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In contrast to placentals, marsupials are born with forelimbs that are greatly developmentally advanced relative to their hind limbs. Despite significant interest, we still do not know why this is the case, or how this difference is achieved developmentally. Studies of prechondrogenic and chondrogenic limbs have supported the traditional hypothesis that marsupial forelimb development is accelerated in response to the functional requirements of the newborn's crawl to the teat. However, limb ossification studies have concluded that, rather than the forelimb being accelerated, hind limb development is delayed. By increasing the taxonomic coverage and number of prechondrogenic events relative to previous studies, and combining traditional phylogenetic analyses of event sequences with novel analyses of relative developmental rates, this study demonstrates that the timing of limb development in marsupials is more complex than commonly thought. The marsupial phenotype was derived through two independent evolutionary changes in developmental rate: (1) an acceleration of the forelimb's first appearance and (2) a delay of hind limb development from the bud stage onward. Surprisingly, this study also provides some support for an evolutionary acceleration of the marsupial hind limb's first appearance. Further study is needed on the developmental and genetic mechanisms driving these major evolutionary transitions.  相似文献   

Consensus on placental mammal phylogeny is fairly recent compared to that for vertebrates as a whole. A stable phylogenetic hypothesis enables investigation into the possibility that placental clades differ from one another in terms of their development. Here, we focus on the sequence of skeletal ossification as a possible source of developmental distinctiveness in “northern” (Laurasiatheria and Euarchontoglires) versus “southern” (Afrotheria and Xenarthra) placental clades. We contribute data on cranial and postcranial ossification events during growth in Afrotheria, including elephants, hyraxes, golden moles, tenrecs, sengis, and aardvarks. We use three different techniques to quantify sequence heterochrony: continuous method, sequence‐ANOVA (analysis of variance) and event‐paring/Parsimov. We show that afrotherians significantly differ from other placentals by an early ossification of the orbitosphenoid and caudal vertebrae. Our analysis also suggests that both southern placental groups show a greater degree of developmental variability; however, they rarely seem to vary in the same direction, especially regarding the shifts that differ statistically. The latter observation is inconsistent with the Atlantogenata hypothesis in which afrotherians are considered as the sister clade of xenarthrans. Interestingly, ancestral nodes for Laurasiatheria and Euarchontoglires show very similar trends and our results suggest that developmental homogeneity in some ossification sequences may be restricted to northern placental mammals (Boreoeutheria).  相似文献   

Heterochrony and allometry both deal with evolutionary modifications of ontogenies. Although data about both morphology and age are required to identify heterochronic processes, age data are not needed to study allometry. Using a simple graphical model, we show that allometric patterns cannot be used to infer the underlying heterochronic processes. We present a case study of the water strider genus Limnoporus Stål (Heteroptera: Gerridae) to illuminate the distinct roles that allometry and heterochrony play in integrated studies of the evolution of form. Multivariate analyses reveal several evolutionary modifications of growth trajectories (changes in direction, lateral transposition, and ontogenetic scaling), which are fairly consistent with the hypothesized phylogeny of the genus. Because there is no positive correlation between instar durations and size increments, size cannot be used as a proxy for age data in studies of heterochrony. In fact, a measure of overall size itself shows a remarkable variety of heterochronic changes among the six species. Mixtures of several heterochronic processes predominate over the more unitary reflections of “pure” processes. Heterochronic changes in different branches of the phylogeny, apparently independent of size scaling, suggest considerable potential for adaptive evolution. “Local” differentiation of ontogenetic traits within small clades may be at least as important as “global” evolutionary trends in large clades and will often be missed in “global” analyses.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Ontogenies are described for the first time for three species of Early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobites: the oryctocephaline Changaspis elongata Lee, in Chien and the oryctocarines Duyunaspis duyunensis Chang and Chien, in Zhou et al . and Balangia balangensis Chien from the Balang Formation in eastern Ghuizhou Province, south-west China. The complete protaspid to holaspid ontogeny for Duyunaspis duyunensis and incomplete meraspid to holaspid ontogenies for Changaspis elongata and Balangia balangensis are described. The relative degree of ontogenetic variation within the lineage Duyunaspis duyunensis – Balangia balangensis is analysed and indicates that Balangia may have evolved from Duyunaspis by paedomorphosis. Decrease in thoracic segment number and concomitant increase in pygidial segment number in the later genus mirrors the pattern seen in the evolution of another oryctocephalid genus, Arthricocephalus . In both cases, selection was probably targeting an increase in cephalic convexity. This resulted in the evolution of a larger pygidium due to increased elevation of the axis above the substrate. The ontogenetic development of Changaspis provides evidence supporting the view that the Oryctocarinae may be considered as paedomorphic descendants of the Oryctocephalinae.  相似文献   

本文根据142号各年龄段的江豚颅后骨骼标奉(其中长江种群标本38号,黄海种群标本59号,南海种群标本45号),选用42项颅后骨骼变量,应用t-检验、协方差分析和判别分析,研究了颅后骨骼在各地理种群之间的变异。结果表明,(1)中国水域江豚不同种群之间在颅后骨骼上的差异是明的,而且表现在包括初生幼体在内的所有年龄段的标本中。0)南海种群的颅后骨骼最发达,长江次之,黄海种群的最不发达。(3)黄海种群与长江种群的差异较小,与南海种群的差异较大;南海种群与长江种群的差异相对最大。(4)颅骨发生的适应性变化比其外形的变化要慢,而颅后骨骼的变化比颅骨的变化还要慢.  相似文献   

Seed plant female gametophytes are focal points for the evolutionary modification of development. From a structural perspective, the most divergent female gametophytes among all seed plants are found in Gnetum, a clade within Gnetales. Coenocytic organization at sexual maturity, absence of defined egg cells (free nuclei are fertilized), lack of centripetal cellularization, and postfertilization development of embryo-nourishing tissues are features of the female gametophytes of Gnetum unparalleled among seed plants. Although the female gametophyte of Gnetum retains the three basic phases of somatic development common to female gametophytes of plesiomorphic seed plants (free nuclear development, cellularization, cellular growth), the timing of fertilization has been accelerated relative to the rate of somatic development. As a consequence, the female gametophyte of Gnetum matures sexually (is fertilized) at a juvenile (compared with the ancestral somatic ontogeny) and free nuclear stage of somatic development, thereby precluding differentiation of egg cells. Unlike progenetic animals, where truncation of somatic ontogeny evolves in tandem with acceleration in the timing of sexual maturation, the female gametophyte of Gnetum completes the entire ancestral somatic ontogeny after precocious sexual maturation. This results in the evolution of postfertilization development of embryo-nourishing female gametophyte tissues, a phenomenon unique among seed plants. Nonheterochronic developmental innovations have also played important roles in the evolution of the female gametophyte of Gnetum. Centripetal cellularization, which is always associated with the phase change from coenocytic to cellular organization among plesiomorphic seed plant female gametophytes, is lacking in Gnetum. Instead, during early phases of development, apomorphic free nuclear organization is coupled with a highly anomalous pattern of cellularization. Stage-specific innovations during early development in the female gametophyte of Gnetum do not affect plesiomorphic aspects of later phases of development. Thus, a complex array of heterochronic and nonheterochronic developmental innovations have played critical roles in the ontogenetic evolution of the highly apomorphic female gametophyte of Gnetum.  相似文献   

Patterns of parental care are strikingly diverse in nature, and parental care is thought to have evolved repeatedly multiple times. Surprisingly, relatively little is known about the most general conditions that lead to the origin of parental care. Here, we use a theoretical approach to explore the basic life‐history conditions (i.e., stage‐specific mortality and maturation rates, reproductive rates) that are most likely to favor the evolution of some form of parental care from a state of no care. We focus on parental care of eggs and eggs and juveniles and consider varying magnitudes of the benefits of care. Our results suggest that parental care can evolve under a range of life‐history conditions, but in general will be most strongly favored when egg death rate in the absence of care is high, juvenile survival in the absence of care is low (for the scenario in which care extends into the juvenile stage), adult death rate is relatively high, egg maturation rate is low, and the duration of the juvenile stage is relatively short. Additionally, parental care has the potential to be favored at a broad range of adult reproductive rates. The relative importance of these life‐history conditions in favoring or limiting the evolution of care depends on the magnitude of the benefits of care, the relationship between initial egg allocation and subsequent offspring survival, and whether care extends into the juvenile stage. The results of our model provide a general set of predictions regarding when we would expect parental care to evolve from a state of no care, and in conjunction with other work on the topic, will enhance our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of parental care and facilitate comparative analyses.  相似文献   


AN account is given of some aspects of the reproductive ecology and larval development of Lubeo umbrutus which is of great importance in the Eastern Cape due to its abundance in rivers and dams.

The sex ratio was found to be approximately 1:1 and females probably have a longer life span than males. Spawning takes place from October to January. Males become sexually mature at a length of 14 cm and females at a length of 20 cm. A spawning site is described. There is a curvilinear relationship between length and fecundity with the average fecundity increasing from 11 000 in fishes with a length of 20 cm to 48 000 in fishes with a length of 32 cm. Larval development from hatching to an age of 12 days is described.  相似文献   

Allometry is a major determinant of within‐population patterns of association among traits and, therefore, a major component of morphological integration studies. Even so, the influence of size variation over evolutionary change has been largely unappreciated. Here, we explore the interplay between allometric size variation, modularity, and life‐history strategies in the skull from representatives of 35 mammalian families. We start by removing size variation from within‐species data and analyzing its influence on integration magnitudes, modularity patterns, and responses to selection. We also carry out a simulation in which we artificially alter the influence of size variation in within‐taxa matrices. Finally, we explore the relationship between size variation and different growth strategies. We demonstrate that a large portion of the evolution of modularity in the mammalian skull is associated to the evolution of growth strategies. Lineages with highly altricial neonates have adult variation patterns dominated by size variation, leading to high correlations among traits regardless of any underlying modular process and impacting directly their potential to respond to selection. Greater influence of size variation is associated to larger intermodule correlations, less individualized modules, and less flexible responses to natural selection.  相似文献   

We carried out a three‐tiered genetic analysis of egg‐to‐adult development time and viability in ancestral and derived populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis to test the hypothesis that evolution of these life‐history characters has shaped premating reproductive isolation in this species. First, a common garden experiment with 11 populations from Baja California and mainland Mexico and Arizona reared on two host species revealed significant host plant X region and population interactions for viability and development time, evidence for host plant adaptation. Second, replicated line crosses with flies reared on both hosts revealed autosomal, X chromosome, cytoplasmic, and autosome X cactus influences on development time. Viability differences were influenced by host plants, autosomal dominance, and X chromosomal effects. Many of the F1, F2, and backcross generations showed evidence of heterosis for viability. Third, a QTL analysis of male courtship song and epicuticular hydrocarbon variation based on 1688 Baja × mainland F2 males also revealed eight QTL influencing development time differences. Mainland alleles at six of these loci were associated with longer development times, consistent with population‐level differences. Eight G × E interactions were also detected caused by longer development times of mainland alleles expressed on a mainland host with smaller differences among Baja genotypes reared on the Baja host plant. Four QTL influenced both development time and epicuticular hydrocarbon differences associated with courtship success, and there was a significant QTL‐based correlation between development time and cuticular hydrocarbon variation. Thus, the regional shifts in life histories that evolved once D. mojavensis invaded mainland Mexico from Baja California by shifting host plants were genetically correlated with variation in cuticular hydrocarbon‐based mate preferences.  相似文献   

Biased transitions are common throughout the tree of life. The class hydrozoa is no exception, having lost the feeding medusa stage at least 70 times. The family hydractiniidae includes one lineage with pelagic medusae (Podocoryna) and several without (e.g., Hydractinia). The benthic colony stage also varies widely in host specificity and in colony form. The five‐gene phylogeny presented here requires multiple transitions between character states for medusae, host specificity, and colony phenotype. Significant phylogenetic correlations exist between medusoid form, colony morphology, and host specificity. Species with nonfeeding medusae are usually specialized on a single host type, and reticulate colonies are correlated with nonmotile hosts. The history of feeding medusae is less certain. Podocoryna is nested within five lineages lacking medusae. This requires either repeated losses of medusae, or the remarkable re‐evolution of a feeding medusa after at least 150 million years. Traditional ancestral reconstruction favors medusa regain, but a likelihood framework testing biased transitions cannot distinguish between multiple losses versus regain. A hypothesis of multiple losses of feeding medusae requires transient selection pressure favoring such a loss. Populations of species with feeding medusae are always locally rare and lack of feeding medusae does not result in restricted species distribution around the world.  相似文献   


Two and a half years of data were collected from the lower Great Fish River, head region and estuary to determine the fish species composition within these areas. Gilchristella aestuaria, Liza dumerilii, Rhabdosargus holubi and Pomadasys commersonnii were the four most abundant species captured, with riverine flow rate having an important effect on both species composition and numbers of fishes in the different regions. Most marine species displayed a strong inverse relationship between catch per unit effort and elevated freshwater inputs. Euryhaline marine species dominated the catches at all sampling sites during low flows but were less common during high flow periods when catadromous species were most abundant. Based on the available evidence it is suggested that for most marine species in the river this decline in abundance is related to low conductivity levels following floods rather than avoidance of elevated flows. The impact of elevated suspensoid concentrations and lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations on freshwater and estuarine fish populations during major river flooding is also discussed.  相似文献   

Modernization has increased longevity and decreased fertility in many human populations, but it is not well understood how or to what extent these demographic transitions have altered patterns of natural selection. I integrate individual‐based multivariate phenotypic selection approaches with evolutionary demographic methods to demonstrate how a demographic transition in 19th century female populations of Utah altered relationships between fitness and age‐specific survival and fertility. Coincident with this demographic transition, natural selection for fitness, as measured by the opportunity for selection, increased by 13% to 20% over 65 years. Proportional contributions of age‐specific survival to total selection (the complement to age‐specific fertility) diminished from approximately one third to one seventh following a marked increase in infant survival. Despite dramatic reductions in age‐specific fertility variance at all ages, the absolute magnitude of selection for fitness explained by age‐specific fertility increased by approximately 45%. I show that increases in the adaptive potential of fertility traits followed directly from decreased population growth rates. These results suggest that this demographic transition has increased the adaptive potential of the Utah population, intensified selection for reproductive traits, and de‐emphasized selection for survival‐related traits.  相似文献   

Life‐history modes can profoundly impact the biology of a species, and a classic example is the dichotomy between metamorphic (biphasic) and paedomorphic (permanently aquatic) life‐history strategies in salamanders. However, despite centuries of research on this system, several basic questions about the evolution of paedomorphosis in salamanders have not been addressed. Here, we use a nearly comprehensive, time‐calibrated phylogeny of spelerpine plethodontids to reconstruct the evolution of paedomorphosis and to test if paedomorphosis is (1) reversible; (2) associated with living in caves; (3) associated with relatively dry climatic conditions on the surface; and (4) correlated with limited range size and geographic dispersal. We find that paedomorphosis arose multiple times in spelerpines. We also find evidence for re‐evolution of metamorphosis after several million years of paedomorphosis in a lineage of Eurycea from the Edwards Plateau region of Texas. We also show for the first time using phylogenetic comparative methods that paedomorphosis is highly correlated with cave‐dwelling, arid surface environments, and small geographic range sizes, providing insights into both the causes and consequences of this major life history transition.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits are often influenced by dynamic resource allocation trade‐offs which, when occurring over the course of individual lifespan, may manifest as trait aging. Although aging is studied for a variety of traits that are closely tied to reproduction or reproductive effort, the aging of multiple traits related to fitness in other ways are less well understood. We took advantage of almost 30 years of data on human whole‐organism performance in the National Basketball Association (USA) to examine trends of aging in performance traits associated with scoring. Given that patterns of aging differ between sexes in other animal species, we also analyzed a smaller dataset on players in the Women's National Basketball Association to test for potential sex differences in the aging of comparable traits. We tested the hypothesis that age‐related changes in a specific aspect of overall performance can be compensated for by elevated expression of another, related aspect. Our analyses suggest that the aging of performance traits used in basketball is generally characterized by senescence in males, whereas age‐related changes in basketball performance are less evident in females. Our data also indicate a different rate of senescence of different performance traits associated with scoring over a male's lifetime.  相似文献   

Intraspecific studies of selection on multiple traits of a plant's life history provide insight as to how the composite life history of an organism evolves. Current understanding of selection on plant life-history traits is deficient in three important areas: 1) the effects of selection through correlated traits, 2) the effects of selection on a trait throughout the plant's lifetime, and 3) spatial and temporal variation in selection on plant life-history traits among populations and years. This study documents spatial and temporal variation in selection on three life-history and two morphological traits for two natural populations of Chamaecrista fasciculata, a native summer annual. Life-history and morphological traits (date of seedling emergence, size at establishment, size prior to reproduction, date of initial flowering, and date of initial fruit maturation) varied significantly between sites and/or years. Selection on traits varied either spatially, between sites and among transects within one site, or temporally, between years. In addition, life-history traits were phenotypically correlated among themselves and with morphological traits; correlations were generally constant over time and space. Indirect selection caused changes in means and variances in traits not under direct selection, but which were correlated with traits under selection. Selection on date of emergence varied in direction and magnitude among different life-cycle stages, while selection on other traits varied only in magnitude among life stages of the plant. This study documents the complexity of the selective process and the importance of considering multiple life stages and traits when studying the evolution of life-history traits.  相似文献   

Cosmopolitan populations of Drosophila melanogaster have co‐opted a form of reproductive diapause to overwinter in northern populations. Polymorphism in the couch potato gene has been implicated in genetic variation for this diapause trait. Using a collection of 20 populations from Florida to Canada and 11 collections from 3 years in a Pennsylvania orchard, we estimated the allele frequencies for 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the couch potato gene. These include the specific polymorphism associated with diapause inducability. We find that the SNP polymorphism, 48034(A/T), is correlated with latitude and its frequencies are predicted by the incidence of diapause trait. We find that the clinal patterns for cpo SNPs sampled in 1997 are similar to the same SNPs sampled in 2009–2010. SNPs that show apparent associations with cpo expression are also clinal with the low‐expression allele increasing in frequency, as would be predicted from functional knockout studies of cpo. Finally, we see a significant pattern where the frequency of the diapause‐causing allele drops in frequency during the summer season, consistent with the drop in the incidence of the diapause trait. The selection required to drive this response is large, roughly 24% to 59% per generation depending on the degree of dominance.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that age and size at maturity of organisms should be influenced by time and food constraints on development. This study investigated phenotypic plasticity in growth, development, body size, and diapause in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Full-sib families were allowed to develop under predator-free field conditions. The time before the onset of winter was varied and each brood was split into three environments differing in the amount of dung a set number of larvae had as a resource. When resources were abundant and competition was minimal, individuals of both sexes grew to larger body sizes, took longer time to mature, and were able to increase their growth rates to attain large body sizes despite shorter effective development periods later in the season. In contrast, limited larval resources and strong competition constrained individuals to mature earlier at a smaller adult size, and growth rates could not be increased but were at least maintained. This outcome is predicted by only two life-history optimality models, which treat mortality due to long development periods and mortality due to fast growth as independent. Elevated preadult mortality indicated physiological costs of fast growth independent of predation. When larval resources were limited, mortality increased with heritable variation in development time for males, and toward the end of the season mortality increased as larval resources became more abundant because this induced longer development periods. Sexual and fecundity selection favoring large body size in this species is thus opposed by larval viability selection favoring slower growth in general and shorter development periods when time and resources are limited; this overall combination of selective pressures is presumably shaping the reaction norms obtained here. Flexible growth rates are facilitated by low genetic correlations between development time and body size, a possible consequence of selection for plasticity. Heritable variation was evident in all traits investigated, as well as in phenotypic plasticity of these traits (genotype X interactions). This is possibly maintained by unpredictable spatiotemporal variation in dung abundance, competition, and hence selection.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We present a general epidemiological model of host‐parasite interactions that includes various forms of superinfection. We use this model to study the effects of different host life‐history traits on the evolution of parasite virulence. In particular, we analyze the effects of natural host death rate on the evolutionarily stable parasite virulence. We show that, contrary to classical predictions, an increase in the natural host death rate may select for lower parasite virulence if some form of superinfection occurs. This result is in agreement with the experimental results and the verbal argument presented by Ebert and Mangin (1997). This experiment is discussed in the light of the present model. We also point out the importance of superinfections for the effect of nonspecific immunity on the evolution of virulence. In a broader perspective, this model demonstrates that the occurrence of multiple infections may qualitatively alter classical predictions concerning the effects of various host life‐history traits on the evolution of parasite virulence.  相似文献   

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