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Body fossils of caddisfly larvae are described for the first time based on material from the Lower Cretaceous of Siberia (Baissa locality, Neocomian). The material includes a fully grown larva of Baissoplectrum separatum gen. et sp. nov. (Brachycentridae), Creterotesis coprolithica gen. et sp. nov. (Leptoceridae), and Cretolype minuta gen. et sp. nov., a tiny larva probably belonging to an uncertain family of the suborder Annulipalpia (Hydropsychina). C. coprolithica built unusually soft larval cases of pellets; these cases are described as a separate new indusigenus and indusispecies Coprindusia pallida gen. et sp. nov. Bionomics, taxonomy, and evolution of the Mesozoic larvae of Trichoptera are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了中国附丝壳属AppendiculellavonHoehnel5个种。其中野桐附丝壳AppendiculellamallotiB.SongetY.X.Hu为新种,其余4个种为我国大陆的初次报道。新种有拉丁文、中文描述和显微结构图。所有标本保藏于广东省微生物研究所标本室(HMIGD)。  相似文献   

云南蚊科三新种 (双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述了采自云南蚊科3新种,即:蓝带蚊属伪费蚊亚属一新种瞿氏蓝带蚊Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) qui Dong, Dong et Zhou, sp. Nov.,采自西双版纳优乐山竹穴积水中,与新糊蓝带蚊Ur. Novobscura Barraud和二斑蓝带蚊Ur. Bimaculata Leicester近缘;领蚊属一新种类孟连领蚊Heizmannia (Heizmannia) menglianeroides Dong, Dong et Zhou, sp. Nov.,采自云南省景洪县森林竹筒积水中,与孟连领蚊Hz. Menglianensis Lu et Gong, 1986为近缘;库蚊属泰蚊亚属一新种陈氏库蚊Culex (Thaiomyia) cheniDong, Wang et Lu, sp. Nov.,采自云南西北部海拔1795 m的腾冲县竹筒积水,与海南库蚊Cu. (Th.) hainaensis Chen, 1977近缘。讨论了各新种与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种分别存放在云南省疟疾防治研究所和贵阳医学院微生物教研室。  相似文献   

New taxa of the insect order Eoblattida from the Upper Carboniferous of Russia are described, including Narkemina kata sp. nov., Narkeminopsis inversa sp. nov., Carbonokata storozhenkoi gen. et sp. nov., Tshunoptera ampla gen. et sp. nov., and Evenkiophlebia collucata gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya locality (Krasnoyarsk Region), Narkemulla sibirica gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya and Izykhskie Kopi localities, Khakassia (all Cnemidolestidae), and Izykhia tridentis gen. et sp. nov. from Izykhskie Kopi (?Spanioderidae). Narkeminuta permiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cnemidolestidae) is described from the Kedrovka locality (Kemerovo Region; Lower Permian), and Issadische maximum gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae familiae) is descriobed from the Isady locality (Vologda Region; Upper Permian). Permeoblatta borealis Rasnitsyn et Aristov, 2010 (Idelinellidae) from Isady is redescribed.  相似文献   

A group of the species closely related to Chrysopilus subaquilus and distributed in the eastern regions of Russia is considered. Two new species are described. Ch. leleji is closely related to Ch. kurenzovi Kriv. et Sid. Its tergites II-V are blackish brown at their bases, not paler than the others; sternite VIII is broad and rectangular; tergite IX forms a distinct cone-shaped opening. Ch. paradoxus is similar to Ch. subaquilus Nag., but its clypeus is red, not brown. In addition, this species differs distinctly from all the known species of this genus in the presence of lateral tubercles on tergite IX. The main morphological characteristics of Ch. subaquilus Nag., Ch. lilianae Sob., and Ch. yezonis Nag. are analyzed.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of six bacterial strains on gilthead sea bream larvae (Sparus aurata). METHODS AND RESULTS: Six bacterial strains isolated from well-performing live food cultures were identified by sequencing fragments of their 16s rDNA genome to the genus level as Cytophaga sp., Roseobacter sp., Ruergeria sp., Paracoccus sp., Aeromonas sp. and Shewanella sp. Survival rates of gilthead sea bream larvae transferred to seawater added these bacterial strains at concentrations of 6 +/- 0.3 x 10(5) bacteria ml(-1) were similar to those of larvae transferred to sterilized seawater and showed an average of 86% at 9 days after hatching, whereas, survival rates of larvae transferred to filtered seawater were lower (P < 0.05), and showed an average of 39%, 9 days after hatching. CONCLUSION: Several bacterial strains isolated from well-performing live food cultures showed a positive effect for sea bream larvae when compared with filtered seawater. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The approach used in this study could be applied as an in vivo evaluation method of candidate probiotic strains used in the rearing of marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

分别采用水丝蚓(Limnodrilus sp.)、卤虫无节幼体(Artemia nauplii)、枝角类(Moina sp.)和人工饲料饲养西伯利亚鲟仔鱼30 d,研究不同开口饵料对西伯利亚鲟仔鱼生长、存活率和体成分的影响.结果表明:卤虫无节幼体为西伯利亚鲟最适开口饵料,仔鱼的存活率最高(96.67%); 投喂水丝蚓组生长速度最快;而人工饲料组生长速度明显低于其他组,且成活率最低.不同开口饵料组间仔鱼体成分差异显著,人工饲料组水分含量最高,且粗蛋白和粗灰分含量最低.采用卤虫无节幼体为西伯利亚鲟仔鱼开口饵料,然后采用水丝蚓进行强化培育,能获得较好的生长速度和存活率.  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

Five new Antarctic species and four new genera of dendrochirote holothurians are described: Caespitugo diversipes gen. et sp.n., Caespitugo citriformis gen. et sp.n., Microchoerus splendidus gen. et sp.n. (all Cucumariidae), Crucella hystirix gen. et sp.n. (Paracucumidae), and Echinopsolus acanthocola gen. et sp.n. (Psolidae). To include Crucella in the Paracucumidae a minor change of the family diagnosis was necessary. This change is discussed. The species were caught on the continental shelf of the southern and eastern Weddell Sea. mainly in depths between 200 and 650m. Their systematic status within their families as well as relationships to representatives of other familes are discussed.  相似文献   

本文描述了新疆塔里木盆地塔中地区岩心中的上奥陶统良里塔格组的变口目苔虫3科12属16种,包括8个未定种,分别为Prasopora grayae Nicholson et Etheridge,Atactoporella declivis (Hu),Peronopora sp.,Mesotrypa angularis Ul...  相似文献   

New grylloblattid insects (Grylloblattida) are described from the Grès à Voltzia of the Vosges (Anisian of Alsace and Lorraine, France): Chauliodites anisicus, sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae), Palaeomesorthopteron pullus gen. et sp. nov. (Mesorthopteridae), Megakhosarodes vosgesicus sp. nov. (Megakhosaridae), Dorniella elcanoides sp. nov., D. apectinata sp. nov., D. diluta sp. nov., D. ovalis sp. nov., Baharellinus umbrosus sp. nov. Embigryllus shcherbakovi gen. et sp. nov., and Vosgesopterum arzvillerensis gen. et sp. nov. (Blattogryllidae).  相似文献   

Five new gall midge taxa of the subfamilies Porricondylinae and Lasiopterinae are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Adsumyia integra gen. et sp. nov. (Dicerurini), Gratomyia inexigentis gen. et sp. nov. (Holoneurini), Winnertzia recusata sp. nov. (Winnertziini), Kovaleviola injusta gen. et sp. nov., and Spungisiola insuperabilis gen. et sp. nov. (Brachineurini).  相似文献   

Gall midges from Santonian amber of Yantardakh (Taimyr Peninsula) are investigated for the first time. Eight new genera and eight new species belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) are described. These are Caputmunda yantardakhica gen. et sp. nov. (Catochini), Cretoperomyia taimyrica gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Palaeostrobliella dmitrii gen. et sp. nov., Yantardakhiella pusilla gen. et sp. nov., and Zherikhiniella pedicellata gen. et sp. nov. (Strobliellini), Menssana norilsk gen. et sp. nov. (Micromyini), and Cretomycophila ekaterinae gen. et sp. nov., and Corporesana khatanga gen. et sp. nov. (Aprionini). A representative of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae, Holoneurini) is recorded. The diagnoses based on morphometric parameters of tribes and previously established genera are emended. The species composition of gall midges from three Cretaceous amber faunas of different ages are analyzed.  相似文献   

本文记述了曼盲蝽属MansonielaPoppius,1915的7个新种:环曼盲蝽M.annulatasp.nov.;脊曼盲蝽M.cristatasp.nov.;狭长曼盲蝽M.elongatasp.nov.;黄翅曼盲蝽M.flavasp.nov.;胡桃曼盲蝽M.juglandissp.nov.;瑰环曼盲蝽M.rosaceasp.nov.;赤环曼盲蝽M.rubidasp.nov.。提出3个新组合:M.cinnamomi(ZhengetLiu,1992),comb.nov.;M.sasafri(ZhengetLiu,1992),comb.nov.;M.wangi(ZhengetLi,1992),comb.nov.,均由PachypeltisSignoret属移入本属,模式标本存放于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室  相似文献   

中国东北晚侏罗世虻类化石(昆虫纲:双翅目)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了辽宁西部上侏罗统虻类6个科的化石,包括1新科,10个新属和15个新种。其中Palaepangonius eupterus gen.et sp.nov.,Elpangonius pletus gen,et sp.nov.和Allomyia ruderalis gen.et sp.nov.均属于虻科(Tabanidae);Orsobrachyceron chinensis gen.et sp  相似文献   

Of 54 species of Gnathostomulida known to date, only six have been reported from the Pacific Ocean. This paper describes 18 species of Gnathostomulida from the Pacific islands of Fiji. Tonga and northern New Zealand. Of these, three are species previously described from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean: Haplognathia ruberrima (Sterrer 1966), or the northwestern Atlantic: Haplognathia rosacea (Sterrer 1970) and Pterognathia ctenifera (Sterrer 1970). Fifteen species are new to science, including three that represent two new genera: Cosmognathia arcus gen. et sp.n., Cosmognathia bastillae sp.n., Pterognathia crocodilus sp.n., Pterognathia vilii sp.n., Agnathiella sp., Tenuignathia vitiensis sp.n., Ratugnathia mukuluvae gen . et sp.n., Gnathostomula salotae sp.n., Gnathostomula raji sp.n., Gnathostomula maorica sp.n., Austrognathia singatokae sp.n., Austrognathia nannulifera sp.n., Austrognathia novaezelandiae sp.n., Austrognatharia homunculus sp.n., and Austrognatharia pecten sp.n.  相似文献   

Three fishermen from Maryland who swallowed live bait-minnows developed severe abdominal pain within 24 hr; 2 required abdominal surgery. Larvae of the nematode Eustrongylides sp. were found in the peritoneal cavity of both (Guerin et al., 1982). In the current study, the lesions produced by Eustrongylides larvae were investigated in New Zealand white rabbits. None of these exhibited any signs of clinical illness; however, postmortem examination within 24 hr of inoculation revealed that larvae had migrated through the walls of the esophagus and stomach and viable larvae were recovered from the pleural and peritoneal cavities as well as from gastric contents. Necropsies performed at different intervals of time postinoculation showed that the migrating larvae had produced multi-focal peritonitis and multiple granulomata in the liver.  相似文献   

叶芒伏绕眼果蝇复合种组是Tsacas and Okada,1983建立的,已报告有6种,均出自于东洋区.记述了采自于中国及周边国家的伏绕眼果蝇属叶芒伏绕眼果蝇复合种组的10个种,并附有分种检索表.端尖叶芒伏绕眼果蝇Phortica foliacea(Tsacas et Okada,1983);叶芒伏绕眼果蝇Phortica foliiseta Duda,1923;侦测伏绕眼果蝇Phortica speculum(Máca et Lin,1993);异叶芒伏绕眼果蝇Phortica afoliolata Chen etToda,sp.nov.;短毛伏绕眼果蝇Phrtica brachychaeta Chen etToda,sP.nov.;拟叶芒伏绕眼果蝇Phortica foliisetoides Chenet Toda,sp.nov.;缺毛伏绕眼果蝇Phortica glabra Chen etToda,sp.nov.;刺伏绕眼果蝇Phortica spinosa Chen et Gao,sp.nov.;对称伏绕眼果蝇Phortica symmetria Chen et Toda,sp nov.;田边氏伏绕眼果蝇Phortica tanabei Chen et Toda,sp nov.  相似文献   

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