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The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible correlation between biometric indices (length and weight) and some blood parameters in 225 Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and 225 European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) cultured in onshore tanks with the same physical–chemical conditions of water (temperature, soluble oxygen and salinity). From each fish, blood samples were collected to evaluate Red Blood Cell Count, Haematocrit, Haemoglobin Concentration, White Blood Cell Count, Thrombocyte Count, Mean Corpuscular Volume, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration, glucose, lactate and Total Proteins. In both species, the relationship between the biometric indices and blood parameters was evaluated using linear regression analysis that showed a statistically significant correlation between the biometric indices and seven of the studied parameters. These results showed that fish size is an important factor in the interpretation of haematological and biochemical profiles in order to evaluate correctly the health status of the fish.  相似文献   

Risk from genetically engineered and modified marine fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In support of the emerging industries of warmwater marine fish mariculture, genetic engineering and classical genetic improvement programmes have been initiated for a variety of exclusively marine fish. These programmes have the potential to perturb allele and genotype frequencies, or introduce novel alleles and genes into conspecific wild populations. Despite concerns to the contrary, the following hypothesis remains to be falsified: laboratory induced allele frequency/genotype changes and novel alleles or genes have a negligible probability of being selectively favoured in wild populations under natural selection, and accordingly, without sustained large scale releases, have little potential for ecological impact  相似文献   

This paper summarises the development, over the last15 years, of the rearing techniques of the two mostimportant finfish cultivated in France: the sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax and the sea bream, Sparus auratus.The historical background and the main achievementsthat led to the present industrial production levelare summarised i.e. control of environmentalfactors, intensification of rearing densities, simplification and improvement of feeding sequences,resolution of the main skeletal deformities,utilisation of closed recirculating systems, etc...The new research orientations that are presentlyinvestigated to continue the promotion of marine fishfarming in France are also discussed.  相似文献   

Ceratomyxa labracis and Ceratomyxa diplodae , parasitic in the gall bladder of wild and cultured Mediterranean sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax L.) were studied. Prevalences were clearly higher in cultured fish, especially for C. labracis . Starvation seems to favour the appearance of ceratomyxosis. Infection varied seasonally, with maxima in winter and minima in summer, a pattern almost contrary to temperature. Prevalence of C. labracis decreased in older fish. No clear influence of host sex was observed, and the apparent negative association between the two Ceratomyxa spp. was not confirmed statistically. Different degrees of histopathological damage of the gall bladder were observed by light and electron microscopy, mainly consisting of vacuolation, deformation or even necrosis of epithelial cells, and thickening and inflammation of the subepithelial connective tissue. Trophozoites appeared frequently lining the epithelium, closely attached to the cell surface or even forming invaginations in it. The importance of ceratomyxosis for sea bass and the influence of culture and stress conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a unique tool for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene mutations due to the possibility of in vitro selection of desired genotypes. When selected cells contribute to the germ line in chimaeric embryos, transgenic animals may be generated with modified genetic traits. Though the ES cell approach has up to now been limited to mice, there is an increasing interest to develop this technology in both model and commercial fish species, with so far promising results in the medaka and zebrafish. In this study, we present evidence regarding a long-term stable cell line (SaBE-1c), derived from embryonic cells of the aquaculture marine fish Sparus aurata which has been characterized for (i) cell proliferation, (ii) chromosome complement, (iii) molecular markers, and (iv) in vitro tests of pluripotency by alkaline phosphatase (AP) staining, telomerase activity, and induced cell differentiation. These cells have proved their pluripotent capacities by in vitro tests. Furthermore, we have demonstrated their ability to produce chimaeras and to contribute to the formation of tissues from all three embryonic germ layers. These features suggest that SaBE-1c cells have the potential for multiple applications for the ES technology in fish, with the added value of originating from an economically important species.  相似文献   

Alike other flat fish, marine turbot has the particularity that changes from larvae with bilateral symmetry to adult with asymmetry, in terms of the position of the eyes. As expected, the skin configuration of this species is also affected by the development and transformation suffered by fish during metamorphosis. In this context, changes in the epidermis of marine turbot were studied using conventional staining and histochemical techniques using six lectins (UEA-I, PNA, RCA-I, WGA, Con A and SBA). During development from larvae to juvenile (3–300 days post-hatching), the epidermis increased in both thickness and the number of cell layers. In fact, the simple cuboidal epithelium observed in larvae at day 3 already became stratified at days 10–12, which sequentially increase in thickness with fish development. Turbot epidermis is composed basically of four cell types: epithelial and mucous or secretory cells that are present through the development, and pigmented cells and a type that the authors described as club-like cells that appear during and post-metamorphosis. The Alcian blue-periodic acid Schiff (AB-PAS) histochemical method revealed the presence of neutral glycoconjugates in mucous and club-like cells at post-metamorphic stages of fish. Accordingly, lectin analysis showed mucous cells containing glycoproteins rich in fucose (UEA-I labelling) and glycoconjugates rich in the sequence galactose-N-acetyl galactosamine (PNA and RCA-I labelling) when this cell type appears. Interestingly, melanophores were observed in the dorsal epidermis of post-metamorphic juveniles. This type of cell contains a black-to-brown pigment that provides the skin the typical colour of this fish species. Changes in mucous coat composition were observed during fish development, which was attributed to different roles of the glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

Deformities/anomalies in fish body shapes have important implications on the marketability of the fish and thus can affect particularly the consumer perception of aquaculture-produced fish, raising concerns on animal welfare. The aim of this study was to detect the distribution of deformities in cultivated Sparus aurata that were raised to market size and sold in Istanbul Gürpınar Wholesale Fish Market in 2017–2018. We used external examination methods and X-ray imaging techniques to detect body deformities. Various types of deformities were found such as lordosis, cranial malformations, malpigmentation and change in the number of vertebrae. In most cases the same fish exhibited several malformations.  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

Temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) can be observed in multiple reptile and fish species. It is adaptive when varying environmental conditions advantage either males or females. A good knowledge of the thermosensitive period is key to understand how environmental changes may lead to changes in population sex ratio. Here, by manipulating temperature during development, we confirm that cold temperature (16°C) increases the proportion of fish that develop as females in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) until 56 days posthatching, but show that it has an opposite effect at later stages, with the proportion of males reaching ~90% after 230 days at 16°C. This is the first observation of opposite effects of temperature at different time periods on the sex ratio of a vertebrate. Our results highlight the potential complexity of environmental effects on sex determination.  相似文献   

After its collapse in the late 1960s, 1991 was the first year of systematic herring investigations after the Norwegian Sea stock returned to the traditional summer-feeding areas. Of 11 prey groups three dominated the diet; Calanus finmarchicus, Parathemisto spp. and Sebastes spp. There was a high prevalence of Ichthyophonus sp. at stations in the central and western parts of the Norwegian Sea where the cpue was low. This suggests that infected individuals were unable to return from the feeding to the wintering area of the Norwegian fjords. Highest cpue were recorded between 68–73° N and 5–15° E. Age groups 2, 3 and 8 were most frequently caught and age group 8 (the 1983 year class) dominated the samples. Herring occurred in dense concentrations where C. finmarchicus dominated diet. 0-group fish dominated diet at stations along the coast from 66–73° N and out to c . 300 km off the coast. Mature herring overlapped in distribution with 0-group fish and Sebastes spp. contributed largely to herring diet in this area. The first rich year-class after the collapse, the 1983 year class, had a faster growth than rich year classes from past herring periods, but slower than poor ones.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of eight fish-farm and three natural populations of turbot was studied by electrophoretic analysis of 35 enzymatic loci. The results showed low genetic variability in natural populations of turbot ( H T = 0·029 ± 0·013) in comparison with other flatfish species. Great genetic similarity was revealed among the natural populations studied, which indicates high rates of gene flow in this species. The hatchery stocks showed less genetic variation than the wild populations analysed, which suggests genetic drift phenomena involved in the foundation and management of broodstocks. In addition, the heterozygosity differences detected among the hatchery stocks analysed are correlated with inverted levels of fluctuating asymmetry, which supports the existence of inbreeding depression phenomena in turbot culture.  相似文献   

Variations in scales from nine regions on the flank of teleost fish were examined from the point of view of functional adaptation and with regard to which scales best differentiate species. Three teleost species were selected; two are from the genus Mugil, M. cephalus and M. curema, which are phylogenetically distant from the third, Dicentrarchus labrax. Scale form was described using seven landmarks, the coordinates of which were subjected to generalized Procrustes analysis followed by principal components analysis. Principal component scores were submitted to cross‐validated discriminant analysis to assess the utility of each scale in identifying species. The best discrimination (98%) was obtained with the scale from the central‐dorsal area. Scales from the anterior and central zones are relatively wide dorsoventrally and narrow anteroposteriorly. This appears to be related to the profile of the lateral body wall and with subcarangiform swimming. Scales from the posterior region are anteroposteriorly long and dorsoventrally narrow, this shape possibly being related to thrust. Despite the wide phylogenetic separation between mullets and D. labrax, the pattern of scale variation is similar. This may imply strong functional convergence, although studies of sister taxa with different swimming modes are required to confirm this. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 834–844.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1024-1033
Gilthead seabream is a fish species of great importance in Mediterranean aquaculture, attracting many studies on nutrition and chronobiology, although nothing is known about the effect of feeding frequency on the daily rhythms of the gastric digestion process. In this article, we investigated daily rhythms in stomach fullness, gastric and intestine pH, as well as pepsin activity and expression of pepsinogen and proton pump in juvenile fish under three different feeding protocols: (A) one daily meal at 9:00, (B) two daily meals at 9:00 and 17:00 and (C) continuous feeding during the daytime. The results revealed that feeding protocol affected significantly the rhythm of gastric pH and the pepsin activity pattern. The gastric pH exhibited significant daily rhythms in the three cases with the acrophase located at night in the regimes A and B and during daytime, in the regime C. In the regimes A and B, the pepsin activity peaked few hours after the meals, although the afternoon meal in B produced a higher peak. In the regime C, the peak occurred in the middle of the feeding period. Lowest total pepsin activity was observed in regime A, and the highest activity with the regime C. In contrast, the pepsinogen gene expression remained low along the daily cycle, with an expression peak just before or after the morning meal in regimes A and C, respectively. The proton pump gene expression was also practically constant with a peak right after the morning meal in the regime C. On the other hand, intestinal pH showed a postprandial increase after the first morning meal in all the three treatments, recovering the resting values in the dark period. Two meals and continuous feeding allowed a better and prolonged gastric digestion and consequently the juveniles exhibited better growth with the same daily ration of food. In short, while the gastric digestion pattern is mainly driven by pH changes induced by the time of food ingestion, the regulation of the intestinal digestion seems to be more independent of the feeding protocol.  相似文献   

Monitoring variations in proteins involved in metabolic processes, oxidative stress responses, cell signalling and protein homeostasis is a powerful tool for developing hypotheses of how environmental variations affect marine organisms' physiology and biology. According to the oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance hypothesis, thermal acclimation mechanisms such as adjusting the activities of enzymes of intermediary metabolism and of antioxidant defence mechanisms, inducing heat shock proteins (Hsps) or activating mitogen-activated protein kinases may all shift tolerance windows. Few studies have, however, investigated the molecular, biochemical and organismal responses by fishes to seasonal temperature variations in the field to link these to laboratory findings. Investigation of the impacts of global warming on fishes farmed offsore, in the open sea, can provide a stepping stone towards understanding effects on wild populations because they experience similar environmental fluctuations. Over the last 30 years, farming of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Linnaeus 1758) has become widespread along the Mediterranean coastline, rendering this species a useful case study. Based on available information, the prevailing seasonal temperature variations expose the species to the upper and lower limits of its thermal range. Evidence for this includes oxygen restriction, reduced feeding, reduced responsiveness to environmental stimuli, plus a range of molecular and biochemical indicators that change across the thermal range. Additionally, close relationships between biochemical pathways and seasonal patterns of metabolism indicate a connection between energy demand and metabolic processes on the one hand, and cellular stress responses such as oxidative stress, inflammation and autophagy on the other. Understanding physiological responses to temperature fluctuations in fishes farmed offshore can provide crucial background information for the conservation and successful management of aquaculture resources in the face of global change.  相似文献   

Sessile filter‐feeding marine sponges (Porifera) have been reported to possess high efficiency in removing bacteria pollution from natural or aquaculture seawater. However, no investigation has been carried out thus far in a true mariculture farm water system. Therefore this study sought to investigate the ability of the marine sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis to bioremediate the bacteria pollution in the intensive aquaculture water system of turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Sponge specimens were hung in fish culture effluent at different temperature to investigate the optimal temperature condition for bacteria removal by H. perlevis. Turbots S. maximus were co‐cultured with sponge H. perlevis in 1.5 m3 of water system at 15–18°C for 6 weeks to control the growth of bacteria. It was found that H. perlevis was able to remove pathogenic bacteria efficiently at 10–20°C, with a maximal removal of 71.4–78.8% of fecal coliform, 73.9–98.7% of pathogenic vibrio, and 75.0–83.7% of total culturable bacteria from fish‐culture effluent at 15°C; H. perlevis continuously showed good bioremediation of bacteria pollution in the S. maximus culture water system, achieving removal of 60.0–90.2% of fecal coliform, 37.6–81.6% of pathogenic vibrio, and 45.1–83.9% of total culturable bacteria. The results demonstrate that H. perlevis is an effective bioremediator of bacteria pollution in the turbot S. maximus culture farm water system. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 59–68. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) is a marine fish of key economic and cultural importance in Europe. It is now more an aquaculture than a fisheries species (>96% of the production in 2016), although modern rearing techniques date back only from the late 1980s. It also has high interest for evolutionary studies, as it is composed of two semispecies (Atlantic and Mediterranean lineages) that have come into secondary contact following the last glaciation. Based on quantitative genetics studies of most traits of interest over the past 10–15 years, selective breeding programs are now applied to this species, which is at the beginning of its domestication process. The availability of a good quality reference genome has accelerated the development of new genomic resources, including SNP arrays that will enable genomic selection to improve genetic gain. There is a need to improve feed efficiency, both for economic and environmental reasons, but this will require novel phenotyping approaches. Further developments will likely focus on the understanding of genotype‐by‐environment interactions, which will be important both for efficient breeding of farmed stocks and for improving knowledge of the evolution of natural populations. At the interface between both, the domestication process must be better understood to improve production and also to fully evaluate the possible impact of aquaculture escapees on wild populations. The latter is an important question for all large‐scale aquaculture productions.  相似文献   

The re‐analysis of mtDNA sequence data on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the north‐east Atlantic revealed the presence of a ‘slippage error’ in the alignment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences. This induced an overestimation of the genetic variability within this species, and hence the inference of a striking multi‐clade partitioning of D. labrax populations within this area. After correction, the existence of highly distinct D. labrax haplogroups in Atlantic areas does not hold anymore, but the robust dichotomy between a single Mediterranean and a single Atlantic subgroup is confirmed. Here we present the new results related to the amended mtDNA control region alignment, and also summarize the key message in relation to the microsatellite data, which are unaffected by this revision. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 455–458.  相似文献   

Melano-macrophages in the head-kidney, spleen and liver of sea bass and gilthead seabream have been investigated by means of light and electron microscopy, histochemistry and phagocytic assays. The results demonstrate the presence of both free and clustered melano-macrophages (melano-macrophage centres), with similar ultrastructural features. These large cells are PAS-, hemosiderin-and melanin-positive, and contain large, alkaline-and acid phosphatase-positive lysosomes, whose reaction intensity depends on the amount of accumulated pigment. The relationship between the cytochemical features of these lysosomes and the capacity of the melano-macrophages to phagocytose bacteria and latex beads, has been studied. The large melanomacrophage centres have a capsule of flattened cells, whose ultrastructural and cytochemical features are similar to fibroblast-like reticular cells. Melanin is the main accumulated pigment. A subpopulation of head-kidney mononuclear phagocytes engulfs melanin associated with cell debris. The relationship between the origin of the melano-macrophage pigment and the ability of monocytes/macrophages to phagocytise the melanin from melanocytes, is considered. The origin and possible function of melano-macrophage centres are discussed.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the viscerocranial skeleton of sea bream Sparus aurata larvae was studied from 1 to 90 days post-hatching. In the smallest specimens analysed at 2·7 mm L N no cephalic elements were present and at 3·1 mm L N the following cartilaginous structures were visible: trabecula cranii, auditory capsule, Meckel's cartilage, quadrate, hyosymplectic cartilage, sclerotic, hypohyal, ceratohyal epihyal cartilage, interhyal, hypobranchial 1 and ceratobranchial 1. The only structure ossified at this size is the maxillary and the next ossified structures to appear are the preopercle and opercle at about 3·7 mm L N. The last bones to appear are infraorbital 2 and 6 at 15·1 mm L S. The first cartilaginous elements and structures to ossify in S. aurata appear to be related with functional requirements, so that structures involved directly in feeding and breathing generally appear and ossify before those that are not. The ontogeny of different regional structures revealed that generally the dermal bones ossify before the cartilage replacement bones. Comparison of S. aurata viscerocranial skeleton ontogeny with that of phylogenetically distant fish demonstrates that different ossification strategies exist in higher and lower teleost fish.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the intestine development in cultured sea bream larvae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
At hatching, the gut cells of Sparus aurata are quite undifferentiated; however, slight ultrastructural differences can already be distinguished between the presumptive intestinal regions. The hindgut cells are more differentiated than midgut cells and the rectal cells show rather particular ultrastructural features. During days 1 (D1) and 2 (D2) after hatching, major changes occur that lead to full differentiation of the epithelial cells. Shortly before the onset of exogenous feeding (D3), the anterior intestine enterocytes can synthesize lipoprotein particles (LP) from endogenous lipids. The posterior intestine enterocytes show morphological features indicating a role in absorption and intracellular digestion of nutrients, whereas the rectal cells do not. Transient ciliated cells occur at hatching (D0) in the presumptive intestine, except in the caudal rectum, and disappear at the start of the late endotrophic phase about 3 days after hatching (D3). At hatching, very scarce enteroendocrine and leucocyte-like cells are found at the base of the gut epithelium. Their number increases throughout development. At D3 (late endotrophic phase), LP synthesized mainly in the periblast invade the circulatory system, interstitial spaces of the subepithelial tissue and intercellular spaces of the gut epithelium. When the endo-exotrophic phase begins (D4), the enterocytes can absorb exogenous food. Acid phosphatase activity was detected in microvilli, pical vacuoles and Golgi complex in both anterior and posterior enterocytes, as well as in supranuclear vacuoles (SNV) of posterior enterocytes, but not in the apical tubulovesicular system (TVS). During the exotrophic phase, large lipid droplets (LD) are found in anterior enterocytes, and the SNV occupy a large cell volume in posterior enterocytes. LP accumulate first in extracellular spaces and then are transferred to the circulatory system. Mucous and rodlet cells appear in the intestinal epithelium during the exotrophic phase, from D15.  相似文献   

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