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Two-dimensional simulation of trabecular surface remodeling was conducted for a human proximal femur to investigate the structural change of cancellous bone toward a uniform stress state. Considering that a local mechanical stimulus plays an important role in cellular activities in bone remodeling, local stress nonuniformity was assumed to drive trabecular structural change to seek a uniform stress state. A large-scale pixel-based finite element model was used to simulate structural changes of individual trabeculae over the entire bone. As a result, the initial structure of trabeculae changed from isotropic to anisotropic due to trabecular microstructural changes caused by surface remodeling according to the mechanical environment in the proximal femur. Under a single-loading condition, it was shown that the apparent structural property evaluated by fabric ellipses corresponded to the apparent stress state in cancellous bone. As is observed in the actual bone, a distributed trabecular structure was obtained under a multiple-loading condition. Through these studies, it was concluded that trabecular surface remodeling toward a local uniform stress state at the trabecular level could naturally bring about functional adaptation phenomenon at the apparent tissue level. The proposed simulation model would be capable of providing insight into the hierarchical mechanism of trabecular surface remodeling at the microstructural level up to the apparent tissue level.  相似文献   

Stress shielding is a biomechanical phenomenon causing adaptive changes in bone strength and stiffness around metallic implants, which potentially lead to implant loosening. Accordingly, there is a need for standard, objective engineering measures of the “stress shielding” performances of an implant that can be employed in the process of computer-aided implant design. To provide and test such measures, we developed hierarchical computational models of adaptation of the trabecular microarchitecture at different sites in the proximal femur, in response to insertion of orthopaedic screws and in response to hypothetical reductions in hip joint and gluteal muscle forces. By identifying similar bone adaptation outcomes from the two scenarios, we were able to quantify the stress shielding caused by screws in terms of analogous hypothetical reductions in hip joint and gluteal muscle forces. Specifically, we developed planar lattice models of trabecular microstructures at five regions of interest (ROI) in the proximal femur. The homeostatic and abnormal loading conditions for the lattices were determined from a finite element model of the femur at the continuum scale and fed to an iterative algorithm simulating the adaptation of each lattice to these loads. When screws were inserted to the femur model, maximal simulated bone loss (17% decrease in apparent density, 10% decrease in thickness of trabeculae) was at the greater trochanter and this effect was equivalent to the effect of 50% reduction in gluteal force and normal hip joint force. We conclude that stress shielding performances can be quantified for different screw designs using model-predicted hypothetical musculoskeletal load fractions that would cause a similar pattern and extent of bone loss to that caused by the implants.  相似文献   

Visually seriated radiographs of the proximal femur, proximal humerus, clavicle, and calcaneus from 130 individuals from the Hamann-Todd collection were examined as indicators of skeletal age at death. The clavicle demonstrated the most consistent relationship to age in both sexes. The same radiographs were also seriated by size-normalized optical density as a means of establishing relative radiolucency. In this context, visual seriation proved superior. The four sites studied showed strong divergence in response to age. Since each was sampling bone response from the same individual, it is concluded that bone loss is highly site specific. This demonstrates the individual character of specific skeletal sites. Visual inspection of clavicular radiographs, seriated on a populational basis, provides age estimates that are comparable to anatomical age indicators and provides independent estimates of skeletal age when included in the summary age method (1985: Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68:1–14).  相似文献   

Although adult skeletal morphological variation is best understood within the framework of age-related processes, relatively little research has been directed towards the structure of and variation in trabecular bone during ontogeny. We report here new quantitative and structural data on trabecular bone microarchitecture in the proximal tibia during growth and development, as demonstrated in a subadult archaeological skeletal sample from the Late Prehistoric Ohio Valley. These data characterize the temporal sequence and variation in trabecular bone structure and structural parameters during ontogeny as related to the acquisition of normal functional activities and changing body mass. The skeletal sample from the Fort Ancient Period site of SunWatch Village is composed of 33 subadult and three young adult proximal tibiae. Nondestructive microCT scanning of the proximal metaphyseal and epiphyseal tibia captures the microarchitectural trabecular structure, allowing quantitative structural analyses measuring bone volume fraction, degree of anisotropy, trabecular thickness, and trabecular number. The microCT resolution effects on structural parameters were analyzed. Bone volume fraction and degree of anisotropy are highest at birth, decreasing to low values at 1 year of age, and then gradually increasing to the adult range around 6-8 years of age. Trabecular number is highest at birth and lowest at skeletal maturity; trabecular thickness is lowest at birth and highest at skeletal maturity. The results of this study highlight the dynamic sequential relationships between growth/development, general functional activities, and trabecular distribution and architecture, providing a reference for comparative studies.  相似文献   

Cancellous bone is a highly porous material, and two types of waves, fast and slow, are observed when ultrasound is used for detecting bone diseases. There are several possible stimuli for bone remodelling processes, including bone fluid flow, streaming potential, and piezoelectricity. Poroelasticity has been widely used for elucidating the bone fluid flow phenomenon, but the combination of poroelasticity with charge density has not been introduced. Theoretically, general poroelasticity with a varying charge density is employed for determining the relationship between wave velocity and attenuation with charge density. Fast wave velocity and attenuation are affected by porosity as well as charge density; however, for a slow wave, both slow wave velocity and attenuation are not as sensitive to the effect of charge density as they are for a fast wave. Thus, employing human femoral data, we conclude that charged ions gather on trabecular struts, and the fast wave, which moves along the trabecular struts, is significantly affected by charge density.  相似文献   

Bone aging was studied in an experimental model (rabbit femur) in three populations aged 0.5, 1.5, and 7.5 years. Cortical bone histology was compared with a data set from a 1.5‐month‐old population of an earlier published paper. From 0.5‐year‐old onward, the mean femur length did not increase further. Thereafter, the mean marrow area increased and the cortical area decreased significantly with aging. This was associated with a structural pattern transformation from plexiform to laminar and then Haversian‐like type. The distal meta‐epiphysis bone trabecular density of the oldest populations also was significantly lower in specific regions of interest (ROI). Percentage sealed primary vascular canals in laminar bone significantly increased with aging without variation of percentage sealed secondary osteons. Remodeling rate reflected by the density of cutting cones did not significantly change among the age populations. These data suggest that laminar bone vascular pattern is more functional in the fast diaphyseal expansion but not much streamlined with the renewal of blood flow during secondary remodeling. Bone aging was characterized by: 1) secondary remodeling subendosteally; 2) increment of sealed primary vascular canals number; 3) increased calcium content of the cortex; 4) cortical and trabecular bone mass loss in specific ROIs. Taken together, the present data may give a morphological and morphometric basis to perform comparative studies on experimental models of osteoporosis in the rabbit. J. Morphol. 276:733–747, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The lifestyle of extinct tetrapods is often difficult to assess when clear morphological adaptations such as swimming paddles are absent. According to the hypothesis of bone functional adaptation, the architecture of trabecular bone adapts sensitively to physiological loadings. Previous studies have already shown a clear relation between trabecular architecture and locomotor behavior, mainly in mammals and birds. However, a link between trabecular architecture and lifestyle has rarely been examined. Here, we analyzed trabecular architecture of different clades of reptiles characterized by a wide range of lifestyles (aquatic, amphibious, generalist terrestrial, fossorial, and climbing). Humeri of squamates, turtles, and crocodylians have been scanned with microcomputed tomography. We selected spherical volumes of interest centered in the proximal metaphyses and measured trabecular spacing, thickness and number, degree of anisotropy, average branch length, bone volume fraction, bone surface density, and connectivity density. Only bone volume fraction showed a significant phylogenetic signal and its significant difference between squamates and other reptiles could be linked to their physiologies. We found negative allometric relationships for trabecular thickness and spacing, positive allometries for connectivity density and trabecular number and no dependence with size for degree of anisotropy and bone volume fraction. The different lifestyles are well separated in the morphological space using linear discriminant analyses, but a cross-validation procedure indicated a limited predictive ability of the model. The trabecular bone anisotropy has shown a gradient in turtles and in squamates: higher values in amphibious than terrestrial taxa. These allometric scalings, previously emphasized in mammals and birds, seem to be valid for all amniotes. Discriminant analysis has offered, to some extent, a distinction of lifestyles, which however remains difficult to strictly discriminate. Trabecular architecture seems to be a promising tool to infer lifestyle of extinct tetrapods, especially those involved in the terrestrialization.  相似文献   

Modifications of the molluscan feeding apparatus have long been recognized as a crucial feature in molluscan diversification, related to the important process of gathering energy from the environment. An ecologically and evolutionarily significant dichotomy in molluscan feeding kinematics is whether radular teeth flex laterally (flexoglossate) or do not (stereoglossate). In this study, we use a combination of phylogenetic inference and biomechanical modeling to understand the transformational and causal basis for flexure or lack thereof. We also determine whether structural subsystems making up the feeding system are structurally, functionally, and evolutionarily integrated or dissociated. Regarding evolutionary dissociation, statistical analysis of state changes revealed by the phylogenetic analysis shows that radular and cartilage subsystems evolved independently. Regarding kinematics, the phylogenetic analysis shows that flexure arose at the base of the Mollusca and lack of flexure is a derived condition in one gastropod clade, the Patellogastropoda. Significantly, radular morphology shows no change at the node where kinematics become stereoglossate. However, acquisition of stereoglossy in the Patellogastropoda is correlated with the structural dissociation of the subradular membrane and underlying cartilages. Correlation is not causality, so we present a biomechanical model explaining the structural conditions necessary for the plesiomorphic kinematic state (flexoglossy). Our model suggests that plesiomorphically the radular teeth must flex laterally as they pass over the bending plane as a result of the mechanical restrictions in the flexible but inelastic subradular membrane and close association between subradular membrane and cartilages. Relating this model to the specific character states of the clades, we conclude that lack of flexure in patellogastropods is caused by the dissociation of the subradular membrane and cartilage supports. J. Morphol. 241:175–195, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A high-throughput bioanalytical method based on automated sample transfer, automated solid phase extraction, and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) analysis, has been developed for the determination of cetirizine, a selective H(1)-receptor antagonist. Deuterated cetirizine (cetirizine-d(8)) was synthesized as described and was used as the internal standard. Samples were transferred into 96-well plates using an automated sample handling system. Automated solid phase extraction was carried out using a 96-channel programmable liquid-handling workstation. Solid phase extraction 96-well plate on polymer sorbent (Strata X) was used to extract the analyte. The extracted samples were injected onto a Betasil silica column (50 x 3, 5 microm) using a mobile phase of acetonitrile-water-acetic acid-trifluroacetic acid (93:7:1:0.025, v/v/v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. The chromatographic run time is 2.0 min per injection, with retention time of cetirizine and cetirizine-d(8) both at 1.1 min. The system consisted of a Shimadzu HPLC system and a PE Sciex API 3000 or API 4000 tandem mass spectrometer with (+) ESI. The method has been validated over the concentration range of 1.00-1000 ng/ml cetirizine in human plasma, based on a 0.10-ml sample size. The inter-day precision and accuracy of the quality control (QC) samples demonstrated <3.0% relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) and <6.0% relative error (RE). Stability of cetirizine in stock solution, in plasma, and in reconstitution solution was established. The absolute extraction recovery was 85.8%, 84.5%, and 88.0% at 3, 40, and 800 ng/ml, respectively. The recovery for the internal standard was 84.1%. No adverse matrix effects were noticed for this assay. The automation of the sample preparation steps not only increased the analysis throughput, but also increased method ruggedness. The use of a stable isotope-labeled internal standard further improved the method ruggedness. Practical issues of analyzing incurred samples were discussed. This HILIC-MS/MS method for analysis of citirizine in human plasma was successfully used to support clinical studies.  相似文献   

Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction (Abbott) and the assignment of responsibilities (Gusfield). This theoretical framework prompted us to study definitions and changing responsibilities in order to describe the development and interaction of health care ethics and health law. We have opted for the context of the Dutch debate about end-of-life decisions as a relevant case study. We argue that the specific Dutch definition of euthanasia as 'intentionally taking the life of another person by a physician, upon that person's request' can be seen as the result of the complex jurisdictional process. This illustrates the more general conclusion that the Dutch debate on end-of-life decisions and the development of the two disciplines must be understood in terms of mutual interaction.  相似文献   

淇县宋庄东周墓地出土贵族和殉人骨骼遗存的稳定同位素分析是国内首例针对东周社会分化背景下不同社会阶层先民开展的食谱研究.稳定碳氮同位素分析结果表明,贵族阶层在主粮和肉食方面与殉人群体明显不同.贵族几乎完全以粟为主粮,食物中肉类含量很高;而殉人阶层整体食肉水平较低,主粮的内部差异显著,大部分个体都不同程度的食用了当时不受青...  相似文献   

Kitahara and Fujii, in 1994, analyzed the butterfly communities along a gradient of human disturbance by applying the generalist/specialist concept. Butterfly species were classified into generalist or specialist species based on their voltinism (seasonal time dimension) and potential larval resource breadth (food dimension). The community structure and species composition showed the systematic changes along the gradient. To verify the generality of those trends, we monitored five grassland butterfly communities with varying degrees of human disturbance twice a month during 1985 by the line transect method at the foot of Mt. Fuji, central Japan, and analyzed their structure in a manner similar to that employed by Kitahara and Fujii. Most results were consistent with the patterns recognized by Kitahara and Fujii. The route (community) order based on increasing human disturbance was strongly and negatively correlated with butterfly species richness but with neither butterfly species diversity (H′) nor evenness (J′). Also, the degree of human disturbance was significantly and negatively correlated with the number of specialist species, but not with that of generalists, in a community. Butterfly species richness was more strongly correlated with the number of specialist species than with that of generalists. Our analyses also showed that the generalist species were distributed more widely over the communities than were the specialists. However, in contrast to the trend revealed by Kitahara and Fujii, there was no significant difference in the population densities and in the spatial population variability between the two species groups. As a whole, our analyses confirmed the consistency of most community patterns detected by Kitahara and Fujii. The causes of the inconsistencies in some patterns were thought to be mainly the present habitat conditions with a relatively short growing season at high altitudes. Received: October 19, 1999 / Accepted: June 5, 2000  相似文献   

The overexpression of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and of many other heterologous membrane proteins in simple microbial hosts, such as the bacterium Escherichia coli, often results in protein mistargeting, aggregation into inclusion bodies or cytoplasmic degradation. Furthermore, membrane protein production is very frequently accompanied by severe cell toxicity. In this work, we have employed a genetic strategy to isolate E. coli mutants that produce markedly increased amounts of the human central cannabinoid receptor (CB1), a pharmacologically significant GPCR that expresses very poorly in wild-type E. coli. By utilizing a CB1 fusion with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), we screened an E. coli transposon library and identified an insertion in dnaJ that resulted in a large increase in CB1-GFP fluorescence and a dramatic enhancement in bacterial production of membrane-integrated CB1. Furthermore, the dnaJ::Tn5 inactivation suppressed the severe cytotoxicity associated with CB1 production. This revealed an unexpected inhibitory role of the chaperone/ co-chaperone DnaJ in the protein folding or membrane insertion of bacterially produced CB1. Our strategy can be easily adapted to identify expression bottlenecks for different GPCRs or any other integral membrane protein, provide useful and unanticipated mechanistic insights, and assist in the construction of genetically engineered E. coli strains for efficient heterologous membrane protein production.  相似文献   

Of the roughly 20,000 canonical human protein sequences, as of January 20, 2021, 7,077 proteins have had their full or partial, medium‐ to high‐resolution structures determined by x‐ray crystallography or other methods. Which of these proteins dominate the protein data bank (the PDB) and why? In this paper, we list the 273 top human protein structures based on the number of their PDB entries. This set of proteins accounts for more than 40% of all available human PDB entries and represent past trends as well as current status for protein structural biology. We briefly discuss the relationship which some of the prominent protein structures have with protein research as a whole and mention their relevance to human diseases. The top‐10 soluble and membrane proteins are all well‐known (most of their first structures being deposited more than 30 years ago). Overall, there is no dramatic change in recent trends in the PDB. Remarkably, the number of structure depositions has grown nearly exponentially over the last 10 or more years (with a doubling time of 7 years for proteins, obtained from any organism). Growth in human protein structures is slightly faster (at 5.9 years). The information in this paper may be informative to senior scientists but also inspire researchers who are new to protein science, providing the year 2021 snap‐shot for the state of protein structural biology.  相似文献   

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