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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between concentrations of Zn and Cu and the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in the heart and liver of young rat pups whose dams were fed a diet supplemented with caffeine and/or Zn. Four groups of dams with their newborn pups were fed one of the following diets for 22 d: 20% protein basal diet; the basal diet supplemented with caffeine (2 mg/100 body wt); the basal diet supplemented with Zn (300 mg/kg diet); or the basal diet supplemented with caffeine plus Zn. The Cu levels in the livers of the pups were decreased by maternal intake of the caffeine and Zn diet. The maternal intake of the caffeine diet increased Mn-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity and Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (CUZnSOD) in the heart of the pups. On the other hand, the activity of Cu,ZnSOD was significantly reduced in the liver of pups whose dams consumed a caffeine, Zn, or caffeine plus Zn diet. Cu, ZnSOD activity in the liver of the pups seems to be correlated with Cu levels in the tissue. Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in the heart and liver showed no difference among the groups. The effect of dietary caffeine and/or Zn on the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the heart and liver were different in young rats. The activities of these enzymes in the heart were lower than in the liver of 22-d-old rats. Our experiments indicate that the heart has limited defenses against the toxic effects of peroxides when compared to the liver.  相似文献   

采用尼龙网袋田间填埋培养法探究了外源施锌条件下石灰性土壤Zn有效性及形态转化对不同有机物料(作物秸秆、生物菌肥、黄腐酸和腐熟鸡粪)的响应.结果表明:与对照相比,Zn肥单施和与有机物料配施均显著提高了土壤全Zn含量(7.2%~13.8%)和DTPA-Zn含量(2.1~2.8倍).在施Zn条件下,有机物料对土壤全Zn和DTPA-Zn的贡献量表现为腐熟鸡粪>生物菌肥>玉米秸秆>黄腐酸,但外源锌的DTPA-Zn转化率以添加秸秆和生物菌肥处理最高.与单施Zn肥相比,有机物料与Zn配施处理显著提高了土壤有机质含量,促进了松结有机态Zn的形成,进而提高了土壤Zn转移因子,降低了Zn分配指数.不同物料与Zn肥配施土壤Zn有效性及形态转化之间存在差异,这可能与有机物料自身性质如腐熟度和含Zn量有关.尽管秸秆与Zn配施对DTPA-Zn含量的提升效果不及生物菌肥或腐熟鸡粪与Zn配施,但综合考虑环境和经济效益,其仍是改善缺锌石灰性土壤Zn有效性的最佳选择.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the consequences of a session of intensive short-duration exercise and Zn supplementation on different hematological variables. Forty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=10): the first nonsupplemented, maintained at rest (R); the second nonsupplemented, undergoing exercise (E); the third supplemented with Zn, kept at rest (ZnR); and the fourth supplemented with Zn, undergoing exercise (ZnE). Zinc supplements (200 ppm) were given in drinking water. The exercise consisted of a single session of swimming until exhaustion. At rest, RBC, Hb, and Hto fell (p<0.05), whereas red cell indices, MCV, and MCH rose (p<0.05) in +ZnR compared with R; MCHC remained unchanged (ZnR vs R). After exercise, RBC, Hb, and Hto increased significantly in E and in ZnE compared with R and ZnR, respectively. In addition, RBC and Hb were lower (p<0.01) in ZnE compared with E; however, MCV and MCH were higher (p<0.05) in the group ZnE vs E. With respect to white blood cells—leukocytes (WBC), limphocytes (LYMPH), and neutrophiles (NEUT)—no significant differences were observed between groups at rest (ZnR vs R). WBC and LYMPH increased significantly in E with respect to the rest situation (E vs R), but this did not happen in supplemented animals (ZnE vs ZnR). Level of pH decreased after exercise both in E and in ZnE, but the fall was lower in the latter. We believe that a single session of swimming until exhaustion leads to an increase in RBC, Hb, and Hto without causing changes in MCV, MCH, and MCHC. On the other hand, Zn supplementation leads to an increase of MCV and MCH, although they remain within normal levels. Furthermore, this supplementation produces lower metabolic acidoses after exercise that leads to leukocyte stability.  相似文献   

Large groups of male Swiss mice received per os on average 100 mg caffeine per kg body weight per day for 1 or 8 weeks. The dominant lethal test was designed to achieve maximum sensitivity in order to detect any possible mutagenic effect. No mutagenic induction of dominant lethals, pre-implantation egg loss or depression of the fertility of females, caused by caffeine at the dose levels administered were observed. The half life of caffeine, which was between 2.5 and 3 h, was similar in plasma and testicular tissue. It was concluded that caffeine did not accumulate in the testicular tissue of mice. The maximum concentration of caffeine found was below 10 microgram/g testicular tissue, which is about a 100 times lower than concentrations that cause chromosome aberrations in cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient that is required in humans and animals for many physiological functions, including immune and antioxidant function, growth, and reproduction. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of three Zn levels, including Zn adequate (35.94 mg/kg, as a control), Zn deficiency (3.15 mg/kg), and Zn overload (347.50 mg/kg) in growing male rats for 6 wk. This allowed for evaluation of the effects that these Zn levels might have on body weight, organ weight, enzymes activities, and tissues concentrations of Zn and Cu. The results showed that Zn deficiency has negative effects on growth, organ weight, and biological parameters such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and Cu−Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu−Zn SOD) activities, whereas Zn overload played an effective role in promoting growth, improving the developments of organs and enhancing immune system. Hepatic metallothionein (MT) concentration showed an identical increase tendency in rats fed both Zn-deficient and Zn-overload diets. The actual mechanism of reduction of Cu concentration of jejunum in rats fed a Zn-overload diet might involve the modulation or inhibition of a Cu transporter protein by Zn and not by the induction of MT.  相似文献   

李登楼  谢明仁 《生态科学》2021,40(2):110-115
为了探索苯污染对人类健康损伤作用的因素,选用SPF级Wistar大鼠为实验对象,分为4组:低剂量组灌胃苯0.19 g·kg-1,中剂量组灌胃苯0.38 g·kg-1,高剂量组灌胃苯0.76 g·kg-1,对照组灌胃菜籽油2 mL·kg-1;用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测脑组织中环核苷酸和相关蛋白的水平.结果发现,连...  相似文献   

Thirty-two wether lambs of Tan sheep were randomly assigned into four dietary treatment groups (eight per group) for an 8-wk study and then fed a basal diet deficient in Se (0.06 mg/kg) or diets supplemented to provide 0.10 mg/kg Se from sodium selenite, selenized yeast, and selenium-enriched probiotics, respectively. Blood samples were collected at d 0, 28, and 56 of the experiment and tissue samples were collected at experiment termination. Tissue and blood Se concentrations, blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities, and plasma interleukin levels were analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of Se in the kidney, liver, and muscle increased in all of the supplemented groups (p<0.01) compared with the control group. However, the Se concentrations in the kidney, liver, and muscle in the groups supplemented with Se yeast and Se-enriched probiotics were higher than those in the group supplemented with sodium selenite (p<0.01). The activities of GSH-Px and the concentrations of Se in blood also increased in all of the supplemented groups during the period of supplementation (p<0.01) compared with the control group. The activities of GSH-Px and the concentrations of Se in the whole blood of the lambs fed with selenized yeast and Se-enriched probiotics were higher than those of lambs fed with sodium selenite (p<0.01 or p<0.05). The concentrations of interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 in plasma significantly increased in all of the supplemented groups during the entire period of experiment (p<0.01) compared with the control group, but had no significant differences among all of the supplemented groups. In conclusion, a diet supplemented with Se for finishing lambs was able to increase the concentrations of Se in tissue and blood, activities of GSH-Px in blood, and levels of interleukins in plasma. Organic Se sources (selenized yeast and Se-enriched probiotics) were more effective than the inorganic Se source (sodium selenite) in increasing tissue and blood Se concentrations and blood GSH-Px activities of lambs. However, there were no significant differences in plasma interleukin levels of lambs between organic and inorganic Se sources.  相似文献   

Mineral and trace element interactions were studied in a balance trial with rats. Calcium, copper, and zinc were supplied to a rapeseed meal diet in a factorial design. Animals were fedad libitum, and absorption, excretion, and retention of the elements were evaluated either as fractions of total intake or in relation to nitrogen retention to account for differences in food intake and lean body mass increment. The intrinsic content of minerals and trace elements was sufficient to support growth at a rate that could be expected from the rapeseed protein quality. However, when calcium was included in the diet, the intrinsic dietary level of zinc appeared to be limiting, despite the fact that the zinc level was twice the recommended level. Additional zinc supply reversed growth impairment. This calcium-zinc interaction is believed to be owing to the formation of phytate complexes. Calcium addition influenced the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iron—but not the copper—balances. The addition of calcium reduced the availability of the intrinsic zinc, whereas no effect was seen in the zinc-fortified groups. The availability of intrinsic copper was in a similar way significantly impaired by addition of dietary zinc, where-as copper-supplied groups were unaffected by zinc addition. Intrinsic iron availability was also dependent upon zinc addition, although in a more ambigouus way. Thus, addition of extrinsic minerals to a diet high in phytate can result in significant impairments of growth and mineral utilization.  相似文献   

B. E. Juniper  J. R. Lawton 《Planta》1979,145(5):411-416
Caffeine, (1:3:7-tri-methyl-xanthine), either as a prefixation treatment or included with glutaralde-hyde as the primary fixative, destroys or disorganises the microtubules associated with the formation of secondary walls in fibres from the flowering stem of the grass Lolium temulentum L. There is no observable effect of caffeine treatment on the microtubules associated with primary wall formation in collenchyma and young fibres from L. temulentum or in root cap cells of Zea mays L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. The microtubules associated with primary wall formation are destroyed by cold treatment but not those associated with secondary wall formation. Tannic acid included in the fixative shows the microtubules associated with secondary wall formation in fibres of L. temulentum to be composed of 13 subunits. Treatment with lanthanum hydroxide does not stain the core or the halo of the microtubules.Abbreviation PIPES Piperazine N-N- bis 2 ethanol sulphonic acid The Grassland Research Institute is financed through the Agricultural Research Council  相似文献   

Increased plasma and tissue levels of vitamin E were found in spontaneously diabetic BB rats (D) as well as asymptomatic/diabetes-prone BB rats (AD) in comparison to levels in non-diabetic control rats (ND). Treatment of D rats with insulin for 30 days returned plasma and tissue values of vitamin E to control levels. The changes reported here could not be explained solely on the basis of variations in total lipid content of plasma. These data suggest the metabolism of vitamin E is altered in asymptomatic and spontaneously diabetic BB rats and this alteration returns to control values following insulin treatment. Furthermore, it might be speculated that these data indicate a relationship between vitamin E and insulin.  相似文献   

Garekani ET  Mohebbi H  Kraemer RR  Fathi R 《Peptides》2011,32(5):1008-1012
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of exercise training intensity/volume on plasma total and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin and tissue total adiponectin concentrations. Thirty-two, eight week-old male Wistar rats (185 ± 5 g) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: high intensity (HI: 34 m/min ∼%80-%85 VO2max), moderate intensity (MI: 28 m/min ∼%70-%75 VO2max), low intensity (LI: 20m/min ∼ %50-%55 VO2max), and sedentary control (SED). Experimental groups completed a 12-week exercise program of treadmill running at 0° slope, 1 h/day, 5 days/week. Since frequency and duration of exercise were identical among training groups, the volume of training was highest in the HI group followed by the MI and LI groups. Compared with SED animals, fasting plasma total and HMW adiponectin and adipose tissue total adiponectin concentrations were significantly higher in the HI and MI groups, but total adiponectin concentrations in liver and soleus muscle were not significantly lower than the SED rats. There were significantly lower plasma total testosterone levels in the HI group vs. SED group. Plasma total and HMW adiponectin were negatively correlated with HOMA-IR and insulin whereas total adiponectin was inversely related to TNF-α and HMW adiponectin was negatively correlated with total testosterone. Thus, data suggest there is a dose effect for exercise training intensity and accompanying volume for the adaptation of adipose tissue and circulating total and HMW adiponectin concentrations, whereas the changes of adiponectin concentrations in skeletal muscle and liver tissue may depend on the body's energy balance in the recovery period.  相似文献   

In previous studies, sodium pivalate has been administered to rats in their drinking water (20 mmoles/L; equivalent to 0.3% of the diet) as a way to lower the concentration of carnitine in tissues and to produce a model of secondary carnitine deficiency. Although this level of supplementation results in a marked decrease in carnitine concentration in a variety of tissues, it does not produce the classical signs of carnitine deficiency (i.e., decreased fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis). The present study was designed (1) to determine if increasing the level of pivalate supplementation (0.6, 1.0% of the diet) would further reduce the concentrations of total and free carnitine in rat tissues without altering growth or food intake, and (2) to examine the effect of length of feeding (4 vs. 8 weeks) on these variables. Male, Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to either a control (0.2% sodium bicarbonate) or experimental diet (0.3, 0.6, 1.0% sodium pivalate) for either four or eight weeks. Animals (n = 6/group) were housed in metabolic cages; food and water were provided ad libitum throughout the study. Supplementation with sodium pivalate did not alter water intake or urine output. Ingestion of a diet containing 1.0% pivalic acid decreased food intake (g/day; P < 0.05), final body weight (P < 0.007), and growth rate (P < 0.001) after four weeks. The concentration of total carnitine in plasma, heart, liver, muscle, and kidney was reduced in all experimental groups (P < 0.001), regardless of level of supplementation or length of feeding. The concentration of free carnitine in heart, muscle, and kidney was also reduced (P < 0.001) in rats treated with pivalate for either four or eight weeks. The concentration of free carnitine in liver was reduced in animals supplemented with pivalate for eight weeks (P < 0.05), but no effect was observed in livers from rats treated for four weeks. Excretion of total carnitine and short chain acylcarnitine in urine was increased in pivalate supplemented rats throughout the entire feeding period (P < 0.001). Free carnitine excretion was increased during Weeks 1 and 2 (P < 0.01), but began to decline during Week 3 in experimental groups. During Weeks 6 and 8, free carnitine excretion in pivalate supplemented rats was less than that of control animals (P < 0.01). In summary, no further reduction in tissue carnitine concentration was observed when rats were supplemented with sodium pivalate at levels greater than 0.3% of the diet. Food intake (g/day) and growth were decreased in rats fed a diet containing 1.0% sodium pivalate. These data indicate that maximal lowering of tissue carnitine concentrations is achieved by feeding diets containing 0.3% sodium pivalate or less.  相似文献   

The effect of thiocetamide-induced liver cirrhosis on plasma and tissuemanganese levels and the protective role of selenium, zinc and allopurinolsupplements was investigated in rats. Control plasma and liver manganese(Mn) levels were found to be (mean ± SD): 8.4 ± 2.4 mg/L and5.7 ± 1.5 mg/g wet weight respectively. Plasma manganese levels weresignificantly increased (p < 0.001) whereas liver manganese levels weresignificantly reduced (p < 0.05) in the cirrhotic rats. Treatment withselenium, zinc and allopurinol reversed this trend and restored themanganese levels close to the normal values. Lung, spleen, and kidneymanganese levels under control conditions were considerably lower than thatof the liver tissue. However, these levels registered a significant increase(p < 0.05) in cirrhotic rats and this change was normalized after selenium,zinc and allopurinol treatment. There were no significant differences in thecomparative efficacy of each of these protective agents. Zinc supplementconsiderably increased the plasma zinc levels and plasma Zn/Mn ratio had agood correlation with plasma zinc concentration. This ratio wassignificantly reduced in cirrhotic rats, but returned to the control levelafter zinc, selenium and allopurinol treatment. The results of this studyindicate that the trace element, manganese, plays an important role instabilizing cell structure and that this effect is mediated possibly bypreserving the antioxidant activity of the tissues.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) levels of fingernails were measured in 135 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and compared with the sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Zinc levels in OI nails were significantly higher than that in normal subjects, but in cases and controls Ca and Mg levels were not significantly different. The ratios of Ca/Zn and Mg/Zn in OI nails differed significantly from those in controls, but a similar Ca/Mg ratio was found in nails of both groups. These results suggest that Zn levels in fingernails may reflect abnormal Zn metabolism in OI. To determine Zn metabolism changes in OI, further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Studies performed on adult female rats over a period of 10 weeks indicated that the consumption of alcohol (20% v/v) did not appear to disturb the zinc or copper balance, nor did it adversely affect tissue zinc or copper levels, even in zinc-restricted animals. On the contrary, higher plasma zinc levels were consistently observed in animals receiving alcohol together with the experimental diets.  相似文献   

Plasma essential trace elements, selenium, copper, zinc, and iron concentrations and the levels of immunoregulatory cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2r), IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were evaluated in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) to investigate a possible role of these cytokines on selenium, zinc, copper, and iron homeostasis in CL patients. Plasma albumin levels were measured as an index of nutritional status. Plasma selenium, zinc, and iron concentrations, and IL-2r levels were significantly lower, and copper concentrations and IL-1β, IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were significantly higher in patients with CL than those of healthy controls. There was no significant difference in plasma albumin levels between two groups. There were positive important correlations between plasma selenium and IL-2r, copper and IL-6, and copper and IL-1β, and negative correlations between selenium and IL-8, iron and TNF-α, and zinc and IL-1β contents in patients with CL. Our results showed that plasma trace element contents change in patients with CL. These changes may not be a result of a specific deficiency from dietary inadequacies or imbalances, but, probably, a result of a part of the defense strategies of an organism that is regulated by immunoregulatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Oral application of 700 mg/kg salicylic acid to pregnant and nonpregnant female rats caused an increase of serum Mg2+ and a decrease of serum Ca2+ concentration. The salicylate effect was drastically enhanced by Zn deficiency. The increase in serum Mg2+ is probably caused by the nephrotoxicity of salicylate. The decrease of serum Ca2+ concentration is combined with an increase of parathyroid hormone concentration in serum. Probably, salicylate and Zn deficiency inhibit Ca2+ mobilization by parathyroid hormone in bone.  相似文献   

Zinc absorption may be estimated by measuring the area under the plasma zinc curve following the ingestion of a zinc supplement. The aim of this study is to determine the reproducibility of such a response when a small dose of zinc is administered to healthy volunteers. Five female subjects were asked to consume 4.5 mg elemental zinc, and blood samples were obtained at 30 min intervals for 5 h. The experiment was repeated in the same volunteers 12–16 d later. The area under the plasma zinc curve was 30% lower after the second zinc tolerance test compared with the first (11.0 vs 15.8 μmol/1 h). This difference could not be explained by differences in the fasting plasma zinc levels (12.9 μmol/L Experiment one, 15.1 μmol/L Experiment 2) nor was it related to technical or clinical parameters. The area under the curve after 5 h was strongly correlated with the response after 4 h. Hence we conclude that a small dose of zinc can be used to determine zinc absorption and a shorter experimental period may be used. However, trials must be designed to take into account the sequence variability in the response.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc deficiency and supplementation on plasma leptin levels were studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. After 6 wk on a zinc-deficient diet containing 0.65 ppm Zn/g, the mean body weight was significantly lower than that of normal or zinc-supplemented rats, which showed no difference among them. The plasma leptin and zinc levels were lowest in zinc-deficient animals and highest in those that received a normal diet and daily intraperitioneal injections of 3 mg Zn/kg. These results indicate that zinc deficiency leads to a significant inhibition in plasma leptin levels, whereas zinc supplementation significantly increases plasma leptin.  相似文献   

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