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Spencer JL  Stone PJ  Nugent MA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(30):9104-9120
In the normal feedback mechanism of injury and repair in the lung, fragmented heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) from damaged extracellular matrix and cells are believed to interact with elastases to limit their activity. An imbalance in the HSPG-elastase response may play an important role in situations where uncontrolled lung injury leads to diseases such as emphysema. To gain insight into this complex process of heparin and heparan sulfate regulation of elastases, an experimental study was undertaken to resolve the mechanism and structural requirements of heparin inhibition of human neutrophil elastase (HNE). Kinetic analyses were completed using in vitro assays with synthetic and insoluble elastin substrates in the presence of HNE and various heparin preparations (14-15 kDa; 17-19 kDa), heparin-derived oligosaccharides (4-22 saccharides), and chemically modified heparins (2-O-, 6-O-, O-, and N-desulfated). Results showed that heparin inhibits HNE by a tight-binding, hyperbolic, competitive mechanism, contrary to previous reports in the literature. A minimum length of at least 12-14 saccharides is required for inhibition, after which inhibitory activity increases with chain length (or molecular mass). Although all N- and O-sulfate groups contribute to inhibition, 2-O-sulfate groups are less critical than either N- or 6-O-sulfate groups, indicating that inhibitory activity is dependent upon the heparin fine structure. Molecular-docking simulations support the kinetic results and provide a plausible model for the size requirement, whereby positively charged, clamp-like regions at the ends of the interdomain crevice (elastase fold) are used by heparin to bridge the active site and inhibit activity.  相似文献   

In response to periodontal inflammation, host cells release matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that contribute to periodontal tissue breakdown unless the tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) neutralize their activity. In this study, the capacity of Porphyromonas gingivalis to inactivate TIMP-1 was investigated. Proteolytic digestion of TIMP-1 was monitored by SDS-PAGE and Western immunoblotting. Planktonic cells and biofilms of P. gingivalis degraded TIMP-1 with production of several lower molecular mass fragments. Incorporation of human serum in the assay mixture had no effect on the degradation of TIMP-1 by P. gingivalis, whereas a cysteine proteinase inhibitor caused a complete inhibition. Using a fluorogenic assay, it was found that TIMP-1 treated with P. gingivalis lost its capacity to inhibit MMP-9 activity. This study revealed the potential of P. gingivalis to inactivate TIMP-1 through proteolytic degradation. This phenomenon may contribute to increasing significantly the level of active MMPs in affected periodontal sites and subsequently favor tissue destruction.  相似文献   

Human neutrophil elastase (HNE), a serine protease, is involved in the regulation of inflammatory processes and controlled by endogenous proteinase inhibitors. Abnormally high levels of HNE can cause degradation of healthy tissues contributing to inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and also psoriasis and delayed wound healing. In continuation of our research on HNE inhibitors we have used the recently developed binding mode model for a group of cinnamic acid derivative elastase inhibitors and created bornyl (3,4,5-trihydroxy)-cinnamate. This ligand exhibited improved binding affinity predicted by means of free energy calculations. An organic synthesis scheme for the ligand was developed and its inhibitory activity was tested toward the isolated enzyme. Its IC(50) value was found to be three times lower than that of similar compounds, which is in line with the computational result showing the high potential of free energy calculations as a tool in drug development.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitor PI9 (PI9) is an intracellular 42-kDa member of the ovalbumin family of serpins that is found primarily in placenta, lung and lymphocytes. PI9 has been shown to be a fast-acting inhibitor of granzyme B in vitro, presumably through the utilization of Glu(340) as the P(1) inhibitory residue in its reactive site loop. In this report, we describe the inhibition of human neutrophil elastase by recombinant human PI9. Inhibition occurred with an overall K(i)' of 221 pM and a second-order association rate constant of 1.5 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), indicating that PI9 is a potent inhibitor of this serine proteinase in vitro. In addition, incubation of recombinant PI9 with native neutrophil elastase resulted in the formation of an SDS-resistant 62-kDa complex. Amino-terminal sequence analyses provided evidence that inhibition of elastase occurred through the use of Cys(342) as the reactive P(1) amino acid residue in the PI9 reactive site loop. Thus, PI9 joins its close relatives PI6 and PI8 as having the ability to utilize multiple reactive site loop residues as the inhibitory P(1) residue to expand its inhibitory spectrum.  相似文献   

The uncontrolled proteolytic activity in lung secretions during lung inflammatory diseases might be due to the resistance of membrane-bound proteases to inhibition. We have used a new fluorogenic neutrophil elastase substrate to measure the activity of free and membrane-bound human neutrophil elastase (HNE) in the presence of alpha1-protease inhibitor (alpha1-Pi), the main physiological inhibitor of neutrophil serine proteases in lung secretions. Fixed and unfixed neutrophils bore the same amounts of active HNE at their surface. However, the HNE bound to the surface of unfixed neutrophils was fully inhibited by stoichiometric amounts of alpha1-Pi, unlike that of fixed neutrophils. The rate of inhibition of HNE bound to the surface of unfixed neutrophils was the same as that of free HNE. In the presence of alpha1-Pi, membrane-bound elastase is almost entirely removed from the unfixed neutrophil membrane to form soluble irreversible complexes. This was confirmed by flow cytometry using an anti-HNE mAb. HNE activity rapidly reappeared at the surface of HNE-depleted cells when they were triggered with the calcium ionophore A23187, and this activity was fully inhibited by stoichiometric amounts of alpha1-Pi. HNE was not released from the cell surface by oxidized, inactive alpha1-Pi, showing that active inhibitor is required to interact with active protease from the cell surface. We conclude that HNE activity at the surface of human neutrophils is fully controlled by alpha1-Pi when the cells are in suspension. Pericellular proteolysis could be limited to zones of contact between neutrophils and subjacent protease substrates where natural inhibitors cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

We have modified the single cysteine residue of alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) with HgCl2, methylmethane thiosulfonate, oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and N-(1-anilinonaphthyl-4)maleimide (ANM). Whereas native alpha 1-PI combines rapidly and quasi-irreversibly with neutrophil elastase, the thiol-modified alpha 1-PI derivatives are dissociable reversible competitive inhibitors of the enzyme, with values of Ki in the range of 6-7 nM. Removal of the thiol modifications restores the rapid irreversible mode of inhibition. Once native alpha 1-PI has combined with neutrophil elastase, the enzyme-inhibitor complex retains a reactive thiol group, but the two proteins can no longer be dissociated by subsequent reaction with ANM, even after exposure to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From kinetic measurements of fluorescence, ANM-modified alpha 1-PI combines with neutrophil elastase via an apparent biomolecular process with a second order rate constant on the order of 10(5) M-1 S-1. We estimate a dissociation rate constant on the order of 10(-3) S-1. The emission of ANM-modified alpha 1-PI is increased in intensity and blue shifted from the maximum in ANM-modified cysteine, consistent with a predominantly nonpolar environment. Association with neutrophil elastase results in an additional blue shift with further increase in intensity, consistent with a further decrease in polarity of the environment of the cysteine. Modification with methylmethane thiosulfonate or GSSG results in a small decrease in quantum yield and a red shift in the tryptophan emission spectrum of the modified inhibitor, suggestive of increased polarity of the environment of at least 1 of the 2 tryptophan residues in alpha 1-PI. These changes are reversed by dithiothreitol and are consistent with a conformational change which transforms the inhibitory activity from a rapid, irreversible mode in native alpha 1-PI to a dissociable competitive mode in the mixed disulfide derivatives.  相似文献   

Human neutrophil cathepsin G was found to be unable to significantly stimulate the degradation of either bovine or human elastin by neutrophil elastase, using four different procedures to monitor digestion. A range of stimulations from 1.1 to 2.9-fold was found, with a 2.0-fold stimulation being the average found with the assays tested. These results contrast with those reported by Boudier et al. [(1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 10256-10258] who reported a five- to seven-fold stimulation of elastolysis of human lung elastin by cathepsin G, when present at a 2:1 molar ratio relative to elastase. Significantly, we found little stimulation of elastolysis with either human or bovine lung elastin as substrate while Boudier et al. found stimulation only with the human elastin. Thus, it would appear that cathepsin G does not play a predominant role as an elastolytic enzyme; rather, its role in this case may be one of binding to non-productive sites on the elastin surface.  相似文献   

Human neutrophil elastase was purified to homogeneity as two isozymes named E1 and E2. The isozymes degraded Type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan similarly to each other. The degradation of such basement membrane components by elastase may assist the extravasation of neutrophils in the process of inflammation. Among the substrates tested, only type V collagen, which is susceptible to neutrophil gelatinase, was resistant to elastase. This broad substrate specificity of the enzyme may also contribute to tissue destruction at the sites of inflammation. We produced a monoclonal antibody against the purified enzyme and applied it to immunohistochemical studies. In bronchopneumonia and polyarteritis nodosa, elastase was associated with the cleaved elastic fibers, indicating that the enzyme really destroys tissue in vivo. In the exudates of rheumatoid joint, elastase was stained as diffuse fine granules. Immunohistochemical studies with the monoclonal antibody will provide a complementary way to disclose the mechanism of diseases related to neutrophil infiltration.  相似文献   

Heparin depresses the second-order rate constant ka for the inhibition of neutrophil elastase by alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. High molecular mass heparin decreases ka from 1.3 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 to a limit of 4.6 x 10(4) M-1 s-1. Low molecular mass heparin is about 7-fold less effective. Dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are less efficient. Heparin preparations used in clinical care also strongly depress ka when tested at concentrations corresponding to their clinical efficacy. Heparin also decreases the ka for the elastase/eglin c and the cathepsin G/alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor systems but not that for the alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor/pancreatic elastase or trypsin pairs. These results, together with Sepharose-heparin binding studies, indicate that the ka-depressing effect of the polymer is related to its ability to form a tight complex with elastase but not with alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. One mol of high molecular mass heparin binds 3 mol of neutrophil elastase with a Kd of 3.3 nM. Low molecular mass heparin binds elastase with a 1:1 stoichiometry and a Kd of 89 nM. For both heparins ka is lowest when elastase is fully saturated with heparin. From this we conclude that heparin decreases ka, because the heparin-elastase complex is able to slowly react with alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor and not because the inhibitor slowly dissociates the heparin-elastase complex. These findings may have important pathophysiological bearing.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis techniques have been used to construct active site variants of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domain present in the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP-KD). Striking alteration of its protease inhibitory properties were obtained when the putative P1 residue, arginine, was replaced with the small hydrophobic residue valine. The altered protein was no longer inhibitory toward bovine pancreatic trypsin, human Factor XIa, mouse epidermal growth factor-binding protein, or bovine chymotrypsin, all of which are strongly inhibited by the unaltered APP-KD (Sinha, S., Dovey, H. F., Seubert, P., Ward, P. J., Blacher, R. W., Blaber, M., Bradshaw, R. A., Arici, M., Mobley, W. C., and Lieberburg, I. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 8983-8985). Instead, the P1-Val-APP-KD was a potent inhibitor of human neutrophil elastase, with a Ki = 0.8 nM, as estimated by the inhibition of the activity of human neutrophil elastase measured using a chromogenic substrate. It also inhibited the degradation of insoluble elastin by the enzyme virtually stoichiometrically. Replacement of the P1' (Ala) and P2' (Met) residues of P1-Val-MKD with the corresponding residues (Ser, Ile) from alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor resulted in an inactive protein, underscoring the mechanistic differences between the serpins from the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor family. These results confirm the importance of the P1 arginine residue of APP-KD in determining inhibitory specificity, and are also the first time that a single amino acid replacement has been shown to generate a specific potent human neutrophil elastase inhibitor from a human KD sequence.  相似文献   

Degradation of plasmodial antigens by human neutrophil elastase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human neutrophil elastase (HNE) has been well-studied with respect to its role in pathologic states, but less is known about the physiologic functions of this important granulocyte enzyme. In the present study, we show that HNE can degrade the major circumsporozoite protein of the infective (sporozoite) stage of Plasmodium vivax malaria, and that this enzyme can also interfere with the cytoadherence of human E infected with Plasmodium falciparum (strain K+ FMG-FCR3) (IE). Cytoadherence reactions are not only blocked by treatment of IE with as little as 10 fg HNE/IE, but already adherent IE are also removed by the enzyme. Normal E surface Ag are not extensively destroyed by these doses of HNE. This suggests that the effect of HNE on cytoadherence is selective and probably due to degradation of the malarial Ag exported to the IE surface and responsible for the formation of "recognition knobs" upon which the cytoadherence reaction depends. This conclusion, in turn, was supported by the results of Western blot analysis showing that HNE degrades a high m.w. Ag found exclusively in membrane extracts of IE. Our results suggest that one physiologic role of HNE may be degradation of parasitic antigens during host defense against malaria.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) is one representative of the natural matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor family, encompassing four members. It inhibits all MMPs, except several MT-MMPs, and a disintegrin with a metalloproteinase domain (ADAM)-10 with Kis < nM. Unexpectedly, its upregulation was associated to poor clinical outcome for several cancer varieties. Such finding might be related to the growth-promoting and survival activities of TIMP-1 for normal and cancer cells. In most cases, such properties are MMP-independent and binding of TIMP-1 to an unknown receptor system can trigger JAK (or FAK)/PI3 kinase/Akt/bad-bclX2 (erythroid, myeloid, epithelial cell lines) or Ras/Raf1/FAK (osteosarcoma cell line) signaling pathways. The relationship between viral infection and TIMP-1 expression is here underlined. Thus, TIMP-1 might display a dual influence on tumor progression; either beneficial by inhibiting MMPs as MMP-9 and by impairing angiogenesis or detrimental by favoring cancer cells growth or survival. We consider that the proMMP-9/TIMP-1 balance is of critical importance in early events of tumor progression, and might show promise as diagnostic and prognostic marker of malignancy.  相似文献   

Structure of the human neutrophil elastase gene   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The gene for human neutrophil elastase (NE), a powerful serine protease carried by blood neutrophils and capable of destroying most connective tissue proteins, was cloned from a genomic DNA library of a normal individual. The NE gene consists of 5 exons and 4 introns included in a single copy 4-kilobase segment of chromosome 11 at q14. The coding exons of the NE gene predict a primary translation product of 267 residues including a 29-residue N-terminal precursor peptide and a 20-residue C-terminal precursor peptide. Analysis of the N-terminal peptide sequence suggests it contains a 27-residue "pre" signal peptide followed by a "proN" dipeptide, similar to that of other blood cell lysosomal proteases. The sequences for the mature 218-residue NE protein are included in exons II-V. The 5'-flanking region of the gene includes typical TATA, CAAT, and GC sequences within 61 base pairs (bp) of the cap site. The sequence 1.5 kilobases 5' to exon I contains several interesting repetitive sequences including six tandem repeats of unique 52- or 53-bp sequences. The 5'-flanking region also contains a 19-bp segment with 90% homology to a segment of the 5'-flanking region of the human myeloperoxidase (MPO) gene, a gene also expressed in bone marrow precursor cells and a protein stored in the same neutrophil granules as NE. In addition, like the MPO gene, the NE 5'-flanking region has several regions with greater than or equal to 75% homology to sequences 5' to c-myc, but there is no overlap between the NE-c-myc and MPO-c-myc homologous sequences.  相似文献   

Invasion and metastasis are the primary causes of breast cancer mortality, and increased knowledge about the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes is highly desirable. High levels of hyaluronan in breast tumors have been correlated with poor patient survival. The involvement of hyaluronan in the early invasive phase of a clone of breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 that forms bone metastases was studied using an in vivo-like basement membrane model. The metastatic to bone tumor cells exhibited a 7-fold higher hyaluronan-synthesizing capacity compared with MDA-MB-231 cells predominately due to an increased expression of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2). We found that knockdown of HAS2 completely suppressed the invasive capability of these cells by the induction of tissue metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 (TIMP-1) and dephosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase. HAS2 knockdown-mediated inhibition of basement membrane remodeling was rescued by HAS2 overexpression, transfection with TIMP-1 siRNA, or addition of TIMP-1-blocking antibodies. Moreover, knockdown of HAS2 suppressed the EGF-mediated induction of the focal adhesion kinase/PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Thus, this study provides new insights into a possible mechanism whereby HAS2 enhances breast cancer invasion.  相似文献   

Mouse macrophage elastase, a metalloproteinase, catalytically inactivates human alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) by attacking a single peptide bond between Pro357 and Met358, resulting in Mr = 4,200 and 47,800 fragments. We show here that this proteolytically inactivated alpha 1-PI is a potent chemotactic factor for human neutrophils at a concentration of 1 nM. The chemotactic response is equivalent to that elicited by formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. Native alpha 1-PI does not stimulate chemotaxis. Purification of the two fragments of alpha 1-PI that result from proteolysis by macrophage elastase indicated that the Mr = 4,200 fragment is responsible for the chemotactic activity. However, the two proteolysis fragments do not dissociate from each other under physiologic conditions. Therefore, the ability of proteolytically inactivated alpha 1-PI to act as a mediator of inflammation is due to rearrangement of the alpha 1-PI molecule rather than to release of a cleavage fragment.  相似文献   

According to recent investigations, the C-terminal domain of the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) is responsible for some biological effects that are independent of the enzyme-inhibiting effect of the N-terminal domain of the molecule. The C-terminal domain has been prepared for structure-biological activity investigations. After the chemical synthesis and the folding of the linear peptide. LC-MS and MALDI-MS analysis revealed that two isomers with different disulphide bond arrangements were formed. Since more than 30 folding experiments resulted in products with a very similar HPLC-profile, it was concluded that in the absence of the TIMP-1 N-terminal domain no entirely correct folding of the C-terminal domain occurred. Furthermore, it was observed that, in spite of several purification steps, mercury(II) ions were bound to the 6SH-linear peptide; it was demonstrated--using disulphide bonded TIMP-1(Cys145-Cys166) as a model--that mercury(II) ions can cause peptide degradation at pH 7.8 as well as in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid.  相似文献   

The binding of pentosan polysulphate (SP54) to human polymorphonuclear leucocyte elastase (PMNE) and some of its natural and synthetic substrates has been investigated. Using an ion exchange (DE52) assay system the binding of SP54 to PMNE was found to be 100 times stronger than to collagen or proteoglycan (PG). While the order for in vitro binding of the drug to purified substrates was found to be PG greater than gelatin greater than type I collagen, in vivo experiments indicated that SP54 was localized in tissues rich in collagen. Using gel-exclusion chromatography it was shown that these tissues also contained proteinaceous components other than PG and collagen which interacted with SP54. These results indicate that the potent inhibitor activity of SP54 against PMNE (50% inhibition at 1.7 X 10(-7)M) probably occurs by a specific interaction with the enzyme rather than by substrate binding inhibition, although the latter interaction may be important for localising the drug in these tissues.  相似文献   

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