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Inhibition of phrenic nerve activity (PNA) can be achieved when alveolar ventilation is adequate and when stretching of lung tissue stimulates mechanoreceptors to inhibit inspiratory activity. During mechanical ventilation under different lung conditions, inhibition of PNA can provide a physiological setting at which ventilatory parameters can be compared and related to arterial blood gases and pH.


To study lung mechanics and gas exchange at inhibition of PNA during controlled gas ventilation (GV) and during partial liquid ventilation (PLV) before and after lung lavage.


Nine anaesthetised, mechanically ventilated young cats (age 3.8 ± 0.5 months, weight 2.3 ± 0.1 kg) (mean ± SD) were studied with stepwise increases in peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) until total inhibition of PNA was attained before lavage (with GV) and after lavage (GV and PLV). Tidal volume (Vt), PIP, oesophageal pressure and arterial blood gases were measured at inhibition of PNA. One way repeated measures analysis of variance and Student Newman Keuls-tests were used for statistical analysis.


During GV, inhibition of PNA occurred at lower PIP, transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) and Vt before than after lung lavage. After lavage, inhibition of inspiratory activity was achieved at the same PIP, Ptp and Vt during GV and PLV, but occurred at a higher PaCO2 during PLV. After lavage compliance at inhibition was almost the same during GV and PLV and resistance was lower during GV than during PLV.


Inhibition of inspiratory activity occurs at a higher PaCO2 during PLV than during GV in cats with surfactant-depleted lungs. This could indicate that PLV induces better recruitment of mechanoreceptors than GV.  相似文献   

Different mathematical models of varying complexity have been proposed in recent years to study the cardiovascular (CV) system. However, only a few of them specifically address the response to lower body negative pressure (LBNP), a stress that can be applied in weightlessness to predict changes in orthostatic tolerance. Also, the simulated results produced by these models agree only partially with experimental observations. In contrast, the model proposed by Melchior et al., and modified by Karam et al. is a simple representation of the CV system capable of accurately reproducing observed LBNP responses up to presyncopal levels. There are significant changes in LBNP response due to a loss of blood volume and other alterations that occur in weightlessness and related one-g conditions such as bedrest. A few days of bedrest can cause up to 15% blood volume loss (BVL), with consequent decreases in both stroke volume and cardiac output, and increases in heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and total peripheral resistance. These changes are more pronounced at higher levels of LBNP. This paper presents the results of a simulation study using our CV model to examine the effect of BVL on LBNP response.  相似文献   

There is emerging evidence that aldosterone can promote diastolic dysfunction and cardiac fibrosis independent of blood pressure effects, perhaps through increased oxidative stress and inflammation. Accordingly, this investigation was designed to ascertain if mineralocorticoid receptor blockade improves diastolic dysfunction independently of changes in blood pressure through actions on myocardial oxidative stress and fibrosis. We used young transgenic (mRen2)27 [TG(mRen2)27] rats with increases in both tissue ANG II and circulating aldosterone, which manifests age-related increases in hypertension and cardiac dysfunction. Male TG(mRen2)27 and age-matched Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with either a low dose (~1 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) or a vasodilatory, conventional dose (~30 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) of spironolactone or placebo for 3 wk. TG(mRen2)27 rats displayed increases in systolic blood pressure and plasma aldosterone levels as well as impairments in left ventricular diastolic relaxation without changes in systolic function on cine MRI. TG(mRen2)27 hearts also displayed hypertrophy (left ventricular weight, cardiomyoctye hypertrophy, and septal wall thickness) as well as fibrosis (interstitial and perivascular). There were increases in oxidative stress in TG(mRen2)27 hearts, as evidenced by increases in NADPH oxidase activity and subunits as well as ROS formation. Low-dose spironolactone had no effect on systolic blood pressure but improved diastolic dysfunction comparable to a conventional dose. Both doses of spironolactone caused comparable reductions in ROS/3-nitrotryosine immunostaining and perivascular and interstitial fibrosis. These data support the notion mineralocorticoid receptor blockade improves diastolic dysfunction through improvements in oxidative stress and fibrosis independent of changes in systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

Continuous positive airway pressure, aimed at preventing pulmonary atelectasis, has been used for decades to reduce lung injury in critically ill patients. In neonatal practice, it is increasingly used worldwide as a primary form of respiratory support due to its low cost and because it reduces the need for endotracheal intubation and conventional mechanical ventilation. We studied the anesthetized in vivo rat and determined the optimal circuit design for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure. We investigated the effects of continuous positive airway pressure following lipopolysaccharide administration in the anesthetized rat. Whereas neither continuous positive airway pressure nor lipopolysaccharide alone caused lung injury, continuous positive airway pressure applied following intravenous lipopolysaccharide resulted in increased microvascular permeability, elevated cytokine protein and mRNA production, and impaired static compliance. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated whereby higher levels of continuous positive airway pressure (up to 6 cmH(2)O) caused greater lung injury. Lung injury was attenuated by pretreatment with dexamethasone. These data demonstrate that despite optimal circuit design, continuous positive airway pressure causes significant lung injury (proportional to the airway pressure) in the setting of circulating lipopolysaccharide. Although we would currently avoid direct extrapolation of these findings to clinical practice, we believe that in the context of increasing clinical use, these data are grounds for concern and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   



Exercise training is of benefit for patients with restrictive lung disease. However, it tends to be intolerable for those with severe disease. We examined whether providing ventilatory assistance by using negative pressure ventilators (NPV) during exercise training is feasible for such patients and the effects of training.


36 patients with restrictive lung disease were prospectively enrolled for a 12-week multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. During this program, half of them (n:18; 60.3 ± 11.6 years; 6 men; FVC: 32.5 ± 11.7% predicted ) received regular sessions of exercise training under NPV, whilst the 18 others (59.6 ± 12.3 years; 8 men; FVC: 37.7 ± 10.2% predicted) did not. Exercise capacity, pulmonary function, dyspnea and quality of life were measured. The primary endpoint was the between-group difference in change of 6 minute-walk distance (6MWD) after 12 weeks of rehabilitation.


All patients in the NPV-exercise group were able to tolerate and completed the program. The between-group differences were significantly better in the NPV-exercise group in changes of 6MWD (34.1 ± 12.7 m vs. -32.5 ± 17.5 m; P = 0.011) and St George Score (−14.5 ± 3.6 vs. 11.8 ± 6.0; P < 0.01). There was an improvement in dyspnea sensation (Borg’s scale, from 1.4 ± 1.5 point to 0.8 ± 1.3 point, P = 0.049) and a small increase in FVC (from 0.85 ± 0.09 L to 0.91 ± 0.08 L, P = 0.029) in the NPV-exercise group compared to the control group.


Exercise training with NPV support is feasible for patients with severe restrictive lung diseases, and improves exercise capacity and health-related quality of life.  相似文献   

Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch is a prominent feature of preterm infants and adults with lung disease. V/Q mismatch is known to cause arterial hypoxemia under steady-state conditions, and has been proposed as the cause of rapid arterial oxygen desaturation during apnea. However, there is little evidence to support a role for V/Q mismatch in the dynamic changes in arterial oxygenation that occur during apnea. Using a mathematical model, we quantified the effect of V/Q mismatch on the rate of desaturation during apnea to ascertain whether it could lead to rates of up to 10% s-1 as observed in preterm infants. We used a lung-body model for the preterm infant that incorporated 50 parallel alveolar-capillary units that were ventilated and perfused with the severity of V/Q mismatch (σ) defined conventionally according to σ=S.D. of the distribution of V/Q ratios. Average desaturation rate 10 s from apnea onset was strongly elevated with worsening V/Q mismatch as a result of an earlier desaturation of low V/Q units compared with high V/Q units. However, V/Q mismatch had little impact after apnea onset, with peak desaturation rate only substantially increased if mismatching caused a lowered resting arterial O2 saturation. In conclusion, V/Q mismatch causes a more immediate onset of desaturation during apnea, and therefore places preterm infants and adults with lung disease at risk of hypoxemic dips. However, V/Q mismatch does not accelerate desaturation rate beyond apnea onset and cannot, therefore, explain the rapid desaturation observed during recurrent apnea in preterm infants.  相似文献   

Human atrial natriuretic peptide was infused over four hours in three patients with essential hypertension. When the patients had a sodium intake of 200 mmol (mEq) daily an infusion of 0.5 micrograms atrial natriuretic peptide/min caused no significant change in blood pressure, whereas an infusion of 1.0 micrograms/min caused a gradual decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. After two to three hours of infusion with the higher dose two patients showed a sudden decrease in heart rate, with symptomatic hypotension. When the same patients had an intake of 50 mmol sodium daily their blood pressure was more sensitive to infusion of atrial natriuretic peptide; one patient again developed symptomatic hypotension, this time during an infusion of 0.5 micrograms/min. During all infusions distinct natriuresis occurred irrespective of whether blood pressure was affected. Prolonged, relatively low dose infusions of atrial natriuretic peptide can cause unwanted symptomatic hypotension. The effect on blood pressure is enhanced after sodium depletion, and blood pressure should be monitored carefully during longer infusions of atrial natriuretic peptide in patients with essential hypertension.  相似文献   

廖威  唐艳  张珍  王春燕  宋静  龚莹  朱军丽 《中国微生态学杂志》2020,32(10):1190-1193, 1198
目的探究壳聚糖复合角质细胞生长因子(keratinocyte growth factor-2,KGF-2)突变体温敏敷料联合简易负压吸引法对长期卧床老年患者大面积压力性损伤的治疗效果。方法选择2016年1月至2018年12月我院普外科收治的90名大面积压力性损伤患者,随机分为对照组与观察组,各45例。对照组患者采用简易负压吸引联合传统泡沫敷料治疗,观察组患者在此基础上联合壳聚糖复合KGF-2突变体温敏敷料填充。比较两组患者的伤口愈合效果以及创面细菌检出率。结果观察组患者的伤口愈合总有效率(93.3%)明显高于对照组(75.6%),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.41,P=0.003)。观察组患者细菌检出率(8.89%)显著低于对照组(35.56%),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=3.02,P=0.003)。结论壳聚糖复合KGF-2突变体温敏敷料联合简易负压吸引法能显著促进长期卧床老年患者大面积压力性损伤创面愈合,降低交叉感染的风险,具有较好的临床应用效果。  相似文献   

Distortion of the upper airway by negative transmural pressure (UANP) causes reflex vagal bradycardia. This requires activation of cardiac vagal preganglionic neurons, which exhibit postinspiratory (PI) discharge. We hypothesized that UANP would also stimulate cranial respiratory motoneurons with PI activity. We recorded 32 respiratory modulated motor units from the recurrent laryngeal nerve of seven decerebrate paralyzed rabbits and recorded their responses to UANP and to withholding lung inflation using a phrenic-triggered ventilator. The phasic inspiratory (n = 17) and PI (n = 5) neurons detected were stimulated by -10 cmH(2)O UANP and by withdrawal of lung inflation (P < 0.05, Friedman's ANOVA). Expiratory-inspiratory units (n = 10) were tonically active but transiently inhibited in postinspiration; this inhibition was more pronounced and prolonged during UANP stimuli and during no-inflation tests (P < 0.05). We conclude that, in addition to increasing inspiratory activity in the recurrent laryngeal nerve, UANP also stimulates units with PI activity.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na(+) transport via an epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) expressed in the lung epithelium would play a key role in recovery from lung edema at acute lung injury by removing the fluid in lung luminal space. The lung edema causes dysfunction of gas exchange, decreasing oxygen pressure level of artery [P(aO(2))]. To study if ENaC plays a key role in recovering P(aO(2)) from a decreased level to a normal one in acute lung injury, we applied benzamil (20microM, a specific blocker of ENaC) to the lung luminal space in acute lung injury treated with high frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) that is a lung-protective ventilation with a lower tidal volume and a smaller pressure swing than conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). Benzamil facilitated the recovery of P(aO(2)) in acutely injured lung with HFOV but not CMV. The observation suggests that in acutely injured lung treated with HFOV an ENaC blocker, benzamil, can be applied as a therapeutic drug for acute lung injury combing with HFOV.  相似文献   

Thirty patients with essential hypertension participated in a double blind crossover trial in which they were randomly allocated to treatment with either once daily slow release metoprolol (200 mg) with placebo or once daily slow release metoprolol (200 mg) with chlorthalidone (25 mg). Ambulatory intra-arterial blood pressure was recorded continuously for 24-48 hours before treatment and two months after each change in regimen. The response of blood pressure and pulse rate to a standard exercise protocol that included supine rest and tilt, isometric, and dynamic bicycle exercise was measured during the same recording periods. Both treatments appreciably reduced blood pressure and pulse rate; mean daytime intra-arterial blood pressure was reduced from 174/95 mm Hg to 158/85 mm Hg by metoprolol plus placebo and to 143/78 mm Hg by metoprolol plus chlorthalidone. This reduction with the combined treatment was significantly greater than with metoprolol and placebo (p systolic = 0.001, p diastolic = 0.004). Mean night time pressures were reduced from 148/78 mm Hg to 139/75 mm Hg by metoprolol plus placebo and to 116/61 mm Hg by metoprolol plus chlorthalidone. Again the reduction in blood pressure was significantly greater with combined treatment (p less than 0.001) than with metoprolol plus placebo. Once daily slow release metoprolol is effective in controlling blood pressure, but this effect is greatly enhanced by the addition of a diuretic.  相似文献   

Anti-tumor vaccines capable of activating both CD4 and CD8 T cells are preferred for long lasting T cell responses. Induction of a tumor-specific T-cell response can be induced by tumor vaccines that target innate immunity. The ensuing T-cell response depends on efficient antigen presentation from phagocytosed cargo in the antigen presenting cell and is augmented by the presence of Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands within the cargo. Biodegradable polymers are useful for vaccine delivery in that they are phagocytosed by antigen presenting cells (APCs) and could potentially be loaded with both the antigen and immune stimulatory TLR agents. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) polymer particles loaded with antigenic tumor lysate and immune stimulatory CpG oligonucleotides on induction of tumor specific immunity in a mouse model of melanoma. We found that after delivery, these immune stimulatory antigen loaded particles (ISAPs) efficiently activated APCs and were incorporated into lysosomal compartments of macrophages and dendritic cells. ISAP vaccination resulted in remarkable T cell proliferation, but only modestly suppressed tumor growth of established melanoma. Due to this discordant effect on tumor immunity we evaluated the role of regulatory T cells (Treg) and found that ISAP vaccination or tumor growth alone induced prolific expansion of tumor specific Treg. When the Treg compartment was suppressed with anti-CD25 antibody, ISAP vaccination induced complete antigen-specific immunity in a prophylactic model. ISAP vaccination is a novel tumor vaccine strategy that is designed to co-load the antigen with a TLR agonist enabling efficient Ag presentation. Targeting of T-reg expansion during vaccination may be necessary for inducing effective tumor-specific immunity. Supported in part by grants from NIH R21 CA100652-01, the American Cancer Society IRG-77-004-28 and Michael C. Sandler.  相似文献   

Du  Rui  Wang  Xu  He  Shigang 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(9):1337-1346
Optic neuropathies lead to blindness; the common pathology is the degeneration of axons of the retinal ganglion cells. In this study, we used a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusion and a one-time intravitreal brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)injection; then we examined axon transportation function, continuity, physical presence of axons in different part of the optic nerve, and the expression level of proteins involved in axon transportation. We found that in the disease model, axon transportation was the most severely affected, followed by axon continuity, then the number of axons in the distal and proximal optic nerve. BDNF treatment relieved all reductions and significantly restored function. The molecular changes were more minor,probably due to massive gliosis of the optic nerve, so interpretation of protein expression data should be done with some caution.The process in this acute model resembles a fast-forward of changes in the chronic model of glaucoma. Therefore, impairment in axon transportation appears to be a common early process underlying different optic neuropathies. This research on effective intervention can be used to develop interventions for all optic neuropathies targeting axon transportation.  相似文献   

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