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Certain phosphatases have been localized by histochemical techniques in various tissues of a pigeon cestode, Raillietina (Raillietina) johri. Acid phosphatase (AcPase), alkaline phosphatase (AlPase) and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) were present in almost all structures: tegument; subtegumental muscles; subtegumental cells; excretory canal; testes; sperm ductules; vas deferens; cirrus sac; cirrus; ovary; receptaculum seminis; vagina; vitelline gland cells; oocytes; uterus; embryonated eggs. AlPase was absent in parenchyma, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. AlPase activity was more intense in the tegument of mature gravid proglottides. AcPase and ATPase were visualized in various stages of spermatogenesis of the parasite. ATPase activity was also observed in chromosomes. 5'-nucleotidase (AMPase) activity was restricted to embryonated eggs only. Functional significance of these phosphatases is discussed.  相似文献   

Raillietina melomyos n. sp. from the small intestine ofMelomys rufescens in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea differs from related species in combinations of the number (170–190) and length (8–11 m) of the rostellar hooks, the number of testes (21–36) and of egg capsules per gravid proglottid (56–92), and in that the cirrus-sac does not reach the longitudinal osmoregulatory canals.  相似文献   

Cysticercoids of five species of Raillietina, R. australis (Krabbe, 1869) Fuhrmann, 1924, R. beveridgei O'Callaghan, Davies & Andrews, 2000, R. chiltoni O'Callaghan, Davies & Andrews, 2000, R. dromaius O'Callaghan, Davies & Andrews, 2000 and R. mitchelli O'Callaghan, Davies & Andrews, 2000, parasitic in the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Latham, are described. Each species was identified on the basis of the number and size of the rostellar hooks, which correspond to those of adult worms. Cysticercoids were recovered from the haemocoele of the gaster of ants belonging to the genus Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Australia. There was a trend towards an inverse relationship between the size of the cysticercoids and the parasite burden in the intermediate host.  相似文献   

Histochemical studies have been conducted by applying hexokinase (HK), aldolase (AD), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) methods, as well as Nissl staining and Gomori's chrome-alum-hematoxylin-phloxine (CHP) methods to intercalated neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SO) on Wistar strain rats. Intercalated neurons reacted weakly to the AD, G3, G6PD, and SDH tests, indicating that they belong to the category of ordinary neurons with low carbohydrate metabolism. Many fibrous astrocytes showing strong HK reactions surround neurosecretory neurons. However, they do not surround intercalated neurons with mild HK activity. These results indicate that the latter receive a poor supply of energy from glucose in the circulating blood in contrast to the former. Intercalated neurons are very rich in Nissl substance but lack CHP-positive material. They may have a high potential for synthesizing protein. The principal morphological features of the TPPase-positive Golgi material are peculiar and heterogeneous shape and poor development. These findings together with mild G6PD activity suggest that intercalated neurons are very likely to have poor synthesizing activity.  相似文献   

The rostellar apparatus of Fernandezia spinosissima is examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. It is described as composed of rostellum, pseudoproboscis, and two groups of glandular syncytia, one in the rostellum and the other inwards to the rostellum and the pseudoproboscis. The rostellum is a discoid cushion with muscular walls. There are numerous thin vertical muscular fibres and glandular syncytia inside it. Its tegument has slender microtriches. Peripherally, the rostellum is encircled by thin muscle fibres that protrude anteriorly between rostellar hooks and group posteriorly to form retractors. The rostellar hook guards are associated with a complicated network of muscles and nerves. The pseudoproboscis is a thick-walled ring around the apical part of the scolex adjacent to the rostellum. Its tegument has microtriches with modified spines that are interpreted as accessory spines. The walls of the pseudoproboscis possess a loose structure of parallel muscular fibres and glandular processes. The glandular syncytia, interpreted as modified tegumental perikarya, have basophilic cytoplasm and stain positively for protein and carbohydrate. They form cellular processes, which protrude to reach to the tegument. These results provide structural details characterising one of the rostellar types recognized in the order Cyclophyllidea, i.e. the davaineid rostellar apparatus.  相似文献   

Summary Detailed histochemical studies have been conducted on the morphology of the Golgi apparatus by applying the thiamine pyrophosphatase technique (Novikoff and Goldfisher, 1961) to the neurons of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of normal and dehydrated rabbits. The neurons in both nuclei were classified into five categories on the basis of the morphology of the Golgi apparatus. The number of cells in individual categories were counted to evaluate the percentage of each category in the whole nucleus.Neurons have many vesicles which show the tendency to form clusters. Such clusters are present also in the basal bodies. The Golgi apparatus is localized near one side of the nucleus in many neurons. The neurons indicate phasic activity of resting, anabolic and catabolic stages under normal conditions.During dehydration, the Golgi apparatus went through the three stages of network formation, the increase of the budding-off process and later on disintegration. The supraoptic nucleus reacted to the TPPase test more severely than the paraventricular nucleus, whereas the former went through the stages more slowly than the latter. The paraventricular nucleus also revealed sensitivity to osmotic stress.  相似文献   

The solution characterization of poly(Lys-Ala-Glu) is described. This polytripeptide is zwitterionic at neutral pH and is shown to take on a conformation which is dictated by the state of ionization, molecular weight, temperature, and solvent. The polypeptide is almost entirely α-helical at low pH and temperature for polymers of greater than 25,000 molecular weight. Melting profiles for these conditions show tm ~ 20°C. Analysis of circular dichroism curves shows the α-helical content to vary in a linear manner with molecular weight in the range 3000–30,000. At neutral pH the charged polypeptide is essentially random, but substantial α-helix could be induced by addition of methanol or trifluoroethanol. At temperatures where the sequential polypeptide is a random coil, addition of trifluoroethanol produces a polymer which is mostly α-helical but also contains an appreciable ammount of β-structure. The infrared spectrum of a low-molecular-weight fraction assumed to be cyclo(Lys-Ala-Glu)2 was tentatively assigned a β-pleated sheet structure. A comparison of this polytripeptide in various ionization states with other polytripeptides containing L -alanine and L -glutamate or L -lysine shows the α-helix directing properties for the (uncharged) residues to lie in the order Ala > Glu > Lys.  相似文献   

Non-specific and specific phosphatases have been histochemically localized in the tissues of Avitellina lahorea, an intestinal parasite of sheep and goats. Large quantities of acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase were observed in almost all organs except the parenchyma where there were moderate amounts of acid phosphatase and no alkaline phosphatase; the reproductive ducts contained moderate amounts of alkaline phosphatase. 5-nucleotidase was observed only in the uterus, egg pouches and eggs and glucose-6-phosphatase activity was restricted to the tegument. The probable functions of these moieties at different sites are discussed.  相似文献   

Histochemical and ultrastructural studies were made on the metacercarial cyst of Echinostoma revolutum obtained from the kidney of experimentally infected Physa and Lymnaea snails. Ultrastructural studies revealed three cyst walls, an outer, middle and inner. The outer wall was more electron-dense than the middle, and contained coarser granules than those found in the middle layer. The inner wall was lamellated and contained membranous whorls. Collagenous fibers presumably of host origin surrounded the outer cyst wall. The outer and middle cyst walls stained identically with all histochemical procedures used. These walls contained acid mucopolysaccharides and glycoprotein, whereas the inner cyst wall contained glycoprotein. All cyst walls stained positively with a variety of protein stains.  相似文献   

R Gossrau 《Histochemistry》1979,60(2):231-248
Fresh frozen, unfixed, chloroforme-acetone treated or freeze-dried cryostat sections or sections from aldehyde-fixed blocks of tissue were tried for the histochemical investigation of dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP IV) with L-glycyl-L-prolyl(gly-pro)-naphthylamides as substrates and stable or unstable diazonium salts for simultaneous coupling and various buffers, pH 5--7.5 in rats, mice, guinea-pigs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and human enterobiopsies. The best results are obtained with 1.7--3.4 mM gly-pro-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide and 1 mg Fast Blue B/ml or (with some limitations) 0.025 ml hexazotized new fuchsine/ml in 0.1 M cacodylate or phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 and unfixed sections for the demonstration of the total activity of DPP IV and freeze-dried celloidin-mounted cryostat sections for the precise localization of the enzyme or the detection of lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and secretion granules sections from aldehyde fixed tissue blocks are only suitable to study the lysosomal hydrolysis of gly-pro-naphthylamides between pH 5 and 7 when hexazotized p-rosaniline or new fuchsine are employed. DPP IV is firmly bound to strutures and shows species- and organ-dependent differences. In general, the enzyme occurs in the capillary endothelium, sinusoidal cells, perineurium, epithelial cells of intercalated and striated ducts, microvillous zone of intestinal crypts and villi, uterus, Fallopian tubes, ductus epididymis and proximal renal tubules, hepatocyte and lymphocyte membrane, plasmalemma of pseudostratified and transient epithelia and in the capsules and interstitium of many organs. These sites of activity can be completely inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and partially by Pb2+; Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+ EDTA are without any influence. Phenantrolin may activate DPP IV. The biochemical assay works with 10 mM gly-pro-2-naphthylamide in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 7; the enzyme activity is determined fluorometrically in guinea-pig and rat organs; the data confirm and enlarge the species- and organ-dependent differences revealed by histochemistry. Compared with other dipeptide as well as tripeptide and amino acid naphthylamides the results obtained for DPP IV suggest a peptidylpeptidase which seems to be involved in other metabolic processes beside the degradation of collagen.  相似文献   

The histochemistry of the neural cells was studied in the submandibular ganglia of 5 Callithrix jacchus (3 males and 2 females) and 4 Callithrix penicillata (2 males and 2 females). These cells contain neutral mucopolysaccharides, nucleoproteins and lipidic materia, but are apparently devoid of glycogen. It is impossible to demonstrate in them any reactivity for UDPG-GT, phosphorylases, ATPase at pH 6.3, leucine aminopeptidase and alanyl aminopeptidas. The reaction for the other searched enzymes was as follows: weak (F-1,6-P Ald and cytochrome oxidase), weak to moderate (ADH, 6-P-GDH, ICDH, SDH, MDH, alpha-GPDH and beta-OHBDH), moderate (G-6-PDH, F-1,6-PA, LDH and GDH), moderate to strong (ATPase at pH 7.4, nonspecific esterase and acid phosphatase) and strong (G-6-PA, NADH2,-TR, NADPH2-TR, ATPase at pH 8.5 and 9.4 and alkaline phosphatase).  相似文献   

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