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Most physiological studies of the human olfactory system haveconcentrated on the cortical level; the olfactory bulbar levelhas been studied rarely. We attempted to stimulate the humanolfactory mucosa by electrical pulse to detect the bulbar potentials.Electrical stimulation (2 mA, 0.5 ms) of the human olfactorymucosa evoked a change in potential recorded from the frontalsector of the head. A negative peak of the evoked potentialthat occurred at 19.4 ms (grand means, n = 5) after stimulationwas the clearest. The highest amplitude of the potential wasrecorded from the frontal sector of the head on the stimulatedside. Our findings were similar to the experimental resultsobtained from the olfactory bulbs of animals. This evoked potentialwas considered to be the human olfactory bulbar potential. Whenthe subjects were stimulated by applying electricity to theolfactory mucosa, no sensation of smell occurred even thoughevoked potentials were recorded. Evoked potentials were recordedonly when the stimulating electrode was located in the olfactorycleft. When the stimulating electrode was outside the olfactorycleft, the stimulation caused pain. The trigeminal nerve seemedto be stimulated by electricity. Olfactory evoked potentialsproduced by the electrical stimulation of the human olfactorymucosa should aid the research on human olfactory physiology,and may be applicable to clinical tests of olfactory dysfunction.Chem. Senses 22: 77–81, 1997.  相似文献   

For most olfactometers described in the literature, adjusting olfactory stimulation intensity involves modifying the dilution of the odorant in a neutral solution (water, mineral, oil, etc.), the dilution of the odorant air in neutral airflow, or the surface of the odorant in contact with airflow. But, for most of these above-mentioned devices, manual intervention is necessary for adjusting concentration. We present in this article a method of controlling odorant concentration via a computer which can be implemented on even the most dynamic olfactometers. We used Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), a technique commonly used in electronic or electrical engineering, and we have applied it to odor delivery. PWM, when applied to odor delivery, comprises an alternative presentation of odorant air and clean air at a high frequency. The cycle period (odor presentation and rest) is 200 ms. In order to modify odorant concentration, the ratio between the odorant period and clean air presentation during a cycle is modified. This ratio is named duty cycle. Gas chromatography measurements show that this method offers a range of mixing factors from 33% to 100% (continuous presentation of odor). Proof of principle is provided via a psychophysical experiment. Three odors (isoamyl acetate, butanol and pyridine) were presented to twenty subjects. Each odor was delivered three times with five values of duty cycles. After each stimulation, the subjects were asked to estimate the intensity of the stimulus on a 10 point scale, ranging from 0 (undetectable) to 9 (very strong). Results show a main effect of the duty cycles on the intensity ratings for all tested odors.  相似文献   

The study of the dynamics of the variables of physical development of neonates in the first months of life and geomagnetic field fluctuations in the period from 1990 to 2001 demonstrated their complex rhythmic structure. In the studied series of birth weight and the parameters of the 84-h rhythms of daily body weight gain, as well as the parameters of the 84-h rhythms of the K-index, there are ranges of increased spectral density coinciding in frequency. In these intervals (1.1–1.3 and 5–10 years), the temporal behavior of the series of physiological and geomagnetic variables is correlated.  相似文献   

M Usuyama  C Ushida  R Shingai 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42907
We developed a mathematical model of a hypothetical neuronal signal transduction pathway to better understand olfactory perception in Caenorhabditis elegans. This worm has only three pairs of olfactory receptor neurons. Intracellular Ca(2+) decreases in one pair of olfactory neurons in C. elegans, the AWC neurons, following application of an attractive odor and there is a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) following removal of odor. The magnitude of this increase is positively correlated with the duration of odor stimulation. Additionally, this Ca(2+) transient is induced by a cGMP second messenger system. We identified likely candidates for the signal transduction molecules functioning in this system based on available gene expression and physiological data from AWCs. Our model incorporated a G-protein-coupled odor receptor, a G-protein, a guanylate cyclase as the G-protein effector, and a single phosphodiesterase. Additionally, a cyclic-nucleotide-gated ion channel and a voltage-gated ion channel that mediated calcium influx were incorporated into the model. We posited that, upon odor stimulation, guanylate cyclase was suppressed by the G-protein and that, upon cessation of the stimulus, the G-protein-induced suppression ceased and cGMP synthesis was restored. A key element of our model was a Ca(2+)-dependent negative feedback loop that ensured that the calcium increases were transient. Two guanylate cyclase-activating proteins acted on the effector guanylate cyclase to negatively regulate cGMP signaling and the resulting calcium influx. Our model was able to closely replicate in silico three important features of the calcium dynamics of AWCs. Specifically, in our simulations, [Ca(2+)] increased rapidly and reached its peak within 10 s after the odor stimulus was removed, peak [Ca(2+)] increased with longer odor exposure, and [Ca(2+)] decreased during a second stimulus that closely followed an initial stimulus. However, application of random background signal ('noise') showed that certain components of the pathway were particularly sensitive to this noise.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptors (ORs) are expressed in the olfactory epithelium, where they detect odorants, but also in other tissues with additional functions. Some ORs are even overexpressed in tumor cells. In this study, we identified ORs expressed in enterochromaffin tumor cells by RT-PCR, showing that single cells can co-express several ORs. Some of the receptors identified were already reported in other tumors, but they are orphan (without known ligand), as it is the case for most of the hundreds of human ORs. Thus, genes coding for human ORs with known ligands were transfected into these cells, expressing functional heterologous ORs. The in vitro stimulation of these cells by the corresponding OR odorant agonists promoted cell invasion of collagen gels. Using LNCaP prostate cancer cells, the stimulation of the PSGR (Prostate Specific G protein-coupled Receptor), an endogenously overexpressed OR, by β-ionone, its odorant agonist, resulted in the same phenotypic change. We also showed the involvement of a PI3 kinase γ dependent signaling pathway in this promotion of tumor cell invasiveness triggered by OR stimulation. Finally, after subcutaneous inoculation of LNCaP cells into NSG immunodeficient mice, the in vivo stimulation of these cells by the PSGR agonist β-ionone significantly enhanced metastasis emergence and spreading.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS, 60 Hz and 0.7 mT for 4 h/day for 14 days) on oxidative and cell damage caused by olfactory bulbectomy (OBX) in Wistar rats. The levels of lipid peroxidation products and caspase-3 were enhanced by OBX, whereas it prompted a reduction in reduced glutathione (GSH) content and antioxidative enzymes activities. The treatment with TMS reverted towards normality the biomarkers indicative of oxidative stress and apoptosis. In conclusion, our data show that TMS induced a protection against cell and oxidative damage induced by OBX, as well as they support the hypothesis that oxidative stress may play an important role in depression.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-dependent regulation of the activation of myosin MgATPase by vascular-smooth-muscle thin filaments involves caldesmon. This effect may be due to the direct interaction of caldesmon with a Ca2+-binding protein such as calmodulin or phosphorylation of caldesmon by a Ca2+-dependent kinase. I have found that Ca2+ switches on aorta thin filaments in less than 10 s, whereas the caldesmon in the thin filaments is phosphorylated only slowly (half-time greater than 10 min) and the maximum phosphorylation is very low (1 molecule per 7 molecules of caldesmon). I conclude that the phosphorylation of caldesmon hypothesis is untenable.  相似文献   



Tactile explorations with the fingertips provide information regarding the physical properties of surfaces and their relative pleasantness. Previously, we performed an investigation in the active touch domain and linked several surface properties (i.e. frictional force fluctuations and net friction) with their pleasantness levels. The aim of the present study was to investigate physical factors being important for pleasantness perception during passive fingertip stimulation. Specifically we were interested to see whether factors, such as surfaces'' topographies or their frictional characteristics could influence pleasantness. Furthermore, we ascertained how the stimulus pleasantness level was impacted by (i) the normal force of stimulus application (FN) and (ii) the stimulus temperature (TS).

Methods and Results

The right index fingertips of 22 blindfolded participants were stimulated using 27 different stimuli, which varied in average roughness (Ra) and TS. A 4-axis robot moved the stimuli horizontally under participants'' fingertips with three levels of FN. The robot was equipped with force sensors, which recorded the FN and friction force (FT) during stimulation. Participants rated each stimulus according to a three-level pleasantness scale, as very pleasant (scored 0), pleasant (scored 1), or unpleasant (scored 2). These ordinal pleasantness ratings were logarithmically transformed into linear and unidimensional pleasantness measures with the Rasch model. Statistical analyses were conducted to investigate a possible link between the stimulus properties (i.e. Ra, FN, FT, and TS) and their respective pleasantness levels. Only the mean Ra and FT values were negatively correlated with pleasantness. No significant correlation was detected between FN or TS and pleasantness.


Pleasantness perception, resulting from passive fingertip stimulation, seems to be influenced by the surfaces'' average roughness levels and average FT occurring during fingertip stimulation.  相似文献   

Olfactory adaptation is a fundamental process for the functioning of the olfactory system, but the underlying mechanisms regulating its occurrence in intact olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) are not fully understood. In this work, we have combined stochastic computational modeling and a systematic pharmacological study of different signaling pathways to investigate their impact during short-term adaptation (STA). We used odorant stimulation and electroolfactogram (EOG) recordings of the olfactory epithelium treated with pharmacological blockers to study the molecular mechanisms regulating the occurrence of adaptation in OSNs. EOG responses to paired-pulses of odorants showed that inhibition of phosphodiesterases (PDEs) and phosphatases enhanced the levels of STA in the olfactory epithelium, and this effect was mimicked by blocking vesicle exocytosis and reduced by blocking cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and vesicle endocytosis. These results suggest that G-coupled receptors (GPCRs) cycling is involved with the occurrence of STA. To gain insights on the dynamical aspects of this process, we developed a stochastic computational model. The model consists of the olfactory transduction currents mediated by the cyclic nucleotide gated (CNG) channels and calcium ion (Ca2+)-activated chloride (CAC) channels, and the dynamics of their respective ligands, cAMP and Ca2+, and it simulates the EOG results obtained under different experimental conditions through changes in the amplitude and duration of cAMP and Ca2+ response, two second messengers implicated with STA occurrence. The model reproduced the experimental data for each pharmacological treatment and provided a mechanistic explanation for the action of GPCR cycling in the levels of second messengers modulating the levels of STA. All together, these experimental and theoretical results indicate the existence of a mechanism of regulation of STA by signaling pathways that control GPCR cycling and tune the levels of second messengers in OSNs, and not only by CNG channel desensitization as previously thought.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most abundant neurosteroid synthesized de novo in the central nervous system. We previously reported that stimulation of the sigma-1 receptor by DHEA improves cognitive function by activating calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), protein kinase C and extracellular signal-regulated kinase in the hippocampus in olfactory bulbectomized (OBX) mice. Here, we asked whether DHEA enhances neurogenesis in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) and improves depressive-like behaviors observed in OBX mice. Chronic treatment with DHEA at 30 or 60 mg/kg p.o. for 14 days significantly improved hippocampal LTP impaired in OBX mice concomitant with increased CaMKII autophosphorylation and GluR1 (Ser-831) phosphorylation in the DG. Chronic DHEA treatment also ameliorated depressive-like behaviors in OBX mice, as assessed by tail suspension and forced swim tests, while a single DHEA treatment had no affect. DHEA treatment also significantly increased the number of BrdU-positive neurons in the subgranular zone of the DG of OBX mice, an increase inhibited by treatment with NE-100, a sigma-1 receptor antagonist. DHEA treatment also significantly increased phosphorylation of Akt (Ser-473), Akt (Ser-308) and ERK in the DG. Furthermore, GSK-3β (Ser-9) phosphorylation increased in the DG of OBX mice possibly accounting for increased neurogenesis through Akt activation. Finally, we confirmed that DHEA treatment of OBX mice increases the number of BrdU-positive neurons co-expressing β-catenin, a downstream GSK-3βtarget. Overall, we conclude that sigma-1 receptor stimulation by DHEA ameliorates OBX-induced depressive-like behaviors by increasing neurogenesis in the DG through activation of the Akt/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway.  相似文献   

Discrimination training in which introduction of S– waspreceded by 250 S + trials resulted in errorless learning inrats trained to discriminate between two odors or tones versuslights, but not in those trained to discriminate between twolights or two tones. In a second study rats were trained todiscriminate odor, lights, or lights versus tones and then givena series of 10 successive discrimination reversals. Only ratstrained with odors showed positive transfer on the first reversaland acquisition of a learning-set. These results, together withthose of others, indicate that rats show exceptionally rapidacquisition of operant discriminations when trained with odorsand that this performance superiority is probably because odorsprovide more salient cues than do tones or lights.  相似文献   

Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is characterized by somatic distress upon exposure to odors. Patients with MCS process odors differently from controls. This odor-processing may be associated with activation in the prefrontal area connecting to the anterior cingulate cortex, which has been suggested as an area of odorant-related activation in MCS patients. In this study, activation was defined as a significant increase in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) because of odorant stimulation. Using the well-designed card-type olfactory test kit, changes in rCBF in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were investigated after olfactory stimulation with several different odorants. Near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) imaging was performed in 12 MCS patients and 11 controls. The olfactory stimulation test was continuously repeated 10 times. The study also included subjective assessment of physical and psychological status and the perception of irritating and hedonic odors. Significant changes in rCBF were observed in the PFC of MCS patients on both the right and left sides, as distinct from the center of the PFC, compared with controls. MCS patients adequately distinguished the non-odorant in 10 odor repetitions during the early stage of the olfactory stimulation test, but not in the late stage. In comparison to controls, autonomic perception and negative affectivity were poorer in MCS patients. These results suggest that prefrontal information processing associated with odor-processing neuronal circuits and memory and cognition processes from past experience of chemical exposure play significant roles in the pathology of this disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the olfactorysystem is responsible for the discriminability of the stereoisomersof nicotine. The EOG was recorded after stimulation with differentconcentrations of undistilled S(–)-, distilled S(–)-and distilled R(–)-nicotine separately in three groupsof frogs (Xenopus laevis). The responses to all types of nicotineused in the experiments increased with increasing stimulus concentration.The responses to undistilled S(–)-nicotine were significantlylower compared to responses to distilled S(–)- and R(+)-nicotine,whereas no significant differences could be found when the purifiedstereoisomers of nicotine [distilled S(–)-nicotine, distilledR(+)-nicotine] were compared. Control measurements of time courseand peak concentration employing a UV-detection method demonstratedthat the differences between distilled and undistilled S(–)-nicotinecould not be explained by different nicotine concentrations. The fact that no differences between the pure nicotine stereoisomerscould be found for all concentrations used in our experimentsand that experiments in humans revealed similar detection thresholdsfor both stereoisomers points to a similar receptor affinityof R(+)- and S (–)-nicotine within the olfactory system.At this point, it cannot be determined whether the observeddifferences in the perception of nicotine enantiomers in humansare due to differences in quality coding by stereospecific receptorson the olfactory sensory cells or by specific receptors on thetrigeminal nerve endings. Chem. Senses 20: 337–344, 1995.  相似文献   

昆虫嗅觉相关蛋白及嗅觉识别机理研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗅觉是昆虫产生行为的基础之一,在长期进化的过程中昆虫形成了复杂的嗅觉系统,完成这一过程,需要有多种与嗅觉相关的蛋白参与,包括气味结合蛋白、化学感受蛋白、气味受体和感觉神经元膜蛋白等。了解昆虫感受外界信息的嗅觉机制可以帮助我们更好地理解昆虫识别配偶、天敌及寻找食物来源、产卵场地等行为特征,为进一步调控昆虫的行为、防控害虫侵袭、保护和利用有益昆虫奠定基础。本文综述了昆虫嗅觉相关的几类重要蛋白的生化特性和生理功能,并对昆虫气味分子的识别机制、气味分子在昆虫体内运输机制的最新研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

In rat olfactory bulb homogenate, carbachol stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in a concentration-dependent manner (EC50 = 1.1 microM). The carbachol stimulation occurred fully in membranes that had been prepared in the presence of 1 mM EGTA and incubated in a Ca2(+)-free enzyme reaction medium. Under these conditions, exogenous calmodulin (1 microM) failed to stimulate adenylate cyclase activity. In miniprisms of olfactory bulb, carbachol (1 mM) increased accumulation of inositol phosphates, but this response was markedly reduced in a Ca2(+)-free medium. Moreover, the carbachol stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity was not affected by staurosporine at a concentration (1 microM) that completely blocked the stimulatory effect of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an activator of Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase. Quinacrine, a nonselective phospholipase A2 inhibitor, reduced the carbachol stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity, but this inhibition appeared to be competitive with a Ki of 0.2 microM. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid and indomethacin, two inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism, failed to affect the carbachol response. These results indicate that in rat olfactory bulb, muscarinic receptors stimulate adenylate cyclase activity through a mechanism that is independent of Ca2+ and phospholipid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Olfactory communication in humans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Doty  Richard L. 《Chemical senses》1981,6(4):351-376
The present review examines recent studies related to the abilityof Homo sapiens to communicate basic conspecific biologic informationvia body odors. In addition to evaluating reports that humanscan detect individuality, gender, and reproductive state fromolfactory cues, studies claiming that odors are involved inproducing menstrual synchrony and other phenomena are also criticallyexamined. Although both anatomic and behavioral studies supportthe notion that humans have the ability to communicate biologicinformation via odors, additional studies are needed to establishthe role of odors in influencing basic human behaviors. Appropriatecontrols using several types of odors and double-blind proceduresare sorely needed before a number of findings in this fieldcan be adequately interpreted.  相似文献   

The cosmotropical urban mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) uses chemical cues to locate suitable water pools for oviposition. Although gravid females are innately attracted to or repelled by certain compounds, this study found that an individual mosquito's preferences for these odours could be altered greatly by prior experience. Mosquitoes reared in water containing skatole, at a level normally repellent to ovipositing females, preferred to oviposit in water containing that compound rather than in water with an otherwise attractive odour compound (P-cresol). This behaviour occurred regardless of whether mosquitoes were tested individually or in groups of up to 50 per cage. The F1 progeny of conditioned mosquitoes did not exhibit the parental preference, but were as susceptible to conditioning as their parents. Moreover, rearing mosquitoes in infusions of hay or animal (guinea-pig) faeces produced a similar although less dramatic change, such that the innate propensity for hay infusion could be cancelled by rearing in guinea-pig faeces infusion. The results demonstrated a change in odour preference by Cx. quinquefasciatus following exposure to the odour during development or pupal eclosion, suggesting that some form of larval conditioning or early adult imprinting occurred. Precisely when that conditioning occurred remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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