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Differential scanning calorimetry, laser Raman spectroscopy, optical densitometry, and pH potentiometry have been used to investigate DNA melting profiles in the presence of the chloride salts of Ba2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+. Metal-DNA interactions have been observed for the molar ratio [M2+]/[PO2-] = 0.6 in aqueous solutions containing 5% by weight of 160 bp mononucleosomal calf thymus DNA. All of the alkaline earth metals, plus Mn2+, elevate the melting temperature of DNA (Tm > 75.5 degrees C), whereas the transition metals Co2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ lower Tm. Calorimetric (delta Hcal) and van't Hoff (delta HVH) enthalpies of melting range from 6.2-8.7 kcal/mol bp and 75.6-188.6 kcal/mol cooperative unit, respectively, and entropies from 17.5 to 24.7 cal/K mol bp. The average number of base pairs in a cooperative melting unit (<nmelt>) varied from 11.3 to 28.1. No dichotomy was observed between alkaline earth and transition DNA-metal complexes for any of the thermodynamic parameters other than their effects on Tm. These results complement Raman difference spectra, which reveal decreases in backbone order, base unstacking, distortion of glycosyl torsion angles, and rupture of hydrogen bonds, which occur after thermal denaturation. Raman difference spectroscopy shows that transition metals interact with the N7 atom of guanine in duplex DNA. A broader range of interaction sites with single-stranded DNA includes ionic phosphates, the N1 and N7 atoms of purines, and the N3 atom of pyrimidines. For alkaline earth metals, very little interaction was observed with duplex DNA, whereas spectra of single-stranded complexes are very similar to those of melted DNA without metal. However, difference spectra reveal some metal-specific perturbations at 1092 cm-1 (nPO2-), 1258 cm-1 (dC, dA), and 1668 cm-1 (nC==O, dNH2 dT, dG, dC). Increased spectral intensity could also be observed near 1335 cm-1 (dA, dG) for CaDNA. Optical densitometry, employed to detect DNA aggregation, reveals increased turbidity during the melting transition for all divalent DNA-metal complexes, except SrDNA and BaDNA. Turbidity was not observed for DNA in the absence of metal. A correlation was made between DNA melting, aggregation, and the ratio of Raman intensities I1335/I1374. At room temperature, DNA-metal interactions result in a pH drop of 1.2-2.2 units for alkaline earths and more than 2.5 units for transition metals. Sr2+, Ba2+, and Mg2+ cause protonated sites on the DNA to become thermally labile. These results lead to a model that describes DNA aggregation and denaturation during heating in the presence of divalent metal cations; 1) The cations initially interact with the DNA at phosphate and/or base sites, resulting in proton displacement. 2) A combination of metal-base interactions and heating disrupts the base pairing within the DNA duplex. This allows divalent metals and protons to bind to additional sites on the DNA bases during the aggregation/melting process. 3) Strands whose bases have swung open upon disruption are linked to neighboring strands by metal ion bridges. 4) Near the midpoint of the melting transition, thermal energy breaks up the aggregate. We have no evidence to indicate whether metal ion cross-bridges or direct base-base interactions rupture first. 5) Finally, all cross-links break, resulting in single-stranded DNA complexed with metal ions.  相似文献   

We have determined and compared trace metals concentration in saliva taken from chemical warfare injures who were under the exposure of mustard gas and healthy subjects by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for the first time. The influence of preliminary operations on the accuracy of ICP-OES analysis, blood contamination, the number of restored teeth in the mouth, salivary flow rate, and daily variations in trace metals concentration in saliva were also considered. Unstimulated saliva was collected at 10:00–11:00 a.m. from 45 subjects in three equal groups. The first group was composed of 15 healthy subjects (group 1); the second group consisted of 15 subjects who, upon chemical warfare injuries, did not use Salbutamol spray, which they would have normally used on a regular basis (group 2); and the third group contained the same number of patients as the second group, but they had taken their regular medicine (Salbutamol spray; group 3). Our results showed that the concentration of Cu in saliva was significantly increased in the chemical warfare injures compared to healthy subjects, as follows: healthy subjects 15.3± 5.45(p.p.b.), patients (group 2) 45.77±13.65, and patients (Salbutamol spray; group 3) 29 ±8.51 (P <0.02). In contrast, zinc was significantly decreased in the patients, as follows: healthy subjects 37 ± 9.03(p.p.b.), patients (group 2) 12.2 ± 3.56, and patients (Salbutamol spray; group 3) 20.6 ±10.01 (P < 0.01). It is important to note that direct dilution of saliva samples with ultrapure nitric acid showed the optimum ICP-OES outputs.  相似文献   

The catalytic Mn cluster of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving system is oxidized via a tyrosine, Y(Z), by a photooxidized chlorophyll a moiety, P(+)(680). The rapid reduction of P(+)(680) by Y(Z) in nanoseconds requires the intactness of an acid/base cluster around Y(Z) with an apparent functional pK of <5. The removal of Mn (together with bound Ca) shifts the pK of the acid/base cluster from the acid into the neutral pH range. At alkaline pH the electron transfer (ET) from Y(Z) to P(+)(680) is still rapid (<1 micros), whereas at acid pH the ET is much slower (10-100 micros) and steered by proton release. In the intermediate pH domain one observes a mix of these kinetic components (see R. Ahlbrink, M. Haumann, D. Cherepanov, O. B?gershausen, A. Mulkidjanian, W. Junge, Biochemistry 37 (1998)). The overall kinetics of P(680)(+) reduction by Y(Z) in Mn-depleted photosystem II (PS II) has been previously shown to be slowed down by divalent cations (added at >10 microM), namely: Mn(2+), Co(2+), Ni(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+) (C.W. Hoganson, P.A. Casey, O. Hansson, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1057 (1991)). Using Mn-depleted PS II core particles from pea as starting material, we re-investigated this phenomenon at nanosecond resolution, aiming at the effect of divalent cations on the particular kinetic components of P(+)(680) reduction. To our surprise we found only the slower, proton steered component retarded by some added cations (namely Co(2+)/Zn(2+)>Fe(2+)>Mn(2+)). Neither the fast component nor the apparent pK of the acid/base cluster around Y(Z) was affected. Apparently, the divalent cations acted (electrostatically) on the proton release channel that connects the oxygen-evolving complex with the bulk water, but not on the ET between Y(Z) and P(+)(680), proper. Contrastingly, Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), when added at >5 mM, accelerated the slow component of P(+)(680) reduction by Y(Z) and shifted the apparent pK of Y(Z) from 7.4 to 6.6 and 6.7, respectively. It was evident that the binding site(s) for added Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) were close to Y(Z) proper. The data obtained are discussed in relation to the nature of the metal-binding sites in photosystem II.  相似文献   

A series of complexes of the form [M(Bp3(4Bz))(Tp3(4Bz))] containing a mixture of novel dihydrobis(3-(4-benzonitrile)pyrazolyl)borato (Bp3(4Bz)) and hydrotris(3-(4-benzonitrile)pyrazolyl)borato (Tp3(4Bz)) ligands have been synthesised and structurally characterised. The ligands, both containing 3-(4-benzonitrile)pyrazole arms, form isostructural complexes with a variety of transition metals although different crystalline solvates have been obtained depending upon the crystallisation conditions, namely [M(Bp3(4Bz))(Tp3(4Bz))] (M = Ni, Co), [Ni((Bp3(4Bz))(Tp3(4Bz))]·2MeOH and [M(Bp3(4Bz))(Tp3(4Bz))]·MeOH (M = Mn, Cd). In all cases the metal atoms are five-coordinate with an additional agostic B-H interaction from the bis(pyrazolyl)borate ligand.  相似文献   

Since the toxicity of one metal or metalloid can be dramatically modulated by the interaction with other toxic or essential metals, studies addressing the chemical interactions between trace elements are increasingly important. In this study correlations between the main toxic (As, Cd, Hg and Pb) and nutritional essential (Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) elements were evaluated in the tissues (liver, kidney and muscle) of 120 cattle from NW Spain, using Spearman rank correlation analysis based on analytical data obtained by ICP-AES. Although accumulation of toxic elements in cattle in this study is very low and trace essential metals are generally within the adequate ranges, there were significant associations between toxic and essential metals. Cd was positively correlated with most of the essential metals in the kidney, and with Ca, Co and Zn in the liver. Pb was significantly correlated with Co and Cu in the liver. A large number of significant associations between essential metals were found in the different tissues, these correlations being very strong between Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn in the kidney. Co was moderately correlated with most of the essential metals in the liver. In general, interactions between trace elements in this study were similar to those found in polluted areas or in experimental studies in animals receiving diets containing high levels of toxic metals or inadequate levels of nutritional essential elements. These interactions probably indicate that mineral balance in the body is regulated by important homeostatic mechanisms in which toxic elements compete with the essential metals, even at low levels of metal exposure. The knowledge of these correlations may be essential to understand the kinetic interactions of metals and their implications in the trace metal metabolism.  相似文献   

Different metal carboxylate complexes are prepared by reactions of manganese (+2) acetate, copper (+2) acetate, zinc (+2) acetate and cadmium (+2) acetate with p-phenylenediacetic acid under ambient condition with or without a nitrogen donor ligands and each of them are characterized by conventional spectroscopic techniques along with crystallography.  相似文献   

In a mature mixed subalpine stand ofTsuga mertensiana andAbies amabilis, significantly higher Al levels were found in foliage, branch and root tissues ofT. mertensiana.Tsuga mertensiana had significant increases in Al, Ca and Mn levels with increasing foliage age. In current foliage,T. mertensiana had lower levels of Ca, similar levels of Mg and P, and higher levels of Mn thanA. amabilis. Both tree species had Cu and Fe present at higher levels in branch than foliage tissues. Fine roots had the highest concentrations of Al, Fe and Cu but the lowest Ca and Mn concentrations of all tissues analyzed. In the roots of both species, phloem tissues always had significantly higher Al levels than xylem. Fine roots (< 1 and 1–2 mm) ofT. mertensiana had higher Al levels than were found inA. amabilis. Roots greater than 2 mm in diameter exhibited no significant differences in Al levels in phloem or xylem tissue betweenA. amabilis andT. mertensiana. The two species show a clear difference in their ability to accumulate specific elements from the soil.  相似文献   

The interaction of Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ with calf thymus DNA has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. These spectra reveal that all of these ions, and particularly Zn2+, bind to phosphate groups of DNA, causing a slight structural change in the polynucleotide at very small metal: DNA (P) concentration ratio (ca. 1:30). This results in increased base-stacking interactions, with negligible change of the B conformation of DNA. Contrary to Zn2+ and Cd2+, which interact extensively with the nucleic bases (particularly at the N7 position of guanine), the alkaline-earth metal ions are bound almost exclusively to the phosphate groups. The affinity of both the Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions for G.C base pairs is comparable, but the Cd2+ ions interact more extensively with A.T pairs than Zn2+ ions. Interstrand cross-linking through the N3 atom of cytosine is suggested in the presence of Zn2+, but not Cd2+.  相似文献   

Metal ion (Mg(II), Ca(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II)) complexes of nystatin and amphotericin B (polyene antibiotics) have been prepared as solids. The stoichiometry of the complexes has been established. IR, ESR investigation indicates the metal-ligating sites in the polyene molecules. The existence of such complexes is discussed in the light of polyene mode- of-action theories.  相似文献   

1. The flagellated alga, Euglena gracilis, swims forward essentially in a straight path under constant light intensity. Strong motility of the cells can be supported by Mg2+ alone but optimum motility is found in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+ and K+. 2. Ca2+, Co2+, Mn2+ and Ba2+ induce a concentration-dependent increase in the rate at which the cells change the direction of their swimming path (a klinokinesis). Ni2+ immobilizes the flagellum. 3. On perception of a reduction ('step-down stimulus') in blue light intensity in their environment, Euglena rotate in place (tumble) for a finite period (the step-down photophobic response). 4. The duration of the tumbling is enhanced in the presence of divalent cations following the series Ca2+ greater than Ba2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Co2+ greater than Mg2+ = Ni2+ = 0. 5. Neither the tumbling response in the presence of low concentrations of Ca2+ or the Ca2+-stimulated response is altered by verapamil (a Ca2+ conductance antagonist). The Ca2+ conductance/active transport antagonist, ruthenium red, is also inactive. 6. The Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, has little effect on flagellar activity in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. However, in the presence of A23187, Ca2+ induces a specific light-independent, concentration-dependent discontinuous tumbling response of the cells. 7. The data support a role for Ca2+ and Mg2+ in control of flagellar activity. However, blue light-induced tumbling behavior would not appear to be the direct result of a light-mediated alteration in the Ca2+ conductance of the flagellar membrane to affect flagellar reorientation. The results are discussed in connection with previous theories on control of flagella activity in green alga.  相似文献   

The effects of divalent cations (Zn2+, Cd2+, Ca2+, Mg2+) on the cytosol androgen receptor were determined by sedimentation into sucrose gradients. At low ionic strength (25 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris, pH 7.4), Zn2+ (200 microM total, which calculates to 130 nM free Zn2+ in 10 mM mercaptoethanol) causes a shift in the sedimentation coefficient of the rat Dunning prostate tumor (R3327H) cytosol receptor and rat ventral prostate cytosol receptor from 7.5 +/- 0.3 S to 8.6 +/- 0.3 S. Zn2+ stabilizes the 8.6 S receptor form in salt concentrations up to 0.15 M KCl in 50 mM Tris, pH 7.2. In low ionic strength gradients containing Ca2+ (greater than or equal to 200 microM) or Mg2+ (greater than or equal to 1 mM), the receptor sediments as 4.7 +/- 0.3 S. The dissociating effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ can be fully reversed by sedimentation into gradients containing Zn2+ (200 microM total) or Cd2+ (10 microM total). In the presence of Zn2+ (200 microM total), Ca2+ (10 microM to 3 mM) converts the receptor to an intermediate form with sedimentation coefficient 6.2 +/- 0.2 S, Stokes radius 73 A, and apparent Mr approximately 203,000. The potentiating effect of Zn2+ on formation of the 8.6 S receptor (in the absence of Ca2+) and the 6.2 S receptor (in the presence of Ca2+) requires both the 4.5 S receptor and the 8 S androgen receptor-promoting factor. Sodium molybdate stabilizes the untransformed cytosol receptor but, unlike Zn2+, does not promote reconstitution of the 8.6 S receptor from its partially purified components. These results indicate that divalent cations alter the molecular size of the androgen receptor in vitro and thus may have a role in altering the state of transformation of the receptor.  相似文献   

The properties of particulate guanylate cyclase (GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC from purified rabbit skeletal muscle membrane fragments were studied. Four membrane fractions were prepared by sucrose gradient centrifugation and the fractions characterized by analysis of marker enzymes. Guanylate cyclase activity was highest in the fraction possessing enzymatic properties typical of sarcolemma, while fractions enriched with sarcoplasmic reticulum had lower activities. In the presence of suboptimal Mn2+ concentrations, Mg2+ stimulated particulate guanylate cyclase activity both before and after solubilization in 1% Triton X-100. Guanylate cyclase activity was biphasic in the presence of Ca2+. Increasing the Ca2+ concentration from 10(-8) to 10(-5) M decreased the specific activity. As the Ca2+ concentration was further increased to 5 . 10(-4) M enzyme activity again increased. After solubilization of the membranes in 1% Triton X-100, Ca2+ suppressed enzyme activity. Studies utilizing ionophore X537A indicated that the altered effect of Ca2+ upon the solubilized membranes was independent of asymmetric distribution of Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of Sr(2+), Ni(2+) and Cu(2+) of human insulin complexes have been determined. The structures of Sr(2+) and Ni(2+) complexes are similar to Zn(2+) insulin and are in T6 conformation. (All the six monomers in the insulin hexamer are in Tensed conformation (T), which means the first eight residues of B-chain are in an extended conformation). Cu(2+) complex, though it assumes T6 conformation, has more structural differences due to lowering of crystal symmetry and space group shift from H3 (Hexagonal crystal system) to P3 (Trigonal crystal system) and a doubling of the c axis. 2Ni(2+) human insulin when compared to 4Ni(2+) Arg insulin suggests that terminal modifications may be responsible for additional metal binding. All the three metals have been shown to have a role in diabetes and hence may be therapeutically useful.  相似文献   

This report attempts to formulate reference ranges of elemental concentrations for 15 trace elements in selected human tissues and body fluids. A set of samples consisting of whole blood, blood serum, urine, milk, liver, and hair were chosen and considered for 15 elements of biological significance: As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn. The results represent wholly or partially data received from 40 countries of the global regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, North, South, and Central America, Australia, and New Zealand. This survey, even if qualitative, has been useful in demonstrating certain trends of trace-element scenarios around the world. It is of course recognized that both diet and environment exert a strong influence on the distribution pattern of several elements, such as As, Cd, Mn, Pb, Se, and Zn. A limited comparison of the available information on soil status of different countries reflected some interesting associations for elements, such as Mn and Zn. Importantly, this study revealed that only a few countries were in a position to identify a reasonable amount of data on samples requested for this project. Regretably, for a number of countries, any dependable data for even such essential elements as Cu, Fe, and Zn were not available. In view of the nutritional importance of many elements, the time is ripe for concerted efforts by intergovernmental agencies to initiate investigations or commission task forces/projects to generate reliable reference data for selected global regions, which sadly lack data of any kind at present.  相似文献   

During ovogenesis the ovary of Carcinus maenas shows a continuous accumulation of Fe, Cu, Mg, Mn and Co. For Zn the accumulation seems to stop for gonad indexes near 6.5. The goal of this accumulation is not determined. Nevertheless we suppose that it is in relation with the role of organic reserves that possess the female sexual cells in decapods and with the synthesis of enzymes and hemocyanin.  相似文献   

Polyene complexes with Mg(II), Ca(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) have been prepared and evaluated for biological activity in a flow microcalorimetric study. The bioactivities are all lower per g of complex than is the bioactivity of the patent polyene, nystatin. However extrapolation of the linear bioassay data suggests that because of enhanced solubilities the metal ion complexes may be able to yield higher overall bioactivity than can nystatin alone.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation and heavy metal resistance of Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ ions by thermophilic Geobacillus toebii subsp. decanicus and Geobacillus thermoleovorans subsp. stromboliensis were investigated. The metal resistance from the most resistant to the most sensitive was found as Mn > Ni > Cu > Zn > Cd for both Geobacillus thermoleovorans subsp. stromboliensis and Geobacillus toebii subsp. decanicus. It was determined that the highest metal bioaccumulation was performed by Geobacillus toebii subsp. decanicus for Zn (36,496 μg/g dry weight cell), and the lowest metal bioaccumulation was performed by Geobacillus toebii subsp. decanicus for Ni (660.3 μg/g dry weight cell). Moreover, the dead cells were found to biosorbe more metal in their membranes compared to the live cells. In the presence of 7.32 mg/l Cd concentration, the levels of Cd absorbed in live and dead cell membranes were found as 17.44 and 46.2 mg/g membrane, respectively.  相似文献   

The binding of Ca2 to single ganglioside species (GGtet1NeuAc, GGtet2aNeuAc, GGtet 3aNeuAc), to their free, reducing sialyl-oligosaccharides and to ganglioside mixtures from chicken brain was investigated by means of ion-sensitive electrodes (potentiometry). Unlike the sialyl-oligosaccharides and free N-acetylneuraminic acid, gangliosides were found to possess two different modes of binding for Ca2, depending on the total concentration of Ca2. This was mainly indicated by a release of up to 75% of previously bound Ca2 after raising the total Ca2-concentration above a critical level of about 5--9 X 10(-5)M. Addition of acetylcholin (9mM), Li, K, and Na, respectively, caused a release of Ca2 from ganglioside-Ca2-complexes (0.1mM Ca2, 0.1mM ganglioside-NeuAc) in the sequence: acetylcholin : Li : K : Na = 4 : 3 : 1 : 1 composed on molar basis (9mM).  相似文献   

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