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Adonis sect.Consiligo is split into three subsections based on morphology, growth pattern, pollen and fruit morphology. For all species distribution maps are provided and discussed with regard to their ecology and climatic requirements. These data reveal additional characters that support the classification of the taxa. Most species of the section grow in continental Eurasiatic steppes and mountain steppe habitats. Only the species of subsect.Amurenses grow in Far Eastern temperate forests and prefer a more oceanic climate. The taxonomic position of these strongly divergent species is supported by the distributional and ecological data. The evolution ofAdonis sect.Consiligo occurred under strong climatic control. During evolution the taxa could only slightly widen their ecological amplitude and, thus, ecology remained rather stable except that of the subsect.Amurenses. Ecological and distributional data can be used to validate taxonomy and phylogeny and reveal additional informations.  相似文献   

A systematic reassessment of megafossil records ofFagaceae in Central Europe has been undertaken on the basis of leaf cuticular characters. The oldest representatives date back to the Eocene:Quercus subhercynica spec. nova,Dryophyllum furcinerve (Rossm.)Schmalh.,Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides (Rossm.) gen. & comb. nov. In the Oligocene other members of extant genera appear:Quercus rhenana (Weyl. & Kilpp.)Knobloch & Kvaek,Fagus attenuata Goepp.,Lithocarpus saxonicus spec. nova. In the Neogene these ancient taxa (except inFagus lineage), are gradually replaced by deciduous species ofQuercus andCastanea. Trigonobalanus andCastanopsis are recorded by fruits (or wood) only.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Australian flora through the Tertiary has not been reviewed by a megafossil palaeobotanist for almost a century. Based on material available and published studies, the Australian Tertiary can be considered in three units: Eocene, Oligo-Miocene, and Pliocene. Key taxa in the Eocene includeCasuarinaceae, Proteaceae, Fagaceae, Podocarpaceae, andLauraceae. Many known Eocene deposits are interpreted as warm, humid rainforests.Oligo-Miocene floras reflect a climatic deterioration, with greater occurrence of sclerophylly and xerophylly. A reduction of tropical taxa is seen with an increase ofMyrtaceae and earliest records ofMimosaceae, Chenopodiaceae, andPoaceae. These trends continue into the Pliocene, which is not well represented in Australia.Problems needing to be addressed include the discrepancy between the pollen and megafossil records ofNothofagus, the origins of Australia's wet tropical taxa, and the role of fire in the early evolution of the Australian flora.  相似文献   

Characteristic features of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) distribution and proliferation were noted during olive pollen (Olea europaea L.) development, suggesting the physiological significance of this organelle. Initially scarce in the young microspore, ER increases as cytoplasmic vacuoles form. At the vacuolated microspore stage the cytoplasm contains numberous polysomes and elongated rER cisternae arranged preferentially in stacks, with an average intracisternal width of 0.07 µm. Stacks persist in the bicellular pollen grain but consist of fewer, shorter, dilated cisternae (mean intracisternal width 0.1 µm) containing a considerable electron-dense matrix. Cisternae in the mature grain are fragmented, leaving behind an ER of swollen pockets. Pockets of ER containing a material of greater electron density are evenly deposited along the plasmalemma, in close relation with it. A dense material is seen in the tubules of the apertural region, which was lacking in earlier stages. Our results show that ER may be involved in protein transport to the intine.  相似文献   

The exine architecture and some quantitative parameters (polar and equatorial axes and their ratio) of pollen grains allow a clear discrimination between groups of Mediterranean oak species. For the differentiation of species within groups only the quoted parameters prove useful.  相似文献   

Two contradicting theories have been proposed for the morphological nature of fagaceous cupules; the intercalary growth theory and the higher order dichasial branch theory. All the previous ontogenetic studies insist on the latter one, but the genera investigated have been rather restricted and have not covered all the cupule types. A comparative study of the ontogenetic development of cupules inCastanea crenata andLithocarpus edulis, which are representatives of fundamentally different cupule types, revealed that both the theories are incomplete. InL. edulis, the higher order dichasial branches contribute to cupule formation along the anterior portions of the lateral flowers. However, along the adaxial portion of the central flower, the cupule develops as an intercalary growth, represented by rapid increase of tangentially oblong epidermal cells. InCastanea, intercalary growth is not clearly observable, for presumably, the flowers are surrounded by a well-developed partial inflorescence mound from the beginning of development.Contributions from the Osaka Museum of Natural History No. 305.  相似文献   

Augspurger CK 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):281-286
Saplings of many canopy tree species in winter deciduous forests receive the major portion of their light budget for their growing season prior to canopy closure in the spring. This period of high light may be critical for achieving a positive carbon (C) gain, thus contributing strongly to their growth and survival. This study of saplings of Aesculus glabra and Acer saccharum in Trelease Woods, Illinois, USA, tested this hypothesis experimentally by placing tents of shade cloth over saplings during their spring period of high light prior to canopy closure in three consecutive years. Leaf senescence began 16 days (year 0) and 60 days (year 1) earlier for shaded A. glabra saplings than control saplings. No change in senescence occurred for A. saccharum. The annual absolute growth in stem diameter of both species was negligible or negative for shaded saplings, but positive for control saplings. Only 7% of the shaded A. glabra saplings were alive after 2 years, while all control saplings survived for 3 years; only 20% of the shaded A. saccharum saplings survived for 3 years, while 73% of control saplings were alive after the same period. Early spring leaf out is a critical mechanism that allows the long-term persistence of saplings of these species in this winter deciduous forest. Studies and models of C gain, growth, and survival of saplings in deciduous forests may need to take into account their spring phenology because saplings of many species are actually “sun” individuals in the spring prior to their longer period in the summer shade.  相似文献   

The major radiation of theJuglandaceae occurred during the early Tertiary as recorded by the proliferation of juglandaceous pollen and the appearance of fruits representing extinct and extant genera of the family. Juglandaceous pollen types of the Paleocene were predominantly triporate and exhibited a greater diversity in patterns of exinous thinning than occurs in the family today. Analyses of in situ pollen from early Tertiary juglandaceous inflorescences confirms the taxonomic value of certain patterns of exinous thinning. Data from co-occurring fruits and pollen indicate that relatively unspecialized, isopolar triporate pollen of the type presently confined to the tribeEngelhardieae also occurred in other tribes of the family during the Paleocene. Pollination has been mostly anemophilous throughout the Tertiary. Both wind and animal fruit-dispersal syndromes were established early in the radiation of the family but a greater diversity of wind-dispersed genera has prevailed.  相似文献   

Double restitution has been observed cytologically for the first time in microsporogenesis of a F1 hybridFragaria virginiana ×F. chiloensis . Restitution is probably due to irregularities affecting the spindle mechanism. Single or double restitution may depend upon the duration of the effect or upon the stage of meiosis affected. The occurrence of triades is indicative of a possible intracellular diversity. Although the reason which may cause restitution remains to be ascertained, maternal inheritance indicates an extrachromosomal cause.

A survey of epiphytes in Gambari Forest Reserve in Southwestern Nigeria was undertaken. A total of 26 epiphytes were recorded. These include five pteridophytes and 21 angiosperm species belonging to the following families; Acanthaceae, Araceae, Asteraceae, Commelinaceae, Moraceae, Orchidaceae, Palmae, Urticaceae Piperaceae, and Portulacaceae. The smooth-barked phorophytes had only one or two epiphytes on them because they are unable to accumulated dust, debris and moisture for germination and growth of the epiphytes. The palm trees with rough barks had points at which they can collect soil, nutrients and moisture for epiphytic growth, hence all the epiphytic species recorded on the site were present on palm trees. Presence of many of the epiphytes is thought to be due to the availability of propagules from reproducing adults in the surrounding vegetation. Also, epiphytes appear to have a dressing effect on the palm trees.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between non-indigenous and native species has been an important research topic of invasion biology. However, interactions between two or more invasive species may be as important in understanding biological invasions, but they have rarely been studied. In this paper, we describe three field experiments that investigated interactions between two non-indigenous plant species invasive in the eastern United States, Lonicera japonica (a perennial vine) and Microstegium vimineum (an annual grass). A press removal experiment conducted within a deciduous forest understory community indicated that M. vimineum was a superior competitor to L. japonica. We tested the hypothesis that the competitive success of M. vimineum was because it overgrew, and reduced light available to, L. japonica, by conducting a separate light gradient experiment within the same community. Shade cloth that simulated the M. vimineum canopy reduced the performance of L. japonica. In a third complementary experiment, we added experimental support hosts to test the hypothesis that the competitive ability of L. japonica is limited by support hosts, onto which L. japonica climbs to access light. We found that the abundance of climbing branches increased with the number of support hosts. Results of this experiment indicate that these two invasive species compete asymmetrically for resources, particularly light.  相似文献   

TEM observations were carried out on 40 taxa of the familyVerbenaceae and 35 taxa of the familyOleaceae, in order to ascertain distribution, ultrastructure and morphology of the intranuclear proteinic inclusions in the mesophyll parenchymatic cells. The investigated genera amount to some 25% and 60% respectively of the genera of the two families. Inside theVerbenaceae, lamellar inclusions (L-type) occur in 6 out of 23 investigated genera: they are mostly present inside the tribesCitharexyleae andVerbeneae (both belonging toVerbenoideae), while they are absent in other subfamilies. All of the investigatedOleaceae genera show intranuclear crystalline inclusions (C 1-type) of three different shapes. Among theAsteridae this is a character peculiar toOleaceae. They appear to be a well defined natural group, including the controversial genusNyctanthes.  相似文献   

Bolderslev Skov (113 ha) is the largest contiguous ancient forest remnant in Denmark. The forest has been preserved since 1998 as a strict non-intervention forest reserve. We studied vegetation structure, floristic gradients, and diversity of the forest in 50 plots of 100 m2 placed according to a restricted random sampling design. Dominant tree species were Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia cordata and Quercus robur, which in most parts of the forest form a mixed canopy. Most stands appeared to be of moderate age, 55-80 years old, and large old trees were rare. pH in association with light and thickness of the litter layer were the most important factors in explaining floristic gradients in the forest. Soil moisture (dry to mesic) was not strongly correlated with DCA axes for neither tree nor field layer, but had a significant effect on the distribution of a number of herb species. Forest structure was not important in explaining species distributions. Field layer species richness showed a positive relationship with the pH-gradient. At the scale of 1m2 plots we also found a highly significant negative relationship between field layer species richness and the plot-wise Ellenberg indicator value for nitrogen availability. Structure of the tree layer had little effect on field layer species richness. The mixed composition, long continuity, and presence of a high proportion of the regional species pool assigns a high conservation value to Bolderslev Skov and makes it an important site for future studies of the dynamic properties, niche preferences, and inter-specific competition of temperate deciduous forest species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Species interactions and their indirect effects on the availability and distribution of resources have been considered strong determinants of community structure in many different ecological systems. In deciduous forests, the presence of overstory trees and shrubs creates a shifting mosaic of resources for understory plants, with implications for their distribution and abundance. Determination of the ultimate resource constraints on understory vegetation may aid management of these systems that have become increasingly susceptible to invasions by non-native plants. Microstegium vimineum (Japanese grass) is an invasive annual grass that has spread rapidly throughout the understory of forests across the eastern United States since it was first observed in Tennessee in 1919. M. vimineum occurs as extensive, dense patches in the understory of eastern deciduous forests, yet these patches often exhibit sharp boundaries and distinct gaps in cover. One example of this distributional pattern was observed relative to the native midstory tree Asimina triloba (pawpaw), whereby dense M. vimineum cover stopped abruptly at the drip line of the A. triloba patch and was absent beneath the A. triloba canopy. We conducted field and greenhouse experiments to test several hypotheses regarding the causes of this observed pattern of M. vimineum distribution, including allelopathy, seed dispersal, light limitations, and soil moisture, texture, and nutrient content. We concluded that light reduction by the A. triloba canopy was the environmental constraint that prevented establishment of M. vimineum beneath this tree. Whereas overstory tree canopy apparently facilitates the establishment of this shade-tolerant grass, the interaction of overstory canopy with midstory canopy interferes with M. vimineum by reducing the availability of sunflecks at the ground layer. It is likely that other midstory species influence the distribution and abundance of other herb-layer species, with implications for management of understory invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Water-use strategies of Populus tremula and Tilia cordata, and the role of abscisic acid in these strategies, were analysed. P. tremula dominated in the overstorey and T. cordata in the lower layer of the tree canopy of the temperate deciduous forest canopy. Shoot water potential (), bulk-leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]leaf), abscisic acid concentration in xylem sap ([ABA]xyl), and rate of stomatal closure following the supply of exogenous ABA (v) decreased acropetally through the whole tree canopy, and foliar water content per area (w), concentration of the leaf osmoticum (c), maximum leaf-specific hydraulic conductance of shoot (L), stomatal conductance (gs), and the threshold dose per leaf area of the exogenous ABA (da) required to reduce stomatal conductance increased acropetally through the tree canopy (from the base of the foliage of T. cordata to the top of the foliage of P. tremula) in non-stressed trees. The threshold dose per leaf dry mass of the exogenous ABA (dw) required to reduce stomatal conductance, was similar through the tree canopy. After a drought period (3 weeks), the , w, L, gs, da and dw had decreased, and c and v had increased in both species. Yet, the effect of the drought period was more pronounced on L, gs, da, dw and v in T. cordata, and on , w and c in P. tremula. It was concluded that the water use of the species of the lower canopy layer—T. cordata, is more conservative than that of the species of the overstorey, P. tremula. [ABA]leaf had not been significantly changed in these trees, and [ABA]xyl had increased during the drought period only in P. tremula. The relations between [ABA]leaf, [ABA]xyl and the stomatal conductance, the osmotic adjustment and the shoot hydraulic conductance are also discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and karyomorphological characters have been investigated inPamphilia andStyrax (Styracaceae). Counted for the first time in the genus, two species ofPamphilia were found to have 2n = 16. The twoStyrax spp. investigated share withPamphilia the same chromosome number, a peculiar condensation behaviour of the chromosomes (Fig. 1a–c) and the same type of semi-reticulate interphase nucleus, results which indicate a close relationship of the two genera. The base number inStyracaceae is probably x = 8 (2n = 2x = 16) with stabilized triploids inHalesia andPterostyrax (2n = 3x = 24). A preliminary comparison withSapotaceae andEbenaceae does not allow a general karyological characterisation of the orderEbenales.  相似文献   

Microfungal flora on aerial parts of a forest floor plant, Rodgersia podophylla, were studied at the forest side of a Japanese cedar plantation. From May to October, Nigrospora spp. were dominantly isolated from leaves, whereas Acremonium spp. and Fusarium spp. were dominant on stems, suggesting that the aerial part of the plants about 1 m height can offer two different habitats for these dominant fungi. In September and October, we could easily discern different types of tissue on the withering leaves, i.e., brown (necrotic lesion), yellowish (border tissue between brown and green areas), and green (healthy tissue). Nigrospora spp. and Pestalotiopsis spp. were continuously isolated on the brown area as well as on green and yellowish areas. Pathogenicity of N. sacchari and P. neglecta on potted plant leaves was confirmed by inoculation. From these, the fungi of these two genera seemed to have changed from quiescent to pathogenic with leaf senescence. Sporulations by fungi of the two genera were recognized on overwintered stems. These fungi may overwinter in stems that are slow to decompose, and seem to go over to the leaves in the following spring. Thus, they could be candidates for parasites that may play an important role in decomposition of the plant.  相似文献   

Collections of six species of Trifolium (Fabaceae) were made at 16 sites across the island of Sardinia in June/July 1998 and detailed ecogeographic information was recorded at each site. The six species collected were the inbreeding T. glomeratum, T. subterraneum and T. tomentosum, and the outcrossing T. nigrescens, T. michelianum and T. resupinatum. A principal components analysis and canonical variate analysis were conducted to group the sites, using the ecogeographical variables collected at each site. The variables that were found to be most important in grouping the sites were: mean January and July temperature, mean annual rainfall, latitude, longitude and soil pH. None of the six species were limited to only one ecogeographical group. However, it was often found to be only one or two variables that were determining their distribution. It is suggested that more detailed analysis of ecogeographic data of collection sites will become vital for improved planning of future collection missions, as the cost of collections and genetic erosion increases.  相似文献   

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