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The unstable allele sh-m6233 caused by insertion of the transposable element Ds into the sucrose synthase gene of maize, was cloned. The mutation is caused by the insertion of an ˜4 kb DNA segment, consisting of two identical Ds elements of ˜2000 bp length, of which one is inserted into the center of the other in inverted orientation. This structure is, at the level of restriction mapping and partial DNA sequencing, identical to the double Ds element found in a larger insert in the mutant allele sh-m5933. 8 bp of host DNA are duplicated upon insertion. In a revertant, a 6-bp duplication is retained.  相似文献   

Summary The receptive component of theCy transposable element system (rcy: Mu7) at theBz locus ofZea mays L. is 2.2 kb and has long terminal inverted repeats. The insertion is flanked by a 9 bp duplication. In the presence of an autonomousCy element in the genome,rcy: Mu7 is excised frombz-rcy in a manner consistent with a model suggested previously. The termini ofrcy: Mu7 have 85% sequence similarity with theMu1 element ofZ. mays. This is consistent with the observation thatMu1 can behave genetically like a receptive component of theCy system.  相似文献   

Maize has a long history of genetic and genomic tool development and is considered one of the most accessible higher plant systems. With a fully sequenced genome, a suite of cytogenetic tools, methods for both forward and reverse genetics, and characterized phenotype markers, maize is amenable to studying questions beyond plant biology. Major discoveries in the areas of transposons, imprinting, and chromosome biology came from work in maize. Moving forward in the post-genomic era, this classic model system will continue to be at the forefront of basic biological study. In this review, we outline the basics of working with maize and describe its rich genetic toolbox.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 14C into sucrose and hexose phosphates during steady-state photosynthesis was examined in intact leaves of Zea mays L. plants. The compartmentation of sucrose synthesis between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells was determined by the rapid fractionation of the mesophyll and comparison of the labelled sucrose in this compartment with that in a complete leaf after homogenisation. From these experiments it was concluded that the majority of sucrose synthesis occurred in the mesophyll cell type (almost 100% when the time-course of sucrose synthesis was extrapolated to the time of 14C-pulsing). The distribution of enzymes involved in sucrose synthesis between the two cell types indicated that sucrose-phosphate synthetase was predominantly located in the mesophyll, as was cytosolic (neutral) fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase activity. Stromal (alkaline) fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase activity was found almost exclusively in the bundle-sheath cells. No starch was found in the mesophyll tissue. These data indicate that in Zea mays starch and sucrose synthesis are spatially, separated with sucrose synthesis occurring in the mesophyll compartment and starch synthesis in the bundle sheath.  相似文献   

Summary Mutational and recombinational analyses carried out with the R-nj allele in maize to elucidate the genetic mechanism involved in unique pattern formation and origin of occasional self-coloured kernels in this stock revealed that R-nj represents a complex with two closely linked discrete components. The self-colour (Sc) component is responsible for anthocyanin production and the navajo (Nj) component regulates the time of onset and termination of pigment synthesis restricting the pigmentation to the crown region of the kernel. The probable gene order in the R region of the R-nj:Illinois isolate is: G-Sc-Nj-K.  相似文献   

Summary The Bz2 locus of Zea mays has been cloned, utilizing the presence of the transposable element Dissociation (Ds) at the locus as a gene tag. The Ds element inserted in the bz2-m allele was identified among many members of the Ac/Ds family in a Southern blot analysis of a population segregating for bz2-m and Bz2. After cloning a DNA fragment from the bz2-m allele, sequences flanking the Ds insertion were shown to be Bz2-specific and were used to isolate a homologous fragment from a wild-type Bz2 line. The Ds insertion in the bz2-m allele was found to be a Ds2 element identical to the Ds insertion in adh1-2F11.  相似文献   

The structure of the A1 gene of Zea mays was determined by sequencing cDNA and genomic clones. The gene is composed of four exons and three short introns. The 40.1-kd A1 protein is an NADPH-dependent reductase. Germinal derivatives of the mutable a1-m1 allele with either recessive or wild-type phenotype have been isolated. Sequence analysis of these revertant alleles indicates that frame-shift mutations abolish A1 gene function, whereas one additional amino acid within the protein sequence still allows wild-type gene expression. The presence of a second, promoter-like structure, upstream of the functional A1 gene promoter is discussed with respect to its possible involvement in differential expression of the A1 gene. The structure of the a1-m2 8004, 3456 and 4412 alleles, featuring distinguishable phenotypes in the presence of Spm(En), was also determined. In all alleles the 1080-bp-long inhibitor (I) element is located 15 bp upstream of the CAAT box of the A1 gene promoter. The unusual response of a1-m2 alleles to trans-active signals of the Spm(En) element is discussed with respect to the position of the I inserts. Also presented are data on the structure and insertion sites of transposable elements determined by cloning and sequencing of the mutable a1 alleles a1-mpapu, a1-mr 102 and a1-ml.  相似文献   

The waxy (Wx) locus of Zea mays was cloned from strains carrying the wild-type and wxm-8 mutant alleles. The receptor component of the Suppressor-Mutator (Spm) controlling element system in the wxm-8 allele was shown to be a 2 kb long insertion within the transcribed region of the Wx gene. The insertion, termed Spm-I8, is excised during somatic reversion events induced by the autonomous controlling element Enhancer (En), which is an equivalent to Spm. Integration of Spm-I8 into the Wx gene generates a 3-bp target site duplication. Spm-I8 has a 13 bp long inverted repeat at its termini. The ends of the element can be further folded to build a large double-stranded structure consisting of five perfectly matching double-stranded regions of 9–13 bp in length, interrupted by single-stranded loops. A comparison of the wild-type and wxm-8 alleles revealed two additional insertions 6 (insert-1) and 0.25 (insert-2) kb in length. No En-induced excision of insert-1 and insert-2 could be detected so far. There is remarkable structure and sequence homology between Spm-I8 and the transposable elements Tam1 and Tam2 of Antirrhinum majus at their termini, reflecting a possible evolutionary and/or functional relationship between transposons in different plant species.  相似文献   

Genotypes with extreme phenotypes are valuable for studying ‘difficult’ quantitative traits. Genomic prediction (GP) might allow the identification of such extremes by phenotyping a training population of limited size and predicting genotypes with extreme phenotypes in large sequences of germplasm collections. We tested this approach employing seedling root traits in maize and the extensively genotyped Ames Panel. A training population made up of 384 inbred lines from the Ames Panel was phenotyped by extracting root traits from images using the software program aria . A ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction strategy was used to train a GP model. Genomic estimated breeding values for the trait ‘total root length’ (TRL) were predicted for 2431 inbred lines, which had previously been genotyped by sequencing. Selections were made for 100 extreme TRL lines and those with the predicted longest or shortest TRL were validated for TRL and other root traits. The two predicted extreme groups with regard to TRL were significantly different (= 0.0001). The difference in predicted means for TRL between groups was 145.1 cm and 118.7 cm for observed means, which were significantly different (= 0.001). The accuracy of predicting the rank between 1 and 200 of the validation population based on TRL (longest to shortest) was determined using a Spearman correlation to be ρ = 0.55. Taken together, our results support the idea that GP may be a useful approach for identifying the most informative genotypes in sequenced germplasm collections to facilitate experiments for quantitative inherited traits.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of cDNA and homologous genomic clones encoding the lignin O-methyltransferase (OMT) from maize is reported. The cDNA clone has been isolated by differential screening of maize root cDNA library. Southern analysis indicates that a single gene codes for this protein. The genomic sequence contains a single 916 bp intron. The deduced protein sequence from DNA shares significant homology with the recently reported lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic OMTs from alfalfa and aspen. It also shares homology with OMTs from bovine pineal glands and a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium. The mRNA of this gene is present at different levels in distinct organs of the plant with the highest accumulation detected in the elongation zone of roots. Bacterial extracts from clones containing the maize OMT cDNA show an activity in methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid comparable to that existing in the plant extracts. These results indicate that the described gene encodes the caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) involved in the lignin biosynthesis of maize.  相似文献   

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