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The simplest ligand binding model that can account for systems which consist of heterogeneous receptors that show site-site interactions and can react with several types of ligands was presented. This model was based on the grand canonical partition function whose properties and potentialities for obtaining binding functions are briefly illustrated. A computer simulation of this model was carried out in order to examine the contributions of site-site interactions on the shape of binding isotherms and on specificity curves. The shape of the binding isotherms was shown to be independent regardless of whether the path of binding was considered. However, the shape of the specificity curves was strongly dependent on site-site interactions and on the particular sequence of ligand-receptor configurations formed during the ligand binding process, leading to the conclusion that site-site interactions may influence the specificity of a system more than even very strong cross-reactions. A method based on the Ising model of statistical mechanics was also described and was used for obtaining binding functions applicable to infinite lattices which show site-site interactions and competitive binding. The results presented here point out possible errors that can arise if standard statistical methods are used to fit binding data in order to prove a given binding model.  相似文献   

Proteins G and PAB are bacterial albumin-binding proteins expressed at the surface of group C and G streptococci and Peptostreptococcus magnus, respectively. Repeated albumin-binding domains, known as GA modules, are found in both proteins. The third GA module of protein G from the group G streptococcal strain G148 (G148-GA3) and the second GA module of protein PAB from P.magnus strain ALB8 (ALB8-GA) exhibit 59% sequence identity and both fold to form three-helix bundle structures that are very stable against thermal denaturation. ALB8-GA binds human serum albumin with higher affinity than G148-GA3, but G148-GA3 shows substantially broader albumin-binding specificity than ALB8-GA. The (15)N nuclear magnetic resonance spin relaxation measurements reported here, show that the two GA modules exhibit mobility on the picosecond-nanosecond time scale in directly corresponding regions (loops and termini). Most residues in G148-GA3 were seen to be involved in conformational exchange processes on the microsecond-millisecond time scale, whereas for ALB8-GA such motions were only identified for the beginning of helix 2 and its preceding loop. Furthermore, and more importantly, hydrogen-deuterium exchange and saturation transfer experiments reveal large differences between the two GA modules with respect to motions on the second-hour time scale. The high degree of similarity between the two GA modules with respect to sequence, structure and stability, and the observed differences in dynamics, binding affinity and binding specificity to different albumins, suggest a distinct correlation between dynamics, binding affinity and binding specificity. Finally, it is noteworthy in this context that the module G148-GA3, which has broad albumin-binding specificity, is expressed by group C and G streptococci known to infect all mammalian species, whereas P.magnus with the ALB8-GA module has been isolated only from humans.  相似文献   

Investigations of the coenzyme specificity of N5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferases of diverse biological origin revealed previously unrecognized differences between Escherichia coli methyltransferase and the corresponding enzymes of other species. Cyanocobalamin (CNCbl) actively supports methyltransferase in extracts of animal tissues and E. coli. Cobinamide is more active than CNCbl with rat liver methyltransferase; however, it is non-competitively inhibitory with E. coli enzyme. E. coli methyltransferase, but not rat liver enzyme, is competitively inhibited by alpha-ribazole 3'-phosphate and 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazole, two moieties of the nucleotide loop. This suggests that animal enzyme binds its corrinoid coenzyme at a site on the corrin macro-ring, while E. coli enzyme binds to the nucleotide loop as well as the macro-ring.  相似文献   

K M Weeks  D M Crothers 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10281-10287
RNA recognition by the HIV Tat protein is mediated in part by an arginine- and lysine-rich basic subdomain implicated as a signature element in proteins that bind RNA. Relative RNA binding affinities for a 14-residue peptide derived from Tat that spans the basic region are determined using a competition protocol. Binding specificity is compared with complexation by a 38-residue model for the RNA binding domain of Tat using the same approach. Binding strength for the minimal (14 residue) peptide is correlated with that for the longer peptide: both peptides recognize a short, bulged duplex. However, the shorter peptide dissociates more rapidly from the wild-type site and discriminates less well between nonspecific (double-stranded RNA) and specific sites. Relative dissociation constants for 38-residue peptide determined from direct partition and competition assays differ; the former assay consistently predicts stronger discrimination against RNAs with mutations in the stems flanking the bulge. Differences between the two assays are reconciled in terms of contributions from labile binding which is unstable to native gel electrophoresis. Kinetic stability may constitute a major specificity determinant for basic subdomain-mediated recognition of RNA.  相似文献   

The binding interactions of N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid and N,N' diacetyl-chitobiose (GlcNAc-beta-1,4-GlcNAc), observed in crystal complexes of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) at four independent sites/monomer, were analyzed and compared with the modeling program HINT (Hydropathic INTeractions). This empirical method allows assessment of relative ligand binding strength and is particularly applicable to cases of weak binding where experimental data is absent. Although the four WGA binding sites are interrelated by a fourfold sequence repeat (eight sites/dimer), similarity extends only to the presence of an aromatic amino acid-rich pocket and a conserved serine. Strong binding requires additional interactions from a contacting domain in the second subunit. Ligand positions were either derived from crystal structures and further optimized by modeling and molecular mechanics, or from comparative modeling. Analysis of the overall HINT binding scores for the two types of ligands are consistent with the presence of two high-affinity and two low-affinity sites per monomer. Identity of these sites correlates well with crystal structure occupancies. The high-affinity sites are roughly equivalent, as predicted from solution binding studies. Binding scores for the low-affinity sites are weaker by at least a factor of two. Quantitative estimates for polar, nonpolar, and ionic interactions revealed that H-bonding makes the largest contribution to complex stabilization in the seven bound configurations, consistent with published thermodynamic data. Although the observed nonpolar interactions are small, they may play a critical role in orienting the ligand optimally.  相似文献   

An X  Guo X  Sum H  Morrow J  Gratzer W  Mohandas N 《Biochemistry》2004,43(2):310-315
The erythrocyte membrane is a composite structure consisting of a lipid bilayer tethered to the spectrin-based membrane skeleton. Two complexes of spectrin with other proteins are known to participate in the attachment. Spectrin has also been shown to interact with phosphatidylserine (PS), a component of the lipid bilayer, which is confined to its inner leaflet. That there may be multiple sites of interaction with PS in the spectrin sequence has been inferred, but they have not hitherto been identified. Here we have explored the interaction of PS-containing liposomes with native alpha- and beta-spectrin chains and with recombinant spectrin fragments encompassing the entire sequences of both chains. We show that both alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin bind PS and that sites of high affinity are located within 8 of the 38 triple-helical structural repeats which make up the bulk of both chains; these are alpha8, alpha9-10, beta2, beta3, beta4, beta12, beta13, and beta14, and PS affinity was also found in the nonhomologous N-terminal domain of the beta-chain. No other fragments of either chain showed appreciable binding. Binding of spectrin and its constituent chains to mixed liposomes of PS and phosphatidylcholine (PC) depended on the proportion of PS. Binding of spectrin dimers to PS liposomes was inhibited by single repeats containing PS binding sites. It is noteworthy that the PS binding sites in beta-spectrin are grouped in close proximity to the sites of attachment both of ankyrin and of 4.1R, the proteins engaged in attachment of spectrin to the membrane. We conjecture that direct interaction of spectrin with PS in the membrane may modulate its interactions with the proteins and that (considering also the known affinity of 4.1R for PS) the formation of PS-rich lipid domains, which have been observed in the red cell membrane, may be a result.  相似文献   

Huber T  Menon S  Sakmar TP 《Biochemistry》2008,47(42):11013-11023
Crystal structures of engineered human beta 2-adrenergic receptors (ARs) in complex with an inverse agonist ligand, carazolol, provide three-dimensional snapshots of the disposition of seven transmembrane helices and the ligand-binding site of an important G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). As expected, beta 2-AR shares substantial structural similarities with rhodopsin, the dim-light photoreceptor of the rod cell. However, although carazolol and the 11- cis-retinylidene moiety of rhodopsin are situated in the same general binding pocket, the second extracellular (E2) loop structures are quite distinct. E2 in rhodopsin shows beta-sheet structure and forms part of the chromophore-binding site. In the beta 2-AR, E2 is alpha-helical and seems to be distinct from the receptor's active site, allowing a potential entry pathway for diffusible ligands. The structures, together with extensive structure-activity relationship (SAR) data from earlier studies, provide insight about possible structural determinants of ligand specificity and how the binding of agonist ligands might alter receptor conformation. We review key features of the new beta 2-AR structures in the context of recent complementary work on the conformational dynamics of GPCRs. We also report 600 ns molecular dynamics simulations that quantified beta 2-AR receptor mobility in a membrane bilayer environment and show how the binding of an agonist ligand, adrenaline (epinephrine), causes conformational changes to the ligand-binding pocket and neighboring helices.  相似文献   

Treatment of trypsin with triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate at pH 8, 25 °C, results in abolition of binding to the enzyme of specific cationic substrates and inhibitors. The binding constant of soybean trypsin inhibitor to ethylated trypsin is 10000-fold smaller than to intact trypsin. However, the intrinsic ability of trypsin to recognize and react with nonspecific neutral substrates and inhibitors is not lost, and in several cases even considerably enhanced. Thus ethylated trypsin (Tret) resembles chymotrypsin in its behavior. Trypsin-like enzymes are also affected in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Brownian dynamics simulations are performed to investigate the role of long-range electrostatic forces in the association of the monoclonal antibody HyHEL-5 with hen egg lysozyme. The electrostatic field of the antibody is obtained from a solution of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann using the x-ray crystal coordinates of this protein. The lysozyme is represented as an asymmetric dumbell consisting of two spheres of unequal size, an arrangement that allows for the modeling of the orientational requirements for docking. Calculations are done with the wild-type antibody and several point mutants at different ionic strengths. Changes in the charge distribution of the lysozyme are also considered. Results are compared with experiment and a simpler model in which the lysozyme is approximately by a single charged sphere.  相似文献   

Three antibodies, HyHEL-8 (HH8), HyHEL-10 (HH10), and HyHEL-26 (HH26) are specific for the same epitope on hen egg white lysozyme (HEL), and share >90% sequence homology. Their affinities vary by several orders of magnitude, and among the three antibodies, HH8 is the most cross-reactive with kinetics of binding that are relatively invariable compared to HH26, which is highly specific and has quite variable kinetics. To investigate structural correlates of these functional variations, the Fv regions of HH8 and HH26 were homology-modeled using the x-ray structure of the well-characterized HH10-HEL complex as template. The binding site of HH26 is most charged, least hydrophobic, and has the greatest number of intramolecular salt bridges, whereas that of HH8 is the least charged, most hydrophobic and has the fewest intramolecular salt bridges. The modeled HH26-HEL structure predicts the recently determined x-ray structure of HH26, (Li et al., 2003, Nat. Struct. Biol. 10:482-488) with a root-mean-square deviation of 1.03 A. It is likely that the binding site of HH26 is rendered rigid by a network of intramolecular salt bridges whereas that of HH8 is flexible due to their absence. HH26 also has the most intermolecular contacts with the antigen whereas HH8 has the least. HH10 has these properties intermediate to HH8 and HH26. The structurally rigid binding site with numerous specific contacts bestows specificity on HH26 whereas the flexible binding site with correspondingly fewer contacts enables HH8 to be cross-reactive. Results suggest that affinity maturation may select for high affinity antibodies with either "lock-and-key" preconfigured binding sites, or "preconfigured flexibility" by modulating combining site flexibility.  相似文献   

Two proteins in the rat, androgen binding protein (ABP) and the cytoplasmic receptor (CR), have high affinity and limited capacity for binding androgens. To determine the structural requirements for binding with high affinity, each protein was partially purified and the ability of over 100 steroids to compete with [3H]dihydrotestosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one) for binding sites was assessed. The results indicate marked differences in the steroid specificities of the two proteins. Some alterations of dihydrotestosterone at C-2 or C-2 and C-3 increase binding to ABP two to four-fold. Similarly, the affinity of 17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methyl-4-estren-3-one for ABP increases two-fold when a double bond is created at C-14. Addition of a methyl group in the alpha position at C-7 or C-17, or an ethinyl group at C-17 cause little change in affinity; however, modifications at C-11 and C-17 beta, and deletion of the methyl group at C-10 significantly impair binding to ABP. Binding to the CR is maintained or increased by deletion of the methyl group at C-10. Binding is lessened by modifications at C-3 and C-17 beta. Most alterations at C-2, C-7, C-11, and C-17 alpha have only minor effects on binding to the CR. These studies should provide a molecular basis for predicting the effects of specific structural modifications. When some modifications at C-2 or C-2 and C-3 are combined with changes at C-17 beta, the resulting steroids retain very high affinity for ABP and very limited binding to the CR. Such steroids may provide a means for assessing the function of ABP.  相似文献   

A detailed scheme of the Peptidyl Transferase Centre of bacterial ribosomes is proposed by summarizing the literature data on the substrate specificity of the acceptor and donor sites. According to the proposed scheme only the elements of the donor and acceptor having a stable structure bind with the ribosome. The present paper proposes such main elements for the donor and acceptor.  相似文献   

Nebulin is a giant protein that spans most of the muscle thin filament. Mutations in nebulin result in myopathies and dystrophies. Nebulin contains approximately 200 copies of approximately 35 residue modules, each believed to contain an actin binding site, organized into seven-module superrepeats. The strong correlation between the number of nebulin modules and the length of skeletal muscle thin filaments in different species suggests that nebulin determines thin filament length. Little information exists about the interactions between intact nebulin and F-actin. More insight has come from working with fragments of nebulin, containing from one to hundreds of actin binding modules. However, the observed stoichiometry of binding between these fragments and actin has ranged from 0.4 to 13 modules per actin subunit. We have used electron microscopy and a novel method of helical image analysis to characterize complexes of F-actin with a nebulin fragment. The fragment binds as an extended structure spanning three actin subunits and binding to different sites on each actin. Muscle regulation involves tropomyosin movement on the surface of actin, with binding in three states. Our results suggest the intriguing possibility that intact nebulin may also be able to occupy three different sites on F-actin.  相似文献   

Centromeres of mammalian chromosomes are rich in repetitive DNAs that are packaged into specialized nucleoprotein structures called heterochromatin. In humans, the major centromeric repetitive DNA, alpha-satellite DNA, has been extensively sequenced and shown to contain binding sites for CENP-B, an 80-kDa centromeric autoantigen. The present report reveals that African green monkey (AGM) cells, which contain extensive alpha-satellite arrays at centromeres, appear to lack the well-characterized CENP-B binding site (the CENP-B box). We show that AGM cells express a functional CENP-B homolog that binds to the CENP-B box and is recognized by several independent anti-CENP-B antibodies. However, three independent assays fail to reveal CENP-B binding sites in AGM DNA. Methods used include a gel mobility shift competition assay using purified AGM alpha-satellite, a novel kinetic electrophoretic mobility shift assay competition protocol using bulk genomic DNA, and bulk sequencing of 76 AGM alpha-satellite monomers. Immunofluorescence studies reveal the presence of significant levels of CENP-B antigen dispersed diffusely throughout the nuclei of interphase cells. These experiments reveal a paradox. CENP-B is highly conserved among mammals, yet its DNA binding site is conserved in human and mouse genomes but not in the AGM genome. One interpretation of these findings is that the role of CENP-B may be in the maintenance and/or organization of centromeric satellite DNA arrays rather than a more direct involvement in centromere structure.  相似文献   

Proteins are renowned for their specificity of function. There is, however, accumulating evidence that many proteins, from enzymes to antibodies, are functionally promiscuous. Promiscuity is of considerable physiological importance. In the immune system, cross‐reactive or multispecific antibodies are implicated in autoimmune and allergy conditions. In most cases, however, the mechanism behind promiscuity and the relationship between specific and promiscuous activities are unknown. Are the two contradictory? Or can a protein exhibit several unrelated activities each of which is highly specific? To address these questions, we studied a multispecific IgE antibody (SPE7) elicited against a 2,4‐dinitrophenyl hapten (DNP). SPE7 is able to distinguish between closely related derivatives such as NP (nitrophenol) and DNP, yet it can also bind a number of unrelated ligands. We find that, like DNP, the cross‐reactants are themselves bound specifically—close derivatives of these cross‐reactants show very low or no binding to SPE7. It has been suggested that cross‐reactivity is simply due to “hydrophobic stickiness”, nonspecific interactions between hydrophobic ligands and binding sites. However, partitioning experiments reveal that affinity for SPE7 is unrelated to ligand hydrophobicity. These data, combined with crystal structures of SPE7 in complex with four different ligands, demonstrate that each cross‐reactant is bound specifically, forming different hydrogen bonds dependant upon its particular chemistry and the availability of complementary antibody residues. SPE7 is highly homologous to the germline antinitrophenol (NP) antibody B1–8. By comparing the sequences and binding patterns of SPE7 and B1–8, we address the relationship between affinity maturation, specificity, and cross‐reactivity.  相似文献   

A quantitative statistical analysis has confirmed the high degree of homology between human luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit sequences, and has demonstrated much higher and extensive homology between follicle stimulating hormone and the others than was previously thought. Three “variable” zones have been detected in these sequences and these are likely to contain many of the residues responsible for the determination of receptor interaction specificity. For luteinizing hormone, comparison of sequences from different species has reduced the range of these residues to positions 1 to 6, 11, 14, 39 to 53, 75, 94, 97, 101, 104 and 108.  相似文献   

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