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The action of interferential current (IFC), an amplitude-modulated 4000 kHz current used in therapeutic applications, upon intracellular calcium, adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), and guanosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) was investigated. Human promyelocytes (HL-60) were differentiated to granulocytes by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) treatment and exposed for 5 min at 25, 250, and 2500 μA/cm2 current density. No significant changes in cytosolic free calcium were detected as a function of modulation frequency of the IFC. However, intracellular cAMP reacted in a complex way to modulation frequency, resulting in stimulations and depressions within the range of frequencies studied (0–125 Hz). The “windows” of modulation frequency, where statistically significant increases or decreases in cAMP were noted, coincided with those published earlier for mouse fibroblasts. Cellular cGMP content was always lowered by IFC treatment. Furthermore, no significant influence of IFC current density upon the three second messengers was noted. These results, which also include data relating to treatment with sinusoidal 50 Hz current, contribute to a more detailed understanding of the primary biophysical mechanisms of signal transduction by time-varying electric fields. Bioelectromagnetics 19:452–458, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influence of interferential current (IFC) on the release of four cytokines was investigated. IFC is an amplitude-modulated 4 kHz current used in therapeutic applications. Human promyelocytes (HL-60) were differentiated to monocytes/macrophages by treatment with calcitriol. Release of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukines 1beta, 6, and 8 (IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-8) into the supernatant was measured after exposure to IFC at different modulation frequencies. TNFalpha release was stimulated about twofold by 4 kHz sine waves alone. The influences of exposure time (5-30 min) and current density (2.5-2500 microA/c m(2)) were tested. A maximum field effect was found at an exposure time of 15 min and a current density of 250 microA/cm(2). With these exposure conditions (15 min and 250 microA/cm(2) ), cells were treated at different modulation frequencies and reacted for TNFalpha, IL-1beta, and IL-8 release in a complex manner. Within the frequencies studied (0-125 Hz), we found stimulation as well as depression of the release. In a second run the cells were activated by pretreatment with 10 microg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and exposed in the same way as the nonactivated cells. Again the modulation frequency influenced, in a complex way, the induction of TNFalpha, IL-1beta, and IL-8, resulting in a pattern of stimulation and depression of release different from that found in nonactivated cells. For IL-6 production no significant changes were detected in activated or non-activated cells.  相似文献   

The effect of sinusoidal electric fields on the cytosolic free [Ca2+]i concentration in differentiated HL-60 cells was measured. The calcium concentration was measured in a fluorescence spectrometer using the fluorescence sample fluo-3. In the fluorescence spectrometer two samples can be measured simultaneously, one as the sham-exposed control and the other as the field-exposed sample. The effects of an external field, applied using two capacitor plates outside the cuvettes, and a field applied directly to the medium, using two platinum electrodes inside the cuvettes, were measured at selected frequencies between 0 and 100 Hz and field strengths from 1 to 2000 Vpp/m (external field) and from 0.1 to 1000 Vpp/m (in medium). No significant effects of the fields on the cytosolic free [Ca2+]i concentration in HL-60 cells have been observed at the measured frequencies and field strengths. Bioelectromagnetics 19:32–40, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The thermographic method for determining specific absorption rate (SAR) in animals and models of tissues or bodies exposed to electromagnetic fields was applied to the problem of quantifying the current distribution in homogeneous bodies of arbitrary shape exposed to 60-Hz electric fields. The 60-Hz field exposures were simulated by exposing scale models of high electrical conductivity to 57.3-MHz VHF fields of high strength in a large 3.66 × 3.66 × 2.44-m TE101 mode resonant cavity. After exposure periods of 2–30 s, the models were quickly disassembled so that the temperature distribution (maximum value up to 7 °C) along internal cross-sectional planes of the model could be recorded thermographically. The SAR, W′, calculated from the temperature changes at any point in the scale model was used to determine the SAR, W, for a full-scale model exposed to a 60-Hz electric field of the same strength by the relation W = (60/ f2 · (σ′/σ) · W′ where f′ is the model exposure frequency, σ′ is the conductivity of the scale model at the VHF exposure frequency, and σ is the conductivity of the full-scale subject at 60 Hz. The SAR was used to calculate either the electric field strength or the current density for the full-scale subject. The models were used to simulate the exposure of the full-scale subject located either in free space or in contact with a conducting ground plane. Measurements made on a number of spheroidal models with axial ratios from 1 to 10 and conductivity from 1 to 10 s/m agreed well with theoretical predictions. Maximum current densities of 200 nA/cm2 predicted in the ankles of man models and 50 nA/cm2 predicted in the legs of pig models exposed to 60-Hz fields at 1kV/m agreed well with independent measurements on full-scale models.  相似文献   

Ionic mechanism of a voltage-dependent current elicited by cyclic AMP   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intracellular pressure injection of cyclic AMP induces a slow voltage-dependent inward current in some neurons of Aplysia californica.The time course, voltage dependence, and ionic sensitivities of this response are nearly identical to those of the voltage-dependent calcium current induced by serotonin in the same preparation. The response to cyclic AMP is unaffected by changes in the extracellular concentration of chloride or potassium. The current is slowly but minimally reduced by a sodium-free solution. The calcium channel blocker, cadmium, blocks the current elicited by injection of cyclic AMP. The data presented here suggest that cyclic AMP can induce a voltage-dependent calcium current.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of electric fields (EFs) on the activity and subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC) of living HL60 cells. Sixty Hertz AC sinusoidal EFs (1.5–1.000 mV/cm p-p) were applied for 1 h to cells (107/ml) in Teflon chambers at 37 °C in the presence or absence of 2 μM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). PMA stimulation alone evoked intracellular translocation of PKC from the cytosolic to particulate fractions. In cells that were exposed to EFs (100–1,000 mV/cm) without PMA, a loss of PKC activity from the cytosol, but no concomitant rise in particulate PKC activity, was observed. In the presence of PMA. EFs (33–330 mV/cm) also accentuated the expected loss of PKC activity from the cytosol and augmented the rise in PKC activity in the particulate fraction. These data show that EFs alone or combined with PMA promote down-regulation of cytosolic PKC activity similar to that evoked by mitogens and tumor promoters but that it does not elicit the concomitant rise in particulate activity seen with those agents. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ionophore A23187 stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in intact macrophages within 1 min. This action was blocked by pretreatment with indomethacin (25 μmol/l) suggesting the involvement of a prostaglandin (PG). PGE2 (500 nmol/l) also stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in intact cells, but this was not prevented by indomethacin pretreatment. Colchicine (100 μmol/l) potentiated the increases in macrophage cyclic AMP production seen after addition of PGE2 or A23187. The high affinity form of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) was activated within 1 min of the addition of A23187 to intact macrophages. The data suggest that the increase in macrophage cyclic AMP production after A23187 is a consequence of adenylate cyclase activation and not PDE inhibition. The endogenous production of a prostaglandin probably mediates this effect of A23187, emphasizing the importance of arachidonic acid metabolites in the regulation of macrophage functions.  相似文献   

There have been a number of reports in the literature concerning growth-related changes in various animal species exposed to high-strength electric fields. Many of the laboratories reporting such effects have not documented and controlled for the secondary factors that are associated with generating high-strength electric fields (ie, corona, ozone, harmonic distortion, cage vibration, spark discharge). We have designed an exposure system in which we eliminated or minimized these secondary factors, therefore enabling us to examine only the effects of electric fields per se. Sprague-Dawley rats and Swiss-Webster mice were exposed to 60-Hz electric fields at kV/m for up to four months. In 17 individual experiments, we found a greater number of experiments in which the exposed rats had lower body weights than controls. This trend was not evident in data obtained from 14 individual mouse experiments. In more exhaustive growth studies, we found no significant differences in body weights, organ weights, or O2 consumption between exposed and sham-exposed controls. Our failure to detect any major changes in growth was probably the result of eliminating or minimizing the secondary factors associated with electric field exposure.  相似文献   

We employed carbon fiber amperometry to measure the amount of catecholamine released from individual granules (i.e. the quantal size, Q) of rat chromaffin cells. The distribution of Q1/3 of amperometric events could be reasonably described by the summation of at least three Gaussians, suggesting that rat chromaffin cells contained at least three distinct populations of granules, with a small, medium or large modal Q. After 3 days of culture, the mean cellular Q reduced by approximately 14%, which did not arise from a uniform percentage decrease in the Q of every granule. Instead, the rundown involved a > 11% decrease in the proportional release from large Q granules and a > 19% decrease in the modal Q-value of small Q granules. In contrast, when cells were cultured with dibutyryl-cAMP (dBcAMP) for 3 days, their mean cellular Q increased by approximately 38% (relative to time-matched controls). This increase in Q was not associated with any shift in the proportional release from the three populations of granules. Instead, cAMP increased the average amount of catecholamines released from all three populations of granules. Our data raise the possibility that distinct populations of granules in rat chromaffin cells can be regulated either differentially or uniformly.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been reported that exposure to high-strength electric fields can influence electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns, heart rates, and blood pressures in various species of animals. Our studies were designed to evaluate these reported effects and to help clarify some of the disagreement present in the literature. Various cardiovascular variables were measured in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed or sham-exposed to 60-Hz electric fields at 80 or 100 kV/m for periods up to four months. No significant differences in heart rates, ECG patterns, blood pressures, or vascular reactivity were observed between exposed and sham-exposed rats after 8 hours, 40 hours, 1 month, or 4 months of exposure. Blood pressure and heart rate measurements, made during exposure to a 100-kV/m electric field for one hour, revealed no significant differences between exposed and sham-exposed groups. In addition, physiologic reserve capacity, measured in rats subjected to low temperature after exposure to 100 kV/m for one month, showed that electric-field exposure had no significant effect on physiological response to cold stress. Our studies cannot be directly compared to the work of other investigators because of differences in animal species and electric-field characteristics. However, our failure to detect any cardiovascular changes may have been the result of 1) eliminating secondary field effects such as shocks, audible noise, corona, and ozone; 2) minimizing steady-state microcurrents between the mouth of the animal and watering devices; and 3) minimizing electric-field-induced vibration of the electrodes and animal cages.  相似文献   

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were exposed to sinusoidal electric fields of 0.3 or 30 kV/m, 50 Hz, for 24 h. Changes in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) induced by ATP-stimulation in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) were observed in individual cells. No differences were observed between the exposure and sham-exposure groups in [Ca(2+)](i) resting level before ATP-stimulation, or in the [Ca(2+)](i) peak levels induced by stimulation. However, the duration of the initial transients in [Ca(2+)](i) following an ATP stimulus was significantly prolonged by exposure to a 30 kV/m field. The inositol trisphosphate receptor inhibitor, xestospongin C, inhibited the ATP-induced elevation in [Ca(2+)](i) in both the exposure and sham-exposure groups. The ATP-receptor P2Y appeared to play an important role in the increase of [Ca(2+)](i). The present results suggest that an extremely low-frequency electric field affects the function of vascular endothelial cells by a mechanism involving activation of P2Y.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of selected vasoactive agents to influence cyclic AMP levels of confluent, early-passaged bovine calf aortic and pulmonary artery endothelial cells was investigated. Among the agents tested, only the catecholamines (isoproterenol, epinephrine, nonrepinephrine) and prostaglandins (PGE1, PGE2, PGF2a) resulted consistently in increased cyclic AMP production in both cell populations. The degree of cyclic AMP stimulation obtained with other vasoactive compounds (angiotensins I and II, bradykinin, and serotonin) tended to be either very small or difficult to reproduce. Isoproterenol stimulation was blocked completely by propanolol, a β-blocking agent, but not by phentolamine, an α-blocking agent. These results reveal that bovine calf aortic and pulmonary artery endothelial cells are responsive to catecholamines and prostaglandins, and therefore presumably possess both sensitive adenylate cyclases and plasma membrane receptors for these compounds. This work was supported by a Young Investigator Grant HL-21189 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes are able to incorporate cyclic AMP (cAMP) in amounts larger than those required to saturate cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In contrast to previous observations in avian red blood cells in which cAMP stimulates the Na+/K+ cotransport system, we demonstrate that cAMP inhibits this system in human erythrocytes. The cotransport inhibition is enhanced by addition of phosphodiesterase inhibitor 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine to the incubation medium. The cAMP concentration giving half-maximal cotransport inhibition showed a wide variation among different individuals (from 0.1 to 5 mM external cAMP concentration). In contrast to cAMP, cyclic GMP showed little effect on the cotransport system. Ca2+ introduced into the cell interior was an inhibitor of the Na+/K+ cotransport system. These results suggest that in human cells in which endogeneous levels of cAMP and Ca2+ are modulated by hormones, the Na+/K+ cotransport system may be under hormonal regulation.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) alters the shape of osteoblastic cells both in vivo and in vitro. In this study, we examined the effect of PTH on cytoskeletal actin and myosin, estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Triton X-100 (1%) nonextractable proteins. After 2-5 minutes, PTH caused a rapid and transient decrease of 50-60% in polymerized actin and myosin associated with the Triton X-100 nonextractable cytoskeleton. Polymerized actin returned to control levels by 30 min. The PTH effect was dose-dependent with an IC50 of about 1 nM, and was partially inhibited by the (3-34) PTH antagonist. PTH caused a rapid transient rise in cyclic AMP (cAMP) in these cells that peaked at 4 min, while the nadir in cytoskeletal actin and myosin was recorded around 5 min. The intracellular calcium chelator Quin-2/AM (10 microM) also decreased cytoskeletal actin and myosin, to the same extent as did PTH (100 nM). To distinguish between cAMP elevation and Ca++ reduction as mediators of PTH action, we measured the phosphorylation of the 20 kD (PI 4.9) myosin light chain in cells preincubated with [32P]-orthophosphate. The phosphorylation of this protein decreased within 2-3 min after PTH addition and returned to control levels after 5 min. The calcium ionophore A-23187 did not antagonize this PTH effect. Visualization of microfilaments with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin showed that PTH altered the cytoskeleton by decreasing the number of stress fibers. These changes in the cytoskeleton paralleled changes in the shape of the cells from a spread configuration to a stellate form with retracting processes. The above findings indicate that the alteration in osteoblast shape produced by PTH involve relatively rapid and transient changes in cytoskeletal organization that appear to be mediated by cAMP.  相似文献   

Hamster spermatozoa from the caput and cauda epididymides were demembranated with 0.04% Triton X-100 and reactivated with 1 mM ATP. Motility parameters were analysed by video recording and stroboscopic photography. In the absence of added cAMP, reactivated cauda sperm showed percentage motility and forward swimming patterns similar to those of intact cells, but velocities were lower. When 2 or 20 μM cAMP was present, the velocities were increased but there was no effect on beat frequencies or percentage of forward progressing sperm. Cyclic AMP also markedly increased the percentage of cauda sperm which at first displayed nonprogressive “looping” movement. Addition of cAMP to the reactivation medium greatly improved the otherwise feeble and irregular motility of the demembranated caput sperm by increasing the percentage motility and beat frequencies of nonprogressive cells. It also induced forward motility with beat frequencies and velocities similar to cauda sperm reactivated in the absence of cAMP, but looping was never seen, indicating a change in the flagellar apparatus with maturation. The time required for the exhibition of the cAMP effects was reduced when caput sperm were reactivated in extracts of another previously maximally reactivated caput sperm preparation. The results suggest the production of some potent compound(s) by the axonemes for the manifestation of the cAMP effects.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), secretin, catecholamines and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in the presence of a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor stimulate the accumulation of cyclic AMP in two colorectal carcinoma cell lines (HT 29 and HRT 18) with subsequent activation of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases. In HT 29 cells incubated without phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 10?9 M VIP promotes a rapid and specific activation of the low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (1.7-fold); at 25°C the effect is maintained for more than 15 min, while at 37°C the activity returns to basal value within 15 min. As shown by dose-response studies, VIP is by far the most effective inducer (Ka = 4 · 10?10M) of the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity; partial activation of the enzyme is obtained by 3 · 10?7 M secretin, 10?5 M isoproterenol and 10?5 M PGE1; PGE2 and epinephrine are without effect. In HRT 18 cells VIP is less active (Ka = 2 · 10?9M) whereas 10?6 M PGE1, 10?6 M PGE2 and 10?5 M epinephrine are potent inducers of the phosphodiesterase activity. The positive cell response to dibutyryl-cyclic AMP further indicates that cyclic AMP is a mediator in the phosphodiesterase activation process. The incubation kinetics and dose response effects of the various agonists on the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity determined for both cell types in the same conditions show a striking similarity to those of phosphodiesterase. Thus coordinate regulation of both enzymes by cyclic AMP was observed in all incubation conditions.  相似文献   

Growth, mitotic index, and growth rate recovery were determined for Vicia faba L. roots exposed to 60-Hz electric fields of 200, 290, and 360 V/m in an aqueous inorganic nutrient medium (conductivity 0.07-0.09 S/m). Root growth rate decreased in proportion to the increasing strength; the electric field threshold for a growth rate effect was about 230 V/m. The induced transmembrane potential at the threshold exposure was about 4-7 mV. The mitotic index was not affected by an electric field exposure sufficient to reduce root growth rate to about 35% of control. Root growth rate recovery from 31-96% of control occurred in 4 days after cessation of the 360 V/m exposure. The results support the postulate that the site of action of the applied electric fields is the cell membrane.  相似文献   

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