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In the tropics of South China, climate change induced more rainfall events in the wet season in the last decades. Moreover, there will be more frequently spring drought in the future. However, knowledge on how litter decomposition rate would respond to these seasonal precipitation changes is still limited. In the present study, we conducted a precipitation manipulation experiment in a tropical forest. First, we applied a 60% rainfall exclusion in April and May to defer the onset of wet season and added the same amount of water in October and November to mimic a deferred wet season (DW); second, we increased as much as 25% mean annual precipitation into plots in July and August to simulate a wetter wet season (WW). Five single‐species litters, with their carbon to nitrogen ratio ranged from 27 to 49, and a mixed litter were used to explore how the precipitation change treatments would affect litter decomposition rate. The interaction between precipitation changes and litter species was not significant. The DW treatment marginally accelerated litter decomposition across six litter types. Detailed analysis showed that DW increased litter decomposition rate in the periods of January to March and October to December, when soil moisture was increased by the water addition in the dry season. In contrast, WW did not significantly affect litter decomposition rate, which was consistent with the unchanged soil moisture pattern. In conclusion, the study indicated that regardless of litter types or litter quality, the projected deferred wet season would increase litter decomposition rate, whereas the wetter wet season would not affect litter decomposition rate in the tropical forests. This study improves our knowledge of how tropical forest carbon cycling in response to precipitation change.  相似文献   

Plant populations are regulated by a diverse assortment of abiotic and biotic factors that influence seed dispersal and viability, and seedling establishment and growth at the microsite. Rarely does one animal guild exert as significant an influence on different plant assemblages as land crabs. We review three tropical coastal ecosystems–mangroves, island maritime forests, and mainland coastal terrestrial forests–where land crabs directly influence forest composition by limiting tree establishment and recruitment. Land crabs differentially prey on seeds, propagules and seedlings along nutrient, chemical and physical environmental gradients. In all of these ecosystems, but especially mangroves, abiotic gradients are well studied, strong and influence plant species distributions. However, we suggest that crab predation has primacy over many of these environmental factors by acting as the first limiting factor of tropical tree recruitment to drive the potential structural and compositional organisation of coastal forests. We show that the influence of crabs varies relative to tidal gradient, shoreline distance, canopy position, time, season, tree species and fruiting periodicity. Crabs also facilitate forest growth and development through such activities as excavation of burrows, creation of soil mounds, aeration of soils, removal of leaf litter into burrows and creation of carbon-rich soil microhabitats. For all three systems, land crabs influence the distribution, density and size-class structure of tree populations. Indeed, crabs are among the major drivers of tree recruitment in tropical coastal forest ecosystems, and their conservation should be included in management plans of these forests.  相似文献   

Intact tropical rainforests on continents and continental islands are considered to be relatively resistant to invasions by introduced plant species, but fragmentation and degradation may render them susceptible, especially to species from predominantly shade-tolerant families with centres of diversity in the tropics, such as palms. We investigated the seedling establishment patterns of the most common exotic palm species in Singapore’s secondary forest patches, the Macarthur palm (Ptychosperma macarthurii), in relation to landscape-level planting intensity, abiotic conditions, and recipient community composition. We first used conditional inference forests to narrow down the set of possible explanatory variables, followed by fitting generalised linear models with the forest patch and individual plots as random intercepts, to account for the nesting of plots within patches and overdispersion, respectively. The number of cultivated adults in the vicinity was not an important variable. Instead, leaf litter was the most important predictor of seedling density. Thick leaf litter in the disturbed and younger secondary forest matrix that surrounds old growth forest patches may therefore serve as a buffer against invasions, especially by small-seeded exotics. However, if adults of exotic species are allowed to establish unchecked, for example along forest trails that lead into the interior of the forested landscape, the seed rain may eventually reach old growth forest where leaf litter is typically thin. Further studies are required to determine if second-generation adults within invaded habitats contribute disproportionately more to propagule pressure than first-generation cultivated plants outside the invaded habitat.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi drive the cycling of plant litter in forests, but little is known about their role in tropical rain forest nutrient cycling, despite the high rates of litter decay observed in these ecosystems. However, litter decay rates are not uniform across tropical rain forests. For example, decomposition can differ dramatically over small spatial scales between low-diversity, monodominant rain forests, and species-rich, mixed forests. Because the climatic patterns and soil parent material are identical in co-occurring mixed and monodominant forests, differences in forest floor accumulation, litter production, and decomposition between these forests may be biotically mediated. To test this hypothesis, we conducted field and laboratory studies in a monodominant rain forest in which the ectomycorrhizal tree Dicymbe corymbosa forms >80% of the canopy, and a diverse, mixed forest dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal trees. After 2 years, decomposition was significantly slower in the monodominant forest (P < 0.001), but litter production was significantly greater in the mixed forest (P < 0.001). In the laboratory, we found microbial community biomass was greater in the mixed forest (P = 0.02), and the composition of fungal communities was distinct between the two rain forest types (P = 0.001). Sequencing of fungal rDNA revealed a significantly lower richness of saprotrophic fungi in the monodominant forest (19 species) relative to the species-rich forest (84 species); moreover, only 4% percent of fungal sequences occurred in both forests. These results show that nutrient cycling patterns in tropical forests can vary dramatically over small spatial scales, and that changes in microbial community structure likely drive the observed differences in decomposition.  相似文献   

Raphael K. Didham 《Oecologia》1998,116(3):397-406
The effects of forest fragmentation on leaf-litter decomposition rates were investigated for the first time in an experimentally fragmented tropical forest landscape in Central Amazonia. Leaf-litter decomposition rates were measured at seven distances (0–420 m) along forest edge-to-interior transects in two 100-ha fragments, two continuous forest edges, and at an identical series of distances along two deep continuous forest transects, as well as at the centers of two 1-ha and two 10-ha fragments. Decomposition rates increased significantly towards the edge of 100-ha forest fragments. Litter turnover times were 3–4 times faster within 50 m of the edge of 100-ha fragments than normally found in deep continuous forest. In contrast, there was no significant change in the rate of leaf-litter decomposition from the interior to the edge of continuous forest. It is difficult to account for these very different edge responses. Decomposition rates were not correlated with air temperature differentials, evaporative drying rates, litter depth, biomass or moisture content, or with total invertebrate densities, either within individual edge transects or across all sites. The difference in edge response may be due to chance, particularly the patchy removal of vast quantities of litter by litter-feeding termites, or may be a real, area-dependent phenomenon. Clearly, however, forest fragmentation increases the variability and unpredictability of litter decomposition rates near forest edges. In addition to edge effects, decomposition rates were strongly affected by decreasing fragment area. While sites at the centers of 10-ha and 100-ha forest fragments and continuous forest had equivalent decomposition rates, rates were markedly lower at the centers of 1-ha fragments. Litter turnover times were 2–3 times slower in 1-ha fragments than in continuous forest, and up to 13 times slower than at 100-ha edges. Litter structure and nutrient cycling dynamics are inevitably altered by forest fragmentation. Received: 16 October 1997 / Accepted: 14 April 1998  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cerradão (Brazilian woodland savannas) and seasonally dry forests (SDF) from southeastern Brazil occur under the same climate but are remarkably distinct in species composition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of soil origin in the initial growth and distribution of SDF and Cerradão species.


We conducted a greenhouse experiment growing Cerradão and SDF tree seedlings over their soil and the soil of the contrasting vegetation type. We evaluated soil nutrient availability and seedling survivorship, growth and leaf functional traits.


Despite the higher nutrient availability in SDF soils, soil origin did not affect seedling survivorship. The three SDF species demonstrated home-soil advantage, enhanced growth with increasing soil nutrient availability and had higher growth rates than Cerradão species, even on Cerradão soils. Growth of Cerradão seedlings was not higher on Cerradão soil and, overall, was not positively correlated with soil nutrient availability.


SDF species are fast-growing species while Cerradão trees tend to be slow-growing species. Although savanna soil reduces growth of forest species, our findings suggest that soil chemical attributes, alone, does not exclude the occurrence of SDF seedlings in Cerradão and vice-versa.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Tropical forests contribute significantly to the global carbon cycle, yet the relative importance of tree diversity on key ecosystem processes such as root decomposition remains...  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase (EC of Bacillus subtilis, which is an extracellular enzyme, hydrolyzes the gamma-glutamyl linkage of glutathione. YwrD, which is homologous to gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, was speculated to have a similar physiological role. It was shown that gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, but not YwrD, is important in utilizing glutathione as the sole sulfur source in Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

Milton Y  Kaspari M 《Oecologia》2007,153(1):163-172
The soil nutrients, microbes, and arthropods of tropical forests are patchy at multiple scales. We asked how these three factors interact to generate patterns of decomposition in 450 100 cm2 litterbags arrayed along a 50 m ridge top in a Panama rainforest. We tested top-down (via grazing by microbivores like collembola and diplopods) and bottom-up (via added N and P) effects on the decomposition of cellulose. By using a 1,000-fold gradient in mesh size we generated a two-fold gradient in arthropod grazing. Microbivore grazing first retarded then ultimately enhanced decomposition rates. Micropulses of N and P (simulating concentrated urine) enhanced neither decomposition rates nor microbivores but increased the abundance of predacious ants. Decomposition rates also varied across the ridge, and were lowest in a plot with the deepest litter and highest soil moisture. These data generate the working hypothesis that N and P cascade upward at grains of 100 cm2 to enhance a major predator in the litter; predators then absorb any increases in microbivores attracted to the extra fungal growth. These population interactions are in turn embedded in mesoscale variability generated by individual tree canopies that drive changes in litter quality and soil moisture. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Auditory exostoses are bone masses located in the external auditory canal. Currently, most researchers agree that the environment (especially water temperature, but also atmospheric temperature and wind action) plays a pivotal role in the development of this trait. This article discusses whether the presence of auditory exostoses can be used as an aquatic activity marker in bioarchaeological studies, especially in groups that inhabited tropical and subtropical regions. We analyzed 676 skeletons (5,000 years BP to historical times) from 27 coastal and inland native Brazilian groups. Very low frequencies of auditory exostoses were found in the inland groups (0.00-0.03), but the expected high frequency of auditory exostoses in the coastal groups was not always observed (0.00-0.56). These differences might be explained by the combination of water and atmospheric temperatures in conjunction with wind effects. In areas with mild atmospheric temperatures and wind chill factors, the coastal populations analyzed do not show high frequencies of auditory exostoses. However, high frequencies of auditory exostoses develop where cold atmospheric temperatures are further lowered by strong wind chill. Therefore, the association between aquatic activities, low atmospheric temperature, and wind chill is strongly correlated with the presence of auditory exostoses, but where these environmental factors are mild, the frequencies of auditory exostoses are not necessarily high. Concluding, auditory exostoses should be cautiously used as a marker of aquatic activity in bioarchaeological studies in tropical and subtropical regions, since these activities do not always result in the presence of this trait.  相似文献   

Multiple nutrients limit litterfall and decomposition in a tropical forest   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To explore the importance of 12 elements in litter production and decomposition, we fertilized 36 1600 m2-plots with combinations of N, P, K, or micronutrients (i.e. B, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, S, Zn) for 6 years in a lowland Panamanian forest. The 90% of litter falling as leaves and twigs failed to increase with fertilization, but reproductive litter (fruits and flowers) increased by 43% with N. K enhanced cellulose decomposition; one or more micronutrients enhanced leaf-litter decomposition; P enhanced both. Our results suggest tropical forests are a non-Liebig world of multiple nutrient limitations, with at least four elements shaping rates of litterfall and decomposition. Multiple metallomic enzymes and cofactors likely create gradients in the break down of leaf litter. Selection favours individuals that make more propagules, and even in an N-rich forest, N is a non-substitutable resource for reproduction.  相似文献   

Humid tropical forests have the fastest rates of organic matter decomposition globally, which often coincide with fluctuating oxygen (O2) availability in surface soils. Microbial iron (Fe) reduction generates reduced iron [Fe(II)] under anaerobic conditions, which oxidizes to Fe(III) under subsequent aerobic conditions. We demonstrate that Fe (II) oxidation stimulates organic matter decomposition via two mechanisms: (i) organic matter oxidation, likely driven by reactive oxygen species; and (ii) increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) availability, likely driven by acidification. Phenol oxidative activity increased linearly with Fe(II) concentrations (< 0.0001, pseudo R2 = 0.79) in soils sampled within and among five tropical forest sites. A similar pattern occurred in the absence of soil, suggesting an abiotic driver of this reaction. No phenol oxidative activity occurred in soils under anaerobic conditions, implying the importance of oxidants such as O2 or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in addition to Fe(II). Reactions between Fe(II) and H2O2 generate hydroxyl radical, a strong nonselective oxidant of organic compounds. We found increasing consumption of H2O2 as soil Fe(II) concentrations increased, suggesting that reactive oxygen species produced by Fe(II) oxidation explained variation in phenol oxidative activity among samples. Amending soils with Fe(II) at field concentrations stimulated short‐term C mineralization by up to 270%, likely via a second mechanism. Oxidation of Fe(II) drove a decrease in pH and a monotonic increase in DOC; a decline of two pH units doubled DOC, likely stimulating microbial respiration. We obtained similar results by manipulating soil acidity independently of Fe(II), implying that Fe(II) oxidation affected C substrate availability via pH fluctuations, in addition to producing reactive oxygen species. Iron oxidation coupled to organic matter decomposition contributes to rapid rates of C cycling across humid tropical forests in spite of periodic O2 limitation, and may help explain the rapid turnover of complex C molecules in these soils.  相似文献   

  1. The coastal rivers of the São Paulo State in SE Brazil have different lengths and seawater influence. We evaluated whether: (1) environmental heterogeneity (EH) is associated with the species and life-form richness of aquatic macrophytes; and (2) EH and geographical distance influence species composition in these coastal rivers.
  2. We recorded the macrophyte species and life form occurrence and collected explanatory variables characterising the water, sediment, and river channel at 100 sampling sites over 8 rivers. We applied a principal component analysis to the explanatory variables and calculated the rivers' EH using the range of principal component 1 scores. We also determined the position of each river mouth along the coastline to measure the distance between the rivers. We used quasi-Poisson generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of EH on richness of species and life forms. To determine the effect of EH and geographical distance (Euclidean distance matrices) on the variation in species composition (Jaccard dissimilarity matrix) among the rivers, we applied multiple regressions on distance matrices.
  3. The most heterogeneous river had heterogeneity score about five times greater than the least heterogeneous river. Sediment salinity, river width, total phosphorus concentration of water and distance from river mouth were the most important variables contributing to the rivers' EH. We found that EH did not explain variation in species richness; however, it had a significant positive relationship with life-form richness. The effect of EH was greater than that of the geographical distance on the variation in species composition among the rivers. The pairs of rivers with the most similar EH were the most similar in species composition, but not all of them were geographically close.
  4. We conclude that EH influences life-form richness but does not influence species richness of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal rivers we studied; however, EH does influence species composition regardless of geographical distance among rivers.

It has long been assumed that the peat underlying tropical peat swamp forests accumulates because the extreme conditions (water logged, nutrient poor, anaerobic and acidic—pH 2.9–3.5) impede microbial activity. Litterbag studies in a tropical Malaysian peat swamp (North Selangor peat swamp forest) showed that although the sclerophyllous, toxic leaves of endemic peat forest plants (Macaranga pruinosa, Campnosperma coriaceum, Pandanus atrocarpus, Stenochlaena palustris) were barely decomposed by bacteria and fungi (decay rates of only 0.0006–0.0016 k day−1), leaves of M. tanarius, a secondary forest species were almost completely decomposed (decay rates of 0.0047–0.005 k day−1) after 1 year. Thus it is intrinsic properties of the leaves (that are adaptations to deter herbivory in the nutrient poor environment) that impede microbial breakdown. The water of the peat swamp was very high in dissolved organic carbon (70–84 mg l−1 DOC). Laboratory studies revealed initial rapid leaching of DOC from leaves (up to 1,720 mg l−1 from 4 g of leaves in 7 days), but the DOC levels then fell rapidly. The leaching of DOC resulted in weight loss but the physical structure of the leaves remained intact. It is suggested that the DOC is used as a substrate for microbial growth hence lowering the concentration of DOC in the water and transferring energy from the leaves to other trophic levels. This would explain how nutrient poor tropical peatswamps support diverse, abundant flora and fauna despite low nutrient levels and lack of rapid litter cycling such as occurs in other types of tropical rainforests.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol (PI) response has been implicated in membrane signaling and cell activation. The role of phospholipid metabolism among the early events in B cell activation has not been clear. We have treated murine B cells with anti-Ig antibody and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and have found that, although anti-IgM induces the PI response, LPS does not. The increase in metabolic labeling of PI is specific to PI, and not the phosphatidylinositols. Anti-IgM unresponsive B cells from CBA/N mice, which may correspond to a specific functional subpopulation of normal B cells, do not increase PI metabolism in response to anti-IgM, nor do they undergo blastogenesis or DNA synthesis. Moreover, when these deficient B cells are given a stimulus sufficient to drive them into S (LPS + anti-IgM), there is still no corresponding activation of PI metabolism. These results are consistent with a two-signal model of xid B cell activation by anti-IgM. One very early signal primes the cells but does not induce the PI response. A second early signal is supplied by LPS. This signal sustains cells in the activated state, allowing them to receive yet other signals to proceed through G1 and progress further along the cell cycle. A similar sequence of events may occur in the normal B cell, with the first signal provided by priming with anti-IgM, and the second signal, the PI response, supported by a sufficiently high dose of anti-IgM to induce PI turnover and maintain the cell in G1.  相似文献   

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