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The upper rhombic lip, a prominent germinal zone of the cerebellum, was recently demonstrated to generate different neuronal cell types over time from spatial subdomains. We have characterized the differentiation of the upper rhombic lip derived granule cell population in stable GFP-transgenic zebrafish in the context of zebrafish cerebellar morphogenesis. Time-lapse analysis followed by individual granule cell tracing demonstrates that the zebrafish upper rhombic lip is spatially patterned along its mediolateral axis producing different granule cell populations simultaneously. Time-lapse recordings of parallel fiber projections and retrograde labeling reveal that spatial patterning within the rhombic lip corresponds to granule cells of two different functional compartments of the mature cerebellum: the eminentia granularis and the corpus cerebelli. These cerebellar compartments in teleosts correspond to the mammalian vestibulocerebellar and non-vestibulocerebellar system serving balance and locomotion control, respectively. Given the high conservation of cerebellar development in vertebrates, spatial partitioning of the mammalian granule cell population and their corresponding earlier-produced deep nuclei by patterning within the rhombic lip may also delineate distinct functional compartments of the cerebellum. Thus, our findings offer an explanation for how specific functional cerebellar circuitries are laid down by spatio-temporal patterning of cerebellar germinal zones during early brain development.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have reported the production of monoclonal antibody 4C5, which recognizes a cell surface antigen, the 4C5 antigen, involved in granule cell migration processes. In the present study, we investigated in a more precise manner the role of the 4C5 antigen in the different types of granule cell migrations that take place during cerebellar development. When cerebellar explant cultures derived from 10-day-old rats were performed for 2 days in the presence of monoclonal antibody 4C5, vertical granule cell migration, occurring in the presence of glia, was not significantly inhibited. In contrast, when monoclonal antibody 4C5 was included in the medium of microexplant cultures derived from 4-day-old mice and maintained for 4 days in vitro, granule cell migrations that occurred both parallel and perpendicular to the neurite bundles that were free of glia were inhibited. Moreover, a stronger inhibitory effect of the antibody was observed on migration perpendicular to the neurite bundles compared with the parallel type of migration. Our results indicate that the 4C5 antigen differentially affects the different developmental stages and types of granule cell migration during rodent cerebellar development.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a fundamental process in animal development, including development of the nervous system. In C. elegans, the bilateral QR and QL neuroblasts undergo initial anterior and posterior polarizations and migrations before they divide to produce neurons. A subsequent Wnt signal from the posterior instructs QL descendants to continue their posterior migration. Nck-interacting kinases (NIK kinases) have been implicated in cell and nuclear migration as well as lamellipodia formation. Studies here show that the C. elegans MIG-15 NIK kinase controls multiple aspects of initial Q cell polarization, including the ability of the cells to polarize, to maintain polarity, and to migrate. These data suggest that MIG-15 acts independently of the Wnt signal that controls QL descendant posterior migration. Furthermore, MIG-15 affects the later migrations of neurons generated from Q cell division. Finally, a mosaic analysis indicates that MIG-15 acts cell-autonomously in Q descendant migration.  相似文献   

The rhombic lip is a discrete strip of neuroepithelium bordering the roofplate of the fourth ventricle, which gives rise to a defined sequence of migratory neuronal derivatives. In rhombomere 1 of the chick, early born cells give rise to post-mitotic hindbrain nuclei, while later derivatives comprise of cerebellar granule cell precursors, a unique proliferative, migratory precursor population that forms the external granule cell layer. We have examined the temporal specification of these two populations using a heterochronic grafting strategy, in ovo. When transplanted into younger neural tube, rhombic lip cells maintain their characteristic molecular markers and migrate into the hindbrain. Granule cell precursor derivatives of late grafts are, in addition, able to exploit neural crest streams to populate the branchial arches. Within the neural tube, derivatives of early and late rhombic lip progenitors display patterns of migration and process extension, characterised by specific trajectories and targets, which are consistent with their temporal origin. However, the normal temporal progression of cell production is disrupted in grafted progenitors: transplanted early rhombic lip fails to subsequently produce granule cell precursors. This indicates that, while the behaviour of derivatives is intrinsically specified at the rhombic lip, the orderly temporal transition in cell type production is dependent on extrinsic cues present only in the later embryo.  相似文献   

The brain is considered to be a target site of peripheral steroid hormones. In contrast to this classical concept, new findings over the past decade have established that the brain itself also synthesizes steroids de novo from cholesterol through mechanisms at least partly independent of peripheral steroidogenic glands. Such steroids synthesized de novo in the brain, as well as other areas of the nervous system, are called neurosteroids. To understand neurosteroid actions in the brain, we need data on the specific synthesis in particular sites of the brain at particular times. Therefore, our studies for this exciting area of brain research have focused on the biosynthesis and action of neurosteroids in the identified neurosteroidogenic cells underlying important brain functions. We have demonstrated that the Purkinje cell, a typical cerebellar neuron, is a major site for neurosteroid formation in the brain. This is the first observation of neuronal neurosteroidogenesis in the brain. Subsequently, genomic and nongenomic actions of neurosteroids have become clear by a series of our studies using an excellent Purkinje cellular model. On the basis of these findings, we summarize the advances made in our understanding of biosynthesis and action of neurosteroids in the cerebellar Purkinje cell.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is a diffusible messenger that plays a multitude of roles within the nervous system including modulation of cell viability. However, its role in regulating neuronal survival during a defined period of neurodevelopment has never been investigated. We discovered that expression of the messenger RNA for both neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase increased in the early postnatal period in the cerebellum in vivo, whilst the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase remained constant throughout this time in development. Whilst scavenging of nitric oxide was deleterious to the survival of early postnatal cerebellar granule neurons in vitro, this effect was lost in cultures derived at increasing postnatal ages. Conversely, sensitivity to exogenous nitric oxide increased with advancing postnatal age. Thus, we have shown that as postnatal development proceeds, cerebellar granule cells alter their in vitro survival responses to both nitric oxide inhibition and donation, revealing that the nitric oxide's effects on developing neurons vary with the stage of development studied. These findings have important consequences for our understanding of the role of nitric oxide during neuronal development.  相似文献   

Substrate dependence of cell migration from explanted neural tubes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Embryonic chick neural tubes containing neural crest cells were cultured in vitro on tissue culture plastic and collagen. Two parameters, the time of onset of cell migration from the neural tube and the rate of movement of the cell front away from the neural tube explant, were determined. On collagen, cell migration consistently began after four to six h in vitro, about five h prior to the onset of cell migration on tissue culture plastic. The identity of the migrating cells as neural crest cells is established by their eventual differentiation into melanocytes. Ablation experiments reveal that collagen also causes the early onset of migration of cells not of neural crest origin. These results provide in vitro support for the idea that extracellular materials may alter cell migratory behaviour in morphogenesis.Supported by PHS grant HD-05395 to Dr. James A. Weston and NIH Predoctoral Research Fellowship GM-47392 to Gerald D. Maxwell. The author thanks John Pintar for his permission to quote unpublished observations on the neural crest films and for helpful discussion, and Dr. Peter H. von Hippel for the gift of icthyocol  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy of fowl embryos during the 7–10 h preceding migration of trunk-level neural crest (NC) cells revealed extracellular material near the NC-cells. In contrast to the cells of the neural tube, the basal surfaces of NC-cells possessed projections, and were neither contiguous nor covered by a complete basal lamina. The apical zones of NC-cells showed intercellular junctions at the stage of neural-fold fusion, but such junctions were absent in some NC-cells 5 h before migration. The basal laminae of the neural tube and the ectoderm were fused lateral to the NC before migration. In vitro, NC-cell migration commenced immediately when neural anlagen were explanted onto fibronectin-rich matrices, but only when the neural anlagen were from a level where migration had commenced in vivo. Migration was delayed 4–8 h when premigratory-level expiants were used. Short-term cell-adhesion assays showed that NC-cells of both premigratory and migratory levels could adhere to fibronectin-rich matrices and to collagen gels, but only migratory NC-cells could be detached from the neural anlage. The results suggest that the precise schedule of the onset of NC-cell migration correlates with a decrease in the intercellular adhesion of NC-cells.  相似文献   

During development of the mouse central nervous system (CNS), most neural progenitor cells proliferate in the ventricular zone (VZ). In many regions of the CNS, neural progenitor cells give rise to postmitotic neurons that initiate neuronal differentiation and migrate out of the VZ to the mantle zone (MZ). Thereafter, they remain in a quiescent state. Here, we found many ectopic mitotic cells and cell clusters expressing neural progenitor or proneural marker genes in the MZ of the hindbrain of jumonji (jmj) mutant embryos. When we examined the expression of cyclin D1, which is repressed by jmj in the repression of cardiac myocyte proliferation, we found many ectopic clusters expressing both cyclin D1 and Musashi 1 in the MZ of mutant embryos. jmj is mainly expressed in the cyclin D1 negative region in the hindbrain, and cyclin D1 expression in the VZ was upregulated in jmj mutant mice. In jmj and cyclin D1 double mutant mice, the ectopic mitosis and formation of the abnormal clusters in the MZ were rescued. These results suggest that a jmj-cyclin D1 pathway is required for the precise coordination of cell cycle exit and migration during neurogenesis in the mouse hindbrain.  相似文献   

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a dynamic process that produces migratory cells from epithelial precursors. However, EMT is not binary; rather it results in migratory cells which adopt diverse strategies including collective and individual cell migration to arrive at target destinations. Of the many embryonic cells that undergo EMT, the vertebrate neural crest is a particularly good example which has provided valuable insight into these processes. Neural crest cells from different species often adopt different migratory strategies with collective migration predominating in anamniotes, whereas individual cell migration is more prevalent in amniotes. Here, we will provide a perspective on recent work toward understanding the process of neural crest EMT focusing on how these cells undergo collective and individual cell migration.  相似文献   

Recent proteomic applications have demonstrated their potential for revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration. The present study quantifies cerebellar protein changes in mice that are deficient in plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2 (PMCA2), an essential neuronal pump that extrudes calcium from cells and is abundantly expressed in Purkinje neurons. PMCA2-null mice display motor dyscoordination and unsteady gait deficits observed in neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and ataxia. We optimized an amine-specific isobaric tags (iTRAQ)-based shotgun proteomics workflow for this study. This workflow took consideration of analytical variance as a function of ion signal intensity and employed biological repeats to aid noise reduction. Even with stringent protein identification criteria, we could reliably quantify nearly 1000 proteins, including many neuronal proteins that are important for synaptic function. We identified 21 proteins that were differentially expressed in PMCA2-null mice. These proteins are involved in calcium homeostasis, cell structure and chromosome organization. Our findings shed light on the molecular changes that underlie the neurological deficits observed in PMCA2-null mice. The optimized workflow presented here will be valuable for others who plan to implement the iTRAQ method.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨PTEN基因在早期神经嵴细胞迁移中的作用.方法 首先胚胎整体的原位杂交和免疫荧光方法检测鸡胚胎内源性的PTEN基因及蛋白水平的表达情况;其次,利用鸡胚胎体内半侧神经管转染的方法,使神经管一侧PTEN基因过表达,对侧神经管为正常对照侧;最后,通过Pax7的整体胚胎免疫荧光表达观察PTEN基因对其标记的部分神经嵴细胞迁移的影响.结果 内源性PTEN基因在mRNA和蛋白水平表达显示,其在早期胚胎HH4期的神经板即开始明显的表达;通过半侧过表达PTEN基因后观察到过表达PTEN基因侧的头部神经嵴细胞迁移与对照侧相比明显受到抑制,但对躯干部的影响并不明显.结论 PTEN基因可能抑制早期胚胎头部神经嵴细胞的迁移.  相似文献   

Expression of the D1.1 ganglioside was studied immunohistochemically in developing cerebella from normal and weaver mutant mice. In the normal cerebellum at postnatal day 7 (P7), D1.1 expression was restricted to the external granule-cell layer (EGL). At later ages, D1.1 disappeared as the developing granule neurons ceased mitosis and began migrating toward the internal granule-cell layer. In the weaver cerebellum, D1.1 was expressed in the EGL in apparently normal fashion at P7, but failed to disappear at later ages. As late as P35, D1.1 immunoreactivity was observed throughout the weaver cerebellar cortex. The relative amounts of D1.1 ganglioside in weaver and normal cerebella were compared by thin layer chromatography of total gangliosides, followed by overlay of the chromatogram with anti-D1.1 and 125I-labelled second antibody. Autoradiograms showed that at P12 and P35 the weaver tissue contains six- to tenfold more D1.1 than normal tissue. These findings suggest that one result of the weaver mutation is prolonged expression of D1.1. We speculate that the D1.1 ganglioside might be involved in adhesive interactions that regulate the timing of granule-cell migration from the EGL. The prolonged expression of D1.1 could be responsible, in part, for the failure of granule-cell migration in the weaver cerebellum.  相似文献   

Abstract: A60 is a 60-kDa component of the axonal cortical cytoskeleton in CNS neurones. It appears to be neurone specific and is tightly bound to brain membranes. In this study the cytoskeletal activities and developmental expression of A60 in rat cerebellum have been examined using the monoclonal antibody DR1. A60 in a partially purified soluble extract of brain membranes interacts selectively with brain but not erythrocyte spectrin. Because erythrocyte spectrin is more closely related to the dendritic form of spectrin than the axonal form, this raises the possibility that AGO localises in axons by interaction with the axonal form of spectrin only. A60 is not found in rat cerebellum before the day of birth. However, during postnatal development of the cerebellum (days 1–13) DR1 reactivity appears progressively. On postnatal day 1, a small population of cells in the mantle layer (presumptive Purkinje cells) is DR1 positive. There is no DR1 reactivity found in Purkinje cell axons during their initial phase of growth. By postnatal day 7, Purkinje cell bodies, initial dendritic segments, and the cerebellar white matter are all positive. This pattern of labelling is strengthened up until postnatal day 13. By contrast, in adult rat cerebellum, the location of A60 has changed so that it is most concentrated in axons, and dendritic staining is lost. These data indicate that A60 is a spectrin-binding component of the adult axonal membrane skeleton, the presence of which is only required in axons after the initial phase of growth.  相似文献   

Summary The initial migration of neural crest (NC) cells into cell-free space was studied by transmission electron microscopy at trunk levels of fowl embryos, some of which were fixed in the presence of ruthenium red. Migrating NC cells occurred in zones which contained fewer ruthenium-red stained 15–40 nm diameter granules than other regions. The ruthenium-red stained granules were linked by similarly stained thin ( 3 nm diameter) microfibrils. The granules resemble proteoglycan and the microfibrils may be hyaluronate. NC cells contacted thicker ( 10 nm diameter) fibrils and interstitial bodies, which did not require ruthenium red for visualization. Cytoplasmic microfilaments were sometimes aligned at the point of contact with the extracellular fibrils, which may be fibronectin and collagen.Phase-contrast time-lapse videotaping and scanning electron microscopy showed that NC cells of the fowl embryo in vitro migrated earlier and more extensively on glass coated with fibronectin-rich fibrous material and adsorbed fibronectin molecules than on glass coated with collagen type I (fibres and adsorbed molecules). NC cells became completely enmeshed in fibronectin-rich fibres, but generally remained on the surface of collagen-fibre gels. When given a choice, NC cells strongly preferred fibronectin coatings to plain glass, and plain glass to dried collagen gels. NC cells showed a slight preference for plain glass over glass to which collagen was adsorbed. Addition to the culture medium of hyaluronate (initial conc. 20 mg/ml), chondroitin (5 mg/ml) and fully sulphated chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate (up to 10 mg/ml) did not drastically alter NC cell migration on fibronectin-rich fibrous substrates. However, partially desulphated chondroitin sulphate (5mg/ml) strongly retarded the migration of NC cells.The in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that fibronectin may dictate the pathways of NC cell migration by acting as a highly preferred physical substrate. However, the utilization of these pathways may be reduced by the presence of proteoglycans bearing undersulphated chondroitin sulphate.Abbreviations NC neural crest - ECM extracellular material - GAG glycosaminoglycan - FN fibronectin - CIG cold insoluble globulin - TEM transmission electron microscopy - SEM scanning electron microscopy - DMEM-H HEPES buffered Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS foetal calf serum - CEE chick embryo extract - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

The expression of the neurone-specific D2 protein changes both quantitatively and qualitatively during development in vivo and in cultures of cerebellar nerve cells. The total D2 content per unit protein shows a two-fold increase in vivo from birth to postnatal day 6, after which it declines progressively to about 50% of the maximal value. This increase can be accounted for by an immature form of the protein anodic D2 being preferentially expressed at the early stages of cerebellar development. After postnatal day 9 this form gradually switches to a mature form cathodic D2. This switch can be mimicked by neuraminidase treatment, suggesting a developmental loss of sialic acid from the D2 protein. In freshly isolated cells the total D2 content per unit protein is only 30% of that in the corresponding intact tissue from 8-day-old cerebella, but it increases rapidly during the first 8 days of culture to levels similar to those of the equivalent age in vivo. The switch from anodic D2 to cathodic D2 also occurs at a faster rate in culture, probably reflecting the culture conditions that favour differentiation. The changes in the expression of D2 during development of cerebellar nerve cells in culture suggest that anodic D2 is preferentially expressed on nerve cells that are proliferating, migrating, or in the initial stages of differentiation, whereas cathodic D2 is associated with differentiated neurones. The transition between the two forms appears to occur during the formation of interneuronal contacts.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase labelling for fibronectin (FN) in chick embryos showed FN-positive basement membranes surrounding the neural crest cell population prior to crest-cell migration. At cranial levels, crest cells migrated laterally into a large cell-free space. Initially they moved as a tongue of cells contacting the FN-positive basement membrane of the ectoderm, but later the crest cell population expanded into space further from the ectoderm, until eventually the entire cranial cell-free space was occupied by mesenchyme cells. This was accompanied by the appearance of FN among the crest cells. At trunk levels, crest cells entered a relatively small space already containing FN-positive extracellular material. At later stages the migration of trunk crest cells broadly matched the distribution of FN. In vitro, chick and quail embryo ectoderm, endoderm, somites, notochord and neural tube synthesized and organized fibrous FN-matrices, as shown by immunofluorescence. Ectoderm and endoderm deposited this matrix only on the substrate face. The FN content of endoderm and neural tube matrices was transient, the immunofluorescence intensity declining after 1–2 days in culture. Some crest cells of cranial and sacral axial levels synthesized FN. Our data suggests that these were the earliest crest cells to migrate from these levels. This ability may be the first expression of mesenchymal differentiation in these crest cells, and in vivo enable them to occupy a large space. Almost all crest cells from cervico-lumbar axial levels were unable to synthesize FN. In vivo, this inability may magnify the response of these crest cells to FN provided by the neighbouring embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Here, we report in vitro generation of Math1+ cerebellar granule cell precursors and Purkinje cells from ES cells by using soluble patterning signals. When neural progenitors induced from ES cells in a serum-free suspension culture are subsequently treated with BMP4 and Wnt3a, a significant proportion of these neural cells become Math1+. The induced Math1+ cells are mitotically active and express markers characteristic of granule cell precursors (Pax6, Zic1, and Zipro1). After purification by FACS and coculture with postnatal cerebellar neurons, ES cell-derived Math1+ cells exhibit typical features of neurons of the external granule cell layer, including extensive motility and a T-shaped morphology. Interestingly, differentiation of L7+/Calbindin-D28K+ neurons (characteristic of Purkinje cells) is induced under similar culture conditions but exhibits a higher degree of enhancement by Fgf8 rather than by Wnt3a. This is the first report of in vitro recapitulation of early differentiation of cerebellar neurons by using the ES cell system.  相似文献   

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