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The major manifestations of amoeboid locomotion in Naegleria-cytoplasmic streaming, pseudopod production, cell polarity and focal contact production-require that the actin-based cytoskeleton be extremely dynamic. Whether these features are causally linked is unclear. In an attempt to answer this question we have used the fungal product cytochalasin B (cyt B) to dissect the motility process. This drug can perturb the organisation of actin filaments both in vivo and in vitro. Essentially cyt B acts as a molecule which can cap the barbed ends of actin filaments. Not surprisingly, therefore cyt B has an effect on rates of actin polymerization and the dynamic state of actin in the cytoplasm. We have found that cyt B has a profound effect on focal contact production and breakdown. Within minutes of addition of cyt B focal contact production ceases, existing focal contacts are stabilised but cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopod production are not blocked. In conclusion it is now clear that the state of actin required for focal contact production is different from that required for pseudopod extension and cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

To study the in vivo role of myosin-II in Acanthamoeba castellanii, motile cells were microinjected with monoclonal antibodies raised against the myosin-II heavy chain. All injected cells underwent a transient shock response. It was found that although injection of buffer alone or of an endogenous Acanthamoeba protein decreased the motility of injected cells from 7 microns/min to approximately 3 microns/min, injection of monoclonal antibodies specific for myosin-II decreased motility further to approximately 0.8 micron/min. This effect was seen whether or not the monoclonal antibody to myosin-II inhibited the actomyosin-II MgATPase activity in vitro. Levels of antibody far in excess of endogenous myosin-II concentrations could not completely block amoeboid movement. The morphology of moving antimyosin-II-injected cells was unusual, suggesting a greater defect in the ability to retract the trailing edge of the cell rather than to extend the leading edge. Endosomes frequently disappeared from injected cells, and although buffer-injected cells rapidly recovered visible endosomes (50% recovery at 5 min), endosomes were not seen in antimyosin-II-injected cells until, on the average, approximately 50 min after injection. Injection of a nonspecific antibody or of a nonspecific exogenous protein (ovalbumin) also decreased the mobility of the injected cells beyond that of buffer-injected cells (to approximately 1 micron/min). These cells tended to recover endosomes more rapidly (approximately 25 min) than cells injected with antimyosin-II monoclonal antibodies. The inability of antibodies to myosin-II to inhibit completely any of the movements studied suggests that although myosin-II probably plays a role in these motilities, the cell either routinely uses or can draw upon another cytoplasmic motor to maintain locomotion, organelle movement, contractile vacuole activity, and endocytosis.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba spp. are free-living amoebae that cause amoebic granulomatous encephalitis, skin lesions, and ocular amoebic keratitis in humans. Several authors have suggested that proteases could play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. In the present work, we performed a partial biochemical characterization of proteases in crude extracts of Acanthamoeba spp. and in conditioned medium using 7.5% SDS-PAGE copolymerized with 0.1% m/v gelatin as substrate. We distinguished a total of 17 bands with proteolytic activity distributed in two species of Acanthamoeba. The bands ranged from 30 to 188 kDa in A. castellanii and from 34 to 144 kDa in A. polyphaga. Additionally, we showed that the pattern of protease activity differed in the two species of Acanthamoeba when pH was altered. By using protease inhibitors, we found that the proteolytic activities belonged mostly to the serine protease family and secondly to cysteine proteases and that the proteolytic activities from A. castellanii were higher than those in A. polyphaga. Furthermore, aprotinin was found to inhibit crude extract protease activity on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) monolayers. These data suggest that protease patterns could be more complex than previously reported.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba castellanii is a free living amoeba ubiquitous in soil and also commonly found in aquatic environments. In waterlogged soils, anoxia is quickly established as the dissolved oxygen is consumed by the organisms present. We were interested in the effects of anoxic conditions upon this organism. Batch cultures degassed with N2 during mid-exponential growth, induced encystation within 12 h of anoxia, and mature cysts were formed within 2–3 days. Excystation (99%) was achieved by subsequent aeration of these cultures after 3–6 days. Anoxia-induced cysts, maintained in anoxic conditions for up to four months, remained viable. Difference spectra, during anaerobiosis, revealed that cytochromes were not lost, suggesting that the organism retains its respiratory components. The growth rate of trophozoites, grown in a chemostat, was dependent on the concentration of O2 in the head space and glucose uptake increased at lower dissolved O2 tensions. The results obtained suggest that A. castellanii has a complex adaptive strategy enabling it to cope with microaerobic and anoxic conditions which may be experienced in the environment.  相似文献   

We have investigated ferrocytochrome c-induced proton ejection from reconstituted cytochrome c oxidase-containing vesicles using careful control of the number of enzyme turnovers. Ferrocytochrome c caused the appearance of protons at the vesicle exterior, and this could be abolished by using a protonophore. In addition, its decay was dependent on the permeability of the vesicle membranes to protons and the number of turnovers of the oxidase. These observations indicate that the ejection of protons was the result of genuine translocation. The possibility of this translocation occurring via a Mitchellian loop as a result of the presence of a reduced hydrogen carrier contaminating the enzyme was considered and excluded. Proton-translocating activity in this reconstituted system depended critically on the ratio of enzyme to lipid used in the reconstitution process and we propose a rationale to account for this. We conclude that our data provide strong support for the proposal that cytochrome c oxidase acts as a proton pump and that approx. 0.9 H+ is excluded per ferrocytochrome c molecule oxidized.  相似文献   

A simple method for stable transfection of Acanthamoeba castellanii using plasmids which confer resistance to neomycin G418 is described. Expression of neomycin phosphotransferase is driven by the Acanthamoeba TBP gene promoter, and can be monitored by cell growth in the presence of neomycin G418 or by Western blot analysis. Transfected cells can be passaged in the same manner as control cells and can be induced to differentiate into cysts, in which form they maintain resistance to neomycin G418 for at least several weeks, although expression of neomycin phosphotransferase is repressed during encystment. Expression of EGFP or an HA-tagged EGFP-TBP fusion can be driven from the same plasmid, using an additional copy of the Acanthamoeba TBP gene promoter or a deletion mutant. The TBP-EGFP fusion is localized to the nucleus, except in a small proportion of presumptive pre-mitotic cells. EGFP expression can also be driven by the cyst-specific CSP21 gene promoter, which is completely repressed in growing cells but strongly induced in differentiating cells. Transfected cells maintain their phenotype for several weeks, even in the absence of neomycin G418, suggesting that transfected genes are stably integrated within the genome. These results demonstrate the utility of the neomycin resistance based plasmids for stable transfection of Acanthamoeba, and may assist a number of investigations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of oxidative stress caused by hydroperoxide (H(2)O(2)) in the presence of iron ions (Fe(2+)) on mitochondria of the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii. We used isolated mitochondria of A. castellanii and exposed them to four levels of H(2)O(2) concentration: 0.5, 5, 15, and 25 mM. We measured basic energetics of mitochondria: oxygen consumption in phosphorylation state (state 3) and resting state (state 4), respiratory coefficient rates (RC), ADP/O ratios, membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)), ability to accumulate Ca(2+) , and cytochrome c release. Our results show that the increasing concentrations of H(2)O(2) stimulates respiration in states 3 and 4. The highest concentration of H(2)O(2) caused a 3-fold increase in respiration in state 3 compared to the control. Respiratory coefficients and ADP/O ratios decreased with increasing stress conditions. Membrane potential significantly collapsed with increasing hydroperoxide concentration. The ability to accumulate Ca(2+) also decreased with the increasing stress treatment. The lowest stress treatment (0.5 mM H(2)O(2)) significantly decreased oxygen consumption in state 3 and 4, RC, and membrane potential. The ADP/O ratio decreased significantly under 5 mM H(2)O(2) treatment, while Ca(2+) accumulation rate decreased significantly at 15 mM H(2)O(2). We also observed cytochrome c release under increasing stress conditions. However, this release was not linear. These results indicate that as low as 0.5 mM H(2)O(2) with Fe(2+) damage the basic energetics of mitochondria of the unicellular eukaryotic organism Acanthamoeba castellanii.  相似文献   

The cytochromes of Acanthamoeba castellanii.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Low-temperature difference spectra of gradient-purified mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellanii reveal the presence of cytochromes b-555, b-562 and c-549, with a-type cytochromes having a broad asymmetrical maximum at 602 nm; these components were also observed in specta of whole cells. 2. The a-type cytochromes are unusual in that they have split Soret absorption maxima (at 442 and 449 nm) and an uncharacteristic CO difference spectrum. 3. CO difference spectra of whole cells and 'microsomal' membranes show large amounts of cytochrome P-420 compared with cytochrome P-450. 4. Difference spectra in the presence of cyanide indicate the presence of an a-type cytochrome and two cyanide-reacting components, one of which may be cytochrome a3. 5. Whole-cell respiration in a N2/O2 (19:1) atmosphere was decreased by 50%, suggesting the presence of a low-affinity oxidase. This lowered respiration is inhibited by 50% by CO, and the inhibition is partially light-reversible; photochemical action spectra suggest that cytochrome a3 contributes to this release of inhibition. Other CO-reacting oxidases are also present. 6. The results are discussed with the view that cytochrome a3 is present in A. castellanii, but its identification in CO difference spectra is obscured by other component(s).  相似文献   

When amebae were incubated with latex beads, cyanide-insensitive oxygen consumption increased nearly two-fold. This cyanide-insensitive respiration was inhibited by salicylhydroxamate. Furthermore, cell fractionation studies revealed a localization for a portion of the NAD(P)H oxidase activity in phagolysosomes. The presence of low concentrations of divalent metal during fractionation resulted in an increased yield of oxidative activity in the phagolysosome fraction. In addition, the phagolysosome membrane was enriched about two-fold in a b-type cytochrome. These results show that oxidative metabolism in amebae has some striking similarities to the respiratory burst oxidase of neutrophils.  相似文献   

Growth and encystation of Acanthamoeba castellanii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The effect of electrolytes on the speed of locomotion of amoebae on glass coverslips was studied in a perfusion chamber. The intervening gap between the ventral surface of the cell and the glass substrate in the various solutions was also studied by means of reflexion interference microscopy. It was found that the presence of electrolyte increased the speed of movement,e.g., the amoebae moved almost four times faster in 10 mM KCl than in deionized water. The ventral surface of the amoebae was brought closer to the substrate when increasing amounts of electrolyte were present in the medium. This two fold effect was fully reversible by replacement of electrolyte with deionized water. Solutions of the non-electrolytes sucrose or urea did not affect the behaviour of the amoebae with respect to their speed of movement or cell-substrate separation distance compared with that observed in deionized water. Thus we have demonstrated a direct relationship between the speed of amoeboid cell locomotion and the closeness of the cell to the substrate.  相似文献   

There are many similarities between the interactions of environmental protozoa with pathogenic bacterial species and those observed in mammalian macrophages. Since single-celled protozoa predate mammalian hosts, it is likely that interactions in environmental biofilms have selected for many of the bacterial virulence mechanisms responsible for human disease. In order to better understand bacterial-phagocyte interactions, we developed a selection for Acanthamoeba castellanii variants that are more resistant to killing by bacterial pathogens. We identified four amoebal clones that display decreased phagocytosis of bacteria but no difference in uptake of latex beads compared to wild-type amoebae. These amoebal variants display differences in cellular morphology, partial resistance to killing by bacteria, more bactericidal activity, and higher frequencies of lysosome fusion with the bacterial vacuole. Three proteins are present at lower levels in these variants than in wild-type amoebae, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry allowed identification of two of them as actin and hsp90. We found that specific inhibitors of hsp90 produce a similar phenotypic effect in macrophages. These data suggest that hsp90 plays a role in phagocytic and, possibly, bactericidal pathways that affect interactions of phagocytic cells with bacteria.  相似文献   

Observations with Hoechst Staining of Amitosis in Acanthamoeba castellanii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA staining with Hoechst 33258 allows us to visualize and to characterize amitotic division of Acanthamoeba castellanii in which the cell nucleus divides without DNA condensation and regular segregation of chromosomes. Amitosis involves several programmed and coordinated steps that exclude accidental cutting of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

When amebae were incubated with latex beads, cyanide-insensitive oxygen consumption increased nearly two-fold. This cyanide-insensitive respiration was inhibited by salicylhydroxamate. Furthermore, cell fractionation studies revealed a localization for a portion of the NAD(P)H oxidase activity in phagolysosomes. The presence of low concentrations of divalent metal during fractionation resulted in an increased yield of oxidative activity in the phagolysosome fraction. In addition, the phagolysosome membrane was enriched about two-fold in a b-type cytochrome. These results show that oxidative metabolism in amebae has some striking similarities to the respiratory burst oxidase of neutrophils.  相似文献   

During development of Acanthamoeba castellanii in a non-nutrient medium, the pattern of synthesis of proteins changes. Comparison of in vivo and in vitro patterns of protein synthesis reveals concomitant relative increases of five proteins, indicating a control of synthesis of these proteins at the level of the RNA content. The decrease in the overall rate of protein synthesis and relative decreases in the synthesis of actin and ribosomal proteins during development, not accompanied by equivalent changes in the content of mRNA, suggest control mechanisms also at the level of translation. Patterns of ribosomal proteins do not change qualitatively during encystation, indicating that the inhibition in the overall rate of protein synthesis and the formation of inactive monosomes is not controlled by this mechanism; however, phosphorylation of one ribosomal protein, S 3, is observed occasionally during encystation. Phosphorylation of S 3 is also detected after transfer of stationary phase cells into fresh nutrient medium. It was found that only such cells having RNA of aberrant properties are able to phosphorylate S 3 after transfer into fresh nutrient medium. Since these changes in the property of RNA are never observed in cysts, in which phosphorylation of S 3 sometimes occurs, it is concluded that either other alterations in the properties of RNA than those detected or other parameters are responsible for changes in phosphorylation of S 3.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba castellanii is a ubiquitously distributed amoeba that can be found in soil, dust, natural and tap water, air conditioners, hospitals, contact lenses and other environments. It is an amphizoic organism that can cause granulomatous amoebic encephalitis, an infrequent fatal disease of the central nervous system, and amoebic keratitis, a severe corneal infection that can lead to blindness. These diseases are extremely hard to treat; therefore, a more comprehensive understanding of this pathogen’s metabolism is essential for revealing potential therapeutic targets. To propagate successfully in human tissues, the parasites must resist the iron depletion caused by nutritional immunity. The aim of our study is to elucidate the mechanisms underlying iron homeostasis in A. castellanii. Using a comparative whole-cell proteomic analysis of cells grown under different degrees of iron availability, we identified the primary proteins involved in Acanthamoeba iron acquisition. Our results suggest a two-step reductive mechanism of iron acquisition by a ferric reductase from the STEAP family and a divalent metal transporter from the NRAMP family. Both proteins are localized to the membranes of acidified digestive vacuoles where endocytosed medium and bacteria are trafficked. The expression levels of these proteins are significantly higher under iron-limited conditions, which allows Acanthamoeba to increase the efficiency of iron uptake despite the observed reduced pinocytosis rate. We propose that excessive iron gained while grown under iron-rich conditions is removed from the cytosol into the vacuoles by an iron transporter homologous to VIT/Ccc1 proteins. Additionally, we identified a novel protein that may participate in iron uptake regulation, the overexpression of which leads to increased iron acquisition.  相似文献   

Light from 350 to 680 nm at intensities up to 1.62 × 105 ergs per sec per cm2 slowed exponential growth and lowered the maximum yield in axenic cultures of Acanthamoeba castellanii. Photoinhibition was a linear function of light intensity up to 1.25 × 105 ergs per sec per cm2. At higher intensities, growth was too slow to be measured accurately. A photochemical change occurring in the growth medium on irradiation was a function of light dosage and not intensity per se. Light in dosages which appreciably changed the growth-supporting properties of the medium exceeded the dosages received by exponentially growing cultures during irradiation. Consequently, photoinhibition of growth was attributed to a direct effect of light on the amoebae, not to photodegradation of the medium. The growth-supporting properties of irradiated media could be restored by the addition of yeast extract and Proteose peptone. The reduced growth rate in the light was not due to cyst formation or induction of multinuclearity. Light affected the amoebae either through absorption by intracellular pigment(s) or through binding to the amoebae of a photosensitizing compound in the medium.  相似文献   

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