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Culture of preantral follicles has important biotechnological implications through its potential to produce large quantities of oocytes for embryo production and transfer. A long-term culture system for bovine preantral follicles is described. Bovine preantral follicles (166 +/- 2.15 micrometer), surrounded by theca cells, were isolated from ovarian cortical slices. Follicles were cultured under conditions known to maintain granulosa cell viability in vitro. The effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, FSH, and coculture with bovine granulosa cells on preantral follicle growth were analyzed. Follicle and oocyte diameter increased significantly (P < 0.05) with time in culture. FSH, IGF-I, and EGF stimulated (P < 0.05) follicle growth rate but had no effect on oocyte growth. Coculture with granulosa cells inhibited FSH/IGF-I-stimulated growth. Most follicles maintained their morphology throughout culture, with the presence of a thecal layer and basement membrane surrounding the granulosa cells. Antrum formation, confirmed by confocal microscopy, occurred between Days 10 and 28 of culture. The probability of follicles reaching antrum development was 0.19 for control follicles. The addition of growth factors or FSH increased (P < 0.05) the probability of antrum development to 0.55. Follicular growth appeared to be halted by slower growth of the basement membrane, as growing follicles occasionally burst the basement membrane, extruding their granulosa cells. In conclusion, a preantral follicle culture system in which follicle morphology can be maintained for up to 28 days has been developed. In this system, FSH, EGF, and IGF-I stimulated follicle growth and enhanced antrum formation. This culture system may provide a valuable approach for studying the regulation of early follicular development and for production of oocytes for nuclear/embryo transfer, but further work is required.  相似文献   

Successful antral formation in vitro from bovine preantral follicles (145–170 μm) has been described previously, but antrum formation from the primary follicle (50–70 μm) has not yet been achieved in vitro. The aim of the study was to establish an optimal culture system supporting the growth and maturation of bovine primary follicles (50–70 μm) in vitro. Bovine primary follicles were cultured in a three-dimensional culture system for 13 or 21 days in alpha-minimum essential medium. Various treatments including follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), 17β-estradiol (E2), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were tested. The follicular diameter and antrum formation rate were recorded, and follicular maturation markers (P450 aromatase, CYP19A1; anti-Mullerian hormone, AMH; growth differentiation factor-9, GDF9; bone morphogenetic protein-15, BMP15; and type III transforming growth factor β receptor, TGFβR3) were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. After 21 days of culture under each treatment condition, the follicular diameter was significantly enlarged in the presence of FSH + LH + E2 + bFGF or FSH + LH + E2 + bFGF + EGF (p < 0.05). An addition of 50 ng/ml bFGF or bFGF + 25 ng/ml EGF initiated antrum formation by day 19 and day 17 of culture, and the antral cavity formation rate was 16.7% and 33.3% by 21 days of culture, respectively. The expression of follicular maturation markers (CYP19A1, AMH, GDF9, BMP15 and TGFβR3) was significantly altered. We conclude that addition of 50 ng/ml bFGF + 25 ng/ml EGF to media containing FSH + LH + E2 turned out to be the most effective optimized culture conditions to support the growth and maturation of bovine primary follicles in vitro.  相似文献   

Hemorphins are biologically active peptides, derived from hemoglobin, which presents a number of physiological activities. Proteolytic generation of these peptides is not fully understood; however, among their roles, is to provoke reduction on blood pressure. In this work, this particular biological effect was chosen as the monitor for the selection of mammalian vasoactive peptides. By combining high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, including 'de novo' sequencing, several hemorphin-like peptides were identified presenting bradykinin potentiating activity. Moreover, taking LVV-hemorphin-7 as model compound, we evaluated its biological effect on blood pressure of anaesthetized rats. By summarizing all the results, it is possible to present the hemorphins as a family of proteolytically generated peptides that are able to potentiate bradykinin activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Achieving full in vitro growth of oocytes of both domestic animals and humans remains a major challenge. The objective of this study was to examine the in vitro development of primary follicles isolated enzymatically from cryopreserved sheep ovarian tissue. In Experiment 1, isolated primary follicles (mean diameter 60.1+/-0.78microm) were cultured in serum-free medium on fibronectin-coated wells for 42 days. Initially follicular structure was lost as granulosa cells plated down, but by Day 7 two distinct morphologies began to emerge. Nineteen out of 36 oocytes were gradually re-surrounded by granulosa cells, forming follicle-like units (reorganized follicles), and the remaining 17 were not (non-reorganized follicles). On Day 2, there was no difference in diameter of oocytes between reorganized and non-reorganized follicles. The diameter (mean+/-S.E.M.) of oocytes of reorganized follicles increased (P<0.05) from 47.1+/-2.2microm to 65.3+/-2.6microm between Day 2 and Day 42, respectively, but that of oocytes of non-reorganized follicles showed no change. In Experiment 2, oocyte growth and granulosa cell differentiation during long-term culture of primary follicles (>42 days) were examined. Oocytes of reorganized follicles reached a maximum diameter of 75.4+/-2.0microm, a size equivalent to that of oocytes of ovine secondary follicles. Using RT-PCR, mRNA for follicle stimulating hormone receptor was detected in granulosa cells of freshly isolated secondary follicles and of long-term cultured reorganized follicles, but not of non-reorganized follicles. In Experiment 3, we tested if the culture conditions could support further oocyte growth in secondary follicles. The oocytes from enzymatically isolated secondary follicles increased in diameter from 77.7+/-1.6microm to 98.8+/-2.1microm (P<0.05) during 28 days in culture. The changes in oocyte size and in gene expression by granulosa cells support the conclusion that isolated ovine primary follicles developed in vitro to reach the secondary follicle stage.  相似文献   

Isolated ovarian follicles of greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina were incubated with a variety of gonadotropins (GtHs) and steroid precursors for periods of up to 42 h, and levels of free and glucuronated testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) in the medium, and free T and E(2) from inside follicles were measured by RIA. Short incubations (6 h) generated increases in T and E(2) in response to steroid precursors, but not human chorionic GtH (hCG), or salmon or carp GtH. At incubation times of 18 h, all GtHs stimulated T and, or E(2) production, whereas after 42-h incubation, GtH effects on E(2) production had disappeared. Steroid precursors remained effective at 18 and 42 h. T and E(2) glucuronides were formed in small quantities but did not account for loss of treatment effects at long incubation times. Instead, this could be explained by accumulation of E(2) in controls as a result of continued basal steroid production. Follicles absorbed substantial amounts of both endogenous and exogenous steroid from the medium, however, this did not appear to have any influence on changes in treatment effects with incubation time. Flounder follicles were most sensitive to hCG, followed by salmon and carp GtH at approximately 10-fold higher concentrations. Ovarian segments were not sensitive to any GtH but did convert exogenous steroid precursors indicating that tissue access by GtH may be a limiting factor under certain in vitro conditions. HCG augmented the conversion of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17P) to T but not T to E(2), consistent with the relative GtH-insensitivity of aromatase in other species. Follicles converted a range of steroid precursors with equal competence, indicating that no step in the cleavage pathway is strongly rate-limited, and that choice of precursor is unlikely to affect the assessment of steroidogenic activity.  相似文献   

A large number of oocytes are contained in the mammalian ovary. A very small number of these oocytes grow to the final size, mature, and are ovulated. In the ovary there are more early antral follicles than late antral or preovulatory follicles, offering a large pool of oocytes for IVM and IVF if appropriate culture conditions could be devised. In the present study, early antral follicles containing oocytes 90 to 99 microm in diameter were isolated from bovine ovaries. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) with pieces of parietal granulosa (COCG) were then dissected from the follicles. The COCGs were embedded in collagen gels and cultured in Medium 199 with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) for 8 d. In Experiment 1, the effect of hypoxanthine and FSH on the growth of bovine oocytes was examined. When hypoxanthine (2 and 4 mM) and FSH (10 ng/ml) were added to the culture medium, the number of granulosa cell-enclosed oocytes increased significantly (P < 0.05). All of the oocytes surrounded by granulosa cells showed a normal morphology and were at the germinal vesicle stage, while 75 to 94% of the denuded oocytes were degenerated and had resumed meiosis. The mean diameter of the oocytes showing normal morphology was significantly higher than that measured before culture (P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, the maturational competence of in vitro-grown bovine oocytes was examined. Oocytes which were 90 to 99 microm in diameter before culture did not have meiotic competence. After being in a growth culture of 4 mM hypoxanthine- and 10 ng/ml FSH-supplemented medium for 7 or 11 d, granulosa cell-enclosed oocytes were recovered from the COCGs. No significant difference (P < 0.05) in the diameters of the oocytes was observed between 7 and 11 d of culture (7 d: 107.5 +/- 6.1 microm, n = 30; 11 d: 108.0 +/- 5.3 microm, n = 35). After a subsequent 24 h in a maturation free of hypoxanthine and FSH medium, only 17% of the oocytes cultured for 7 d underwent germinal vesicle breakdown. On the other hand, 89% of the oocytes cultured for 11 d underwent germinal vesicle breakdown, and 11% of the oocytes emitted the first polar body and reached metaphase II. These results demonstrate for the first time that bovine oocytes harvested from early antral follicles can grow, and acquire meiotic competence in vitro.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus sp. strain YU6 was isolated from soil for the ability to grow on o-xylene as the sole carbon and energy source. Unlike most other o-xylene-degrading bacteria, YU6 is able to grow on p-xylene. Numerous growth substrate range experiments, in addition to the ring-cleavage enzyme assay data, suggest that YU6 initially metabolizes o- and p-xylene by direct aromatic ring oxidation. This leads to the formation of dimethylcatechols, which was further degraded largely through meta-cleavage pathway. The gene encoding meta-cleavage dioxygenase enzyme was PCR cloned from genomic YU6 DNA using previously known gene sequence data from the o-xylene-degrading Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17. Subsequent sequencing of the 918-bp PCR product revealed a 98% identity to the gene, encoding methylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase from DK17. PFGE analysis followed by Southern hybridization with the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene demonstrated that the gene is located on an approximately 560-kb megaplasmid, designated pJYJ1.  相似文献   

The effects of in vitro culture systems for sheep zygotes on subsequent fetal growth and development to day 61 and day 125 of gestation were studied. Zygotes recovered from superovulated Scottish Blackface ewes approximately 36 h after intrauterine insemination using semen from a single Suffolk sire were cultured for 5 days in (a) a granulosa cell co-culture system (co-culture); (b) synthetic oviductal fluid medium without serum (SOF-); and (c) synthetic oviductal fluid medium supplemented with human serum (SOF+). Control embryos were recovered from superovulated donor ewes at day 6 after oestrus. Embryos were transferred at day 6 to synchronous Scottish Blackface recipient ewes. In total, 146 gravid uteri were recovered, comprising 97 at day 61 (20 co-culture, 27 SOF-, 25 SOF+ and 25 control) and 49 at day 125 (13 co-culture, 8 SOF-, 6 SOF+ and 22 control) of gestation. Fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos were 14% heavier (P < 0.01) by day 61 of gestation than those derived from control embryos. Growth coefficients derived from the linear allometric equation logey = logea + b logex (where y = organ mass; x = fetal mass) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) for liver, heart, kidneys and plantaris muscle in fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos, and for liver in fetuses derived from SOF+ embryos than those for control fetuses. Fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos were 34% heavier (P < 0.001) and fetuses derived from SOF+ embryos were 18% heavier (P < 0.01) by day 125 of gestation than those derived from control embryos. Growth coefficients for liver and heart for fetuses derived from co-culture and SOF+ embryos were also significantly greater (P < 0.05) at this stage of gestation than those for control group fetuses. In contrast, allometric coefficients for these organs in fetuses derived from embryos cultured in SOF without serum supplementation were not different from those for controls. Excessive volumes of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) were observed in 23% of conceptuses derived from co-cultured embryos. In vitro embryo culture can significantly influence fetal growth and this study provides quantitative evidence of major shifts in the patterns of organ and tissue development.  相似文献   

A cell line from the Walker carcinosarcoma 256 of the rat has been established in suspension culture in medium with 5% bovine calf serum for over 350 generations, with an average population doubling time of 17 h, a plating efficiency of 56%, a colony forming efficiency of 32%, and a good capacity to form colonies in soft agar. The cells are morphologically indistinguishable from those in the solid tumor and ascites as checked by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The karyotype is characterized by a modal number of 65 chromosomes and by the presence of a marker metacentric chromosome. The cells express thymidine kinase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase; are agglutinable by concanavalin A; and can be synchronized by the triple thymidine block. They induce primary tumors, both subcutaneously (solid) and intraperitoneally (ascitic), in the rat; are able to metastasize upon injection by the tail vein; and invade the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo. Cells in suspension can be transferred to monolayers, considerably decreasing their tumorigenicity without affecting the other parameters studied, and can be switched back to suspension culture. DNA-mediated transfection showed that DNA from these cells can transform the NIH-3T3 line. Upon growth of the monolayers in a BrdUr-containing medium, a sub-line was established that was cloned into a thymidine kinase-deficient line unable to grow in HAT medium and with properties otherwise similar to those of the parental wild type cells.  相似文献   

Summary A cell line from the Walker carcinosarcoma 256 of the rat has been established in suspension culture in medium with 5% bovien calf serum for over 350 generations, with an average population doubling time of 17 h, a plating efficiency of 56%, a colony forming efficiency of 32%, and a good capacity to form colonies in soft agar. The cells are morphologically indistinguishable from those in the solid tumor and ascites as checked by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The karyotype is characterized by a modal number of 65 chromosomes and by the presence of a marker metacentric chromosome. The cells express thymidine kinase, λ-glutamyl transpeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase; are aggultinable by concanavalin A; and can be synchronized by the triple thymidine block. They induce primary tumors, both subcutaneously (solid) and intraperitoneally (ascitic), in the rat; are able to metastasize upon injection by the tail vein; and invade the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo. Cells in suspension can be transferred to monolayers, considerably decreasing their tumorigenicity without affecting the other parameters studied, and can be switched back to suspension culture. DNA-mediated transfection showed that DNA from these cells can transform the NIH-3T3 line. Upon growth of the monolayers in a BrdUr-containing medium, a sub-line was establihed that was cloned into a thymidine kinase-deficient line unable to grow, in HAT medium and with properties otherwise similar to those of the parental wild type cells. This work was supported by grants from the “Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas' (CONICIT) and from the ‘Consejo de Desarrollo Cientifico y Humanistico’ of the Central University of Venezuela.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of ovarian tissues containing many immature oocytes occurs in both gamete/embryo research and clinical medicine. Using vitrification, we studied factors related to meiosis after cryopreservation using the COCs (cumulus oocyte complexes) and preantral follicles obtained from cryopreserved ovarian tissues. COCs were isolated and cultured for 17 approximately 19 hr. Thereafter, Metaphase II stage (MII stage) oocytes and fertilized oocytes after IVF were observed at a rate of 76.5% and 60.0%, respectively. Preantral follicles (100 approximately 130 microm in diameter) were isolated and cultured in alpha MEM containing hFSH, ITS, and FBS. HCG and EGF were added to the media to stimulate ovulation on the 12th day of culture. The survival rates of the follicles obtained from the frozen/thawed ovaries were 66.4%. After 12 days of culture, the diameter of the follicles isolated from fresh (620.2 +/- 11.3 microm) and frozen/thawed ovaries (518.7 +/- 15.1 microm) differed as did the estradiol concentrations (3474.2 +/- 159 pg/ml vs. 1508.2 +/- 134 pg/ml). After in vitro ovulation, MII stage oocytes were observed in 84.5% of the fresh group and 60.5% of the frozen/thawed group while the fertilization rate was 74.2% and 53.5%, respectively. These studies demonstrate that cryopreservation of mouse ovarian tissues by vitrification did not affect the oocyte's ability to undergo meiosis. Thus, this technique may become a powerful tool for the preservation of the female gamete.  相似文献   

Sheep oocytes that matured and fertilized in vitro were cultured to evaluate their cleavage to the 8- to 16- cell stage and further development in five different media as follows: 1) CPMW (TCM199 + 20% ewe serum + 0.4% BSA), 2) Ham's F-10 + 10% ewe serum, 3) Brinster's pyruvate medium + 0.1% glucose (BPM-G), 4) co-culture with sheep oviduct epithelial cells in TCM199 + 10% fetal calf serum, and 5) co-culture with sheep granulosa cells in the same medium as 4. The culture duration was 4 or 7 d for 8- to 16-cell or further development. The proportions of 8- to 16-cell eggs were 1) 16% (8 49 ), 2) 25% (12 49 ), 3) 52% (58 112 ), 4) 63% (105 167 ) and 5) 45% (27 60 ). The co-culture with sheep oviduct cells resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) higher rate of cleavage than the other media, except BPM-G. The proportion of noncompacted morula (35%, 24 68 ) was also significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the co-culture of sheep oviduct cells than the other media. The 8- to 16-cell eggs produced by BPM-G (n=38) and the co-culture with sheep oviduct cells (n=42) were transferred into the uterus of recipient ewes, but no elongated blastocysts were obtained 13 d later. On the other hand, 8 out of 55 one-cell eggs (15 to 18 h after in vitro insemination) transferred to the oviduct of recipient ewes were elongated blastocysts (24% of 34 recovered eggs). The data show that the co-culture of in vitro fertilized eggs with sheep oviduct epithelial cells could support development of 8- to 16-cell embryos or early morula, but their viability is still questionable.  相似文献   



One major concern of grafting cryopreserved ovarian tissue to restore fertility in cancer patients is the possibility of reintroducing tumor cells. Cryopreservation of isolated primordial/primary follicles (PFs) may circumvent this problem. The aim of our work was to compare dimethyl sulfoxide (ME2SO) and ethylene glycol (EG) as cryoprotectants (CPAs) for slow-freezing of isolated human PFs in alginate.


Ovarian biopsies from four women were processed for follicle isolation. PFs were embedded in alginate (5–15 per group). Follicles were frozen-thawed using 1.4 M ME2SO or 1.5 M EG as CPAs. Fresh and cryopreserved isolated follicles were in vitro cultured (IVC) for 7 days. At different time periods (after isolation, cryopreservation and IVC), follicles were evaluated with live/dead assay (using fluorescent probes) and diameter measurement. Follicle viability was calculated according to the percentage of dead follicular cells and the presence of a live/dead oocyte.


A total of 841 PFs were isolated, embedded in alginate and cryopreserved with ME2SO (n = 424) or EG (n = 259), or used as controls (n = 158). After 7 days of IVC, a significant increase in follicle size was observed in the fresh and ME2SO groups, but not in the EG group. The percentage of totally viable PFs was not significantly different before or after seven days of culture in fresh (100% and 82%) or ME2SO (93.2% and 85.1%) tissue. The EG group showed significantly lower viability before (63.9%) and after IVC (66.2%) than the fresh and ME2SO groups.


Our results show that 1.4 M ME2SO yields better preservation of isolated PF viability after thawing and 7 days of IVC than 1.5 M EG. Alginate constitutes an easy, safe hydrogel matrix to handle and cryopreserve isolated human follicles using ME2SO as a CPA.  相似文献   

In vitro excystation is often used as a measure of viability of encysted protozoan parasites. Parasites that do not excyst in vitro are assumed to be non-viable and non-infectious, whereas those that do excyst are assumed viable. To test the validity of these assumptions, Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were excysted in vitro using two different excystation protocols, and the non-excysted intact oocysts were isolated using flow cytometry. Non-excysted sorted oocysts readily infected neonatal CD-1 mice. Increasing the duration of the excystation assays from 1 h to 3 h resulted in a higher percent of excysted oocysts, but the remaining non-excysted parasites were still capable of infecting neonatal CD-1 mice. Our results suggest that in vitro excystation is not an accurate measure of the viability or infectious potential of C. parvum oocysts.  相似文献   

This paper reports the selection and characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis strains, with ability to grow in a proteo-chitinaceous substrate (milled shrimp waste) as the sole ingredient. Selected strains were able to produce crystal proteins, as well as proteases and chitinases as fermentation by-products. By a preliminary, qualitative screening of 152 B. thuringiensis strains, grown on media rich in protein and chitin, eight strains were selected. These strains were cultured in a liquid medium containing milled shrimp waste and their kinetics of protease production were followed. The two most active proteolytic strains (Bt-103 and Bt-112) were characterized by their crystal protein content, plasmid profiles, crystal ultrastructure, and toxicity towards Manduca sexta, Aedes aegypti and Leptinotarsa texana. The only activity recorded in these species was moderate toxicity of strain Bt-112 against Manduca sexta first instar larvae, as well as the highest proteolytic and chitinolytic activities. Its bipyramidal crystals were associated with semi-cuboidal inclusions and although its crystal proteins were similar to those of B. thuringiensis kurstaki (HD-1), its plasmid content was quite different. Serotyping of Bt-112 indicated that it belongs to serovar. tolworthi. Further studies with a similar strategy might render more strains with ability to grow in a rich waste by-product like the shrimp waste, which may show not only higher insecticidal activity, but also with the ability to produce extracellular enzymes with biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

During wound healing, interfollicular epidermis can be regenerated from the outer root sheath of hair follicles, showing that the cells of this structure can shift toward an interfollicular epidermal phenotype. Similarly, it has been shown that a multilayered epithelium originating from outer sheath cells can be obtained in vitro by culturing hair follicles. However, in the culture systems developed so far, the phenotypical shift was incomplete since the cells retained some of their original characteristics and did not acquire several key markers of terminally differentiated epidermis. In this paper, we describe a new tissue culture method for obtaining a multilayered epithelium from outer sheath cells. This is performed by implanting human hair follicles vertically into dermal equivalents and then raising the culture at the air-liquid interface. The morphological, immunological, and biochemical features of the in vitro reconstructed tissue are very similar to those observed in normal interfollicular epidermis, including those specific for terminally differentiated keratinocytes. Thus, under appropriate in vitro conditions, outer root sheath cells are able to express an interfollicular epidermal phenotype as occurs in vivo during wound healing.  相似文献   

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