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An improved chemically defined basal medium (CMRL-1415) has been used to advantage in studying the effects on trypsinized, newly explanted mouse embryo cells of certain glycoproteins from plasma and serum, certain nonprotein macromolecules, and various combinations of these, in stationary cultures. When protein and nonprotein fractions were separated from fetal calf serum, the entire growth activity was found to be associated with the protein. When 100 mg % of dialyzed, freeze-dried, supernatant solution of Cohn's fraction V (method 6) from human plasma was used as a supplement for CMRL-1415, there was considerable improvement in the cultures; and seromucoid prepared from calf serum had a similar effect. Supernatant V was further fractionated by gel filtration to give a threefold concentration of growth activity in a single, highly purified α1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid). Starch gel electrophoresis of horse serum that was used to supplement the basal medium revealed a decrease of both α1-acid glycoprotein and α2-macroglobulin during the cultivation of mouse embryo cells. When horse serum was fractionated on DEAE-cellulose columns, the only fraction that showed growth activity was a slow α2-globulin. When the α2-macroglobulin of Schultze was prepared from horse serum by salt precipitation, it was equally effective. When the α2-macroglobulin from horse serum was tested (at 100 mg %) in combination with α1-acid glycoprotein from Supernatant V, seromucoid from calf serum, or unfractionated Supernatant V, the growth response was greatly in excess of that produced by any of these supplements tested separately. The α2-macroglobulin from horse serum could be replaced by certain nonprotein macromolecules (e.g., dextran or Ficoll). Thus, dextran (mol. wt. 100,000 to 200,000) had no visible effect on the cells when used alone at 0.1 or 1%. But when these levels of dextran were used in combination with low molecular weight glycoproteins (e.g., unfractionated Supernatant V at 100 mg %), the cultures remained active and healthy for unusually long periods.  相似文献   

用人Metallothioenin-Ⅱ启动子、乙型肝炎表面抗原基因,SV40早期基因的编接位点和多聚A位点构成了表达组件,然后插入到经改造过的BpV-1质粒中。所得质粒pdMTsAg-5转染小鼠C127细胞得到转化克隆。Ausria Ⅱ检测证明13株中有12株能产生HBsAg。对其中一株进行HBsAg收率观察,隔天收获为292.6~525.8μg/升,每天收获为200.9~369.0μg/升,可连续收获60天以上。经重金属离子诱导后,收率增至583~854.4μg/升。培养液经超滤浓缩和两次密梯离心后,可集中为一个狭窄的峰,顶峰的Ausria Ⅱ cpm为1.05×10~7,密度为1.20g/ml。  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells in the mitotic and G1 phases of the growth cycle were incubated for 30 or 60 min in suspension tissue culture and pulse-labeled with tritiated uridine. After appropriate chases, washes, and extractions, it was found that all incorporation into the nucleic acid may be accounted for by those cells in interphase. An average of 410 counts was found for incorporation into the cell population (approximately 2.0 x 105 cells) of which over 80% of the cells was initially in mitosis. The increasing number of cells leaving mitosis and entering interphase during the 30 min incubation was theoretically able to account for 470 counts. In addition, short-pulse labeling experiments have shown a consistent linear relationship between the percentage of cells in division and the incorporation of the isotope, which strongly suggests that, if 100% of the cells were in mitosis, the counts would be essentially zero. Thus, the entire label may be attributed to those cells in interphase where portions of the chromosomal material are known to be already extended.  相似文献   

Mammalian cellsin vivofrequently express primary cilia. Although some fully differentiated cell types rarely, if ever, express them, most do, indicating that they are regular cell organelles. Their expression can also be exploredin vitro, where conditions—physical and chemical, intrinsic and extrinsic—permit experimental approaches which give far greater control thanin vivo. This ‘state of the art’ paper covers briefly the general biology of primary cilia, highlights the current situation with regard to our understanding of their relevance and importance in cell biology from various facets of our recent research, much of it in collaboration with other laboratories world-wide, and outline future work aimed at answering some basic and applied questions about them, within a context of an increasing awareness that signalling between cells is of the utmost importance in understanding proliferation control and its value in cancer research, the major remit of this unit.  相似文献   

Extracts of purified mitochondria from adult rabbit liver and kidney have been prepared by lysis with Triton X-100. Such extracts contain deoxyribonuclease activity demonstrable at alkaline pH. Studies utilizing the effects of substrate variation, differing ionic strength, nucleoside di- and triphosphates, and SH-group inhibitors reveal the existence of at least five distinguishable deoxyribonuclease activities in these extracts. Assay of lysosomal and mitochondrial enzyme markers indicates no significant lysosomal contamination of the mitochondrial extracts. Further studies also suggest that the alkaline deoxyribonuclease activity is specifically located in or in association with mitochondria.  相似文献   

以pSV2-dhfr DNA为载体,在其单一酶切点Bg1Ⅱ处分别插入adw或adr亚型的HBVDNA Bg1 ⅡA片段(包括完整的pre-s及s基因),构成PSDHB_(r-1)和PSDHBw重组质粒。将其分别与pX1 DNA用磷酸钙沉淀法共转化LTK-细胞,在HAT培基选择压力下,挑选LTK~ 细胞,这些细胞均能有效表达HBsAg。再改用MTX选择培基,并逐渐增加其药量,从MTX抗性细胞中获得稳定表达HBsAg的Mwc-1和Mrm细胞系。  相似文献   

研究了哺乳动物细胞分泌的乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)纯品的理化及生物学性状。结果表明:此种HBsAg在CsCl中的浮力密度是1.21g/cm~3;快速液相层析的SuperoseHR6层析柱上呈现3个峰,中间是一个主峰,两侧各一小峰;经Mono Q柱层析呈现一个对称峰,证明了HBsAg颗粒所带电荷的均一性;以SDS-PAGE和凝胶扫描方法分析HBsAg的多肽,P23、gp27和gp30各占65%、20%和10%,另有5%的二聚体存在;N-末端的氨基酸序列与转入细胞的目的基因所编码的序列相同;HBsAg在4℃和-20℃储存较稳定,室温条件保存时间不宜过长。动物实验证明:用与血源HBsAg疫苗同等剂量的基因工程HBsAg疫苗接种Balb/C小鼠,可获得比血源疫苗高2.64倍的免疫效果。此外,经过福尔马林处理的疫苗较未处理的疫苗有较强的免疫原性。  相似文献   

Using pulse labeling techniques with [3H]thymidine or [3H]cytidine, combined with DNA fiber autoradiography, we have investigated the direction and rate of DNA chain growth in mammalian cells. In general, chain elongation proceeds bidirectionally from the common origin of pairs of adjacent replication sections. This type of replication is noted whether the DNA is labeled first with [3H]thymidine of high specific activity, followed by [3H]thymidine of low specific activity or the sequence is reversed. Approximately one-fifth of the growing points have unique origins and in these replication units, chain growth proceeds in one direction only. Fluorodeoxyuridine and hydroxyurea both inhibit DNA chain propagation. Fluorodeoxyuridine exerts its effect on chain growth within 15–23 min, while the effect of hydroxyurea is evident within 15 min under conditions where the endogenous thymidine pool has been depleted by prior treatment with fluorodeoxyuridine. Puromycin has no effect on chain growth until 60 min after addition of the compound, even though thymidine incorporation is more than 50% reduced within 15 min. After 2 h of treatment with puromycin, the rate of chain growth is reduced by 50%, whereas thymidine incorporation is reduced by 75%. Cycloheximide reduces the rates of DNA chain growth and thymidine incorporation 50% within 15 min, and, on prolonged treatment, the decrease in rate of chain growth generally parallels the reduction in thymidine incorporation.  相似文献   

Huge numbers of peroxisomes are present in guinea pig duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, and in rat duodenum. The peroxisomes have been studied by light and electron microscopy, including visualization by incubation in a newly-developed alkaline 3,3' diaminobenzidine (DAB) medium. Electron micrographs of more than 3700 guinea pig peroxisomes have been studied. The diameter of most peroxisomes ranges from 0.15 µ. to 0.25 µ. They often appear in clusters, surrounded by and continuous, in numerous places, with smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER is extremely tortuous in these regions. Serial sectioning is valuable for studying the ER-peroxisome relationships but viewing sections at different angles, tilted with a goniometer stage, is more informative. The intimate relations of the two organelles appear the same in tissue fixed in four different fixatives. The peroxisomes may be interpreted as localized dilatations of smooth ER retaining multiple membranous continuities. This interpretation is discussed in light of the turnover data on peroxisomal proteins of rat hepatocytes reported by Poole and colleagues. The very large numbers of peroxisomes in intestinal epithelium lead to speculations concerning their functional significance. They resemble the small peroxisomes described in many other cell types. Although the distinctive relationship of these peroxisomes to the ER is probably more significant than their small size, for practical purposes we propose the term "microperoxisomes" to distinguish these peroxisomes from the better-known larger peroxisomes of liver and kidney.  相似文献   

To elucidate the process of contact inhibition in mammalian cells, we investigated the kinetics of growth arrest in [3H]thymidine labelled embryonic chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus L.) cells after the addition of various concentrations of unlabelled cells. It was observed that after the contact inhibition concentration had been reached, the cells grew undisturbed for one more generation. In the following 24 hr the concentration fell back to the level at the beginning of the experiment and stayed there.  相似文献   

Chromosomes isolated from mouse leukemia L1210 cells were taken up by mouse macrophages, HeLa cells, and rat embryo fibroblasts following simple exposure in vitro. The process, which resembles pinocytosis or phagocytosis, was traced by autoradiography of chromosomes prelabeled with thymidine-H3, and by staining techniques and phase contrast microscopy. During the first six hours, the uptake of chromosomes was restricted to the cytoplasm, but there was some evidence of penetration into the nucleus after 16 and 26 hours of exposure. Treatment of rat fibroblasts with glucose and insulin markedly enhanced the uptake of chromosomes, whereas iodoacetate inhibited their penetration.  相似文献   

ABC(卵白素-生物素-辣根过氧化物酶复合物)免疫组化法是一种新的形态和功能相结合的神经科学研究方法。我们将ABC法应用于视网膜发育研究时,在增加膜的渗透性和减少组织底色方面进行了改良。用此改良方法显示了新生猫视网膜内多巴胺能无长突细胞,并将其与成年者进行比较。  相似文献   

In a number of mammalian cell strains nucleoli persisted through mitosis. This phenomenon was especially pronounced in several cell lines derived from Chinese hamster tissues. All the methods employed, including radioautography with tritiated uridine, cytochemical stains (methyl green-pyronin and azure B), fluorescent microscopy (coriphosphine O), ribonuclease digestion, and electron microscopy, demonstrated that the bodies identified as persistent nucleoli in the mitotic stages had the same characteristics as did the nucleoli in the interphase. Persistent nucleoli may attach to the chromosomes or may be free in the cytoplasm. In cells where no persistent nucleoli as such were noted, nucleolar material was observed to attach to the chromosomes in shapeless masses which moved with the chromosomes during anaphase. At least a portion of the nucleolar material was included in the daughter nuclei, presumably for immediate use for protein synthesis after cell division.  相似文献   

1967年Carter发现细胞松弛素可以诱发组织培养细胞的自发排核之后,Prescott(1972)借助细胞松弛素存在下的离心处理,使这一排核现象普遍化,从而确立了体外细胞去核的标准方法。经过不断改进(croce et al., 1974;Veomett et al., 1976;Lucas etal., 1976;Wigler et al., 1975),现在,这一技术已广泛应用于细胞学研究的各个重要领域(Mc Burney et al., 1979;Goldman et al., 1974;du Bols et al., 1980)。细胞去核技术及其应用的研究在我国已有初步开展(陈瑞铭等,1979;沈鼎武等,1980)。本实验对二种上皮型传代细胞系进行了去核手术,用扫描电镜和透射电镜对所获得的胞质体  相似文献   

Periwinkle alkaloids in very low concentrations cause an intracytoplasmic sequestration of microtubule protein in the form of symmetrical, microtubular bodies. These crystals, which may measure up to 8 µ in length, appear within 30 min in L-strain fibroblasts in vitro, but they increase in incidence and size with time of exposure to the alkaloids. Similarly, if exposed to these compounds, human leukocytes in vitro contain identical crystalline structures. Neither colchicine nor puromycin prevents the formation of these bodies; the latter compound, however, retards crystal growth.  相似文献   

Normal rat and mouse lymphoid cells were incubated at 0°–4°C for 1 h with purified rabbit or sheep antirat (mouse) immunoglobulin (Ig)-horseradish peroxidase (PO) conjugates or with Fab fragments of antibody coupled with peroxidase. Cells were subsequently washed and incubated in fresh medium, without labeled antibody or Fab fragments for 5–30 min at 20° or 37°C. With the use of the diaminobenzidine (DAB) method, distribution of peroxidase was studied in the light and electron microscopes. Fab fragments of antirat Ig antibody were iodinated with 125I and subsequently coupled with horseradish PO. Plasma membrane and internalized immunoglobulins were detected by electron microscope autoradiography and peroxidase cytochemistry. Single- (Fab-PO), and double- ([125I]Fab-PO) labeled lymphoid cells showed identical patterns of surface or internal distribution of immunoglobulins. In the electron microscope, Fab-PO conjugates at 0°–4°C resulted in a diffuse specific staining of the plasmalemma of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Most of the small dark lymphocytes (T cells?) did not show plasma membrane Ig. Macrophages did not show plasmalemma staining, but displayed nonspecific cytoplasmic staining after incubation at 20° or 37°C with antibody or Fab-PO conjugates. Lymphocytes and plasma cells, after incubation with antibody-PO conjugates at 0°–4°C, had patchy deposits of oxidized DAB on their plasma membranes. Macrophages, similarly treated, had no plasmalemmal staining. Patch and cap formation on the plasma membrane of lymphocytes and plasma cells was seen regularly after antibody-PO incubation at 37°C. Internalization patterns were different in lymphocytes and plasma cells. In lymphocytes, peroxidase staining was observed in small round or oval vesicles clustered at one pole of the cell (30 min at 37°C). In plasma cells, peroxidase staining was seen in clusters of tubules resembling the Golgi apparatus. Internalization of plasma membrane IgG was less pronounced after antibody-PO labeling as compared to Fab-PO labeling.  相似文献   

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