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The chemical composition of common carp Cyprinus carpio asteriscus (vaterite) and lapillus (aragonite) otoliths from the same individual and reflecting the same growth period was measured to (1) determine whether there are differences in the uptake of trace metals (Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ) and Sr isotope ratios (87Sr:86Sr) in co‐precipitating lapilli and asterisci and (2) compare the ability of multi‐element and isotopic signatures from lapilli, asterisci and both otolith types combined to discriminate C. carpio populations over a large spatial scale within a river basin. Depth profile analyses at the otolith edge using laser‐ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry showed that asterisci were enriched in Mg and Mn and depleted in Sr and Ba relative to lapilli, whilst 87Sr:86Sr values were nearly identical in both otolith types. Significant spatial differences among capture locations were found when all trace element and Sr isotope ratio data were aggregated into a multi‐element and isotopic signature, regardless of which otolith type was used or if they were used in combination. Discriminatory power was enhanced, however, when data for both otolith types were combined, suggesting that analysis of multiple otolith types may be useful for studies attempting to delineate C. carpio populations at finer spatial or temporal scales.  相似文献   

In rectus abdominis muscles of the frog the active shorteningprovoked by 15–40 mM K was supported by Ca, Sr, and Ba,but not by Ni, Co, Mn, Cd, or Zn ions. Addition of the lattercations to a solution containing Ca decreased the responsesin a manner suggesting competitive inhibition. The shorteningof the rectus muscle found in divalent cation-free, low K solutionsis abolished by Ni, Co, Mn, and Mg. In rat muscles a transientincrease in the contractural responses to elevated potassiumwas observed when Ni was applied following partial washout ofCa. In single muscle fibers of the barnacle, development oftension was supported by Ca and Sr, and the other divalent cationswere without effect. Retention of Ca45 in barnacle resting musclefibers soaked in solutions containing 10 mM Ca for 2 min andsubsequently washed for 10 min was 60 ± 3.1 mµMCa/g, whereas retention of Ca45 in contracting muscles similarlyexposed to Ca45 was 156 + 17 mµM Ca/g of fresh muscle.The results are compatible with the idea that activation ofcontraction in some types of muscles is due to entry of extracellularCa.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated, in both herbaceous and woody species,that tissue hydration resulting from exposure to drought isless pronounced if plants are concurrently exposed to ultraviolet-Bradiation (UV-B). An explanation for the mechanisms underlyingthis phenomenon has been elusive. Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh.genotypes, defective in specific defences against UV-B exposure,may permit more insightful study of drought-UV-B interactionsthan is possible with genetically uniform plants. Arabidopsishas a rosette stature and has predominantly abaxial stomata.Thus, it is difficult to investigate its stomatal behaviourand gas exchange using conventional techniques and instrumentation.In this study, the relative abundance of13C and12C in leaf tissue(13C) was used as a means of determining water use efficiency(WUE) and the relative balance, at the site of carbon fixation,between CO2supply and demand. UV-B insensitive (L er) and sensitive(fah1)Arabidopsis genotypes were raised in a growth chamberand exposed to 6 kJ m-2 d-1UV-B irradiation and subjected todrought. In both genotypes, leaf desiccation was less pronouncedthan that of control plants that were subjected to drought butnot exposed to UV-B. The relatively low (more negative) leaf13C values (indicating low WUE), but high dry matter productionof the UV-B exposed plants suggest that their higher leaf watercontent was not primarily due to stomatal closure. We proposethat the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of higher leafwater content involved UV-B and water stress induced biosynthesisof stress proteins and compatible osmolytes. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Arabidopsis thaliana, ultraviolet-B, water deficit, stable carbon isotopes, 13C, stomatal opening, tissue dehydration, dehydrin  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope composition of particulate organicmatter expressed as 13C was measured in cultures of 13 speciesof marine microalgae in different phylogenetic groups. The effectsof salinity variations and changes in photoperiod were alsoassayed for three of them (i.e. Skeletonema costatum, Amphidiniumopercularum and Isochrysis galbana); the effect of nature ofnitrogen supply (nitrate. ammonium) was studied for one (S.costatum).These environmental parameters were chosen because of theirvariability in the ocean and their possible effects on 13C valuesof phytoplankton organic carbon. Batch culture conditions andsampling time after inoculum were strongly controlled in orderto provide cells in good physiological state which were comparablefrom one culture to the other. In the same way, sampling waslimited to the first 2 days of exponential growth, in orderto avoid a possible dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) limitation.Carboxylase activities [of the enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco), and the three ß carboxylases:phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase (PEPCK) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC)] and totalchlorophyll a concentrations were assayed simultaneously. The13C values observed were between –30.2 and –12.7i.e. comparable to those observed in the world's oceans. Theisotopic composition of phytoplankton organic carbon was shownto be under the influence of the parameters tested but 13C variationsare specific to the species considered. The nature of ßcarboxylase found in each species, or systematic position, couldnot be linked to the isotopic composition of organic carbon.No linear or single correlation between 13C variations and environmentalmodifications were observed and there is no evidence for a simpleand universal relation between 13C of phytoplankters and theirenvironment. In monospecific cultures as in the field, 13C fractionationby Rubisco (and eventually by PEPCK) may be counterbalancedby other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the chemistry (Mg, Mn, Sr and Ba) of recently deposited otolith material (last 20–30 days of life) was compared between two demersal fish species; snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis (Platycephalidae), that were collected simultaneously at 12 sites across three bays in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Otolith chemistry was also compared with ambient water chemistry and among three sampling positions adjacent to the proximal otolith margin. For both species, variation in otolith chemistry among bays was significant for Ba, Mn and Sr; however, differences among bays were only similar between species for Ba and Mn. Only Ba showed significant variation at the site level. Across the 12 sites, mean otolith Ba levels were significantly positively correlated between species. Further, although incorporation rates differed, mean ambient Ba levels for both species were positively correlated with ambient Ba levels. Spatial variation in multi-element otolith chemistry was also broadly similar between species and with multi-element water chemistry. Partition coefficients clearly indicated species-specific incorporation of elements into otoliths. Mg and Mn were consistently higher in snapper than sand flathead otoliths (mean ±s .d ., Mg snapper 22·1 ± 3·8 and sand flathead 9·9 ± 1·5 μg g−1, Mn snapper 4·4 ± 2·6 and sand flathead 0·5 ± 0·3 μg g−1), Sr was generally higher in sand flathead otoliths (sand flathead 1570 ± 235 and snapper 1346 ± 104 μg g−1) and Ba was generally higher in snapper otoliths (snapper 12·1 ± 12·8 and sand flathead 1·8 ± 1·4 μg g−1). For both species, Mg and Mn were higher in the faster accreting regions of the otolith margin, Sr was lower in the slower accreting region and Ba showed negligible variation among the three sampling regions. This pattern was consistent with the higher Mg and Mn, and generally lower Sr observed in the faster accreting snapper otoliths. It is hypothesized that the differences between species in the incorporation of these elements may be at least partly related to differences in metabolic and otolith accretion rate. Although rates of elemental incorporation into otoliths appear species specific, for elements such as Ba where incorporation appears consistently related to ambient concentrations, spatial variation in otolith chemistry should show similarity among co-occurring species.  相似文献   

The luciferin-luciferase method was used to determine ATP extractedfrom darkmaintained and light-exposed samples of the green algaChlorella pyrenoidosa and of the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans.A few measurements on Synechococcus lividus (a bluegreen thermophile,clone 65?C) are also reported.
  1. The light-minus-dark ATP levels (ATP) from aerobic cells ofChlorella and Anacystis were negative; however, ATP from Synechococcuswas positive. Large positive ATP was obtained in regularly grown(RG: moderate light) Chlorella treated with oligomycin; darklevels were reduced, light levels remained essentially unaffected.In high-light exposed (HLE) Chlorella, oligomycin reduced bothlight and dark ATP levels, but positive ATP was still obtained.However, in Anacystis, which has a different organization ofthylakoid membrane, oligomycin severely reduced both the lightand the dark ATP levels and the ATP remained negative.
  2. Theoligomycin (12 µM) treated Chlorella and the untreatedAnacystis and Synechococcus show the presence of cyclic photophosphorylationunder conditions in which the non-cyclic electron flow fromphotosystem II to photosystem I is blocked by 10 µM 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea(DCMU), or not allowed to operate by the absence of CO2. Cyclicphotophosphorylation ranged from 10–30% of the maximumATP in RG, to 40–50% in HLE Chlorella. In RG Chlorella,cyclic and non-cyclic (in the absence of DCMU) photophosphorylation(ATP) saturate at about 103 ergs cm–2 sec–1 and104 ergs cm–2 sec–1 and 104 ergs cm–2 sec–1red (>640 nm) light, respectively; a lag was observed inthe light curve.
  3. In Chlorella, the addition of the photosystemI electron acceptormethyl viologen (MV; 1 mM) increased ATPby twofold. Furtheraddition of DCMU (25 µm) reduced thisto the level observedwith DCMU alone. If 1 mM reduced dichlorophenolindophenol orphenazine methosulphate (DCPIPH2 or PMSH2, respectively)wasadded along with DCMU, the ATP level was 30–40% ofthecontrol. Further addition of MV increased the JATP to be70–80%of that of the control. These and other resultsconfirm thepresence of both non-cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylationin vivo, the former predominating in Chlorella, and the latterin Anacystis and Synechococcus.
(Received May 1, 1973; )  相似文献   

Pure cultures of the coccolithophorid Syracosphaera carleraewere grown in a synthetic saline medium containing 3.4mM Ca++and 2.0, 1.0, 0.5 or 0.0 mM Sr++. The coccoliths were separatedby differential centrifugation, washed, dried, and examinedby flame photometry and by X-ray diffraction. In the absenceof Sr, they consisted of pure calcite. In media containing Sr,the concentration factor or incorporation factor (Sr/Ca in coccolithsSr/Ca in medium) was approx. 0.02 in each case, indicating ahigh degree of discrimination against Sr. 1 Nuna adreso: Scripps Instituto por Oceanografio, La Jolla,California, U. S. A. (Received March 4, 1961; )  相似文献   

Clonally propagated plants of Dactylis glomerata derived froma well-drained, heavily grazed cliff habitat (clone L) and froman undergrazed poorly-drained soil (clone A) were tested forwaterlogging tolerance in soil-culture. Water-logging did notaffect the two clones differentially, a result, which contrastedstrongly with that of a previous experiment in which simulatedgrazing (clipping to 20 cm) unexpectedly caused clone A to beless tolerant of waterlogging than clone L. Maximum leaf andleaf sheath length was reduced more by water-logging in cloneL than in clone A (P < 0.05). In solution-culture when providedwith factorial combinations of 0.5, 5 and 50 mg dm–2 ofFe2+ and Mn2+ the shoot dry weight yield of the dry-soil clonewas reduced more than that of the wet-soil clone by 50 mg Fedm–3 irrespective of Mn2+ concentration (P < 0.01)but the reduction of growth was less at higher Mn2+ concentrations.Fifty milligrams of Mn2+ dm–3 reduced the growth of thedry soil clone but increased the growth of the wet soil clonewith Fe2+ at 5 mg dm–2 (P < 0.05). Iron at 0.5 mg dm–2was suboptimal for shoot growth of both clones at any levelof Mn2+ and caused more severe leaf chlorosis in the wet soilclone. Leaf tissue of clone L contained more iron than thatof clone A after waterlogging (P < 0.01) but in solutionculture, though increasing iron from 0.5 to 50 mg dm–3almost doubled leaf iron content (P < 0.001), the interactionClones x Mn x Fe just failed to reach significance at P <0.05. The manganese content of leaf tissue from the two clonesvaried differently in response to solution manganese (Clonesx Mn P < 0.01), clone A showing a slightly greater increaseof manganese content at high solution concentration. Iron at50 mg dm–3 suppressed Mn uptake (Mn x Fe, P < 0.001)in both clones. The two clones thus show marked environmentaladaptation to the chemistry of wet and dry soils. Dactylis glomerata, Cocksfoot grass, Orchard grass, waterlogging, iron, manganese, toxicity, deficiency, ecotypes  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables which are known tochange with altitude on the 13C of leaves of Nardus stricta,have been investigated in controlled environment experiments.Low temperature and an increased incidence of freezing temperaturescaused 13C to increase. In contrast, lowered atmospheric pressurereduced 13C. Increased leaf surface wetness and soil water contentalso caused a decrease. Plants from different altitudes didnot differ consistently or significantly in their responses. Key words: Carbon isotope discrimination, altitude, temperature, atmospheric pressure, freezing  相似文献   

Two varieties (Nihonbare and Koshihikari) of rice plants (Oryzasativa L.) were grown hydro-ponically with two levels (20 and100 mg N liter –1) of ammonia. Variations in levels ofnatural abundance of 15N (15N) were analyzed in the ammoniaand organic nitrogen of shoots and roots, as well as in theammonia in the culture solution. There was substantial fractionationof nitrogen isotopes during the uptake of ammonia. When plantsabsorbed a large proportion of ammonia from a solution witha low concentration, less negative 15N values in plants andhigh positive 15N values in the ammonia remaining in solutionwere observed. The reverse was found when a smaller fractionof ammonia was absorbed from a solution with a higher concentrationof ammonia. The l5N values of ammonia in shoots and roots werehigher than in the respective constituent organic nitrogen,suggesting the fractionation of nitrogen isotopes during theassimilation of ammonia. Wild-type and mutant cells of the cyanobacterium(blue-green alga) Synechococcus PCC 7942 were grown in nitrate-or ammonia-containing medium as the source of nitrogen. Fractionationof nitrogen isotopes during the uptake of nitrate was limited,whereas that during the uptake of ammonia was considerable. 1 In this report, the term ammonia refers indiscriminately toboth NH3 or NH4+. (Received June 13, 1991; Accepted September 12, 1991)  相似文献   

-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (-aminolevulinic acid hydrolyaseEC [EC] ) which catalyzes the formation ofporphobilinogenfrom two molecules of -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was purifiedfrom Chlorella regularis 737-fold by acetone and ammonium sulfatefractionations, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, and SephadexG-200 gel filtration. The enzyme had an optimum pH of 8.5 inTris-HCl buffer and required either Mg2+ or Mn2+ for its maximumactivity. The Km values for Mg2+, Mn2+ and ALA were 15 µM,10µM, and 0.5 mM, respectively. The enzyme was not activatedby thiol compounds, but was inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate.The molecular weight estimated by gel filtration was 316,000and the isoelectric point was 5.25. (Received October 18, 1978; )  相似文献   

FORD  ELSIE M. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(1):113-119
One-year rooted shoots of M.VII apple rootstock were grown fora single season by spraying their roots continuously with nutrientsolutions containing either < 3 ppmMg(Mg(0)) or 45 ppm(Mg(0))to give, respectively, potentially very deficient or healthyplants. The new shoots of half the plants in each of these treatmentswere dipped periodically in a 2 per cent solution of MgSO4.7H2O plus ‘wetter’. Mg(0) undipped plants developed severe symptoms of Mg deficiency,growth was poor, and the shoot/root dry-weight increment ratiowas high; none of these characteristics was found in Mg(0) dippedplants, whose growth was not appreciably less than that of Mg(2)undipped controls. There was little translocation of Mg from leaves to roots: theconcentration of Mg in roots of Mg(0) dipped plants was as lowas that of the undipped. The large accumulation of Mn and, toa less extent, of Fe in Mg(0) dipped roots was not apparentlydetrimental to growth. Growth of Mg(2) dipped plants was similar to that of the undipped. Dipping had little effect on the chemical composition of leaves,except to raise the concentration of Mg.  相似文献   

Physiologically-driven rhythms in bivalve molluscs are predictedto vary as a function of metabolic rate and temperature, incontrast to genetically predisposed biological clocks. Theserhythms can be evaluated using long-term video monitoring techniquesunder controlled conditions in laboratory aquaria. The bivalvesAnodonta cygnea and Margaritifera falcata were used to evaluatethe effect of temperature on rhythms in gape and the formationof siphons at the mantle edge. Frequency and duration of shellclosure vary with temperature in both species, but with differentresponses. Mean duration of intervals of valve closure decreasesas temperature rises in both species, and is consistent withphysiological limitation by increased biological oxygen demand.For A. cygnea, cumulative gape duration peaks at 25°C, withless time spent closed than at any other temperature, but increasingtemperatures correspond to an increase in gape frequency witha strong increase observed at 31°C. In contrast, frequencyof adduction and valve closure peak at 25°C in M. falcata,and continuous gaping is observed above 29.5°C. This physiologicalstress is consistent with evidence from sclerochronologically-calibratedstable isotope studies of shells, where growth breaks in manymarine taxa coincide with maximum temperatures above 31°Cas derived for 18Ocarbonate. The results of this study suggestthat these growth breaks may be due to physiological limitationsin oxygen uptake and metabolic activity, rather than being adirect consequence of elevated temperature alone. (Received 17 March 2008; accepted 3 October 2008)  相似文献   

Autoradiographs of leaves of ryegrass plants (Lolium sp.) takingup radioactive zinc (65Zn) from soil showed an unusual patternof label distribution. Tracer accumulated in a regular seriesof pulses along leaf veins. Pulses in adjacent veins occurredin juxtaposition forming the pattern of a band across the leaf. The possibilities of artifacts resulting from plant-culturetechnique or methods of preparing leaves for autoradiographywere eliminated. The band effect in leaves of Loliumand other grass species occurredwith 65Zn but not 19Fe or 54Mn. Leaves of Hordeum vulgare, Zeamays, Bromus rigidus, and two non-gramineous species did notshow the band phenomenon with 65Zn. There was a close relationshipbetween the frequency of bands and the rate of growth of a leaf.The band pattern was shown to be responsive to changes in daylengthand temperature during growth. Possible origins of the band phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Under-storey Nutrient Content in an Age Sequence of Douglas-fir Stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TURNER  J.; LONG  J. N.; BACKIEL  A. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1045-1055
The nutrient concentrations and contents of the under-storeyspecies were estimated for a series of Pacific North-west Douglas-fir[Pseudotsuga menxiessii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in agefrom 9 to 95 years. Analyses were carried out for ash, N, P,K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Na and significant differences innutrient concentrations were found to exist between species;species rejecting certain nutrients and accumulating others.General trends for mean concentrations of some nutrients areassociated with stand maturity in that ash, K and Mg decline,P and Mn increase and N and Ca reaches a peak at 20–30years and then declines. The nutrient contents (kg ha–1)of the under-storey component of the stands are presented andtrends discussed. Mineral nutrient content, under-storey vegetation, Pseudotsuga menziessii stands, Douglas-fir  相似文献   

Tyler  Germund 《Annals of botany》1993,71(4):295-301
Germination, establishment and growth of Melica ciliata L.,an 'acidifuge' species of rocky habitats in Europe, were studiedexperimentally and related to chemical properties of the soilsolution, including pH, base cation composition, Al concentrationand speciation, and Mn concentration. M. ciliata failed to establishin acid leptite soil. However, it was able to grow in solutionat pH 3·6 and exhibited vigorous growth at pH 3·9,a typical soil solution pH of leptite sites, which Melica isunable to colonize. Higher concentrations of Mn than those measuredin any leptite soil solutions did not influence growth. Exposureto 0·037 mmol l-1 (1 mg l-1) of Al3+, a concentrationusually exceeded in the soil solution of leptite sites, severelyretarded root growth. Speciation technique applied to Al insoil solutions obtained by centrifugation demonstrated a closerelationship between H+ and Al concentrations and, in particular,between H+ and free ionic (quickly reacting) Al species. Soilsolution concentrations of free ionic Al proved to be < 0·002mmol l-1 in sites lacking Melica , but often > 0·10mmol l-1 in site lacking Metalica . It is concluded that theinability of M. ciliata to establish in acid soils is not primarilydue to the high H+ concentration but to the high soil solutionconcentrations of Al, especially free Al ionic species at lowsoil pH.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Melica ciliata, distribution, soil solution, pH, aluminium speciation, manganese, base cations, iron  相似文献   

The influence of cell size on the growth rate of Thalassiosira weissflogii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth rate and average cell volume were measured throughoutauxospore formation in two populations of Thalassiosira weissflogii(Hustedt). In both cases, the entire population shifted fromrelatively small (800 µm3) to large cells (2800 µm3)over a 5 day interval. This shift was accompanied by a dramaticincrease in the average growth rate of the populations from1.6 to 3.4 doublings/day.  相似文献   

Growth and Nutrient Status of Quercus rubra L. in Response to Al and Ca   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings were grown for63 d in a complete nutrient solution (pH 3.8) containing oneof three concentrations of Al (0, 0.75 or 2-0 mol m–3)and either 10 or 250 mmol m–3 Ca. Of all solution variables,the In of (Al3+)/(Ca2+), the solution activities ratio, wasmost closely correlated with declines in shoot and root growth.Ln (Al3+)/(Ca2+) also most closely predicted leaf and root [Mg],[Al], and [Al]/[Ca]. These three variables in turn were closelyrelated to growth. Toxic levels of (Al3+) and (Al3+)/(Ca2+)in solution are compared to levels in forest soils. Key words: Al phytotoxicity, Al x Ca interaction, Quercus rubra  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopes (13C) were determined for phytoplanktonand dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from Lake Apopka, a shallow,polymictic and hypereutrophic lake in Florida, USA. Bulk planktondominated by pico- and nanqanobacteria were enriched in 13(–13.1± 1.1%) as a result of assimilation of extremely 13C-richDIC (13C = 9.6 ± 3.0%). Diatoms (Aulacoseira spp.) hada 13C of –14.3 ± 0.6% that was slightly more negativethan that of small cyanobacteria. Meroplanktonic diatoms hada 13C (–13.6 ± 1.8%), similar to their planktoniccounterparts. The 13C of a colonial cyanobacterium (Microcystisincerta) was exceptionally heavy (–3.0 ± 1.0%)and attributed to localized carbon limitation. Seasonal variationin 13C of bulk plankton was small (4%) relative to reports forother lacustrine systems No difference in the 13C of bulk planktonhorn surface water between stratified and non-stratified periodswas found. No measurable changes in 13C of bulk plankton wereindicated in light and dark incubation experiments Frequentwind mixing of the water column, high DIC concentration, andconsistently high lake productivity were used to explain thetemporal and spatial isotope consistency of phytoplankton inthis lake.  相似文献   

The water and nitrogen relationships of the xylem-tapping roothemiparasite, quandong (Santalum acuminatum) and its principalhosts were examined at a series of sites in native coastal heathlandsof south west Australia. Assessments based on densities of above-groundbiomass, ground cover and frequencies of haustoria on host rootsindicated that woody N2fixers (legumes andAllocasuarina) wereprincipal hosts ofSantalum. 15N values for shoot dry matterof component species suggested these N2fixers were strongly(70% or more) dependent on atmospheric N and thatSantalumderivedN principally from these species. Structural studies of haustoriashowed the interface with host xylem to be almost entirely comprisedof parenchymatous tissue. No luminal continuities were observedbetween xylem conducting elements of the partners. Formationand functional life of haustoria were closely coordinated withseasonal growth of hosts, with some haustoria surviving summerand overlapping functionally with new ones establishing in thenext autumn. Transpiration and photosynthetic rates of the parasitewere consistently less and water use efficiencies very similarto those of the principal hostAcacia rostellifera. 13C valuesof foliage ofSantalumand this host were similar, but large variationsin 13C values for above-ground dry matter of parasite and hostsbetween study sites prevented evaluations of water stress orwater-use-efficiency based on carbon isotope discrimination.Specific hydraulic conductivities of roots ofSantalumwere consistentlylower than those ofAcacia, a finding consistent with more conservativewater use by the parasite than the host. Santalum acuminatum; root hemiparasite; 15N discrimination; water relations; haustorial structure; root conductivity  相似文献   

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