocidae, Trogiidae, Psoquillidae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 287–299.  相似文献   

Recent revision of North African specimens of Isoetes velata A. Braun and the closely related taxon I. longissimum Bory, together with Spanish material conventionally designated I. longissimum , suggests that the Spanish specimens constitute a new species, I. fluitans . This is described and illustrated. The North African taxon I. longissimum is probably not specifically distinct from I. velata .  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 231–236.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of bioluminescence and iridescence in myodocopid ostracods was estimated by phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA sequences. The inferred phylogeny of the myodocopids suggests that the common ancestor of Myodocopida evaluated in this study exhibits iridescence. This type of light emission was once lost and recaptured independently in the descendant lineages. Bioluminescent species also evolved from non-luminous ancestral species. In the suborder Myodocopina, all the bioluminescent species form a monophyletic group, suggesting that bioluminescence evolved only once. Structural differences between two bioluminescent groups in the order Myodocopida suggests independent origins for bioluminescence.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 449–455.  相似文献   

A new species, Bellium artrutxensis (Asteraceae: Astereae), is described from the therophytic pastures of southern Minorca (Balearic Islands). The analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences showed that the new taxon was closely related to Bellium bellidioides , but differed with regard to the annual lifespan, the absence of epigeal stolons, and the presence of a patent eglandular indumentum on the leaves. The new taxon shows morphological features that are well suited for the colonization of dry environments with a marked summer drought, and may be of adaptive significance. The new species is diploid (2 n  = 18) and shows up to two accessory chromosomes in root tissues. B chromosomes have not been reported previously in other species of Bellium .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 65–77.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis was conducted in order to reconstruct the evolution of female flightlessness in the geometrid tribe Operophterini (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae). DNA variation in four nuclear gene regions, segments D1 and D2 of 28S rRNA, elongation factor 1α , and wingless , was examined from 22 species representing seven tribes of Larentiinae and six outgroup species. Direct optimization was used to infer a phylogenetic hypothesis from the combined sequence data set. The results obtained confirmed that Operophterini (including Malacodea ) is a monophyletic group, and Perizomini is its sister group. Within Operophterini, the genus Malacodea is the sister group to the genera Operophtera and Epirrita , which form a monophyletic group. This relationship is also supported by morphological data. The results suggest that female flightlessness has evolved independently twice: first in the lineage of Malacodea and, for the second time, in the lineage of Operophtera after its separation from the lineage of Epirrita . An alternative reconstruction (i.e. recovery of flight ability in an ancestor of Epirrita ) appears unlikely for various reasons. The similarities shared by Epirrita with a basal representative of Perizomini, Perizoma didymatum , allow the proposal of a sequence of evolutionary events that has led to flightlessness. It is likely that the transition to female flightlessness in the two lineages of Operophterini occurred after the colonization of stable forest habitats, followed by the evolution of a specific set of permissive traits, including larval polyphagy, limited importance of adult feeding, and adult flight during the cold months of the season.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 241–252.  相似文献   

Complex adaptations are often found in nature, although our ability to discern how and why such traits evolved is limited because their origin occurred in the distant past and the details of their evolution have been lost through extinction (e.g. all placental mammals inherited their placentas from a single common ancestor that lived over 100 Mya). In poeciliid fishes, placentas have evolved independently multiple times and portions of the path to the evolution of complexity can be found in living species. In the present study, we describe the life histories of six species within the genus Poecilia that includes the subgenera Micropoecilia and Acanthophacelus (the guppy; Poecilia reticulata). We demonstrate that extensive placentotrophy and superfetation, the ability to simultaneously carry more than one developing brood, have evolved within this clade. These fish represent the third clade in which we have discovered the independent origin of a placenta that also includes close relatives that lack a placenta. We discuss possible adaptive advantages of the joint evolution of extensive placentation and superfetation in these fishes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 784–796.  相似文献   

The evolution of South American carnivorous marsupials, the borhyaenoids, has been investigated through the functional analysis of postcranial adaptive traits and palaeobiological data. There is evidence that the evolutionary history of Borhyaenoidea proceeded from a noncursorial ancestor. The locomotion and habits of the early Palaeocene Mayulestes ferox probably approached a generalized plesiomorphic pattern for marsupial locomotion, i.e. primarily terrestrial with secondary arboreal adaptations. An exceptionally rich early Miocene Patagonian fauna has yielded various morphological predator types, from scansorial ambusher to terrestrial, incipiently cursorial, taxa. The most specialized borhyaenoid was the powerful sabretooth Thylacosmilus atrox that survived until the late Pliocene. The evolution from a scansorial pattern towards a cursorial trend, illustrated by Borhyaena tuberata , and towards the probable development of postlactational parental care in Thylacosmilus , required by its dental specialization and killing strategy, suggests a modification of the selective pressures and predatory activities of the group over evolutionary time.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 487–521.  相似文献   

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