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Gene PA4980 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa encodes a putative enoyl-coenzyme A hydratase/isomerase that is associated with the function of the biofilm dispersion-inducing signal molecule cis-2-decenoic acid. To elucidate the role of PA4980 in cis-2-decenoic acid biosynthesis, we reported the crystal structure of its protein product at 2.39 Å. The structural analysis and substrate binding prediction suggest that it acts as a monofunctional enoyl-coenzyme A isomerase, implicating an alternative pathway of the cis-2-decenoic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

We used immunohistochemistry to identify the localization of monoamine oxidase type B (MAOB) in the rat oxyntic mucosa. At light microscopic levels, MAOB-immunopositive cells were mostly located in the basal half of the oxyntic mucosa. By a double-labeling immunofluorescence method, it was shown that MAOB immunoreactivity was localized in almost all of histidine decarboxylase (HDC)-positive cells. Only a few MAOB-positive cells were negative for HDC. At electron microscopic levels, immunohistochemical reaction products of MAOB were detected on the mitochondrial outer membranes in cells that showed morphological characteristics of enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells. These findings indicate that ECL cells contain MAOB in the rat. We provide a hypothesis that MAOB is involved in the inactivation mechanism of histamine that is released from ECL cells and activates parietal cells to secrete gastric acid.  相似文献   

Localization of the B of L-hydroxyacid oxidase (HOX-B) in monkey kidney peroxisomes was investigated by immunoelectron microscopic techniques. Kidneys of Japanese monkeys,Macaca fuscata, were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde+0.25% glutaraldehyde and embedded in LR White resin. Thin sections were stained for HOX-B and catalase by the immunogold technique. HOX-B was localized in the marginal plates of normal peroxisomes and the dense bar of dumb-bellshaped peroxisomes. Catalase was detected in the matrix of normal peroxisomes and in the terminal dilatations of dumb-bell-shaped peroxisomes. There were no gold particles indicating presence of catalase associated with the marginal plates or with the dense bars. Immunoblot analysis of monkey kidney homogenate showed that HOX-B has a molecular mass of 42 kDa that was slightly larger than that of rat kidney HOX-B (39 kDa). The results show that the dense bar of dumb-bell-shaped peroxisomes in monkey kidney is composed of at least HOX-B and is a variation of the marginal plates.  相似文献   

Summary The substrate specificity of-hydroxyacid oxidase in the rat kidney has been investigated cytochemically by the cerium technique and biochemically with a luminometric assay applied to isolated renal peroxisomes. Rat kidneys were fixed by perfusion via the abdominal aorta with a low concentration (0.25%) of glutaraldehyde. Vibratome sections were incubated for 60 min at 37°C in a medium containing 3 mM CeCl3, 100 mM NaN3 and 5 mM of an-hydroxyacid in 0.1M Pipes or 0.1M Tris-maleate buffer both adjusted to pH 7.8. Ten aliphatic -hydroxyacids with chain lengths between 2 and 8 carbon atoms and two aromatic substrates were tested. The -hydroxyacid oxidase in the kidney exhibited a markedly different substrate specificity than the corresponding enzyme in the liver. Thus glycolate gave a negative reaction while two aromatic substrates, mandelic acid and phenyllactic acid, stained prommently. With aliphatic substrates a stronger reaction was obtained in Pipes than in theTris-maleate buffered incubation media. The best reaction in the kidney was obtained with hydroxybutyric acid. These cytochemical findings were confirmed by the luminometric determination of the oxidase activity in isolated purified peroxisome fractions. By electron microscopy the electron dense reaction product of cerium perhydroxide was found in the matrix of peroxisomes in the proximal tubules. The intensity of reaction varied markedly in neighbouring epithelial cells but also in different peroxisomes within the same cell. Thus heavily stained particles were seen next to lightly reacted ones. These observations establish the substrate specificity of -hydroxyacid oxidase in the rat kidney and demonstrate the marked heterogeneity in the staining of renal peroxisomes for this enzyme.  相似文献   

We report here a novel example of generating hydratase activity through site-directed mutagenesis of a single residue Lys242 of rat liver mitochondrial Δ32-enoyl-CoA isomerase, which is one of the key enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation and a member of the crotonase superfamily. Lys242 is at the C-terminal of the enzyme, which is far from the active site in the crotonase superfamily and forms a salt bridge with Asp149. A variety of mutant expression plasmids were constructed, and it was observed that mutation of Lys242 to nonbasic residues allowed the mutants to have enoyl-CoA hydratase activity confirmed by HPLC analysis of the incubation mixture. Kinetic studies of these mutants were carried out for both isomerase and hydratase activities. Mutant K242C showed a kcat value of 1.0 s− 1 for hydration reaction. This activity constitutes about 10% of the total enzyme activity, and the remaining 90% is its natural isomerase activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the generation of functional promiscuity through single amino acid mutation far from the active site. This may be a simple and efficient approach to designing a new enzyme based on an existing template. It could perhaps become a general methodology for facilitating an enzyme to acquire a type enzymatic activity that belongs to another member of the same superfamily, by interrupting a key structural element in order to introduce ambiguity, using site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity to the polypeptide designated 7B2 recently isolated from human and porcine pituitary glands, appears to be consistently confined to neuroendocrine and endocrine cells in various tissues. In rat gut, immunoreactive 7B2 was found in endocrine-paracrine cells. Highly labeled cells were found in the antrum of the stomach and, cells with lower concentrations, in the fundus, duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Except for a few cells which were simultaneously positive for 5-hydroxytryptamine, and a few others showing Grimelius's reaction, 7B2 cells do not exhibit argentaffin and/or argyrophil character. The 7B2 polypeptide seems to be distributed amongst several different types of endocrine cells in the gut.  相似文献   

Summary The subcellular locilazations of tryrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in the adrenal glands of the frog and rat have been examined by a peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. TH was localized in the ground substance of the adrenaline-containing cells and noradrenaline-containing cells, but not in the nucleus or in the mitochondria. TH was also located on the outside of the membrane of the chromaffin granules. DBH was observed only inside the granules. PNMT was found not only in the ground substance but also on the membrane of some adrenaline-containing granules. Cortical lipid cells of the frog adrenals did not show TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-reactions. The negative reactions to TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-antiserum exhibited by the summer cells of the frog adrenals prove that they belong to the cortical cells.  相似文献   

Summary The immunocytochemical localization of 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-HSD) in porcine testes was examined by applying an indirect-immunofluorescence method using an antiporcine testicular 17-HSD antibody. Only the Leydig cells located in the interstitial tissue exhibited a positive immunoreaction for 17-HSD: the germ cells and Sertoli cells located in the seminiferous tubules were entirely negative. These results suggest that, in porcine testis, the biosynthesis of testicular testosterone, the final step of which is the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone, takes place in the Leydig cells.Supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are described for the use of ferricyanide as an electron acceptor for the cytochemical demonstration by light and electron microscopy of mammalian L--hydroxy acid oxidase activity in peroxisomes of rat kidney. Enzyme activity survives brief fixation in cold formaldehyde or in Karnovsky's fixative. Cytochemical localization of -hydroxy acid oxidase activity in cryostat sections, or in finely chopped tissue blocks, is based on a simulaneous coupling reaction, in which ferrocyanide (produced by the enzymatic reduction of ferricyanide) is captured by copper to yield an insoluble, amorphous, electron-opaque deposit of cupric ferrocyanide (Hatchett's Brown). Under cytochemical conditions, the enzyme is most active in the presence of D,L--hydroxy butyric acid. The staining reaction requires the presence of substrate, and is abolished by heat treatment of sections. The use of rubeanic acid (dithiooxamide) is recommended for the visualization of the copper-containing reaction product by light microscopy. The cytochemical localization obtained is specific for peroxisomes located in cells of the proximal tubule of the rat nephron. By light microscopy, renal peroxisomes can be distinguished from lysosomes and mitochondria on the basis of their size, shape, number, and intracellular distribution. At an ultrastructural level, amorphous, electronopaque cupric ferrocyanide reaction product is precisely localized to the nucleoid and peripheral portion of the matrix of the peroxisome in lightly stained areas, and throughout the organelle, where staining is more intense. Staining results with the ferricyanide method for L--hydroxy acid oxidase, reported herein, are compared with those obtainable with the tetrazolium technic developed by Alien and Beard for the same enzyme, and with the 3,3-diamino-benzidine (DAB) method for catalase.This study was supported by grants MT-1273 and MT-1341 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and NADH-ferricyanide reductase activities were localized at the ultrastructural level in amphibian interrenal (adrenocortical) cells previously fixed in a mixture of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde. Potassium ferricyanide was used as an electron acceptor.Copper ferrocyanide deposits resulting from 3-HSD activity were seen in close association with the external faces of the membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Very rare grains of precipitate appeared in mitochondrial cristae. The addition of phenazine methosulfate to the incubation medium had no effect on these localizations.The interrenal cells showed also a strong NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity. The copper ferrocyanide grains were abundant in the mitochondrial cristae and in the hyaloplasm, where they were not preferentially associated with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.The author is grateful to Miss Marie-Eve Moritz for skillful technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) was studied in the brain of the lizard Lacerta muralis by means of immunocytochemical staining methods. -MSH-like containing cells were found in the ventro-lateral preoptic area and the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei. Some scattered cells staining for -MSH were also detected in the mesencephalo-diencephalic boundary region, while numerous -MSH-like nerve fibres were localized in the medial eminence. No reaction was observed after the use of antiserum preabsorbed with synthetic antigen.These findings suggest that an -MSH-like peptidergic system could possibly be involved in the hypothalamo-hypophysial regulation and/or play a role as neurotransmitter in this animal.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of S-100 protein was studied in histological sections of retinae from adult rabbits. By use of double-immunolabeling techniques it was shown that most but not all radially oriented vimentin-positive Müller cells were co-labeled by an antiserum to S-100 protein. Glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive astrocytes, which in the rabbit retina are restricted to the medullary rays formed by myelinated optic nerve fibers, consistently showed S-100 protein immunoreactivity. The present report shows that, with respect to S-100 protein staining, Müller cells represent a heterogeneous population of glial elements.  相似文献   

We immunohistochemically studied the localization of 5-reductase type 1 in combination with androgen receptor (AR) expression in individual lobes of the prostates of intact and castrated rats. In the normal rat prostate, 5-reductase was localized in the cytoplasm of most epithelial cells in the ventral, dorsal, and lateral type 1 (L1) lobes. Epithelial cells of lateral type 2 (L2) lobes were negative for 5-reductase. AR was present in the nuclei of all epithelial and stromal cells throughout the prostate. The number of 5-reductase-immunoreactive cells rapidly decreased in the ventral and L1 lobes after castration, whereas many positive cells remained in the dorsal lobe even at 4 weeks after castration. AR immunostaining was lost in the ventral, dorsal, and L1 lobes at 1 week after castration, but remained in the L2 lobe of 4-week-castrated rats. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry showed that 5-reductase was exclusively localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes and that there were no distinct structural differences between the positively and negatively stained epithelial cells. These findings suggested that the expression of 5-reductase type 1 in the epithelial cell is heterogeneous within and among the individual lobes of the rat prostate, and does not correspond to AR expression.  相似文献   

Summary A monospecific antibody against -1,3-glucan recognition protein (a 62 kDa protein) of the larval silkworm prophenoloxidase activating system was used to study the localization of the protein. Among tissues from 5th instar larvae, only hemocytes and plasma were shown to contain a 62 kDa polypeptide immunoreactive with the antibody. Ultra-thin sections of the hemocytes were stained by an indirect immunogold staining method. Labelling occurred in the granules and cytoplasm of granulocytes and in the spherules and cytoplasm of spherulocytes. It was most conspicuous in granules of granulocytes and uniformly labelled spherules of spherulocyte, whereas no labelling was evident in prohemocytes, plasmatocytes and oenocytoids. The results are discussed in relation to the mode of recognition of fungi as non-self in insect hemocoel.  相似文献   

In order to understand the functional significance of Na,K-ATPase subunits as well as their isoenzymes, a precise subcellular localization of these in the myocyte is a crucial prerequisite. Cytochemical, immunofluorescence, preembedding immunogold and horse radish peroxidasediaminobenzidine methods, demonstrated 1 isoenzyme immunoreactivity on the sarcolemma, T-tubules and the subsarcolemmal cisterns of the adult cardiac myocytes. Cytochemically, ouabain resistant Na,K-ATPase precipitate was localized only in the subsarcolemmal cisterns and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum. For 2 isoenzyme, immunoreactivity was demonstrated on the sarcolemma as well as in all areas of the myocytes in particularly a close proximation to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and microsomes. For 3 isoenzyme, only a weak insignificant signal was noted on the sarcolemma, intercalated disc and sarcoplasm. It is suggested that cytochemical ouabain resistant precipitate present in subsarcolemmal cisterns and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum represent 1 isoenzyme of Na,K-ATPase. A differential as well as unique localization of subunit isoenzymes of Na,K-ATPase in specific structures of cardiac myocytes may suggest importance in physiological function at these sites.  相似文献   

M. Duranti  F. Faoro  N. Harris 《Protoplasma》1991,161(2-3):104-110
Summary The distribution of two seed proteins, namely conglutin and a legumin-like globulin, in developing and mature seeds ofLupinus albus L. has been examined by immunocytochemistry and the concomitant modifications of their constituent polypeptides followed by SDS-PAGE. Both proteins were found within vacuolar protein bodies in various tissues of the cotyledons, although with some differences in the distribution patterns. The legumin-like protein was found to be deposited within the large storage parenchyma cells of the cotyledons in a manner similar to that reported for other storage proteins; little or no immunolabelling was associated with the cotyledonary epidermal and vascular parenchyma cells. In contrast conglutin was present in all cell types.A precursor of the legumin-like protein accumulated transiently in the developing cotyledon, but was subsequently modified by proteolytic cleavage. The onset of such modification was concomitant with a transition in the predominant vacuolar forms within the storage parenchyma cells. No precursor molecules of conglutin have been detected in this study, thus indicating that this protein is deposited in the protein bodies in its mature form.Abbreviations LM light microscopy - EM electron microscopy - DAF days after flowering - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - GAR goat antirabbit antiserum  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopic study was used to demonstrate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH) immunoreactivities in the rat pancreas. Small TH immunoreactive cells were found in close contact with large TH immunonegative ganglion cells among the exocrine glands and were occasionally found in some islets. Some of these TH immunoreactive cells were also DBH immunopositive. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the cytoplasm and in the granule cores of TH immunoreactive cells. All intra-pancreatic ganglion cells were immunoreactive for DBH, but not for TH. The TH immunoreactive cells were identified as small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells due to their localization and morphological characteristics and showed no insulin, glucagon, somatostatin or pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactivities. These results indicate that SIF cells may release dopamine or noradrenaline to adequate stimuli while the intra-pancreatic ganglion cells with only DBH may not synthesize catecholamines in a normal biosynthetic pathway. TH immunoreactive nerve bundles without varicosities and fibers with varicosities, associated or unassociated with blood vessels, were found in both the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. Close apposition of TH immunoreactive nerve fibers to the smooth muscle and endothelial cells of the blood vessels was observed. A close apposition between TH immunoreactive nerve fibers and exocrine acinar cells and islet endocrine cells was sometimes found in the pancreas. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the axoplasm and in the granular vesicles of the immunoreactive nerve fibers. Since no TH immunoreactive ganglion cells were present in the rat pancreas, the present study suggests that noradrenergic nerve fibers in the pancreas may be extrinsic in origin, and may exert an effect on the regulation of blood flow and on the secretory acitivity of the acinar cells, duct cells and endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Summary After 20 days of treatment with propylthiouracil, a two-fold increase in the amount of -glucuronidase per gram of rat thyroid was noted. This change was manifested cytochemically by both an increase in the number of -glucuronidase containing granules and an enhancement of the generalized cytoplasmic activity. The results are discussed in relation to the dual localization of -glucuronidase.  相似文献   

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