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Adenosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S) was used to examine the role of phosphorylation in the regulation of norepinephrine secretion by digitonin-permeabilized PC12 cells. While most kinases will use ATP gamma S to thiophosphorylate proteins, thiophosphorylated proteins are relatively resistant to dethiophosphorylation by protein phosphatases. Norepinephrine secretion by permeabilized PC12 cells was ATP- and Ca2+-dependent but resistant to calmodulin antagonists. Half-maximum secretion was obtained in 0.75 microM Ca2+. Permeabilized PC12 cells were incubated with ATP gamma S in the absence of Ca2+, the ATP gamma S was removed, and norepinephrine secretion was determined. Preincubation with ATP gamma S increased the amount of norepinephrine secreted in the absence of Ca2+, but it had no effect on the amount released in the presence of Ca2+. After a 15-min preincubation in 1 mM ATP gamma S, there was almost as much secretion in the absence of Ca2+ as in its presence. Inclusion of ATP in the preincubation inhibited the effect of ATP gamma S. Ca2+ stimulated the rate of modification by ATP gamma S as brief preincubations with ATP gamma S in the presence of Ca2+ resulted in higher levels of Ca2+-independent secretion than did preincubations with ATP gamma S in the absence of Ca2+. Similarly, brief preincubations of permeabilized cells with ATP in the presence of Ca2+ resulted in elevated levels of Ca2+-independent secretion. Secretion of norepinephrine from ATP gamma S-treated cells was ATP-dependent. These results suggest that norepinephrine secretion by PC12 cells is regulated by a Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation. Once this phosphorylation has occurred, secretion is still ATP-dependent, but it no longer requires Ca2+.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which extracellular ATP stimulates insulin secretion was investigated in RINm5F cells. ATP depolarized the cells as demonstrated both by using the patch-clamp technique and a fluorescent probe. The depolarization is due to closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels as shown directly in outside-out membrane patches. ATP also raised cytosolic Ca2+ [( Ca2+]i). At the single cell level the latency of the [Ca2+]i response was inversely related to ATP concentration. The [Ca2+]i rise is due both to inositol trisphosphate mediated Ca2+ mobilization and to Ca2+ influx. The former component, as well as inositol trisphosphate generation, were inhibited by phorbol myristate acetate which uncouples agonist receptors from phospholipase C. This manoeuvre did not block Ca2+ influx or membrane depolarization. Diazoxide, which opens ATP-sensitive K+ channels, attenuated membrane depolarization and part of the Ca2+ influx stimulated by ATP. However, the main Ca2+ influx component was unaffected by L-type channel blockers, suggesting the activation of other Ca2+ conductance pathways. ATP increased the rate of insulin secretion by more than 12-fold but the effect was transient. Prolonged exposure to EGTA dissociated the [Ca2+]i rise from ATP-induced insulin secretion, since the former was abolished and the latter only decreased by about 60%. In contrast, vasopressin-evoked insulin secretion was more sensitive to Ca2+ removal than the accompanying [Ca2+]i rise. Inhibition of phospholipase C stimulation by phorbol myristate acetate abrogated vasopressin but only reduced ATP-induced insulin secretion by 34%. These results suggest that ATP stimulates insulin release by both phospholipase C dependent and distinct mechanisms. The Ca2+)-independent component of insulin secretion points to a direct triggering of exocytosis by ATP.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which alpha 2-adrenergic agonists inhibit exocytosis was investigated in electrically permeabilized insulin secreting RINm5F cells. In this preparation alpha 2-adrenoceptors remain coupled to adenylate cyclase, since basal- and forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP production was lowered by epinephrine and clonidine by 30-50%. Cyclic AMP levels did not correlate with the rate of insulin secretion. Thus, at low Ca2+, forskolin enhanced cyclic AMP levels 5-fold without eliciting secretion, and Ca2+-stimulated secretion was associated with decreased cyclic AMP accumulation. Epinephrine (plus propranolol) inhibited Ca2+-induced insulin secretion in a GTP-dependent manner. The maximal inhibition (43%) occurred at 500 microM GTP. Clonidine also inhibited Ca2+-stimulated secretion. Replacement of GTP by GDP or by the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate as well as treatment of the cells with pertussis toxin prior to permeabilization abolished epinephrine inhibition of insulin secretion. Pertussis toxin did not affect Ca2+-stimulated secretion. Insulin release stimulated by 1,2-didecanoyl glycerol was also lowered by epinephrine suggesting an effect distal to the activation of protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme). These results taken together with the ability of epinephrine to inhibit ionomycin-induced insulin secretion in intact cells suggest that alpha 2-adrenergic inhibition is distal to the generation of second messengers. A model is proposed for alpha 2-adrenoceptor coupling to two effector systems, namely the adenylate cyclase and the exocytotic site in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Rat mast cells, pretreated with metabolic inhibitors and permeabilized by streptolysin-O, secrete histamine when provided with Ca2+ (buffered in the micromolar range) and nucleoside triphosphates. We have surveyed the ability of various exogenous nucleotides to support or inhibit secretion. The preferred rank order in support of secretion is ITP greater than XTP greater than GTP much greater than ATP. Pyrimidine nucleotides (UTP and CTP) are without effect. Nucleoside diphosphates included alongside Ca2+ plus ITP inhibit secretion in the order 2'-deoxyGDP greater than GDP greater than o-GDP greater than ADP approximately equal to 2'deoxyADP approximately equal to IDP. Secretion from the metabolically inhibited and permeabilized cells can also be induced by stable analogues of GTP (GTP-gamma-S greater than GppNHp greater than GppCH2p) which synergize with Ca2+ to trigger secretion in the absence of phosphorylating nucleotides. ATP enhances the effective affinity for Ca2+ and GTP analogues in the exocytotic process but does not alter the maximum extent of secretion. The results suggest that the presence of Ca2+ combined with activation of events controlled by a GTP regulatory protein provide a sufficient stimulus to exocytotic secretion from mast cells.  相似文献   

Stimulation of insulin secretion in the pancreatic beta-cell by a fuel such as glucose requires the metabolism of the fuel and is accompanied by increases in oxygen consumption and intracellular free Ca2+. A very early signal for these events could be a decrease in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio due to fuel phosphorylation. To test this hypothesis the regulation of free Ca2+ was evaluated in permeabilized RINm5F insulinoma cells that sequester Ca2+ and maintain a low medium free Ca2+ concentration (set point), between 100 and 200 nM, in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP. ATP, creatine, creatine phosphate, and creatine phosphokinase were added to the media to achieve various constant ratios of ATP/ADP. Free Ca2 was monitored using fura-2. The results demonstrated that the steady-state free Ca2+ concentration varied inversely with the ATP/ADP ratio and orthophosphate (Pi) levels. In contrast, no correlation between free Ca2+ and the phosphorylation potential (ATP/ADP.Pi) was found. Regulation of the Ca2+ set point by the ATP/ADP ratio was observed at ratios between 5 and 50 and at Pi concentrations between 1 and 7 mM, irrespective of whether mitochondria were participating in Ca2+ sequestration or were inhibited. Increasing the ATP/ADP ratio stimulated Ca2+ uptake by the nonmitochondrial pool but did not modify Ca2+ efflux. Glucose 6-phosphate (1 mM) had no effect on the Ca2+ set point. The data suggest that variations in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio induced by fuel stimuli may regulate Ca2+ cycling across nonmitochondrial compartments and the plasma membrane by modulating the activity of Ca2+ -ATPases. A mechanism linking fuel metabolism and cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio to activation of the Ca2+ messenger system in pancreatic beta-cells is proposed.  相似文献   

In studying the regulation of insulin secretion by phorbol esters, we examined their effects on the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), using the Ca2+ indicator fura-2 in the rat insulin-secreting beta-cell line RINm5F. [Ca2+]i was measured in parallel with the rate of insulin release. 50 nM 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which may act via protein kinase C, stimulated insulin release and caused an increase in [Ca2+]i. Ca2+-free conditions eliminated the increase in [Ca2+]i and resulted in a reduced stimulation of insulin release by TPA. The Ca2+ channel blocker nitrendipine (300 nM) inhibited both the increase in [Ca2+]i and the increased rate of insulin secretion. Another phorbol ester, 4 beta-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, which activates protein kinase C, also induced an increase in [Ca2+]i and in the rate of insulin release, while 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, which fails to stimulate protein kinase C, was without effect. Further studies with bis-oxonol as an indicator of membrane potential showed that TPA depolarized the beta-cell plasma membrane. From these results, it is concluded that TPA depolarizes the plasma membrane, induces the opening of Ca2+ channels in the RINm5F beta-cell plasma membrane, increases [Ca2+]i, and results in insulin secretion. The action of TPA was next compared with that of a depolarizing concentration of KC1 (25 mM), which stimulates insulin secretion simply by opening Ca2+ channels. TPA consistently elicited less depolarization, a smaller rise of [Ca2+]i, but a greater release of insulin than KC1. Therefore an additional action of TPA is suggested, which potentiates the action of the elevated [Ca2+]i on insulin secretion.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of GTP and its' analogues on PTH release in permeabilized parathyroid cells to assess their role in mediating the unusual inverse relationship between Ca2+ and PTH release in intact parathyroid cells. Both 10-5 M GppNHp and GTP gamma S, nonhydrolysable analogues of GTP, produce up to an 8-fold enhancement of PTH release, which is dose-dependent. This effect is specific for GTP analogues as we could not mimic it with other nucleotides. 10(-3) M GDP beta S, a nonhydrolysable GDP analogue, completely abolishes GppNHp-stimulated hormone release, providing further support for mediation of this effect by a guanine-nucleotide regulatory protein. In GppNHp-stimulated cells, PTH release is maximal at free [Ca2+] less than 200 nM and progressively decreases as the free [Ca2+] increases from 300 nM to 100 microM. These results suggest the presence of a guanine-nucleotide binding protein in the parathyroid cell that may play an important role in the regulation of PTH secretion by Ca2+ and perhaps other secretagogues.  相似文献   

The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in stimulus recognition and insulin secretion was investigated after long-term (24 h) treatment of RINm5F cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Three methods revealed that PKC was no longer detectable, and PMA-induced insulin secretion was abolished. Such PKC-deficient cells displayed enhanced insulin secretion (2-6-fold) in response to vasopressin and carbachol (activating phospholipase C) as well as to D-glyceraldehyde and alanine (promoting membrane depolarization and voltage-gated Ca2+ influx). Insulin release stimulated by 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) was also greater in PKC-deficient cells. OAG caused membrane depolarization and raised the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), both of which were unaffected by PKC down-regulation. Except for that caused by vasopressin, the secretagogue-induced [Ca2+]i elevations were similar in control and PKC-depleted cells. The [Ca2+]i rise evoked by vasopressin was enhanced during the early phase (observed both in cell suspensions and at the single cell level) and the stimulation of diacylglycerol production was also augmented. These findings suggest more efficient activation of phospholipase C by vasopressin after PKC depletion. Electrically permeabilized cells were used to test whether the release process is facilitated after long-term PMA treatment. PKC deficiency was associated with only slightly increased responsiveness to half-maximally (2 microM) but not to maximally stimulatory Ca2+ concentrations. At 2 microM-Ca2+ vasopressin caused secretion, which was also augmented by PMA pretreatment. The difference between intact and permeabilized cells could indicate the loss in the latter of soluble factors which mediate the enhanced secretory responses. However, changes in cyclic AMP production could not explain the difference. These results demonstrate that PKC not only exerts inhibitory influences on the coupling of receptors to phospholipase C but also interferes with more distal steps implicated in insulin secretion.  相似文献   

The non-differentiated HL60 cell can be stimulated to secrete when Ca2+ and guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]-triphosphate (GTP gamma S) are introduced into streptolysin-O-permeabilized cells. Secretion is accompanied by activation of polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase (PPI-pde). Both responses show a concentration-dependence on Ca2+ between pCa 8 and pCa 5. The half-maximal requirements for Ca2+ for PPI-pde activation and secretion are pCa 6.4 +/- 0.1 and pCa 6.2 +/- 0.2 respectively. The rank order of potency of the GTP analogues to stimulate PPI-pde activation and secretion is similar; GTP gamma S greater than guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]-triphosphate greater than guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-methylene]triphosphate greater than XTP approximately equal to ITP, but the maximal response achieved by each compound compared with GTP gamma S is much greater for secretion than for PPI-pde activation. A dissociation of the two responses is obtained with 10 mM-XTP and -ITP; secretion is always observed but not inositol trisphosphate formation at this concentration. GTP, dGTP, UTP and CTP are inactive for both secretion and PPI-pde activation. Both GDP and dGDP are competitive inhibitors of both GTP gamma S-induced secretion and PPI-pde activation. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate could not fully substitute for GTP gamma S in stimulating secretion, suggesting that the effect of GTP gamma S cannot result simply from the generation of diacylglycerol. In the absence of MgATP, secretion and PPI-pde activation is still evident, albeit at a reduced level. This also supports the hypothesis that protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation is not essential for secretion. The effect of MgATP is to enhance secretion, and to reduce both the Ca2+ and GTP gamma S requirement for secretion. In conclusion, two roles for guanine nucleotides can be identified; one for activating PPI-pde (GP) and the other for activating exocytosis (GE), acting in series.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of granule protein secretion have been studied in streptolysin-O-permeabilized guinea pig eosinophils. Secretion of the granule-associated enzyme N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase was dependent on both Ca2+ and a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue, guanosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP-gamma-S), suggesting roles for both calcium and GTP binding proteins. Secretion was maximal by 7 min, and varied between 35 and 60% of the total enzyme activity. Other GTP analogues also elicited secretion, with rank order GTP-gamma-S greater than guanylyl-imidophosphate greater than guanylyl (beta-gamma-methylene-diphosphate). Unrelated nucleotide triphosphates showed little or no effect confirming the specificity of the G protein. Transmission electronmicroscopy confirmed that permeabilization alone did not result in loss of granules and that exocytosis was dependent on the addition of the effectors, Ca2+ and GTP-gamma-S. ATP enhanced the magnitude of the secretory response and also enhanced the effective affinities for both Ca2+ and GTP-gamma-S. In the presence of 10(-5) M GTP-gamma-S the ED50 (Ca2+) was pCa 5.57 +/- 0.04 (2.69 microM) in the absence of ATP and declined to pCa 6.16 +/- 0.03 (0.69 microM) in the presence of ATP (p less than 0.0001). Furthermore, ATP served to restore responsiveness in cells that had been rendered refractory by delaying stimulation after permeabilization. Pretreatment with PMA (an activator of PKC) inhibited the induction of a refractory state, whereas inhibition of PKC partially countered the ability of ATP to restore responsiveness, both observations pointing to a requirement for a specific component of the secretory mechanism to be in a phosphorylated state in order to condone the secretion process. These observations show that secretory mechanisms in eosinophils are similar to those in other myeloid cells, in particular neutrophils and mast cells, although the time course of secretion is more protracted.  相似文献   

We show in the accompanying paper that the steady-state level of free Ca2+ maintained by the organelles of permeabilized RINm5F insulinoma cells varies inversely with the ATP/ADP ratio when this ratio is set by addition of creatine phosphokinase and fixed ratios of creatine to creatine phosphate. We, therefore, asked whether acute cyclic alterations in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio in the range known to modulate O2 consumption might be involved in regulating the physiological activity of Ca2+ -ATPases and the cytosolic free Ca2+ level. To explore this hypothesis we combined two experimental systems: 1) permeabilized RINm5F insulinoma cells that can maintain a low medium Ca2+ concentration and 2) a cell-free extract of rat skeletal muscle that spontaneously exhibits oscillatory behavior of glycolysis and linked oscillations in the ATP/ADP ratio, when provided with glucose. The free Ca2+ level maintained by the permeabilized cells oscillated in phase with the glycolytic oscillations and correlated closely with the ATP/ADP ratio but not with glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, orthophosphate, or pH. When glucokinase replaced hexokinase as the glucose phosphorylating enzyme, Ca2+ oscillations were induced by increasing the glucose concentration from 2 to 8 mM. The results demonstrate a link between metabolite changes and free Ca2+ levels in a reconstituted physiological system. They support a model in which oscillations in glycolysis and the ATP/ADP ratio may cause oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+, beta-cell electrical activity, and insulin release.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils can be permeabilized with the cholesterol complexing agent digitonin and then induced to secrete lysosomal constituents by increases in free Ca2+ alone. In order of increasing requirements for Ca2+, vitamin B-12 binding protein, lysozyme and β-glucuronidase were released. A variety of guanine nucleotides were examined with respect to their abilities to modulate this response. GTP, along with its analogues 5′-guanylylimidodiphosphate (Gpp[NH]p) and guanosine-5′-O-[3-thio]-triphosphate (GTP[γS]) decreased the Ca2+ requirements for secretion of all three granule constituents by one third to one order of magnitude. This synergy was dependent upon the concentration of guanine nucleotides employed. The effects of Gpp[NH]p could be blocked with the inactive derivative GDP[β-S]. The active guanine nucleotides, particularly GTP, served as stimuli in their own right. At high concentrations of Ca2+ and GTP, degranulation was strikingly inhibited; inhibition was also achieved with high concentrations of guanylyl[β,γ-methylene]diphosphate (Gpp[CH2]p). Both GDP and GMP were without any effect. When neutrophils were pretreated with pertussis toxin, granule discharge induced by fMet-Leu-Phe was almost completely blocked, as reported by others. If the neutrophils pretreated with pertussis toxin were then permeabilized with digitonin, the synergy between Ca2+ and the stimulatory guanine nucleotides was maintained. These data suggest the involvement of G-proteins in secretion induced by Ca2+; however, this response either uses a different G-protein or a different pool of G-proteins from those responses triggered by fMet-Leu-Phe.  相似文献   

Signal generation during the stimulation of insulin secretion by arginine vasopressin (AVP) was investigated in RINm5F cells. AVP (0.1 microM) caused a biphasic cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) rise, namely a rapid transient marked elevation after stimulation followed by a series of oscillations. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, the sustained oscillations were abolished, while the initial [Ca2+]i transient was only partly decreased, indicating that the former are due to Ca2+ influx and the latter due mainly to mobilization from internal Ca2+ stores. AVP also evoked a transient depolarization of the average membrane potential. AVP-induced Ca2+ influx during the sustained phase, which was strictly dependent on receptor occupancy, was attenuated by membrane hyperpolarization with diazoxide. However, blockade of Ca2+ channels of the L- or T-type was ineffective. AVP stimulated production of diacylglycerol and inositol phosphates; for the latter both [3H] inositol labeling and mass determinations were performed. A transient increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 was followed by a marked enhancement of Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 (8-fold) peaking at 15 s and gradually returning to basal values. Ins(1,3,4,6)P4 and Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 exhibited the most long-lasting augmentation (4- and 1.7-fold, respectively), and therefore correlated best with the period of sustained [Ca2+]i oscillations. InsP5 and InsP6 were not elevated. The effects of AVP, including the stimulation of insulin secretion from perifused cells, were obliterated by a V1 receptor antagonist. In conclusion, AVP induces protracted [Ca2+]i elevation in RINm5F cells which is associated with long-lasting increases in InsP4 isomers. The accumulation of InsP4 isomers reflects receptor occupancy and accelerated metabolism of the inositol phosphates. Activation of second messenger-operated Ca2+ channels is not necessarily implicated because of the attenuating effect of membrane hyperpolarization.  相似文献   

The effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) on Ca2+ release in the transformed murine mast cells, mastocytoma P-815 cells permeabilized with digitonin was studied. Ca2+ was sequestered by intracellular organelles in the presence of ATP until the medium free Ca2+ concentration was lowered to a new steady-state level. The subsequent addition of IP3 caused a rapid Ca2+ release, which was followed by a slow re-uptake of Ca2+. Fifty percent of the sequestered Ca2+ was released by 10 μM IP3. Maximal Ca2+ release occurred at 10 μM and half maximal activity was at 1.3 μM. These results indicate that IP3 may function as a messenger of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in mastocytoma cells.  相似文献   

In perifused tumoral islet cells (RINm5F line), which were prelabelled with either [32P]orthophosphate, 86Rb+ or 45Ca2+, the administration of D-glucose (1.4, 2.8 or 16.7 mM) increased the efflux of 32P, decreased the outflow of 86Rb, increased slightly the efflux of 45Ca from cells perifused in the presence of Ca2+, and decreased modestly the outflow of 45Ca from cells perifused in the absence of Ca2+. D-glucose also stimulated the net uptake of 45Ca2+. When Ba2+ (2 mM) was used, in the absence of Ca2+, instead of D-glucose as an insulin secretagogue, the efflux of 32P was little affected, but the outflow of 45Ca was dramatically increased. These changes are qualitatively similar to those occurring in normal islet cells. Nevertheless, the ionic response to D-glucose appeared, as a rule, less marked in tumoral than normal islet cells. Moreover, the concentration-response relationship was shifted to a lower range of hexose concentrations in the RINm5F cells.  相似文献   

The two-step isomerization of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins-1,4,5-P3) to Ins-1,3,4-P3 via the intermediate inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (Ins-P4) was studied in intact RINm5F cells and in subcellular fractions. Muscarinic stimulation with carbamylcholine leads to a rapid (2 s) rise in both Ins-1,4,5-P3 and Ins-P4, whereas Ins-1,3,4-P3 was produced only after a lag of at least 5 s. In cells with depleted Ca2+ stores, the rise in Ins-1,4,5-P3 was nearly tripled, and that of Ins-1,3,4-P3 markedly diminished as compared to control cells. Raising the free Ca2+ concentration from 10(-7) to 10(-5) M increased inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-3-kinase activity in cytosolic fractions by 2 1/2-fold (EC50 for Ca2+ approximately 0.8 microM) but had no effect on the activity of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-5-phosphomonoesterase. At 10(-7) M Ca2+ these two enzymes displayed comparable activity when assayed at concentrations of Ins-1,4,5-P3 occurring in stimulated cells; however, at 10(-5) M Ca2+, kinase activity predominates. These results suggest that Ins-1,4,5-P3 counter-regulates its own levels through the activity of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase and that the increase in [Ca2+]i may account for the transience of the rise in Ins-1,4,5-P3 seen during muscarinic stimulation of RINm5F cells.  相似文献   

In order to examine the role of osmotic forces in degranulation, the effects of solutes and osmolality on granule secretion were explored using both FMLP-stimulated, intact neutrophils and Ca2+-stimulated, permeabilized cells. We employed a HEPES-based buffer system which was supplemented with: a) permeant (KCl or NaCl) or impermeant (Na-isethionate or choline-Cl) ions, or b) permeant (urea) or impermeant (sucrose) uncharged solutes. Intact and permeabilized cells had significantly different solute requirements for degranulation. FMLP-stimulated release from intact cells was supported by NaCl or Na-isethionate greater than KCl greater than choline-Cl or sucrose greater than urea. In contrast, the rank order of Ca2+-stimulated release from permeabilized cells was choline-Cl greater than Na-isethionate, KCl, or NaCl greater than sucrose greater than urea. Hypo-osmotic conditions caused increased levels of background granule release from both intact and permeabilized neutrophils. However, hypo-osmolality inhibited both FMLP-stimulated degranulation from intact cells and Ca2+-induced release from permeabilized neutrophils. While hyperosmotic conditions inhibited stimulated release from intact cells, this inhibition was much less pronounced in permeabilized cells when the granules were directly exposed to these solutions. In fact, hyperosmotic sucrose greatly enhanced Ca2+-induced secretion. Although isolated specific and azurophil granules showed some lytic tendencies in hypo-osmotic buffers, the overall stability of the isolated granules did not indicate that swelling alone could effect degranulation. These results suggest that degranulation in permeabilized cells is neither due to nor driven by simple osmotic forces (under resting or stimulated conditions) and emphasize differences obtained by bathing both the granules and plasma membrane (as opposed to membranes alone) in various solutes.  相似文献   

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