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Merkel cells (MCs) are neuroendocrine cells of unknown origin located in the skin. They are identified at electron microscopic level by electron dense granules, at light microscopic level by the presence of cytokeratins 8, 18, 19 and 20. Contradictory reports concerning the presence of other molecules of epithelial as well as neural origin prompted us to investigate whether there are distinct populations of human MCs. Here, we show the heterogeneous expression of villin, N-CAM, NGF-R, and neurofilaments in MCs. Synaptophysin is found in all MCs but with different intensity, nestin is absent. Expression patterns vary between interfollicular epidermis, hair follicles and glabrous epidermis. We conclude that there are distinct populations of MCs, but all populations contain markers for epithelial as well as neural cells. Putative functions of the distinct populations are discussed. A.-C. Eispert and F. Fuchs have contributed equally to the paper.  相似文献   

In testing for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) in 112 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma, 10 of 33 white patients (30%) and 15 of 79 Asian patients (19%) had a positive response to the antibody. The antibody profile to individual hepatitis C viral antigens and the presence of circulating hepatitis C viral RNA were determined in the 25 patients. The anti-HCV antibodies most frequently detected were toward the antigens from the core (C22) and NS3 regions. Serum hepatitis C viral RNA was present in 17 of the 25 patients (68%), and these patients tended to have serum levels of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases higher than those patients without viremia (136 +/- 22 U per liter versus 64 +/- 11 U per liter and 161 +/- 26 U per liter versus 79 +/- 14 U per liter, respectively, both P < .05). Of the 15 Asian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and anti-HCV, 4 (27%) had coexisting hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and 13 (87%) had antibodies to either hepatitis B core or surface antigen. Of the 10 white patients with anti-HCV, however, only 1 (10%) had hepatitis B virus antibodies (P < .01). Among 4 Asian patients with coexisting anti-HCV and HBsAg, 1 was found to have serum hepatitis B viral DNA and the other 3 had hepatitis C viral RNA. A history of blood transfusion was obtained from 12 of the 25 patients with anti-HCV (48%); 20 (80%) had coexisting cirrhosis. Our findings support the hypothesis that hepatitis C virus is an important etiologic agent in the development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in both white and Asian patients in the United States.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer(CRC)and hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)are the second and third most common causes of death by cancer,respectively.The etiologies of the two cancers are either infectious insult or due to chronic use of alcohol,smoking,diet,obesity and diabetes.Patho-logical changes in the composition of the gut microbiota that lead to intestinal inflammation are a common factor for both HCC and CRC.However,the gut microbiota of the cancer patient evolves with disease pathogenesis in unique ways that are affected by etiologies and envi-ronmental factors.in this review,we examine the chan-ges that occur in the composition of the gut microbiota across the stages of the HCC and CRC.Based on the idea that the gut microblota are an additional"lifeline"and contribute to the tumor microenvironment,we can observe from previously published literature how the microbiota can cause a shift in the balance from normal→ inflammation → diminished inflammation from early to later disease stages.This pattern leads to the hypothesis that tumor survival depends on a less pro-inflammatory tumor microenvironment.The differences observed in the gut microbiota composition between different disease etiologies as well as between HCC and CRC suggest that the tumor microenvironment is unique for each case.  相似文献   

The activity of L-GGT (EC, an enzyme catalyzing the intracellular biosynthesis of collagen, was determined in human primary hepatic cancer, acute viral hepatitis and cirrhotic liver tissues and compared to the mean level of enzyme activity in normal human liver tissues. The mean levels of L-GGT activity in primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC), acute viral hepatitis and cirrhotic tissues were 7.78, 2.69 and 2.16 times the mean level of enzyme activity in normal human liver tissues. The mean level of L-GGT activity in PHC was 3.61 times the mean level of L-GGT activity in cirrhosis and 2.90 times the mean value of liver enzyme activity in acute viral hepatitis. The findings in this study provide a basis for the highly elevated serum values of this intracellular enzyme in patients with primary hepatic cancer and the data indicate that L-GGT activity may be increased in primary liver cancer to compensate for an increased rate of collagen synthesis.  相似文献   

Liver cancers, majority of which are primary hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), continue to be on the rise in the world. Furthermore, due to the lack of effective treatments, liver cancer ranks the 4~(th) most common cause of male cancer deaths. Novel therapies are urgently needed. Over the last few years,immunotherapies, especially the checkpoint blockades and adoptive cell therapies of engineered T cells,have demonstrated a great potential for treating malignant tumors including HCC. In this review, we summarize the current ongoing research of antigen-specific immunotherapies including cancer vaccines and adoptive cell therapies for HCC. We briefly discuss the HCC cancer vaccine and then focus on the antigen-specific T cells genetically engineered with the T cell receptor genes(TCRTs) and the chimeric antigen receptor genes(CARTs). We first review the current options of TCRTs and CARTs immunotherapies for HCC, and then analyze the factors and parameters that may help to improve the design of TCRTs and CARTs to enhance their antitumor efficacy and safety. Our goals are to render readers a panoramic view of the current stand of HCC immunotherapies and provide some strategies to design better TCRTs and CARTs to achieve more effective and durable antitumor effects.  相似文献   

Two tropomyosin isoforms, human Tm5(NM1) and Tm3, were over-expressed in B35 rat neuro-epithelial cells to examine preferential associations between specific actin and tropomyosin isoforms and to determine the role tropomyosin isoforms play in regulating the drug susceptibility of actin filament populations. Immunofluorescence staining and Western blot analysis were used to study the organisation of specific filament populations and their response to treatment with two widely used actin-destabilising drugs, latrunculin A and cytochalasin D. In Tm5(NM1) cells, we observed large stress fibres which showed predominant co-localisation of beta-actin and low-molecular-weight gamma-tropomyosin isoforms. Tm3 cells had an abundance of cellular protrusions which contained both the beta- and gamma-actin isoforms, predominately populated by high-molecular-weight alpha- and beta-tropomyosin isoforms. The stress fibres observed in Tm5(NM1) cells were more resistant to both latrunculin A and cytochalasin D than filaments containing the high-molecular-weight tropomyosins observed in Tm3 cells. Knockdown of the over-expressed Tm5(NM1) isoform with a human-specific Tm5(NM1) siRNA reversed the phenotype and caused a reversal in the observed drug resistance. We conclude that there are preferential associations between specific actin and tropomyosin isoforms, which are cell type specific, but it is the tropomyosin composition of a filament population which determines the susceptibility to actin-targeting drugs.  相似文献   

alpha-Fetoprotein specimens were prepared from the sera of four patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The lentil lectin-reactive and lectin-nonreactive variants of this glycoprotein were also prepared from the serum of one of the four patients by affinity chromatography with immobilized lectin. The correlation between the carbohydrate structure of these compounds and their reactivity in crossed immuno-affinoelectrophoresis with lentil lectin was studied by chemical analysis and affinity chromatography of the glycopeptides with lectin columns. It was found that the lentil lectin-reactive variant contained a carbohydrate chain of the fucosylated biantennary complex type. These data together with previous findings indicate that most of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma have an elevated serum concentration of fucosylated alpha-fetoprotein.  相似文献   

CC chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) has an important role in the recruitment of leukocytes to the site of inflammation. The migration and metastasis of tumor cells shares many similarities with leukocyte trafficking, which is mainly regulated by chemokine receptor-ligand interactions. CCR1 is highly expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells and tissues with unknown functions. In this study, we silenced CCR1 expression in the human HCC cell line HCCLM3 using artificial microRNA (miRNA)-mediated RNA interference (RNAi) and examined the invasiveness and proliferation of CCR1-silenced HCCLM3 cells and the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. The miRNA-mediated knockdown expression of CCR1 significantly inhibited the invasive ability of HCCLM3 cells, but had only a minor effect on the cellular proliferation rate. Moreover, CCR1 knockdown significantly reduced the secretion of MMP-2. Together, these findings indicate that CCR1 has an important role in HCCLM3 invasion and that CCR1 might be a new target of HCC treatment.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have provided direct evidence for the existence of distinct cholesterol domains within the plasma membranes of human ocular lens fiber cells. The fiber cell plasma membrane is unique in that it contains unusually high concentrations of cholesterol, with cholesterol to phospholipid (C/P) mole ratios ranging from 1 to 4. Since membrane cholesterol content is disturbed in the development of cataracts, it was hypothesized that perturbation of cholesterol domain structure occurs in cataracts. In this study, fiber cell plasma membranes were isolated from both normal (control) and cataractous lenses and assayed for cholesterol and phospholipid. Control and cataractous whole lens membranes had C/P mole ratios of 3.1 and 1.7, respectively. Small angle x-ray diffraction approaches were used to directly examine the structural organization of the cataractous lens plasma membrane versus control. Both normal and cataractous oriented membranes yielded meridional diffraction peaks corresponding to a unit cell periodicity of 34.0 A, consistent with the presence of immiscible cholesterol domains. However, comparison of diffraction patterns indicated that cataractous lens membranes contained more pronounced and better defined cholesterol domains than controls, over a broad range of temperature (5-40 degrees C) and relative humidity (52-92%) levels. In addition, diffraction analyses of the sterol-poor regions of cataractous membranes indicated increased membrane rigidity as compared with control membranes. Modification of the membrane lipid environment, such as by oxidative insult, is believed to be one potential mechanism for the formation of highly resolved cholesterol domains despite significantly reduced cholesterol content. The results of this x-ray diffraction study provide evidence for fundamental changes in the lens fiber cell plasma membrane structure in cataracts, including the presence of more prominent and highly ordered, immiscible cholesterol domains.  相似文献   

Subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria exhibit unique biochemical and functional properties; however, their association with structural membrane proteins that control mitochondrial morphology and functionality in striated muscle tissue was never reported. In IMF and SS mitochondria isolated from rat heart and gastrocnemius muscle, we analysed the expression levels of mitofilin, a mitochondria-associated protein involved in organelle structure maintenance. The statistically significant higher amounts of mitofilin detected in IMF compared with SS mitochondria, 37-fold in cardiac tissue and 3.8-fold in gastrocnemius, together with the specific energetic requirements of these mitochondrial populations highlight the importance of mitofilin in oxidative phosphorylation functionality and in mitochondrial plasticity in striated muscle. The differential expression levels of mitofilin between IMF and SS also suggest that this protein can be used as a specific molecular marker to comparatively discriminate spatially distant mitochondrial populations.  相似文献   

A terminal case of giant cell hepatocellular carcinoma, subsequent to Hepatitis B-associated macronodular cirrhosis is presented, illustrated and discussed. The uncommon finding of malignant ascites, in itself atypical of hepatocellular carcinoma, with an almost exclusive content of giant cells as the cellular component, was a feature of this unusual variant of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

The floor plate is a morphologically distinct structure of epithelial cells situated along the midline of the ventral spinal cord in vertebrates. It is a source of guidance molecules directing the growth of axons along and across the midline of the neural tube. In the zebrafish, the floor plate is about three cells wide and composed of cuboidal cells. Two cell populations can be distinguished by the expression patterns of several marker genes, including sonic hedgehog (shh) and the fork head-domain gene fkd4: a single row of medial floor plate (MFP) cells, expressing both shh and fkd4, is flanked by rows of lateral floor plate (LFP) cells that express fkd4 but not shh. Systematic mutant searches in zebrafish embryos have identified a number of genes, mutations in which visibly reduce the floor plate. In these mutants either the MFP or the LFP cells are absent, as revealed by the analysis of the shh and fkd4 expression patterns. MFP cells are absent, but LFP cells are present, in mutants of cyclops, one-eyed pinhead, and schmalspur, whose development of midline structures is affected. LFP cells are absent, but MFP cells are present, in mutants of four genes, sonic you, you, you-too, and chameleon, collectively called the you-type genes. This group of mutants also shows defects in patterning of the paraxial mesoderm, causing U- instead of V-shaped somites. One of the you-type genes, sonic you, was recently shown to encode the zebrafish Shh protein, suggesting that the you-type genes encode components of the Shh signaling pathway. It has been shown previously that in the zebrafish shh is required for the induction of LFP cells, but not for the development of MFP cells. This conclusion is supported by the finding that injection of shh RNA causes an increase in the number of LFP, but not MFP cells. Embryos mutant for iguana, detour, and umleitung share the lack of LFP cells with you-type mutants while somite patterning is not severely affected. In mutants that fail to develop a notochord, MFP cells may be present, but are always surrounded by LFP cells. These data indicate that shh, expressed in the notochord and/or the MFP cells, induces the formation of LFP cells. In embryos doubly mutant for cyclops (cyc) and sonic you (syu) both LFP and MFP cells are deleted. The number of primary motor neurons is strongly reduced in cyc;syu double mutants, while almost normal in single mutants, suggesting that the two different pathways have overlapping functions in the induction of primary motor neurons.  相似文献   

A complementary way for the assessment of HCC prognosis is represented by the analysis of molecular markers. Thus, immunohistochemical assessment of proliferation can describe tumor aggressiveness, probability of local recurrence or metastasis potential, being very useful for the assessment of recurrence-free survival and survival until death. The aim of our study was to assess proliferating cell nuclear antigen activity in HCC and dysplastic nodules as compared with surrounding nonneoplasic areas. Immunohistochemical techniques were thus performed on the samples obtained by ultrasound-guided liver biopsies or intraoperative biopsies, in 32 patients with HCC, as well as in 3 patients with dysplastic nodules ocurring in liver cirrhosis. Expression of PCNA within extranodular areas of the HCC patients in the absence or presence of cirrhosis, was increasing from 40% to 70%, respectively. PCNA expression further increased within intranodular areas of dysplastic nodules and HCC, to 100% and 96.88%, respectively. A progressive increase of the mean values of PCNA-LI was also observed from extranodular areas without or with cirrhosis, towards intranodular areas of dysplastic nodules and HCC (4.2%, 6.8%, 31.9%, respectively). Dysplastic nodules can thus be considered lesions with a high-proliferation rate, representing an early stage of hepatocarcinogenesis. This supported the current recommendations for borderline hepatocellular nodules identified by ultrasound, which indicate an aggressive treatment similar to malignant lesions. In summary, we demonstrated a progressively increasing rate of cellular proliferation, from extranodular non-neoplasic areas to intranodular areas (dysplastic nodules and HCC), as reflected by an increased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen labelling index.  相似文献   

Summary A human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (FOCUS—Friendship of China and United States) was derived from a patient with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. This cell line has been in continuous culture over an 18-mo period. The morphological and ultrastructural features of FOCUS are consistent with its neoplastic hepatocellular orgin. FOCUS cells contain aspartate aminotransferase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity. In addition, α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, alpha fetoprotein, and carcinoembryonic antigens were detectble in the cytoplasm of the cultured cells by immunochemical staining techniques. The karyotype of the FOCUS cell is human in origin and it contains human DNA sequences as detected by molecular hybridization analysis. The FOCUS cells do not show evidence of density-dependent inhibition of growth under confluent conditions. Repeated growth curves over an 18-mo period were identical, revealing a doubling time of 42 to 48 h. The malignant potential of FOCUS cells was further demonstrated by their ability to lead to gross tumor formation after subcutaneous infection into nude mice. From one of the solid tumors grown in nude mice, recultured cell lines have been established and found to have properties identical to the original FOCUS cell line. This FOCUS cell line represents an additional model for further investigation of tumor specific antigens and the relationship between hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Preliminary molecular characterization has indicated the existence of integrated HBV sequences within the FOCUS genome.  相似文献   

c-Hc-4 has been established and maintained for more than seven years. The hepatocellular carcinoma originated in 45-year old man with liver cirrhosis. The cell grew in vitro forming a sheet of monolayered cells and firmly attaching to the inner surface of cultured flasks. Morphologically they showed epithelial-like pattern. The doubling time was about 20 hours. Their modal chromosome number was 58. Serial heterologous transplantation in nude mice was successful. The histological finding was almost the same patterns as those in the primary tumor. The cultured cells produced alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).  相似文献   

CD147 plays a critical role in the invasive and metastatic activity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells by stimulating the surrounding fibroblasts to secrete matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Tumor cells adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is the first step to the tumor metastasis. MMPs degrade the ECM to promote tumor metastasis. The aim of this research was to investigate the inhibitory effects of stealth small interfering RNA (siRNA) against CD147 on HCC cell line (SMMC-7721) metastatic properties including invasion, adhesion to ECM, gelatinase production, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and vinculin expression. Flow cytometry (FCM) and western blot assays were employed to detect the transfection efficiency of the stealth siRNA against CD147. Invasion assays and gelatin zymography were also used to detect the effects of stealth siRNA against CD147 on SMMC-7721 cells’ invasion and gelatinase production. The effects of stealth siRNA against CD147 on FAK and vinculiln expression in SMMC-7721 cells were also detected by western blot. The results showed that stealth siRNA against CD147 inhibited SMMC-7721 invasion, adhesion to ECM proteins, MMP-2 production, and FAK and vinculin expression. These findings indicate that CD147 is required for tumor cell invasion and adhesion. Perturbation of CD147 expression may have potential therapeutic uses in the prevention of MMP-2-dependent tumor invasion.  相似文献   

A human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (FOCUS--Friendship of China and United States) was derived from a patient with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. This cell line has been in continuous culture over an 18-mo period. The morphological and ultrastructural features of FOCUS are consistent with its neoplastic hepatocellular origin. FOCUS cells contain aspartate aminotransferase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity. In addition, alpha 1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, alpha fetoprotein, and carcinoembryonic antigens were detectable in the cytoplasm of the cultured cells by immunochemical staining techniques. The karyotype of the FOCUS cell is human in origin and its contains human DNA sequences as detected by molecular hybridization analysis. The FOCUS cells do not show evidence of density-dependent inhibition of growth under confluent conditions. Repeated growth curves over an 18-mo period were identical, revealing a doubling time of 42 to 48 h. The malignant potential of FOCUS cells was further demonstrated by their ability to lead to gross tumor formation after subcutaneous injection into nude mice. From one of the solid tumors grown in nude mice, recultured cell lines have been established and found to have properties identical to the original FOCUS cell line. This FOCUS cell line represents an additional model for further investigation of tumor specific antigens and the relationship between hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Preliminary molecular characterization has indicated the existence of integrated HBV sequences within the FOCUS genome.  相似文献   

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