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The ventral cord in C. elegans is the major longitudinal axon tract containing essential components of the motor circuit. In genetic screens using transgenic animals expressing neuron specific GFP reporters, we identified twelve genes required for the correct outgrowth of interneuron axons of the motor circuit. In mutant animals, axons fail to navigate correctly towards the ventral cord or fail to fasciculate correctly within the ventral cord. Several of those mutants define previously uncharacterized genes. Two of the genes, ast-4 and ast-7, are involved in the generation of left-right asymmetry of the two ventral cord axon tracts. Three other genes specifically affect pioneer-follower relationships between early and late outgrowing axons, controlling either differentiation of a pioneer neuron (lin-11) or the ability of axons to follow a pioneer (ast-2, unc-130). Navigation of the ventral cord pioneer neuron AVG itself is defective in ast-4, ast-6 and unc-130 mutants. Correlation of these defects with navigation defects in different classes of follower axons revealed a true pioneer role for AVG in the guidance of interneurons in the ventral cord. Taken together, these genes provide a basis to address different aspects of axon navigation within the ventral cord of C. elegans.  相似文献   

Neural development in metazoans is characterized by the establishment of initial process tracts by pioneer axons and the subsequent extension of follower axons along these pioneer processes. Mechanisms governing the fidelity of follower extension along pioneered routes are largely unknown. In C. elegans, formation of the right angle‐shaped lumbar commissure connecting the lumbar and preanal ganglia is an example of pioneer/follower dynamics. We find that the dystroglycan ortholog DGN‐1 mediates the fidelity of follower lumbar commissure axon extension along the pioneer axon route. In dgn‐1 mutants, the axon of the pioneer PVQ neuron faithfully establishes the lumbar commissure, but axons of follower lumbar neurons, such as PVC, frequently bypass the lumbar commissure and extend along an oblique trajectory directly toward the preanal ganglion. In contrast, disruption of the UNC‐6/netrin guidance pathway principally perturbs PVQ ventral guidance to pioneer the lumbar commissure. Loss of DGN‐1 in unc‐6 mutants has a quantitatively similar effect on follower axon guidance regardless of PVQ axon route, indicating that DGN‐1 does not mediate follower/pioneer adhesion. Instead, DGN‐1 appears to block premature responsiveness of follower axons to a preanal ganglion‐directed guidance cue, which mediates ventral‐to‐anterior reorientation of lumbar commissure axons. Deletion analysis shows that only the most N‐terminal DGN‐1 domain is required for these activities. These studies suggest that dystroglycan modulation of growth cone responsiveness to conflicting guidance cues is important for restricting follower axon extension to the tracts laid down by pioneers. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

Post-embryonic development in the ventral cord of Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
56 nerve cells are added to the ventral cord and associated ganglia of Caenorhabditis elegans at about the time of the first larval moult. These cells are produced by the uniform division of 13 neuroblasts followed by a defined pattern of cell deaths. Comparison with the data in the previous paper suggests that there is a relationship between the ancestry of a cell and its function. The significance of programmed cell death is discussed.  相似文献   

In early C. elegans embryos, signaling between a posterior blastomere, P2, and a ventral blastomere, EMS, specifies endoderm and orients the division axis of the EMS cell. Although Wnt signaling contributes to this polarizing interaction, no mutants identified to date abolish P2/EMS signaling. Here, we show that two tyrosine kinase-related genes, src-1 and mes-1, are required for the accumulation of phosphotyrosine between P2 and EMS. Moreover, src-1 and mes-1 mutants strongly enhance endoderm and EMS spindle rotation defects associated with Wnt pathway mutants. SRC-1 and MES-1 signal bidirectionally to control cell fate and division orientation in both EMS and P2. Our findings suggest that Wnt and Src signaling function in parallel to control developmental outcomes within a single responding cell.  相似文献   

Information that originates from peripheral sensory organs is conveyed by axons of cephalic sensory cranial ganglia connecting the sensory organs to appropriate central targets in the brain. Thus, the establishment of correct axonal projections by sensory afferents is one of the most important issues in neural development. Previously, we examined the development of the vestibular nerve that originates from the VIIIth ganglion using a flat whole-mount preparation of the rat hindbrain and developed an in vitro, culture preparation that can recapitulate vestibular nerve development (Tashiro, Y., Endo, T., Shirasaki, R., Miyahara, M., Heizmann, C. W. and Murakami, F. (2000) J. Comp. Neurol. 417, 491-500). Both in vivo and in vitro, the ascending branch of the VIIIth ganglion projecting to the cerebellum reaches the base of the cerebellar primordium and starts to splay out towards the rhombic lip, apparently avoiding the ventral metencephalon. We now examine the nature of cues that guide vestibulocerebellar axons by applying various manipulations to the flat whole-mount in vitro preparation. Our observations suggest that local nonpermissive cues and oriented cues play a pivotal role in the guidance of vestibular axons to their central target.  相似文献   

The structure of the ventral nerve cord of Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans is arranged as a series of fibre bundles which run along internal hypodermal ridges. Most of the sensory integration takes place in a ring of nerve fibres which is wrapped round the pharynx in the head. The body muscles in the head are innervated by motor neurones in this nerve ring while those in the lower part of the body are innervated by a set of motor neurones in a longitudinal fibre bundle which joins the nerve ring, the ventral cord. These motor neurones can be put into five classes on the basis of their morphology and synaptic input. At any one point along the cord only one member from each class has neuromuscular junctions. Members of a given class are arranged in a regular linear sequence in the cord and have non-overlapping fields of motor synaptic activity, the transition between fields of adjacent neurones being sharp and well defined. Members of a given class form gap junctions with neighbouring members of the same class but never to motor neurones of another class. Three of the motor neurone classes receive their synaptic input from a set of interneurones coming from the nerve ring. These interneurones can in turn be grouped into four classes and each of three motor neurone classes receives its synaptic input from a unique combination of interneurone classes. The possible developmental and functional significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Hoxb2 and hoxb4 act together to specify ventral body wall formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three different alleles of the Hoxb4 locus were generated by gene targeting in mice. Two alleles contain insertions of a selectable marker in the first exon in either orientation, and, in the third, the selectable marker was removed, resulting in premature termination of the protein. Presence and orientation of the selectable marker correlated with the severity of the phenotype, indicating that the selectable marker induces cis effects on neighboring genes that influence the phenotype. Homozygous mutants of all alleles had cervical skeletal defects similar to those previously reported for Hoxb4 mutant mice. In the most severe allele, Hoxb4(PolII), homozygous mutants died either in utero at approximately E15.5 or immediately after birth, with a severe defect in ventral body wall formation. Analysis of embryos showed thinning of the primary ventral body wall in mutants relative to control animals at E11.5, before secondary body wall formation. Prior to this defect, both Alx3 and Alx4 were specifically down regulated in the most ventral part of the primary body wall in Hoxb4(PolII) mutants. Hoxb4(loxp) mutants in which the neo gene has been removed did not have body wall or sternum defects. In contrast, both the Hoxb4(PolII) and the previously described Hoxb2(PolII) alleles that have body wall defects have been shown to disrupt the expression of both Hoxb2 and Hoxb4 in cell types that contribute to body wall formation. Our results are consistent with a model in which defects in ventral body wall formation require the simultaneous loss of at least Hoxb2 and Hoxb4, and may involve Alx3 and Alx4.  相似文献   

A shared feature of many neural circuits is their organization into synaptic layers. However, the mechanisms that direct neurites to distinct layers remain poorly understood. We identified a central role for Netrins and their receptor Frazzled in mediating layer-specific axon targeting in the Drosophila visual system. Frazzled is expressed and cell autonomously required in R8 photoreceptors for directing their axons to the medulla-neuropil layer M3. Netrin-B is specifically localized in this layer owing to axonal release by lamina neurons L3 and capture by target neuron-associated Frazzled. Ligand expression in L3 is sufficient to rescue R8 axon-targeting defects of Netrin mutants. R8 axons target normally despite replacement of diffusible Netrin-B by membrane-tethered ligands. Finally, Netrin localization is instructive because expression in ectopic layers can retarget R8 axons. We propose that provision of localized chemoattractants by intermediate target neurons represents a highly precise strategy to direct axons to a positionally defined layer.  相似文献   

During embryogenesis, the basic axon scaffold of the nervous system is formed by special axons that pioneer pathways between groups of cells. To find their way, the pioneer growth cones detect specific cues in their extracellular environment. One of these guidance cues is netrin. Observations and experimental manipulations in vertebrates and nematodes have shown that netrin is a bifunctional guidance cue that can simultaneously attract and repel axons. During the formation of this basic axon scaffold in Caenorhabditis elegans, the netrin UNC-6 is expressed by neuroglia and pioneer neurons, providing hierarchical guidance cues throughout the animal. Each cue has a characteristic role depending on the cell type, its position and the developmental stage. These roles include activities as global, decussation and labeled-pathway cues. This hierarchical model of UNC-6 netrin-mediated guidance suggests a method by which guidance cues can direct formation of basic axon scaffolds in developing nervous systems.  相似文献   

Juo P  Kaplan JM 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(22):2057-2062
The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) is a multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets key cell cycle regulatory proteins for degradation. Blockade of APC activity causes mitotic arrest. Recent evidence suggests that the APC may have roles outside the cell cycle. Several studies indicate that ubiquitin plays an important role in regulating synaptic strength. We previously showed that ubiquitin is directly conjugated to GLR-1, a C. elegans non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) class glutamate receptor (GluR), resulting in its removal from synapses. By contrast, endocytosis of rodent AMPA GluRs is apparently regulated by ubiquitination of associated scaffolding proteins. Relatively little is known about the E3 ligases that mediate these effects. We examined the effects of perturbing APC function on postmitotic neurons in the nematode C. elegans. Temperature-sensitive mutations in APC subunits increased the abundance of GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord. Mutations that block clathrin-mediated endocytosis blocked the effects of the APC mutations, suggesting that the APC regulates some aspect of GLR-1 recycling. Overexpression of ubiquitin decreased the density of GLR-1-containing synapses, and APC mutations blunted this effect. APC mutants had locomotion defects consistent with increased synaptic strength. This study defines a novel function for the APC in postmitotic neurons.  相似文献   

Beg AA  Ernstrom GG  Nix P  Davis MW  Jorgensen EM 《Cell》2008,132(1):149-160
Muscle contraction is normally mediated by the release of neurotransmitters from motor neurons. Here we demonstrate that protons can act as a direct transmitter from intestinal cells to stimulate muscle contraction. During the C. elegans defecation motor program the posterior body muscles contract even in the absence of neuronal inputs or vesicular neurotransmission. In this study, we demonstrate that the space between the intestine and the muscle is acidified just prior to muscle contraction and that the release of caged protons is sufficient to induce muscle contraction. PBO-4 is a putative Na+/H+ ion exchanger expressed on the basolateral membrane of the intestine, juxtaposed to the posterior body muscles. In pbo-4 mutants the extracellular space is not acidified and the muscles fail to contract. The pbo-5 and pbo-6 genes encode subunits of a "cys-loop" proton-gated cation channel required for muscles to respond to acidification. In heterologous expression assays the PBO receptor is half-maximally activated at a pH of 6.8. The identification of the mechanisms for release and reception of proton signals establishes a highly unusual mechanism for intercellular communication.  相似文献   

The genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans encodes seven soluble guanylate cyclases (sGCs). In mammals, sGCs function as alpha/beta heterodimers activated by gaseous ligands binding to a haem prosthetic group. The principal activator is nitric oxide, which acts through sGCs to regulate diverse cellular events. In C. elegans the function of sGCs is mysterious: the worm genome does not appear to encode nitric oxide synthase, and all C. elegans sGC subunits are more closely related to mammalian beta than alpha subunits. Here, we show that two of the seven C. elegans sGCs, GCY-35 and GCY-36, promote aggregation behavior. gcy-35 and gcy-36 are expressed in a small number of neurons. These include the body cavity neurons AQR, PQR, and URX, which are directly exposed to the blood equivalent of C. elegans and regulate aggregation behavior. We show that GCY-35 and GCY-36 act as alpha-like and beta-like sGC subunits and that their function in the URX sensory neurons is sufficient for strong nematode aggregation. Neither GCY-35 nor GCY-36 is absolutely required for C. elegans to aggregate. Instead, these molecules may transduce one of several pathways that induce C. elegans to aggregate or may modulate aggregation by responding to cues in C. elegans body fluid.  相似文献   

Work in flies, nematodes and vertebrates has shown that genes involved in axon patterning at the ventral midline are functionally conserved across phylogeny. Recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans have implicated several new extracellular molecules, such as nidogen and heparan sulfate proteoglycans, in axonal tract formation at the midline. Furthermore, a conceptually new mechanism that regulates the maintenance of axon positioning at the midline has been described in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Three known genes guide circumferential migrations of pioneer axons and mesodermal cells on the nematode body wall. unc-5 affects dorsal migrations, unc-40 primarily affects ventral migrations, and unc-6 affects migrations in both directions. Circumferential movements still occur, but are misdirected whereas longitudinal movements are normal in these mutants. Pioneer growth cones migrating directly on the epidermis are affected; growth cones migrating along established axon fascicles are normal. Thus these genes affect cell guidance and not cell motility per se. We propose that two opposite, adhesive gradients guide circumferential migrations on the epidermis. unc-5, unc-6, and unc-40 may encode these adhesion molecules or their cellular receptors. Neurons have access to the basal lamina and the basolateral surfaces of the epidermis, but mesodermal cells contact only the basal lamina. These genes probably identify molecular cues on the basal lamina that guide mesodermal migrations. The same basal lamina cues, or perhaps related molecules on the epidermal cell surfaces, guide pioneer neurons.  相似文献   

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