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Two species of frugivorous atelids, Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana, occur in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Populations were surveyed at 36 sites in the state of Rondônia. Ateles chamek is widespread, but the distribution of L. cana is limited by a combination of riverine barriers and ecological factors, possibly including competition with A. chamek. Groups of L. cana were generally larger and more abundant than those of A. chamek, even in syntopy. The transitional forest that predominates in the extreme south of Rondônia (Hylea‐cerrado) is not a barrier to either species, with both species being tolerant of habitat disturbance when hunting pressure is low. Am. J. Primatol. 56:57–64, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Eight free-ranging black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek) were immobilized with Telazol® in Bolivia for the purpose of radio-collaring. During this procedure, the animals received complete medical examinations, and samples were collected for health analyses. Biochemical test results varied with the degree of condition of the animals, and a variety of physical abnormalities were found. Evidence of previous infections with Leptospira sp., encephalitis virus, and yellow fever virus was found. All findings contribute to establishing baseline health values for the species. The handling of primates for research projects provides a valuable opportunity to collect health-related data and samples that can contribute to wildlife management and conservation efforts. The capture and handling of free-ranging primates is always accompanied by risk of injury or mortality. It is ethically important to maximize the amount of information gathered during these procedures. Furthermore, sharing the undesirable impacts with the scientific community enables informed decisions to be made during future project development. Am. J. Primatol. 44:107–123, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pendular motion during brachiation of captive Lagothrix lagothricha lugens and Ateles fusciceps robustus was analyzed to demonstrate similarities, and differences, between these two closely related large bodied atelines. This is the first captive study of the kinematics of brachiation in Lagothrix. Videorecordings of one adult male of each species were made in a specially designed cage constructed at the DuMond Conservancy/Monkey Jungle, Miami, FL. Java software (Jandel Scientific Inc., San Rafael, CA) was used for frame‐by‐frame kinematic analysis of individual strides/steps. Results demonstrate that the sequence of hand and tail contacts differ significantly between the two species with Lagothrix using a new tail hold with every hand hold, while Ateles generally utilizes a new tail hold with only every other hand hold. Stride length and stride frequency, even after adjusting for limb length, also differ significantly between the two species. Lagothrix brachiation utilizes short, choppy strides with quick hand holds, while Ateles uses long, fluid strides with longer hand holds. During brachiation not only is Lagothrix's body significantly less horizontal than that of Ateles but also, within Ateles, there are significant differences between steps depending on tail use. Because of the unique nature of tail use in Ateles, many aspects of body positioning in Lagothrix more closely resemble Ateles steps without a simultaneous tail hold rather than those with one. Overall pendulum length in Lagothrix is shorter than in Ateles. Tail use in Ateles has a significant effect on maximum pendulum length during a step. Although neither species achieves the extreme pendulum effect and long period of free‐flight of hylobatids in fast ricochetal brachiation, in captivity both consistently demonstrate effective brachiation with brief periods of free‐flight and pendular motion. Morphological similarities between ateline brachiators and hylobatids are fewer and less pronounced in Lagothrix than in Ateles. This study demonstrates that Lagothrix brachiation is also less hylobatid‐like than that of Ateles. Am. J. Primatol. 48:263–281, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The two subspecies of the black spider monkey, Ateles paniscus paniscus and A. p. chamek, can be distinguished by their chromosome number, 2n = 32 in the former and 2n = 34 in the latter. This difference most probably is the result of a tandem fusion between chromosomes 4 and 13 of the original Ateles karyotype (2n = 34) to form a unique metacentric chromosome in A. p. paniscus. Further differences between the subspecies concern the presence of additional interstial or terminal C-bands in chromosomes 3, 5, and 12 of A. p. paniscus. A third difference is that chromosome 12 is metacentric in A. p. paniscus but is submetacentric in A. p. chamek. A. p. chamek shows dimorphisms caused by pericentric inversions in pairs 1, 5, 6, and 7 as well as in the Y chromosome. Since the dimorphisms in pairs 5 and 7 are only found in homozygous condition, they may indicate the existence of geographic variation within this subspecies. Differences in external characteristics possibly reflect these chromosomal difference. The necessity to lend A. p. paniscus full specific status should be considered, since karyologically this is the most distinct one of all forms of Ateles. In captive breeding A. p. paniscus should evidently be treated as a separate population, as hybridization with A. p. chamek may result in offspring with reduced fertility. The intra-subspecific karyological variation in A. p. chamek and its possible consequences for taxonomy and captive breeding require further investigation.  相似文献   

With their large body size and “slow” life histories, atelin primates are thought to follow a risk‐averse breeding strategy, similar to capital breeders, in which they accumulate energy reserves in anticipation of future reproductive events such as gestation and lactation. However, given the paucity of longitudinal data from wild populations, few studies to date have been able to compare the timing of reproductive events (e.g., copulations, conceptions, and births) in relation to shifting resource availability over multiple years. We examined the reproductive patterns of two atelin species—white‐bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) and lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii)—in relation to habitat‐wide estimates of fruit availability at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS) in Amazonian Ecuador. Our sample included 4 years of data on births (N = 36) and copulations (N = 170) for Lagothrix, 10 years of data on births (N = 35) and copulations (N = 74) for Ateles, and 7 years of data on ripe fruit availability. Reproductive events were distinctly seasonal. For both species, births were concentrated between May and September, a time period in which ripe fruit was relatively scarce, while inferred conceptions occurred between September and January, when ripe fruit availability was increasing and maintained at high‐levels throughout the forest. Interannual variation in births was relatively stable, except for in 2016 when twice as many infants were born following a strong El Niño event that may have led to unusually high levels of fruit productivity during the 2015 breeding season. Although copulations were observed year‐round, an overwhelming majority (>90% for Lagothrix and >80% for Ateles) took place between August and February when females were most likely to conceive. Collectively, these data follow the reproductive patterns observed in other atelin primates, and, as proposed by others, suggest that atelins may follow a risk‐averse breeding strategy.  相似文献   

We surveyed howler (Alouatta) populations at 36 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondônia, in southwestern Amazonia, using quantitative (line transect surveys) and qualitative (interviews) methods. We recorded the red howler (Alouatta seniculus) at only one- third of the sites, and the species was relatively rare at most of them, especially in comparison with sympatric atelids (Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana). In addition to local discontinuities, Alouatta was absent from a wide area (possibly as much as 100,000 km2) of northern Rondônia, south of the upper Madeira river. This lacuna apparently contradicts the typical association of the species with flooded forest ecosystems, but the ecological factors that may underlie it remain unclear. Competition with sympatric atelids does not appear to be a significant factor anywhere within the study area. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that the distribution patterns are related to recent human colonization of the state. We collected indirect evidence of the presence of a second howler species – Alouatta caraya – at two sites in southern Rondônia, where they are associated with highland savanna habitats and gallery forests in the Guaporé grasslands.  相似文献   

A comparison of the non-metric features of the ulnar fragment (YPM 23940) referred to Aegyptopithecus zeuxis with those in the same bone of Alouatta, Ateles, and Lagothrix -- the three living taxa whose ulnae most closely resemble that of the fossil -- reveals that the closest similarities of the fragment are with the ulna of Alouatta.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - The main factors influencing feeding competition among members of diurnal primate groups are the distribution, availability, and quality of food resources....  相似文献   

White-nosed bearded sakis (Chiropotes albinasus) are endemic to the Madeira–Xingú interfluvium in southern Amazonia, though recent fieldwork has produced conflicting data on the southwestern limits of the species's geographic range. We reevaluated the distribution of bearded sakis on the basis of surveys from 34 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Chiropotes albinasus occurred at seven sites in the eastern part of the state, including two west of the Jiparaná–Pimenta Bueno river system in the extreme south, but there is no record of their presence further north and west in the Jiparaná–Guaporé interfluvium and they were absent from the Jiparaná–Mamoré interfluvium. The data suggest that ecological, rather than geographic barriers restrict the distribution of Chiropotes albinasus in southern Rondônia, but are contradictory with regard to the possible determining factors. Chiropotes albinasus appears able to thrive in transitional, savanna-like ecosystems in southern Rondônia, but is unexpectedly absent from adjacent areas of terra firme forest. Syntopy with the only other pitheciine found in the state (Pithecia irrorata) appears to have a negative effect on the abundance of Chiropotes albinasus which implies that interspecific competition may reinforce a complex of limiting factors, such as the availability of key plant species. Despite showing that Chiropotes albinasus is widespread in southern Rondônia, we also confirm its absence from the western two thirds of the state, a significant reduction in the known range of the species.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of Dipetalonema occurring in the body cavity of Ateles chamek (Humboldt, 1812) from north-central Bolivia. Morphologic characters serving to separate Dipetalonema yatesi n. sp. from known forms include a vagina vera with a simple tube and thin walls and a left spicule, which possesses a handle shorter than the lamina (ratio 2.7); the latter displays an anterior membranous alae similar in length to the terminal flagellum, a distal extremity of the left spicule within a simple hook and a membrane, phasmids at the basis of the lappets, and heterogeneous muscles occupying the whole cavity. Dipetalonema yatesi n. sp. can be separated from Dipetalonema robini, Dipetalonema gracile, and Dipetalonema graciliformis, between other characters, in having a simple vagina vera instead of a sinuous one, and from Dipetalonema caudispina and Dipetalonema freitasi in having the lamina of the left spicule divided in a membranous alae and a terminal flagellum.  相似文献   

Species level taxonomic revisions of New World monkeys are scarce but necessary if we are to obtain a clear picture of this group’s diversity. In this work I revise taxonomically the little known marmoset Mico marcai¸ originally described as Callithrix argentata marcai Alperin, 1993, in light of more recently collected material. I show that this species is significantly different in facial pigmentation and pelage color from all other marmosets of the genus Mico in the Madeira–Tapajós interfluvium. The form first described as Callithrix manicorensis is treated as a junior synonym of Mico marcai, as there are no morphological differences or geographical barriers between the two putative taxa. Mico marcai occurs in the Aripuanã–Manicoré interfluvium, limited in the north by the Rio Madeira and in the south by enclaves of savannah vegetation. Mico marcai occurs in sympatry with Callibella humilis through at least part of its range, representing the only known case of sympatry of two species of marmoset. The northern range of Mico marcai is relatively undisturbed and has few human settlements, its southern limit, on the other hand, is crossed by a major Brazilian highway, and in the same region at least seven hydroelectric reservoirs are planned to be built.  相似文献   

Data are presented regarding the habitat use and ranging behavior of a spider monkey (Ateles chamek) community at Lago Caiman in northeastern Bolivia. Habitat use was driven primarily by fruit availability and distribution across the community home range. Strong seasonal variations occurred in fruit availability within all five of the floristically and phenologically distinct habitat types identified within the study site, and the spider monkeys dramatically shifted their ranging according to which habitat was richest in fleshy fruits. This use of local habitat diversity resulted in an unusually elongated shape for the home range that was otherwise typical of previous Ateles studies in terms of size. Ranging behavior was clumped and community core areas shifted seasonally across the focal community home range. Individual core areas were not relevant to the study due to dramatic community-wide shifts in ranging patterns. Day journey lengths were highly variable (460-5,690 m) and the distribution and abundance of fleshy fruit resources explained 81% of the monthly variations in mean day journey length. Keystone habitats for forest frugivores are identified and results are discussed with reference to previous studies on this genus, and the importance of considering keystone habitats and local habitat diversity within the management of forestry concessions in the region. Results are also discussed with reference to the behavioral ecology of the genus Ateles.  相似文献   

Vertical climbing is central to theories surrounding the locomotor specialisations of large primates. In this paper, we present spatiotemporal gait parameters obtained from video recordings of captive spider monkeys (Ateles fusciceps robustus) and woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) in semi-natural enclosures, with the aim of discovering the influence of body weight and differences in general locomotor behaviour on vertical climbing kinematics on various substrates. Results show that there are only few differences between gait parameters of climbing on thin trees, vertical and oblique ropes, while climbing on large-diameter trees differs considerably, reflecting the higher costs of locomotion on the latter. At the same speed, Ateles takes longer strides and the support phase takes a smaller percentage of cycle duration than in Lagothrix. Footfall patterns are more diverse in Ateles and include a higher proportion of ipsilateral limb coupling. Compared to other primates, the gait characteristics of vertical climbing of atelines most closely resemble those of African apes.  相似文献   

Insects were recovered and identified from stomach contents of two Callicebus torquatus lugens and one Lagothrix lagothricha lagothricha collected in a remote area of northwestern Amazonia. Both C. torquatus lugens showed little insect matter in stomach contents. Conversely, a minimum of 133 individual insects were recovered from stomach contents of the L. lagothricha lagothricha. These included various larger, rapid forms (Cicadellidae) unlikely to have been inadvertently consumed while the animal was eating fruit.  相似文献   

The black-faced black spider monkey (Ateles chamek) is endangered because of hunting and habitat loss. There are many gaps in our understanding of its geographic distribution. The Ucayali–Solimões–Amazon fluvial complex is currently recognized as the northern boundary of the species’ range, although published reports have indicated that it occurs north of the Rio Solimões. In this study we investigate published records, generate new field records, and assess the current information concerning the northern boundary of this species’ range. We conducted the study at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve in the central Brazilian Amazon, an area of 1,124,000 ha that consists entirely of Amazonian flooded forest (várzea). We collected data on the occurrence of the species from museum specimens and through field surveys, including interviews with local residents, direct observations, and the collection of new museum specimens. We confirmed the presence of A. chamek at 17 locations in the reserve, one of which was an island formed by a river bend cut-off that would have effectively taken any resident spider to the (new) north bank of the Solimões. We therefore conclude that fluvial dynamics were involved in creating the conditions for the dispersal and colonization of the species on the northern bank of the Rio Solimões. The data we present extends the known distribution of the species and increases its representation in protected areas.  相似文献   

Comparative gene assignments of 18 markers, based on analyses of somatic cell hybrids and previous data in the literature, indicated that human (HSA) syntenic groups 3, 12, 14, and 15 are dissociated in the spider monkey species Ateles paniscus chamek (APC). Markers present in HSA 3p were allocated to APC 3 and APC 9. The HSA 12 cluster was split into two syntenic groups, one mainly including HSA 12p markers in APC 16 and the other, including HSA 12q markers, in APC 2p. The HSA 14q cluster split into three syntenic groups, corresponding to APC 2q, APC 6, and APC 12. Finally, the HSA 15 cluster split into two syntenic groups, APC 2q and APC 3. Comparisons with previous gene assignments and human SROs led to the tentative postulation of rearrangements having occurred during the evolutionary divergence of man and A. paniscus chamek. Chromosome painting data in the congeneric species A. geoffroyi, other New World and Old World primates, and several representative non-primate animals were compared in an attempt to delineate the ancestral and derived conditions underlying the evolutionary rearrangement of syntenic groups in mammals.  相似文献   

Results of a long-term field study on the ecology and social organization of two groups of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek) in Peru are reported. Demography, ranging patterns, and activity budgets provide insight into some of the proximate determinants of fission-fusion social organization in this species and illustrate the different strategies used by males and females to gain access to critical resources. Longitudinal data on known individuals provide evidence for male natal philopatry and female emigration at sexual maturity in this population. Interbirth intervals are long (mean = 34.5 months) in comparison with most other primate species, and 5 of 15 infants seen within a few days of birth died or disappeared before they were a year old. Home ranges are large (150–250 ha) and fairly discrete; overlap with neighboring groups is on the order of 10–15%. Males and females differed substantially in their ranging patterns; females, particularly those with infants, restricted much of their ranging to a “core area” 20–33% the size of the total group range, whereas males ranged more evenly over the entire area occupied by the group. Daily path length varied over almost an order of magnitude from 465 m to 4,070 m, with a mean of 1977 m. Males spent more time traveling and less time feeding than most females. These results are compared with those obtained in previous studies of Ateles and with similar data from other primate species to assess their implications for the evolution of fission-fusion sociality in spider monkeys. The ecological factors responsible for the evolution of very similar social organizations in spider monkeys and chimpanzees are discussed.  相似文献   

Aechmea xinguana, a new species of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Amazonia, is described and illustrated. It is related to Aechmea mertensii, but differs by inflorescences with larger and more lax panicles, and by floral bracts that are red, larger than the flowers, with a linear shape and spinose margins.  相似文献   

I studied gray woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha cana)in an undisturbed central Amazonian terra firme forest, near the headwaters of the Urucu river, Tefé, Amazonas, Brazil (5°50’S, 65°16’W). I report the diet and feeding ecology of a group of 39–41 individuals, based on systematic feeding observations obtained during 11 months. Woolly monkeys are primarily frugivorous; mature fruits and young seeds account for 83 and 7% of 3298 feeding records, respectively. On a seasonal basis, however, they relied heavily on young foliage (16%), seed-pod exudates (6%), and flowers (3%), particularly during the greatest annual period of ripe fruit scarcity, as determined by a phenological survey. Animals represent only 0.1% of their year-round diet, and they spent little time capturing arthropods and other prey items. Although at least 225 plant species, belonging to 116 genera and 48 families, are in their diet, the three top-ranking families (Moraceae, Sapotaceae, and Leguminosae) account for 43% of their food species and 63% of the time they spent feeding on a year-round basis. I compare the feeding ecology and diet of L. 1. canain the Urucu and other taxa of Lagothrixin upper Amazonia — the last large-bodied Neotropical primates to be studied — to those of other ateline genera: Atelesand Brachyteles. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

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