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Abstract Complete dichogamy occurs when temporal separation prevents any overlap in male and female function within and among flowers of one or more inflorescences. Although dichogamy may increase outcrossing and prevent inbreeding, it also results in the presentation of inflorescences with different floral resources. Pollinators may prefer one gender over the other based on these differences, which can reduce the transfer of pollen to conspecific stigmas and reduce floral resources for effective pollinators. We investigated whether the insect visitors of Trachymene incisa (Apiaceae), an Australian herb demonstrating complete protandry at the umbel level, show a preference for male or female umbels. The male phase umbels present pollen and nectar, whereas the female phase umbels offer nectar only. Therefore, we expect pollen‐collecting insects to favour male umbels, whereas insects that forage only for nectar will favour female umbels. In natural patches that exhibited a male umbel bias, insects showed a preference for male phase umbels at Agnes Banks in 2003 and at Myall Lakes in both 2003 and 2004. By contrast, insects showed no preference for umbel phases, visiting umbels at a similar frequency to which they occurred, at Agnes Banks in 2004 and at Tomago in both 2003 and 2004. This suggests spatial and temporal variation in insect preferences for umbel phases that differ in floral rewards. In experimental arrays where the umbel gender ratio was equal, there were no significant differences between male and female umbels in terms of insect visitation during a foraging trip and mean foraging time per visit. The differing patterns of preference may be due to a differential response by insects when the umbel ratios vary, where a male bias in umbel genders leads to a preference for male umbels, whereas an equal umbel gender ratio leads to equal visitation to male and female phase umbels.  相似文献   

Leaf surfaces of the native Heracleum sphondylium, the alien Heracleum mantegazzianum and the interspecific hybrid were examined using SEM and light microscopy. The surfaces differed in hairiness, especially in the length of the hairs, although the hairs did not differ in general form, or distribution on the leaf surface. Stomata differed little in length, width or frequency, but there were differences in the sort of stomata in relation to the surrounding epidermal cells. The hybrid material was intermediate between the parental species, and sometimes displayed aberrant trichomes that were contorted in contiguous pairs. The results are discussed in relation to other work on the epidermal features of the Umbelliferae: as a means of discriminating the three taxa, and in relation to the ecological distributions of the species.  相似文献   

We investigated the pollination system and movement patterns of pollinators among flowers of the nectarless, monoecious vine Akebia quinata in natural populations and experimental floral arrays. Female flowers did not offer any rewards for pollinators and were larger than male flowers. Pollinators of A.quinata , such as small solitary bees and hoverflies, clearly discriminated between male and female flowers. Hoverflies always visited male flowers and rarely visited female flowers. In contrast, solitary bees tended to visit female flowers first when entering the array, but then switched to male flowers within the same foraging bout. This tendency disappeared when the sepal size of female flowers was experimentally reduced to the size of male flowers. Thus, observed non-randomness in flower choice by solitary bees may be caused by female>male sexual dimorphism and may increase the chance of cross-pollination and lower the probability of geitonogamous pollination in a single visit to a plant. Therefore, floral sexual dimorphism in A.quinata is considered to be an adaptation for deceptive pollination associated with discriminating pollinators.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusSanicula (sect.Sanicoria) endemic to the southern Sierra Juárez of Baja California, Mexico, is described and illustrated.Sanicula moranii resemblesS. deserticola andS. bipinnatifida, but has thicker basal leaves, with broader petioles and rachises, and shorter fruit prickles that are confined to the apical part of the mericarps. The taxonomic relationships of these species are discussed, along with aspects of their distribution and habitat.
Resumen  Una neuva especie del géneroSanicula (secciónSanicoria) endémica de la Sierra Juárez de Baja California, México, es descrita e ilustrada.Sanicula moranii presenta similitud conS. deserticola yS. bipinnatifida, no obstante tiene gruesas hojas basales con pecíolos y raquis anchos, y espínulas del fruto más cortas que se distribuyen únicamente en la parte apical de los mericarpos. Además, se comentan las relaciones taxonómicas de las tres especies, así como algunos aspectos de sus distribuciones y hábitats.

Cymopterus constancei is described as new from mostly western portions of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and from eastern Utah and Arizona. It has been confused withC. bulbosus A. Nelson but differs in several features of its bractlets, phenology, and habitat. The novelty is among the earliest of the native flora to bloom and is quite uniform morphologically. The number of collections encountered exceeds 200, a fourfold increase, in the past 22 years.  相似文献   

Floral scent, often a complex mixture of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs), has generally been interpreted as an adaptation to attract pollinators. However, not many studies have analysed which VOCs are functionally relevant for the reproductive success of a plant. Here, we show that, in Salix caprea (Salicaceae), temporal changes in floral scent emission during the day and night attract two different types of flower visitor: bees during the day and moths during the evening and night. We analysed the contribution of the two flower visitor groups to the reproductive success of the plant. The differences in scent emitted during the peak activity times of flower visitors (day versus night) were quantified and the response of 13 diurnal/nocturnal pollinator taxa to the floral scents was tested using gas chromatographic and electroantennographic techniques. Many of the c. 40 identified scent compounds were physiologically active, and bees and moths responded to nearly identical sets of compounds, although the response strengths differed. In bioassays, bees preferred the most abundant 1,4‐dimethoxybenzene over lilac aldehyde, a compound with increased emission at night, whereas moths preferred lilac aldehyde over 1,4‐dimethoxybenzene. Pollination by wind plus nocturnal pollinators (mainly moths) or by wind alone contributed less to seed set than pollination by wind plus diurnal pollinators (mainly bees). This suggests that the emission of scent during the night and attracting moths have no significant effect on reproductive success. It is possible that the emission of lilac aldehydes and other compounds at night is s result of phylogenetic constraints. Future studies should investigate whether moths may produce a marginal fitness gain in some years and/or some populations. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 624–640.  相似文献   

Penland's beardtongue, a rare endemic plant of the Colorado Plateau, displays a mixed breeding system. Plants are partially self-compatible but set more fruits when cross-pollinated than when self-pollinated. Fruit production is significantly increased by pollinators. However, in two years of study there was no indication that fruit set was being limited by inadequate pollinator visitation. Pollinator effectiveness was judged by correlating bee behavior at the flowers with analysis of the pollen carried on bee bodies. The most important pollinators were native megachilid bees, particularly in the genusOsmia. The bees that pollinate Penland's beardtongue are essential to its reproduction and must be preserved along with this rare plant.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

If stabilizing selection by pollinators is a prerequisite for pollinator-mediated floral evolution, spatiotemporal variation in the pollinator assemblage may confuse the plant–pollinator interaction in a given species. Here, effective pollinators in a living fossil plant Nelumbo nucifera (Nelumbonaceae) were examined to test whether beetles are major pollinators as predicted by its pollination syndrome.


Pollinators of N. nucifera were investigated in 11 wild populations and one cultivated population, and pollination experiments were conducted to examine the pollinating role of two major pollinators (bees and beetles) in three populations.

Key Results

Lotus flowers are protogynous, bowl shaped and without nectar. The fragrant flowers can be self-heating during anthesis and produce around 1 million pollen grains per flower. It was found that bees and flies were the most frequent flower visitors in wild populations, contributing on average 87·9 and 49·4 % of seed set in Mishan and Lantian, respectively. Beetles were only found in one wild population and in the cultivated population, but the pollinator exclusion experiments showed that beetles were effective pollinators of Asian sacred lotus.


This study indicated that in their pollinating role, beetles, probable pollinators for this thermoregulating plant, had been replaced by some generalist insects in the wild. This finding implies that contemporary pollinators may not reflect the pollination syndrome.  相似文献   

Two species of Tauschia—T. spellenbergii from Chihuahua and T. beruloides from Michoacán and México—are described as new.  相似文献   

The reproductive interactions of a specialized plant/pollinator system involving Asplundia uncinata Harling (Cyclanthaceae) and a derelomine flower weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Derelomini) were studied at La Selva, Costa Rica. The inflorescences of A. uncinata exhibit a suite of cantharophilous characters including a precisely synchronized anthesis, protogyny, thermogenesis, olfactory attraction of visitors via modified staminodes, and narrow interfloral entrances. The weevil pollinators use the inflorescences for feeding, mating, and oviposition. The larvae are detritivorous and develop either in the detaching staminate flowers or, at a more favorable rate, in the rotting infructescences. The rate of infructescence abortion was high and caused by low levels of pollination. Manual pollination treatments yielded significantly higher seed counts than obtained under natural conditions, and furthermore demonstrated the inflorescences' ability to reproduce via geitonogamy. In the longer term, the reproductive benefits of maintaining low levels of pollination may shift away from the weevils and towards the plants via an increase in the size of the pollinator population.  相似文献   

Martina Weber 《Protoplasma》1988,146(2-3):65-71
Summary The metabolism of P-particles (polysaccharide particles) was investigated in mature pollen grains ofEryngium campestre L. Numerous P-particles, originating from dictyosome activity, are found to be accumulated near the apertures, followed by mitochondria. A single layer of ER profiles seems to prevent the fusion of the P-particles with the intine. Instead of this, they fuse with each other forming nonmembrane-bounded polysaccharide-aggregates, which subsequently change their granulated structure to an amorphous. Mitochondria together with small vesicles are involved in the conversion-process. The so formed wall precursors pass through the ER and fuse into the intine.  相似文献   

Bombus terrestris , a typical pollinating insect species, was offered artificial flowers of two different corolla colours with the same sucrose solution reward in an array. Common colours were significantly preferred, and the strength of the frequency-dependent response increased as a result of learning. There were also frequency-independent biases towards blue flowers, probably because blue flowers appeared more conspicuous to bumblebees than yellow flowers, and the degree of preference for blue was greater when flowers had low nectar rewards. Flower-to-flower movements by individual bumblebees between flowers were non-random, were biased to movements within the same flower colour, and were also dependent on morph frequency. The mechanisms governing flower selection in bumblebees are discussed. Pollinators foraging similarly in a natural situation would induce positive frequency-dependent selection, assortative mating, and directional selection on different corolla colour morphs of the plant population being visited, resulting in stabilizing selection for a single flower colour.  相似文献   

Hummingbird pollination is documented for a natural population ofStenorrhynchos lanceolatus Aublet. L. C. Rich. occurring in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. At the study site the plants are pollinated byPhaethornis eurynome (Phaethorninae),Thalurania glaucopis (females only) andLeucochloris albicollis (Trochilinae). The plants offer nectar as a reward and the pollinaria become stuck to the surface of the hummingbird's bill while it is probing the flowers. The orchid population received a few (0–4) hummingbird visits per day, with about 83% of the flowers being pollinated. In spite of the low frequency of visits, the granular structure of the pollinarium plus the behaviour of the most frequent pollinators, which tend to visit all the fresh-looking flowers of each inflorescence, a very high fruiting success was promoted. Experimental evidence suggests that the pollinaria may remain up to 6.30 hours on the hummingbird's bill, enhancing the chances of cross-pollination and long-distance pollen flow.  相似文献   

Gómez JM 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):412-418
In this study, the non-additivity of effects of herbivores and pollinator on fitness of the plant Erysimum mediohispanicum (Cruciferae) has been experimentally tested. The abundance and diversity of the pollinator assemblage of plants excluded from and exposed to mammalian herbivores, and the combined effect of pollinators and herbivores on plant reproduction were determined over a period of 2 years. Pollinator abundance was higher and diversity was lower on plants excluded from herbivores. Furthermore, the experimental exclusions demonstrated that both pollinators and herbivores affected plant fitness, but their effects were not independent. Herbivores only had a detrimental effect on plant fitness when pollinators were present. Similarly, pollinators enhanced fitness only when herbivores were excluded. This outcome demonstrates that the importance of pollinators for plant fitness depends on the occurrence of herbivores, and suggests that herbivores may hamper pollinator-mediated adaptation in plants.  相似文献   

We studied an isolated population of Campanula rapunculus and two oligolectic bee species of Chelostoma (Megachilidae), their main pollinators. The population of C. rapunculus consisted of 2808 plants. Measurements of pollen flow showed that 3.7% of the pollen produced by a flower contribute to pollination, 95.5% was collected by bees for their offspring and 0.8% remained on the styles. Pollen analyses of brood cells of Chelostoma rapunculi revealed that females collected on average 4.9 million Campanula pollen to rear one bee. We calculated that approximately 1588 bees of this species could have been reared at the study site during the studied season. The amount of potentially viable pollen deposited on stigmas was 3.6 to 10.7 times higher than the number of ovules. We discuss morphological features of the flowers which may lower the pollen removal rate per bee visit and consequently cause a high visitation and pollination rate.The study was supported by a joint project CAPES / DAAD (Probral 112/00). We thank NaBu (Naturschutzbund) Bonn and the Untere Landschaftsbehörde Siegburg for the permission to work at the Natural Reserve Dünstekoven.  相似文献   

ITS sequences of members of Peucedanum and its segregates (Cervaria, Holandrea, Imperatoria, Oreoselinum, Pteroselinum, Thysselinum, Tommasinia, and Xanthoselinum), as well as representatives of other members of the previously identified Angelica and Arracacia clades, were analysed using distance, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony methods in order to establish their phylogenetic relationships. The Angelica and Arracacia clades comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group that is formally recognised as tribe Selineae. The genus Holandrea, expanded to include Cervaria caucasica and Peucedanum achaicum, is distantly related to the other peucedanoid genera. The remaining segregates are closely related to one another and to Peucedanum sensu stricto. The genera Seseli and Selinum are polyphyletic. Members of the genus Angelica form a single clade that also includes representatives of Selinum and Sphenosciadium. New combinations in Holandrea (H. caucasica, H. achaica) and Angelica (A. capitellata) are proposed, and Selinum pyrenaeum is recognised in Angelica (A. pyrenaea).  相似文献   

Caladenia behrii, a sexually deceptive orchid, is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic to the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. We examined pollination success among individuals of different colours and heights in three populations of C. behrii in the northern Adelaide region. The labellum of C. behrii varies from cream to deep maroon. Over five years, the pollination success (pollinia deposited on stigma) of four colour groups (maroon, maroon and cream, hatched, and cream) was assessed for a total of 782 flowers. Labellum colour had no effect on the pollination success of individuals, indicating no frequency-dependent selection. It is likely that pollinators use the sexual pheromone mimic produced by the flowers as the main orientation cue. For three years the height of pollinated C. behrii individuals was recorded, along with the height of the nearest non-pollinated neighbour (distance of labellum from the ground, rather than stem length). Although a range of different heights was pollinated at population level, individual flowers that were taller than their closest neighbours were significantly more likely to be pollinated. Flower head height was not correlated with opening date and was greater for orchids growing among grass-tree leaves. Results imply that pollinators are more successful in finding tall flowers than short ones for visual and/or olfactory reasons; however, the effect of height preference is eliminated at population level.  相似文献   

Variation patterns of flower colour in some species of theAnemoneae can be correlated with edaphic variables. These examples are used in the argument that discriminative pollination through colour responsive pollen vectors is not the sole cause for non-randomness in intraspecific flower colour distributions. Some possible reasons for genetic linkage between genes controlling edaphic responses and genes controlling flower pigmentation are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to study, with the use of video-recordering and computerized methods, the flight and wing movement behavior in two wing morphs of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus during the first 14 days of their adult life. We demonstrated the capability of macropterous males and females of this heteropteran to flap their fore- and hindwings for the first time. Flight was not observed in any of the tested males and females. We revealed that wing flapping does not occur earlier than on the fourth and fifth day after adult emergence in males and females, respectively. Time-series analysis of the obtained data showed that the maximum activity of wing flaps is limited to the light phase of the 12-h light/12-h dark photocycle, with the peak occurring in the morning, i.e., about 3 h after turning the light on. No substantial differences in the peaks of wing flapping activities in males versus females were found. The present paper is the first experimental demonstration of wing flap activity in a representative species with a nonfunctional alary polymorphism.  相似文献   

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