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The effect of size on the accumulation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe and Zn in the muscle and viscera of the gastropodsMonodonta turbinata andCerithium vulgatum was investigated. The concentration of the essential metals Cr, Mn and Ni and the non-essential metal Cd decreased with increasing size in both of the species and tissues. The concentration of the essential metals Cu, Fe and Zn, showed a less constant relation with size.  相似文献   

Both Parameletus chelifer and P. minor had univoltine life-cycles. For a period of 6–10 months almost no nymphs of either species were found. The first nymphs appeared near midstream in winter and later in spring when the ice had broken up, they were found in great numbers close to the bank of the main river. During spring, nymphs of P. chelifer colonized the newly flooded littoral faster, and a seasonal stream in an alluvial meadow in greater numbers, than did nymphs of P. minor. Both species also colonized 10 seasonal tributaries which showed that the springtime upstream colonization was a common behaviour. During the colonization of the seasonal stream in the alluvial meadow, the diel activity pattern changed in nymphs of both species. In the main river small nymphs showed a nocturnal activity, while large nymphs were active during day-time. In the seasonal stream, both small and large nymphs showed a diurnal activity. However, when the stream was flooded, small nymphs of both species showed nocturnal activity again. In both species, diurnal activity of mature nymphs continued during emergence. Reasons for shifts in diel activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diet and annual production of two cyprinid fishes in the Piscataquis River, Maine, were investigated before and after extensive deforestation of the surrounding watershed. Observed patterns were evaluated relative to post-logging changes in the benthic macroinvertebrate community, and to differences in ecomorphology between the two fishes. Prey selection was generally density-dependent for both predator species throughout the study, but significant exceptions to density-dependence were observed for several aquatic insect lifemode groups (e.g., swimmers, climbers, burrowers). This apparent preference/avoidance for certain prey taxa by fish predators could be adequately explained by differential availability (vulnerability) among prey taxa. Compared to the year before logging, significant post-logging changes in diet composition and gut fullness were observed for both blacknose dace,Rhinichthys atratulus, and creek chub,Semotilus atromaculatus, concomitant with post-logging changes in the availability of benthic prey. Annual production of blacknose dace was significantly lower (52.7 vs. 37.7 kg ha–1 y–1) in the year following logging. In contrast, annual production of creek chub increased significantly after logging, from 8.6 to 17.4 kg ha–1 y–1. Because post-logging changes in the physical environment were probably not sufficient to directly affect fish populations, we hypothesize that blacknose dace were morphologically constrained to feed on a declining aquatic prey resource, with a resultant decline in production. In contrast, the generalist creek chub switched to a non-aquatic prey resource (terrestrial arthropods) and no decline in production was observed for that species.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal changes in population densities of stream salmonids (masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis, and rainbow trout O. mykiss) in two tributaries of the Shoro River, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. In one small tributary, water temperature was relatively high during the winter, and populations of salmon and trout increased through immigration at this time of the year, becoming dominant components of the salmonid assemblage; the density of charr in this stream decreased during the winter, but charr was dominant during the summer. In another medium-sized tributary, the water temperature fell to close to 0°C during the winter, and densities of salmon and charr decreased in this season, through emigration; trout were very rare in this stream. Seasonal patterns of stream salmonid densities vary among species and between localities, resulting in seasonal changes in species composition. For a comprehensive understanding of population processes, a whole-river survey across seasons will be necessary.  相似文献   

Summary Three species of free-living Antarctic fellfield nematodes, Eudorylaimus coniceps, E. spaulli and E. pseudocarteri exhibited differing degrees of both strategies of cold-hardiness; freeze-tolerance and freeze-avoidance. Bimodal distributions of supercooling points were obtained from monthly field samples of both E. coniceps and E. spaulli. Individuals found in the low group of this distribution (supercooling to <-15 °C) were capable of avoiding freezing by extensive supercoolint (to a mean temperature of ca-22 °C), sufficient to with-stand the environmental extremes of the maritime Antarctic. The high groups of both these species, and almost all E. pseudocarteri, were likely to have frozen at some stage during winter. Survival of freezing increased with the temperature at which nucleation occurred, and has been described by a Gompertz model. Estimates of the supercooling points at which survival fell to 50% were-10.4,-7.1 and-6.1 °C for E. coniceps, E. pseudocarteri and E. spaulli, respectively.  相似文献   

Comparison of epilithic and epixylic biofilm development in a boreal river   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY. 1. We assessed substratum effects on lotic biofilm development by placing glass and white pine sampling units in a fourth-order boreal river, and analysing, at 6-week intervals, upper-surface biofilms for ATP, chlorophyll, ergosterol, and the activities of nine exoenzymes.
2. All parameters, except chlorophyll standing stock (range 80–320 μg dm−2) and β-xylosidase activity (range 0.4–4.8 μmol h−1 dm−2), were significantly greater for epixylic biofilms than for epilithic ones, but the magnitude of the increases varied from 2 to 5 fold, showing that, even under similar hydrodynamic conditions, epilithic and epixylic biofilms are structurally and functionally distinct. For example, ergosterol concentrations ranged from undetectable to 0.93 μg dm−2 for epilithon and from 11–49 μg dm−2 for epixylon; corresponding ranges for ATP were 1.6–3.7 (epilithon) and 4.2–7.7 μg dm−2 (epixylon), for acid phosphatase activity: 2.3–4.9 and 20–41 μmolh−1dm−2, and for alkaline phosphatase activity: 1.9–8.1 and 29–150 μmol h−1dm−2, respectively.
3. The more extensive epixylic development was attributed to utilization of the wood substratum as a supplemental carbon source and to a higher density of microbial attachment sites.  相似文献   

This study of population structure of two intertidal monodontine species: Diloma nigerrima and Diloma subrostrata, revealed the level of genetic connectedness among populations. Despite their markedly different geographic ranges (D. nigerrima is a geographically widespread species, inhabiting both Chile and New Zealand, including its subantarctic islands, whereas D. subrostrata is endemic to New Zealand), both species are believed to possess short-lived lecithotrophic larval stages. Polymorphic DNA microsatellite sequences were used to reveal the level of genetic connectedness among populations, thus inferring the two species' relative effective dispersal abilities. For each species F statistics, AMOVA values and the strength of the relationship between geographic and genetic distance were calculated. We observed a higher within-species level of genetic variation (ΦST = 0.099 vs. ΦST = 0.016) and a higher proportion of variance (11.15% vs. 0%) among populations of D. nigerrima than of D. subrostrata. A larger fraction of significant FST values was observed among D. nigerrima population pairs (65%) than among D. subrostrata population pairs (33%). Significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance was observed for D. nigerrima but not for D. subrostrata, but this relationship was not consistent among pairwise D. nigerrima population comparisons and PCA analysis confirms that, for each species, population structure does not follow a consistent pattern of increasing with geographic distance. The lack of population structure among D. subrostrata populations is probably due to its ubiquitous distribution, meaning little opportunity exists for genetic structure. D. nigerrima, by contrast has a patchier distribution, which allows for greater opportunities for genetic differentiation to occur. We argue that, despite the probable short larval stage in this species, the lack of geographical pattern in the genetic structure found in D. nigerrima is best explained by occasional dispersal over relatively short distances around the coast of New Zealand, over longer distances from New Zealand to the subantarctic islands and even across the Pacific Ocean from New Zealand to Chile.  相似文献   

Biofilm development on leaf and wood surfaces in a boreal river   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY 1. Biofilms are organic layers that develop on submerged surfaces. They are composed of micro-organisms, exoenzymes, and detritus particles enclosed within a gelatinous matrix. While much is known about mineral surface biofilms, those developing on organic surfaces have not been extensively studied. We examined the influences of current velocity and substratum composition on biofilm development in a fourth-order North American boreal river. 2. Arrays of white birch ice-cream sticks and sugar maple leaves were placed at fast and slow current sites. Samples were collected periodically, analysed for mass loss, and assayed for microbial biomass (ATP, ergosterol, chlorophyll a) and exoenzyme activity associated with lignocellulose degradation (exo- and endocellulase, β-glucosidase, phenol oxidase, peroxidase). 3. Biofilms developed rapidly on both surfaces. On leaves, biomass peaked within 30 days of exposure. On wood, ATP and chlorophyll a concentrations peaked within 30–70 days, whereas ergosterol increased throughout the study (161 days). On leaves, current velocity had little influence on biofilm development, although breakdown rates were greater at the fast flow site. On wood, ATP and chlorophyll a concentrations were greater at the fast flow site, whereas ergosterol concentrations and breakdown rates were similar at both sites. Microbial biomass was consistently greater on wood than leaves, Exoenzyme activity developed rapidly on both surfaces; current velocity had little influence on activity. Except for β-glucosidase, activities were greater on wood than leaves. 4. Our results suggest that fungi are an important structuring element of organic surface biofilms and the physical stability of the substratum strongly influences biofilm development. Leaf surfaces are susceptible to softening and fragmentation, truncating biofilm development. In contrast, abrasion of wood surfaces removes senescent material exposing fresh substratum for colonization. Thus, wood surfaces with their greater physical stability, permit the development of more extensive biofilms. Wood surfaces may represent an overlooked but important site of metabolic activity in streams.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to characterize the relative competitive and phytotoxic potential of two closely related dwarf-shrub species, Empetrum nigrum and E. hermaphroditum, which form clones in a mosaic pattern in post-fire successions of the boreal forest of northern Sweden. We determined morphological and growth parameters of both species, performed bioassays and chemical analysis, and established field experiments to explore possible differing interference effects on trees by the two species. Both Empetrum species had very similar morphological and growth characteristics. E. hermaphroditum exerted considerably greater negative effects than E. nigrum against Pinus sylvestris and Populus tremula seed and seedlings. These negative effects were related to the different substitution of a bibenzyl in the two species. The effect on seed germination of the two bibenzyls isolated from E. nigrum and E. hermaphroditum was compared with that of other simple phenolics; the latter were found to be inactive, indicating a specific phytotoxic component in the bibenzyls. P. sylvestris seeds planted into clones of both species in the field revealed that E. hermaphroditum had much stronger inhibitory effects than did E. nigrum and the addition of activated carbon partially reversed these effects. Seed germination, biomass and survival of P. sylvestris after four seasons were significantly lower in E. hermaphroditum- than in E. nigrum-dominated plots. We conclude that while both Empetrum species are superficially very similar morphologically, they have vastly different effects on tree seed germination, seedling establishment and growth. These effects appear to be due, at least in part, to the different chemical profile of the two species. Received: 2 April 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

  • 1 Biofilms, the accumulation of micro-organisms, exoenzymes, and detritus particles on submerged surfaces, may change the quality of leaves and wood as sources of food and/or habitat for invertebrates. We examined the relationship between macroinvertebrate assemblages and biofilm development on leaves and wood in a boreal river.
  • 2 Arrays of white birch ice-cream sticks and sugar maple leaves were placed at fast- and slow-current sites. Samples were collected periodically, and assayed for microbial biomass (ATP, ergosterol, chlorophyll a) and macroinvertebrate colonizers.
  • 3 Microbial biomass and macroinvertebrate density were consistently greater on wood than leaves. Taxon richness was similar for all substratum/current combinations, but taxon density (number of taxa m?2) was greater on wood. Macroinvertebrate density and taxon richness correlated with all microbial indicators when data from both substrata were pooled.
  • 4 Leaves did not support as great a density of invertebrates as wood perhaps because of their faster breakdown rate and truncated biofilm development. Greater stability and the potential for surface complexity may make wood a site of higher macroinvertebrate diversity than leaves.

SUMMARY. 1. Benthic particulate organic matter (POM) was collected from a shallow pool of a fourth order boreal stream and sorted into seven size fractions ranging from 63 to >4000μm. Each size fraction was analysed for fibre, total phosphorus, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen. Microbial activity was measured by oxygen consumption and characterized by assaying for eleven classes of exoenzymes including cellulase, phenol oxidase, peroxidase, phosphatase and sulphatase.
2. Indices of detritus quality such as C/N, C/P, percent lignin, and microbial respiration showed improvement with decreasing particle size. Three covarying exoenzyme groups were identified: a carbohydrase-phosphatase group that included eight enzymes, a phenol oxidase-peroxidase group, and sulphatase. The activity of the carbohydrase-phosphatase group, was significantly correlated with microbial respiration and the carbohydrate content of the POM. Phenol oxidase-peroxidase activity was correlated with lignin content for POM greater than 250 μm, but activity increased markedly in the two smallest size fractions even though the lignin content of the POM continued to decline, Sulphatase activity was inversely related to particle size over the entire range.
3. The changes in microbial activity with particle size were attributed to the increasing surface area to volume ratio of smaller particles and to an ecological succession in the microbial community.  相似文献   

Tommy I. Olsson 《Ecography》1983,6(4):333-339
Seasonal variations in the lateral distribution of mayfly nymphs were investigated in the North Swedish river Vindelälven; a river with large seasonal differences in water level, current velocity and ice conditions, A total of 22 mayfly species about equally divided between summer and winter species were found along a single transect. At low water level in late summer and autumn most species were distributed over the whole transect. In winter the populations occupying the littoral moved into deeper water, so avoiding the ice. Only very small mortalities were detected in the ice. Prior to the spring flood most characteristically still water species moved to the shallow uppermost littoral while lotic species and the burrowing Ephemera vulgata L. did not show the same aggregation near the shore. It is suggested that these lateral movements allow the nymphs to avoid adverse environmental conditions and to exploit food resources over the whole transect.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Rivers are linear ecosystems across landscapes with an effective transport of organisms, sediment and organic matter. Dispersal is studied mostly during single events and for single species, and there is little knowledge on how the drift of plant litter and propagules varies within and between years for entire communities.
2. We used floating traps for collecting waterborne plant litter and propagules in a small boreal river over 2 years. We installed the traps at four different locations along the river, and emptied them at least once a week during the ice-free season. We analysed propagule content by sorting and identifying species and through germination tests on bare soil.
3. In total, we recorded at least 54 taxa in the samples, and the highest density recorded in one sample was 5000 propagules per 100 g litter (dry weight). Large temporal variations in litter and propagule transport were revealed, both within and between years.
4. The longitudinal pattern was consistent between years, with an increasing mass of litter and number of propagule taxa downstream. The results highlight the importance of the temporal and longitudinal dimensions in river management.  相似文献   

Aims Boreal forest is the largest and contains the most soil carbon among global terrestrial biomes. Soil respiration during the prolonged winter period may play an important role in the carbon cycles in boreal forests. This study aims to explore the characteristics of winter soil respiration in the boreal forest and to show how it is regulated by environmental factors, such as soil temperature, soil moisture and snowpack.Methods Soil respiration in an old-growth larch forest (Larix gmelinii Ruppr.) in Northeast China was intensively measured during the winter soil-freezing process in 2011 using an automated soil CO2 flux system. The effects of soil temperature, soil moisture and thin snowpack on soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity were investigated.Important findings Total soil respiration and heterotrophic respiration both showed a declining trend during the observation period, and no significant difference was found between soil respiration and heterotrophic respiration until the snowpack exceeded 20cm. Soil respiration was exponentially correlated with soil temperature and its temperature sensitivity (Q 10 value) for the entire measurement duration was 10.5. Snow depth and soil moisture both showed positive effects on the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. Based on the change in the Q 10 value, we proposed a 'freeze–thaw critical point' hypothesis, which states that the Q 10 value above freeze–thaw critical point is much higher than that below it (16.0 vs. 3.5), and this was probably regulated by the abrupt change in soil water availability during the soil-freezing process. Our findings suggest interactive effects of multiple environmental factors on winter soil respiration and recommend adopting the freeze–thaw critical point to model soil respiration in a changing winter climate.  相似文献   

Brycon gouldingi and B. falcatus were the most abundant and widespread of five species of the genus captured in a sampling study encompassing 5 years (1995–2000) in the upper Rio Tocantins, where the river was impounded by the Serra da Mesa hydroelectric dam. Given that impoundments constitute a disturbance to which species will show demographic and biological responses, we assessed such responses of these two omnivorous fishes, whose genus is regarded as vulnerable to impoundments. Both species increased greatly in numbers during the initial reservoir filling period. Brycon gouldingi had higher abundance values than B. falcatus in all sampling months, except in the pre-impoundment period. Both species showed a significant weight increment relative to body length during the time they remained in the reservoir. No reproductive individuals of B. gouldingi were recorded in the study area, but those few of Brycon falcatus were found in both wet and dry seasons, suggesting a more opportunistic strategy of reproduction. Both species were omnivorous and overlapped broadly in diet. The proportions of dietary items, however, varied in relation to fish size class and water dynamics (lotic versus lentic sites). Terrestrial arthropods composed a larger proportion of the diet of smaller-sized individuals and those from lentic sites, whereas seeds and fruits contributed more to the diet of both larger-sized individuals and those from lotic environments. Except for fish and aquatic heteropterans, which were consumed mainly in the reservoir, all other food items were allochthonous, indicating the dependence of these two species of Brycon on the terrestrial environment. The two species responded similarly to the alterations imposed by the impoundment of the upper Tocantins, although reproduction/recruitment pattern was slightly different between species. As observed in other regions of Brazil, impoundments and deforestation appear to produce negative cumulative effects on species of Brycon. These impacts call for greater efforts to conserve and manage members of this diverse and widespread genus. Handling editor: S.M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. It is generally assumed that generalist predatory carabids are food limited, and the degree of food limitation can vary in space and time, but there are only a few studies that investigate whether or not temporal variation in insect condition is synchronised among sites.
2. In this paper temporal and spatial variation in four fitness-related traits – body mass corrected for size, body size, fat content, and fecundity – of two carabid species, Pterostichus cupreus (L.) and Pterostichus melanarius (Ill.), differing in overwintering strategy, lifespan, diet, and habitat breadth were studied.
3. Interactions between temporal and spatial variation for the fitness-related traits were found for both species. Temporal changes in food limitation were not synchronised among sites, and fitness-related traits were not generally higher on some sites than on others.
4. There was an effect of study year on body mass, fat content, and fecundity for both species, suggesting that temporal environmental variation over large areas is more important than the spatial environmental variation within a year.
5. Within a time period, most different fitness-related traits, except body size, were positively correlated to each other among individuals of the same species. The fitness-related traits of females and males of the same species were generally positively correlated. However, despite the fact that the food resources of the two species overlap, there was no correlation in fitness-related traits between the two species.  相似文献   

Juli Broggi  Esa Hohtola  Kari Koivula 《Ibis》2021,163(1):260-267
The plastic regulation of internal energy reserves is acknowledged as the main adaptive response to winter conditions of resident small birds in northern latitudes, a strategy that may be altered whenever human‐supplemented food is available. We investigated the effects of supplementary feeding on the energy management strategy of two wild passerine species, the Willow Tit Poecile montanus and Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, wintering in boreal conditions by measuring body mass and the energy cost of living, i.e. basal metabolic rate. Individuals of both species were heavier, larger and exhibited a higher energy cost of living when captured at the feeders than were individuals captured away from feeders. Fed Willow Tits expended more energy in maintenance, although this difference disappeared once mass was accounted for. Conversely, Blue Tits at feeders had higher mass‐adjusted energy cost of living, but only at low ambient temperatures. The results indicate that winter feeding has species‐specific effects on overall energy management strategy and modifies the response to environmental conditions of wintering passerines.  相似文献   

Few studies have explicitly examined avian community structure in the North American northern boreal forest Herein we report upon the results of bird surveys in mature stands of boreal forest in the Great Clay Belt Ontario. Canada We related trends in avian community structure and individual bird species abundance to two environmental gradients described in a landbase classification scheme called the Forest Ecosystem Classification a moisture and a nutrient-richness gradient Variation in environmental characteristics is limited in the Ontario Clay Belt and this was reflected in short environmental gradient lengths However major trends in avian community structure were strongly associated with the nutrient-richness gradient axis summarized by this scheme Analyses of avian community composition indicated a continuum from moist coniferous habitats to drier aspen-dominated mixed woodlands with several bird species occurring in varying abundances across the width of both gradients 48 of the 58 species examined showed statistically significant associations with at least one of the two multivariate gradient axes A smaller proportion of short-distance migrant species were associated with these gradients than were species in either the neotropical migrant or resident categories We used a multivariate variable (habitat breadth) to compare degree of habitat specialization across different migratory groups A large proportion of neotropical migrants showed a high degree of habitat specialization m mature Clay Belt forests, and neotropical species with small habitat breadths were more commonly associated with habitats dominated by broad-leaved deciduous tree species than either short-distance or permanent resident species We discuss our findings in relation to the post-glacial history of the Clay Belt region  相似文献   

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