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Summary A procedure for the regeneration of fertile transgenic white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) is presented. The protocol is based on infection of stem explants of 7–9 day old plants with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a disarmed binary vector with chimeric genes encoding neomycin phosphotransferase and -glucuronidase. Shoots are regenerated from callus-forming explants within 3–4 weeks. Under selection, 10% of the explants with transgenic embryonic callus develop into fertile transgenic plants. Rooting shoots transferred to soil yield seeds within 14–16 weeks following transformation. Integration and expression of the T-DNA encoded marker genes was confirmed by histochemical glucuronidase assays and Southern-DNA hybridization using primary transformants and S1-progeny. The analysis showed stable integration and Mendelian inheritance of trans-genes in transformed Sinapis lines.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - GUS -glucuronidase - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IM infection medium - NAA 1-naphthalene acetic acid - neo gene encoding NPTII - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase - RIM root-inducing medium - SEM shoot-elongation medium - SIM shoot-inducing medium - t-nos polyadenylation site of the nopaline synthase gene - uidA gene encoding GUS - WM wash medium - X-Gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl -D-glucuronide  相似文献   

Summary We examined how different wind speeds and interactions between plant age and wind affect growth and biomass allocation of Sinapis alba L. (white mustard). Physiological and growth measurements were made on individuals of white mustard grown in controlled-environment wind tunnels at windspeeds of 0.3, 2.2 and 6.0 ms–1 for 42 days. Plants were harvested at four different dates. Increasing wind speed slightly increased transpiration and stomatal conductance. We did not observe a significant decline in the photosynthetic rate per unit of leaf area. Number of leaves, stem length, leaf area and dry weights of total biomass and plant parts were significantly lower in plants exposed at high wind speed conditions. There were no significant differences in the unit leaf rate nor relative growth rates, although these were always lower in plants grown at high wind speed. Allocation and architectural parameters were also examined. After 42 days of exposure to wind, plants showed higher leaf area ratio, root and leaf weight ratios and root/shoot ratio than those grown at control treatment. Only specific leaf area declined significantly with wind speed, but stem and reproductive parts also decreased. The responses of plants to each wind speed treatment depended on the age of the plant for most of the variables. It is suggested that wind operates in logarithmic manner, with relatively small or no effect at lower wind speeds and a much greater effect at higher speeds. Since there is no evidence of a significant reduction in photosynthetic rate of Sinapis with increasing wind speed it is suggested that the effect of wind on plant growth was due to mechanical effects leading to changes in allocation and developmental patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Sexual and somatic hybrid plants have been produced between Sinapis alba L. (white mustard) and Brassica napus L. (oil-seed rape), with the aim to transfer resistance to the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii Schm. (BCN) from white mustard into the oil-seed rape gene pool. Only crosses between diploid accessions of S. alba (2n = 24, Sa1Sa1) as the pistillate parent and several B. napus accessions (2n = 38, AACC) yielded hybrid plants with 31 chromosomes. Crosses between tetraploid accessions of S. alba (2n = 48, Sa1Sa1Sa1Sa1) and B. napus were unsuccessful. Somatic hybrid plants were also obtained between a diploid accession of S. alba and B. napus. These hybrids were mitotically unstable, the number of chromosomes ranging from 56 to more than 90. Analysis of total DNA using a pea rDNA probe confirmed the hybrid nature of the sexual hybrids, whereas for the somatic hybrids a pattern identical to that of B. napus was obtained. Using chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences, we found that all of the sexual F1 hybrids and somatic hybrids contained cpDNA and mtDNA of the S. alba parent. No recombinant mtDNA or cpDNA pattern was observed. Three BC1 plants were obtained when sexual hybrids were back-crossed with B. napus. Backcrossing of somatic hybrids with B. napus was not successful. Three sexual hybrids and one BC1 plant, the latter obtained from a cross between a sexual hybrid and B. napus, were found to show a high level of BCN resistance. The level of BCN resistance of the somatic hybrids was in general high, but varied between cuttings from the same plant. Results from cytological studies of chromosome association at meiotic metaphase I in the sexual hybrids suggest partial homology between chromosomes of the AC and Sa1 genomes and thus their potential for gene exchange.  相似文献   

Gerhard Link 《Planta》1982,154(1):81-86
The steady-state levels of plastid RNA sequences in dark-grown and light-grown mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings have been compared. Total cellular RNAs were labeled in vitro with 32P and hybridized to separated restriction fragments of plastid DNA. Cloned DNA fragments which encode the large subunit (LS) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase [3-phospho-D-glycerate carboxylase (dimerizing), EC] and a 35,000 plastid polypeptide were used as probes to assess the levels of these two plastid mRNAs. The 1.22-kilobase-pair mRNA for the 35,000 polypeptide is almost undetectable in dark-grown seedlings, but is a major plastid mRNA in light-grown seedlings. The hybridization analysis of RNA from seedlings which were irradiated with red and far-red light indicates that the level of this mRNA, but not of LS mRNA, is controlled by phytochrome.Abbreviations LS large subunit - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - ptDNA plastid DNA  相似文献   

The influence of kinetin during the development of primary leaves of Sinapis alba was investigated. Kinetin treatment (6 ppm) induced an increase of dry weight, of soluble reducing sugars, soluble protein, chlorophylls, carotenoids and cytochrome f; a higher ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b, higher rates of CO2 fixation per fresh weight and higher activity of nitrite reductase, were also found. These effects are comparable with strong and blue light adaptations. On the other hand, the Hill activity with ferricyanide as the electron acceptor, the rates of CO2 fixation per chlorophyll, the ratios of chlorophyll to cytochrome f and of protein to chlorophyll did not change. Therefore we assume that the kinetin induced and the light induced adaptations are brought about by different causal reaction chains.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Wirkung von Kinetin auf die Entwicklung von Primarblattern von Senfpflanzen untersucht. Die Behandlung mit Kinetin (6 ppm) bewirkte eine Erhöhung des Trochengewichtes, der Gehalte an löslichen, reduzierend wirkenden Zuckern, an löslichem Protein, Chlorophyllen, Karotinoiden und Cytochrom f, sowie eine Erhöhung des Quotienten von Chlorophyll a zu Chlorophyll b, eine verstärkten Einbau von CO2 pro Frischgewicht und eine Erhöhung der Nitritreduktase-Aktivität. Diese Auswirkungen sind den durch Starklicht und Blaulicht hervorgerufenen Anpassungsreaktionen vergleichbar. Andererseits zeigten die Hill-Reaktion (gemessen als Reduktion von Ferricyanid), die CO2 Fixierung pro Chlorophyll, der Quotient von Chlorophyll zu Cytochrom f und der Quotient von Protein zu Chlorophyll keire Veränderungen. Dies weist darauf hin, daß die durch Kinetin und durch Licht hervorgerufenen Anpassungsreaktionen durch verschiedene Kausalketten bedingt werden.

K. D. Mukherjee 《Planta》1986,167(2):279-283
[1-14C]Oleic acid and [14-14C]erucic acid were converted to their acyl-CoA derivatives and incorporated into acyl lipids by a homogenate from developing mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seed and oil bodies, as well as supernatant isolated by centrifugation at 20000 g. In both homogenate and oil bodies, the oleoyl moieties from exogenous [1-14C]oleoyl-CoA were most extensively incorporated into phosphatidic acids, but very little into phosphatidylcholines. The pattern of labelling of acyl lipids by oleoyl versus erucoyl moieties from either of the corresponding fatty acids, added individually or as a mixed substrate, indicates that oleoyl-CoA directly acylates sn-glycerol-3-phosphate to yield lysophosphatidic acids and phosphatidic acids that are subsequently converted to mono- and diacylglycerols. In contrast, erucoyl-CoA predominantly acylates preformed mono-and diacylglycerols containing oleoyl moieties to yield triacylglycerols containing erucoyl moieties.  相似文献   

S. Frosch  H. Mohr 《Planta》1980,148(3):279-286
Carotenoid accumulation in the cotyledons of the mustard seedling (Sinapis alba L.) is controlled by light. Besides the stimulatory function of phytochrome in carotenogenesis the experiments reveal the significance of chlorophyll accumulation for the accumulation of larger amounts of acrotenoids. A specific blue light effect was not found. The data suggest that light exerts its control over carotenoid biogenesis through two separate mechanisms: A phytochrome regulation of enzyme levels before a postulated pool of free carotenoids, and a regulation by chlorophyll draining the pool by complex-formation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll(s) - PChl protochlorophyll(ide) - HIR high irradiance reaction (of phytochrome) - Pfr far-red absorbing, physiologically active form of phytochrome - Pr red absorbing, physiologically inactive form of phytochrome - Pfof total phytochrome, i.e. [Pr]+[Pfr] - [Pfr]/[Pfof], wavelength dependent photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system - red red light - fr far-red light  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization between Brassica napus and B. hirta (or Sinapis alba) is described. No cybrid plant with B. napus nucleus exhibiting cytoplasmic male sterility was recovered. Somatic hybrids were identified morphologically and, for some of them, by cytological observations. They were also characterised by Southern hybridization of nuclear rDNA. Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA restriction analysis showed that 2 plants out of 14 have B. hirta ctDNA, one the B. napus mtDNA and the other a hybrid. Nine possess B. napus ctDNA with a hybrid mtDNA. For six of them, mtDNA patterns present novel bands, suggesting intergenomic recombination during fusion. These hybrids will be included in the breeding program.  相似文献   

Pigments leached from Sinapis alba L. seeds and extracted from dark-grown seedlings are described and investigated by spectrophotometry and chromatography and their functions examined. Evidence is given that they are quinonoid, and it is suggested that they form part of a complex which absorbs ultraviolet light and utilizes it to produce growth energy at stages before visible light becomes available to the plant, and that this process may be the means by which mutations are introduced into species.  相似文献   

The influence of indole-3-acetic-acid (IAA) during the development of primary leaves of Sinapis alba was studied. IAA treatment (4 ppm 22.8 M) caused a decrease of dry weight, soluble reducing sugars, soluble protein, chlorophylls, carotenoids and cytochrome f; it also caused a lower ratio of protein to chlorophyll, a lower ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b and a higher ratio of chlorophyll per cytochrome f. Furthermore, IAA treatment induced a significantly lower rate of CO2 fixation and a depressed nitrite reductase activity. Similar effects could also be observed in adaptation reactions brought about by red light and low-light (or shade) conditions.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß von Auxin (IES) auf die Entwicklung der Primärblätter von Senfpflanzen wurde untersucht. Die Behandlung mit IES (4 ppm 22.8 M) führte zu einer Erniedrigung des Trockengewichtes, der Gehalte an löslichen, reduzierend wirkenden Zuckern, an löslichem Protein, Chlorophyllen, Karotinoiden und Cytochrom f. Außerdem wurden die Quotienten von Protein zu Chlorophyll und von Chlorophyll a zu Chlorophyll b gesenkt und es kam zu einer Erhöhung des Verhältnisses von Chlorophyll zu Cytochrom f. Darüberhinaus bewirkte die Behandlung mit IES eine deutliche Abnahme der CO2-Fixierungsrate und eine Verringerung der Nitritreduktase-Aktivität. Diese Effekte stimmen gut mit Anpassungsreaktionen überein, die durch Rotlicht oder Schwachlicht hervorgerufen werden.

Biochemical and accompanying structural characteristics of the photosynthetic process were studied in mustard seedlings cultivated on medium with increasing concentrations of cycloheximide alone as well as in combination with various kinetin concentrations. After 7 days of cultivation the contents of total chlorophyll, carotenoids and content of Rubisco in mustard cotyledons were determined. The content of chlorophyll pigments and carotenoids decreased in dependence of cycloheximide concentration. Following antibiotic treatment the content of both Rubisco subunits markedly decreased. In addition cycloheximide caused disturbance in mesophyll organization and chloroplast ultrastructure. Kinetin applied with cycloheximide increased the amount of photosynthetic pigments as well as of Rubisco, compared to the cycloheximide alone. In the seedlings treated with cycloheximide+kinetin the structure of leaf mesophyll and chloroplast membrane system was similar to control. Our results indicate that kinetin diminished the negative effects of cycloheximide on photosynthetic pigments and Rubisco as well as on the structural traits of the cotyledons.  相似文献   

Etioplasts and etiochloroplasts, isolated from seedlings of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) grown in continuous far-red light, and chloroplasts isolated from cotyledons and primary leaves of white-light-grown seedlings exhibit high prenyl-lipid-forming activities. Only the etioplasts and etiochloroplasts, and to a much lesser extent chloroplasts from cotyledons are capable of forming carotenes from isopentenyl diphosphate as substrate, whereas in chloroplasts from primary leaves no such activities could be detected. By subfractionation experiments, it could be demonstrated that the phytoene-synthase complex in etioplasts and etiochloroplasts is present in a soluble form in the stroma, whereas the subsequent enzymes, i.e. the dehydrogenase, cis-trans isomerase and cyclase are bound to both membrane fractions, the prolamellar bodies/prothylakoids and the envelopes. In good agreement with previous results using isolated chromoplasts and chloroplasts, it is concluded that the phytoene-synthase complex may change its topology from a peripheral membrane protein in non-green plastids to a tightly membrane-associated protein in chloroplasts. This change is apparently paralleled by altered functional properties which render the complex undetectable in isolated chloroplasts. Further experiments concerning the reduction of chlorophyll a containing a geranylgeranyl side chain to chlorophyll a indicate that the light-induced etioplast-chloroplast conversion is accompanied by a certain reorganization of the polyprenoid-forming enzymatic equipment.Abbreviations Chl a chlorophyll a - ChlGG chlorophyll a containing a geranylgeranyl side chain - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Tris 2-ammo-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

B. Liedvogel  R. Bäuerle 《Planta》1986,169(4):481-489
Chloroplasts from the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings were isolated on Percoll gradients, and showed a high degree of intactness (92%) and purity as judged by electron microscopy and marker-enzyme analysis (cytoplasmic contamination lower than 0.4% on a protein basis). The chloroplasts synthesized longchain fatty acids from both precursors [1-14C] acetate and [2-14C]pyruvate; maximum incorporation rates were 96 nmol·(mg Chl)-1·h-1 for acetate and 213 nmol·(mg Chl)-1·h-1 for pyruvate. Acetyl-CoA-producing enzymatic activities, namely acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC and a pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, showed specific activities of 14.8 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1 and 18.2 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1, respectively. The glycolytic enzymes phosphoglyceromutase (EC phosphopyruvate hydratase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC were all found to be components of these chloroplasts, thus indicating a possible pathway for intraplastid acetyl-CoA formation.Abbreviations ACS acetyl coenzyme A synthetase - Chl chlorophyll - DTE 1,4-dithioerythritol - PDHC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   

Light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complexes were isolated from the higher plant Sinapis alba, the green alga Chlorella fusca, and the prasinophycean alga Mantoniella squamata by mild gel electrophoresis. The energy transfer from chlorophyll b and the accessory xanthophyll was measured by means of fluoresence spectroscopy at 77 K. The pigment composition of the isolated antenna complexes was determined by high performance liquid chromatography in order to calculate the number of light absorbing molecules per chlorophyll a in the different light-harvesting complexes. These results were complemented by the quantitation of the pigments in total thylakoids as well as in the different electrophoretic fractions. On the basis of these data the in vivo ratios of xanthophylls per chlorophyll a could be estimated. The results show that the light-harvesting complexes from Chlorella and from Sinapis exhibit identical ratios of total xanthophylls per chlorophyll a. By contrast, in the prasinophycean alga Mantoniella, the light-harvesting complex markedly differs from the other chlorophyll b containing proteins. It contains, in addition to neoxanthin and violaxanthin, high amounts of prasinoxanthin and its epoxide, which contribute significantly to light absorption. The concentration of chlorophyll b in the complex is very much higher in the antenna of Mantoniella than in those of Chlorella and Sinapis. Furthermore, it must be emphasized that in addition to chlorophyll b, a third chlorophyll species acts in the energy transfer to chlorophyll a. This chlorophyll c-like pigment is found to be present in a concentration which improves very efficiently the absorption in blue light. In light of these results it can be concluded that the absorption cross section in Mantoniella is higher not only because of an enhanced number of light-harvesting particles in the membrane, but also because of a higher ratio of accessory pigments to chlorophyll a.Abbreviations Chl Chlorophyll - FP Free Pigments - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - LHC Light-harvesting Chlorophyll protein complex - PAGE Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - PS Photosystem  相似文献   

S. Schmidt  H. Mohr 《Planta》1989,177(4):526-534
During transformation of mustard seedlings cotyledons from storage organs to photosynthetically competent leaves, a process which occurs during the first 4 d after sowing, total glutamine-synthetase (GS, EC activity increases from zero to the high level usually observed in green leaves. In the present study we have used ion-exchange chromatography to separate possible isoforms of GS during the development of the cotyledons. The approach failed since we could only detect a single form of GS, presumably plastidic GS, under all circumstances tested. The technique of selective photooxidative destruction of plastids in situ was applied to solve the problem of GS localization. It was inferred from the data that the GS as detected by ion-exchange chromatography is plastidic GS.The regulatory role, if any, of light, nitrate and ammonium in the process of the appearance of GS in the developing cotyledons was investigated. The results show that nitrate and ammonium play only minor roles. Light, operating via phytochrome, is the major regulatory factor.Abbreviations c continuous - D darkness - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - GS glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate:ammonia ligase, ADP forming, EC - FR far-red light (3.5 W·m-2) - NF Norflurazon - R red light (6.8 W·m-2, R=0.8)) - RG9-light long-wavelength FR (10 W·m-2, RG9<0.01) - () Pfr/Ptot=wavelength-dependent photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system  相似文献   

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