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Various aspects of nitrogen metabolism of Plantago lanceolata L., a grassland species from a relatively nutrient poor habitat, were investigated under high nutrient conditions or low nutrient conditions. In addition the responses after switching the plants from high nutrient conditions to low nutrient conditions and vice versa were studied. The activities of nitrate reductase (NR), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were determined. In the roots they were correlated with the level of the nutrient supply. Not only NR but also GDH and GS increased upon a switch from low nutrients to high nutrients and decreased upon a switch from high nutrients to low nutrients. Reduced nitrogen content of both roots and shoots was also correlated with the nutrient supply and changed rapidly after a switch. The flexibility of the nitrogen metabolism of Plantago lanceolata is discussed in relation to its ecological habitat.  相似文献   

Plantago major L. ssp. major , a grassland species from a relatively nutrient-rich habitat, was grown in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor culture solutions. Half of the plants were transferred from high to low or from low to high nutrient conditions. The rate of dry matter accumulation in both shoots and roots decreased slowly upon transfer of plants to low nutrient conditions and the shoot to root ratio was unaffected. The rate of structural growth of both roots and shoots increased upon transfer from low to high nutrient conditions and the shoot to root ratio, if calculated from non-structural-carbohydrate-free dry weights, increased.
Photosynthesis was largely independent of the nutrient supply. Root respiration, particularly the activity of the alternative oxidative pathway, decreased with increasing age. This decrease was ascribed to a decreased shoot to root ratio, which reduced the relative amount of carbohydrates translocated to the roots and thus the amount available for the alternative pathway. It is calculated that in young as well as in old plants grown in full nutrient solution 48% of the daily produced photosynthates was translocated to the roots.
This is at variance with data on P. lanceolata , where a decreasing proportion of the daily produced photosynthates was translocated to the roots when the plants grew older. It is concluded that shoot growth plus shoot respiration consumed a constant amount of the daily produced photosynthates in P. major and that the rest was left for translocation. It is further calculated that in P. major plants grown in full nutrient solution c . 25% and c . 2% of the daily produced photosynthates in young and old plants, respectively, was respired in a way that is not involved in production of energy that is utilized in growth and maintenance ('inefficient root respiration').
The results are discussed in comparison with those of P. lanceolata , a species from a relatively nutrient-poor habitat.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L., a grassland species from a relatively nutrient-poor habitat, was grown in nutrient-rich and in nutrient-poor culture solutions. Half of the plants were trensferred from high to low or from low to high nutrient conditions. Shoot growth was immediately reduced upon transfer to low nutrient conditions, whilst it reacted more slowly upon transfer of plants to high nutrient conditions. Root growth was less dependent on the supply of nutrients, but it was slightly reduced upon transfer of plants to high nutrient conditions.
Photosynthesis was largely independent of the nutrient supply, apart from an initial increase upon transfer of plants to low nutrient conditions. Photosynthesis decreased with age in all treatments, and this decrease was not due to mutual shading. The decrease of photosynthetic rate was not accompanied by a decreased relative growth rate: it was compensated by a more efficient root respiration, since the activity of the alternative nonphosphorylating pathway continuously decreased in plants grown in a high nutrient environment.
It is concluded that the alternative pathway was of significance in removal of carbohydrates, which could not be utilized for growth, energy production, etc. , due to a temporary or structural imbalance between assimilate production and requirement. The alternative pathway also appeared to allow P. lanceolata plants to adapt to a changed environment as regards mineral nutrition.
The experimental value for root growth respiration of P. lanceolata grown under high nutrient conditions was compared with a theoretical value, calculated from the biochemical composition of plant dry matter and the known energy costings for biosynthetic and transport processes. A good correlation between the experimental and theoretical value of root growth respiration was found if it was assumed that ion uptake required c . 1.0 molecule of ATP per ion per membrane passage.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Urtica dioica as dependent on the supply of mineral nutrients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plants of Urtica dioica L., a very nitrophilous species, were grown in a nutrient solution containing either high (100%) or low (2%) nutrient supply. Part of these plants were subjected to a sudden switch from 100% to 2% or vice versa. Plant weight, sugar and organic nitrogen (both soluble and insoluble) and nitrate content were measured during growth. The activities of two nitrogen assimilating enzymes, nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were determined.
Growth of Urtica dioica was retarded at low nutrient supply. Root growth was limited by another factor than nitrogen. This was shown by a higher protein content. In the first period after a switch from 100% to 2%, redistribution of nitrogen from shoot to root could be demonstrated, and leakage from the root into the nutrient solution. It is suggested that in these conditions GS in the root reacted to this downward flux. Comparison with earlier findings on the less nitrophilous Plantago lanceolata showed that at 100% nutrient supply a correlation occurs between nitrate reduction and glutamine synthetase activity in that plant part which exported reduced nitrogen: the root in P. lanceolata and the shoot in U. dioica. In the importing plant part, glutamine synthetase was influenced by nitrate reduction as well as by imported reduced nitrogen.  相似文献   

With the aims (1) to test whether the different natural occurrence of twoPlantago species in grasslands is explained by a different preference of the species for nitrate or ammonium; (2) to test whether the different occurrence is explained by differences in the flexibility of the species towards changes in the nitrogen form; (3) to find suitable parameters as a tool to study ammonium and nitrate utilization of these species at the natural sites in grasslands, plants ofPlantago lanceolata andP. major ssp.major were grown with an abundant supply of nitrate, ammonium or nitrate+ammonium as the nitrogen source (0.5 mM). The combination of ammonium and nitrate gave a slightly higher final plant weight than nitrate or ammonium alone. Ammonium lowered the shoot to root ratio inP. major. Uptake of nitrate per g root was faster than that of ammonium, but from the mixed source ammonium and nitrate were taken up at the same rate. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was present in both shoot and roots of plants receiving nitrate. When ammonium was applied in addition to nitrate, NRA of the shoot was not affected, but in the root the activity decreased. Thus, a larger proportion of total NRA was present in the shoot than with nitrate alone. In vitro glutamate dehydrogenase activity (GDHA) was enhanced by ammonium, both in the shoot and in the roots.In vitro glutamine synthetase activity (GSA) was highest in roots of plants receiving ammonium. Both GDHA and GSA were higher inP. lanceolata than inP. major. The concentration of ammonium in the roots increased with ammonium, but it did not accumulate in the shoot. The concentration of amino acids in the roots was also enhanced by ammonium. Protein concentration was not affected by the form of nitrogen. Nitrate accumulated in both the shoot and the roots of nitrate grown plants. When nitrate in the solution was replaced by ammonium, the nitrate concentration in the roots decreased rapidly. It also decreased in the shoot, but slowly. It is concluded that the nitrogen metabolism of the twoPlantago species shows a similar response to a change in the form of the nitrogen source, and that differences in natural occurrence of these species are not related to a differential adaptation of nitrogen metabolism towards the nitrogen form. Suitable parameters for establishing the nitrogen source in the field are thein vivo NRA, nitrate concentrations in tissues and xylem exudate, and the fraction of total reduced nitrogen in the roots that is in the soluble form, and to some extent thein vitro GDHA and GSA of the roots. Grassland Species Research Group. Publ. no 118.  相似文献   

There is an increasing awareness of the possibilities of mineral nutrition as regulator of growth substance action and vice versa. The present paper focuses on the effects of mineral nutrition and benzyladenine at the level of the plasma membrane. Seedlings of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) and juvenile plants of Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma (Pilger) were grown hydroponically at different mineral levels with or without benzyladenine. Purified plasmalemma preparations from roots of wheat and P. major ssp. pleiosperma were obtained by the two phase partitioning method, using 6.5% (w/w) of each of Dextran T-500 and polyethylene glycol 3350. The Mg2+ and (Mg2++ K+) dependent ATPase activities of the root plasmalemma in both species and the (Mg2++ Cl) one in P. major ssp. pleiosperma increased with increasing mineral levels, but the ionic strength did not influence the substrate specificity, the sensitivity to inhibitors or the pH optima.
The addition of 10−8 M benzyladenine to a nutrient solution increased the ATPase activities. The pH optima and the sensitivity to several inhibitors were not affected by benzyladenine, but the substrate specificity for ATP decreased, except for the K+ stimulation. In conclusion, benzyladenine mimics the effects of a higher mineral level than actually applied. Data from this and previous experiments indicate that benzyladenine exerts its effects by increasing the endogenous cytokinin concentrations and by modulating membrane components.  相似文献   

The effect of five Azotobacter chroococcum strains and nitrogen content in nutrient media on callus growth of two Beta vulgaris L. cultivars were investigated, as well as the activity of nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in inoculated callus tissue. On medium with full nitrogen content (1 N) the inoculation with A. chroococcum strain A2 resulted in the highest calli mass, while strains A8 and A14 maximally increased NR activity. On media with 1/8 N the highest effect on calli growth, GS and GDH activity had the strain A8. The strain A2/1 significantly increased callus proliferation on medium without N. Asymbiotic association between sugar beet calli and Azotobacter depended on genotype/strain interaction and was realised in presence of different nitrogen levels. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

汪顺义  刘庆  史衍玺  李欢 《生态学杂志》2016,27(11):3569-3576
利用15N示踪技术,研究了施钾对甘薯发根结薯期、薯块膨大期地上和地下部氮素转移分配、光合特性及氮代谢酶活性的影响.结果表明: 在发根结薯期,施钾显著提高15N向地上部的转移分配,其中K3(K2O, 300 mg·kg-1)处理与对照相比15N向叶片转移速率提高了76.2%,15N积累量提高了92.1%.在薯块膨大期,随施钾量增加地上部叶片15N总分配率由33.7%降低至24.4%,块根15N分配率由5.8%升高至17%,其中K3处理块根15N积累量是对照的3倍.两个关键生长期硝酸还原酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶、谷氨酰胺合酶、谷氨酸合酶和净光合速率(Pn)均随施钾量的增加而提高.逐步回归分析表明,氮代谢酶活性和Pn是影响甘薯15N转移和分配的主要因素(R分别为0.965和0.942),通径分析表明,在发根结薯期主要通过促进硝酸还原酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶介导的氮素催化能力促进氮素向地上部分配;在薯块膨大期主要通过提高谷氨酰胺合酶/谷氨酸合酶循环介导的氮素同化能力促进氮素向地下部分配.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium on mineral nutrition in rose plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of sodium (Na+) ion concentration on shoot elongation, uptake of ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3?) and the activities of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were studied in rose plants (Rosa hybrida cv. “Lambada”). The results showed that shoot elongation was negatively correlated with sodium concentration, although no external symptoms of toxicity were observed. Nitrate uptake decreased at high sodium levels, specifically at 30 meq litre4 of sodium. As flower development was normal under high saline conditions, this could suggest that nitrogen was being mobilised from shoot and leaf reserves. Ammonium uptake was not affected by any of the salt treatments applied probably because it diffuses through the cell membrane at low concentrations. Nitrate reductase activity was reduced by 50% at 30 meq litre 1 compared with control treatment, probably due to a decrease in the free nitrate related to nitrate uptake pattern. None of the salt treatments used affected total leaf GS activity (both chloroplastic and cytosolic isoforms) or leaf NPK mineral contents. Nitrate reductase activity in leaves increased at 10 meq litre?1 of sodium and GS activity in roots (cytosolic isoform only) followed the same pattern as NR. It is suggested that the activation of both enzymes at low salt level could be attributed to the beneficial effect of increased sulphur in the nutrient solutions.  相似文献   

马衔山不同海拔土壤碳、氮、磷含量及生态化学计量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究半干旱地区土壤碳、氮、磷化学计量特征,了解其空间变化规律,有助于揭示半干旱地区C、N、P循环对全球气候变化的响应。本研究以半干旱区的马衔山为对象,选择5个海拔的7个样地,采集0~15、15~30 cm层的土壤,测定其有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、pH、含水率等理化性质,分析其SOC、TN、TP化学计量与土壤理化因子之间的关系。结果表明:(1) 0~15 cm土壤SOC、TN、TP含量高于15~30 cm土壤。表层土壤SOC、TN含量随海拔升高呈增加趋势,TP含量随海拔升高变化较小。(2) C∶N随海拔增加呈先增加后降低趋势,C∶P、N∶P随海拔升高均呈增加趋势。(3)在0~15 cm土壤中,pH与SOC、TN含量及C∶P呈显著负相关,在15~30 cm土层中,pH与SOC、TN、TP含量及化学计量特征关系不显著;土壤含水率与0~15、15~30 cm层土壤中SOC、TN含量均呈极显著正相关。本研究显示,在半干旱区的马衔山地区,土壤含水率随海拔增加而增加,而SOC、TN含量及C∶P、N∶P也呈增加趋势,土壤养分含量及化学计量均受土壤含水率影响。  相似文献   

The leaf is considered the most important vegetative organ of tank epiphytic bromeliads due to its ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. However, little is known about the physiological characteristics of nutrient uptake and assimilation. In order to better understand the mechanisms utilized by some tank epiphytic bromeliads to optimize the nitrogen acquisition and assimilation, a study was proposed to verify the existence of a differential capacity to assimilate nitrogen in different leaf portions. The experiments were conducted using young plants of Vriesea gigantea. A nutrient solution containing NO3/NH4+ or urea as the sole nitrogen source was supplied to the tank of these plants and the activities of urease, nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (NADH-GDH) were quantified in apical and basal leaf portions after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h. The endogenous ammonium and urea contents were also analyzed. Independent of the nitrogen sources utilized, NR and urease activities were higher in the basal portions of leaves in all the period analyzed. On the contrary, GS and GDH activities were higher in apical part. It was also observed that the endogenous ammonium and urea had the highest contents detected in the basal region. These results suggest that the basal portion was preferentially involved in nitrate reduction and urea hydrolysis, while the apical region could be the main area responsible for ammonium assimilation through the action of GS and GDH activities. Moreover, it was possible to infer that ammonium may be transported from the base, to the apex of the leaves. In conclusion, it was suggested that a spatial and functional division in nitrogen absorption and NH4+ assimilation between basal and apical leaf areas exists, ensuring that the majority of nitrogen available inside the tank is quickly used by bromeliad's leaves.  相似文献   

The maize (Zea mays L.) plants inoculated by N2-fixing bacterium Azospirillum showed increased activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamine synthetase (GS) in root cells free extracts over uninoculated control plants. Maximum differences in NADH-GDH activity were observed during the second and third weeks after sowing. The specific activity of GS showed a greater increase at the end of the assay. The percentage of nitrogen in leaves, root and foliage length, total fresh mass and nitrogenase activity were higher in inoculated plants than in the control ones.  相似文献   

Relations between cytokinin concentrations and effects of P and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection were investigated in Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma Pilger. Both mycorrhizal infection by Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe and P addition increased the shoot to root ratio, specific leaf area (SLA), and P concentrations of shoot and roots, and decreased the percentage of dry matter in the shoot during the experiment. In general, P concentration in the shoot and roots of each treatment correlated positively with the shoot to root ratio and specific leaf area, and negatively with the percentage of dry matter in the shoot. Cytokinin concentrations in the tissue of shoots and roots were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Concentrations of zeatin and zeatin-ribosides in the free base and nucleotide fractions had increased more after P addition than in the case of mycorrhizal infection in both shoot and roots, whereas the P concentrations had increased less. It is suggested that zeatin and zeatin-ribosides are not the primary growth-substances involved in mediating VAM effects.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium (Cd) was investigated on the in vitro activities of leaf and root enzymes involved in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) metabolism of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Morgane). Cd induced a high increase in maximal extractable activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (NADH-GDH, EC Cd promoted ammonium accumulation in leaves and roots, and a tight correlation was observed between ammonium amount and GDH activity. Changes in GDH activity appear to be mediated by the increase in ammonium levels by Cd treatment. Cd stress also enhanced the activities of phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC and NADP(+)-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)-ICDH, EC in leaves while they were inhibited in roots. Immuno-titration, the PEPC sensitivity to malate and PEPC response to pH indicated that the increase in PEPC activity by Cd was due to de novo synthesis of the enzyme polypeptide and also modification of the phosphorylation state of the enzyme. Cd may have modified, via a modulation of PEPC activity, the C flow towards the amino acid biosynthesis. In leaves, Cd treatments markedly modified specific amino acid contents. Glutamate and proline significantly accumulated compared to those of the control plants. This study suggests that Cd stress is a part of the syndrome of metal toxicity, and that a readjustment of the co-ordination between N and C metabolism via the modulation of GDH, PEPC and ICDH activities avoided the accumulation of toxic levels of ammonium.  相似文献   

J. Boucaud  J. Bigot 《Plant and Soil》1989,114(1):121-125
The activities of key enzymes involved in N assimilation were investigated after defoliation of 6-week-old ryegrass plants grown in water culture conditions. In a first experiment, nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities were measured in roots, stubble and leaves on the day of cutting and at 7-day intervals over the following 5-week period of regrowth. Ammonia assimilation enzymes showed little change whereas the nitrate reductase activity sharply decreased 2 weeks after clipping. In a second experiment, the nitrate reductase activity was measured at 2- or 3-day intervals 1 week before and 3 weeks after clipping.In vivo andin vitro assays both showed an increasing activity in leaves up to 8 days after cutting while root activity decreased. The opposite changes then occurred and both organs recovered their initial nitrate reductase activity levels after 12–14 days of regrowth. These fluctuations in nitrate reductase activity were considered to be related to the capacity for C assimilation and the nitrate availability.  相似文献   

The long-term action of blue or red light on nitrogen metabolism was studied in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plants. The potential activity of nitrate reductase (NR) in vivo and its maximum activity in vitro, the content of soluble protein and free amino acids were determined in the course of the growth of a third leaf of radish plants. The effect of light quality on NR activity was found to depend significantly on the stage of leaf development. Blue light (BL) stimulated NR activity in leaves, when their areas were about 11–13% of the fully developed leaves. The efficiency of red light (RL) was significantly lower, because the maximum NR activity was observed in the leaves developed to the stage, when their areas were 38–40% of the final one. The comparative analysis of the pool of free amino acids in expanding leaves of BL- or RL-grown plants revealed significant changes in the contents of individual amino acids. Despite a higher accumulation of two amino acids in the leaves of BL-grown plants, namely, Asp (27% as compared to 13–16% in the RL-grown leaves) and Gly (5% against 2.5% in RL-grown leaves), the BL-grown leaves also demonstrated a significant decrease in Ala (10% as compared to 23% in the RL-grown leaves) and some decrease in the amounts of Ser and Gly. The content of soluble protein in a juvenile BL-grown leaf was observed to decrease gradually during leaf development. However, the protein content in the BL-grown leaf was always higher than in the RL-grown leaf of the same age. We concluded that the photoregulatory action of BL on NR activity determined the different rates of nitrogen assimilation in BL- and RL-grown plants.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2005, pp. 349–356.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Maevskaya, Bukhov.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to study physiological effects of vesicular-arbuseular mycorrhizal infection on Plantago major L., ssp. pleiosperma (Pilger). In the first experiment, infection by the Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe increased growth, shoot to root ratio, P concentrations in both shoot and roots and total uptake of P per plant. The percentages of dry matter in both shoot and roots were lower in mycorrhizal plants.
In the second experiment different P treatments were applied to both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal P. major plants to separate any effects of mycorrhizal infection from increased uptake of P. In addition to the effects found in the first experiment, mycorrhizal, P, and mycorrhizal x P interaction effects were found on root respiration rate and the concentration of soluble sugars in the roots. No clear effects on total dry weight, N and starch concentrations in shoot and roots and sugar concentraion in the shoot were found. Irrespective of the mycorrhizal treatment, increased P concentration in the shoot correlated with an increased shoot to root ratio and root respiration rate, and a decreased percentage dry matter and sugar concentration in the roots. However, the root respiration rate and the P concentration in the roots of mycorrhizal plants were enhanced more than expected from the increased P concentrations in the shoots of these plants.  相似文献   

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