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Photorefractoriness, a reversible state of unresponsiveness to daylengths of gonadostimulatory duration, terminates seasonal breeding in many photoperiodic species of birds. Whether the eyes are components of the mechanism that triggers photorefractoriness is an important, but heretofore unresolved, question. Although a role for extraocular photoreception in the mechanism of photoinduced gonadal growth is well documented, the eyes may be important in the mechanism of photorefractoriness if, as some evidence suggests, they are gonadoinhibitory. With American tree sparrows (Spizella arborea), I here confirm that the absence of eyes does not impede photoinduced testicular growth and establish that an extraocular mechanism mediates the transition from photosensitivity to photorefractoriness: Tree sparrows blinded by bilateral ocular enucleation, when photosensitivity to long days or by miniature self-powered lights implanted atop the skull, showed marked testicular growth and then, as evidenced by spontaneous testicular regression, became photorefractory, as did sighted controls.  相似文献   

To explore the role of the thyroid gland in the control of seasonal reproduction in obligately photoperiodic American tree sparrows (Spizella arborea), the effects of (1) thyroxine administered in drinking water to thyroid-intact photosensitive or photorefractory birds, and (2) radiothyroidectomy before and after photostimulation and during photorefractoriness were examined. Chronic administration of pharmacological doses of thyroxine induced testicular growth and usually regression in initially photosensitive birds held on short or intermediate daylengths. Some thyroxine-treated birds with regressed testes were absolutely photorefractory, but most remained photosensitive. Exogenous thyroxine never induced testicular growth in photorefractory birds moved to short days, though it often impeded, and sometimes even blocked, the recovery of photosensitivity. Although circumstantial, these effects of exogenous thyroxine are consistent with an hypothesis that assigns to thyroid hormones two roles — one stimulatory and the other inhibitory — in the control of seasonal reproduction. Radiothyroidectomy before photostimulation inhibited (but did not prevent) photoinduced testicular growth, blocked spontaneous testicular regression, suppressed molt, and prevented photorefractoriness. Moreover, as demonstrated by testicular growth after thyroxine replacemnt therapy, radiothyroidectomy during photorefractoriness later restored photosensitivity despite continued photostimulation. Thus, euthyroidism is an essential condition for maximizing (but not for initiating) photoinduced testicular growth and for triggering and maintaining photorefractoriness in photostimulated tree sparrows. However, when performed early during photostimulation, radiothyroidectomy neither immediately induced nor later blocked spontaneous testicular regression. Thus, endogenous thyroid hormones and long days may interact during a critical period to program a sequence of physiological events that plays out as photorefractoriness in chronically photostimulated birds. Such an organizational event cannot be permanent, for seasonal reproduction is episodic and its control mechanism necessarily cyclic. Because thyroidectomy simulated the well-known restorative effect of short days (and exogenous thyroxine impeded it), short days may dissipate photorefractoriness by creating a milieu wherein thyroid hormones are deficient or inactive.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - bTSH bovine thyroid stimulating hormone - GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone - LH luteinizing hormone - nL: nD daily light: dark regime (n is duration in hours) - SEM standard error of the mean - SNK Student-Newman-Keuls test - T4 thyroxine - TH thyroid hormone - TR thyroid hormone receptor  相似文献   

We examined the effect of corticosterone on plasma levels of reproductive hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and luteinizing hormone) and territorial defense behavior in male tree sparrows, Spizella arborea. Birds receiving Silastic implants filled with corticosterone (B) had significantly higher plasma levels of B than control birds, which received empty implants, and exhibited pectoral muscle wastage and a decrease in body mass. We evaluated the hormonal and agonistic responses of the two implanted groups of birds using a simulated territorial intrusion (STI) 2 to 4 days after they were implanted. Corticosterone-treated and control birds did not differ in their circulating levels of reproductive hormones or in their behavioral responses to STI (latency to respond to intrusion, number of songs, and closest approach to a decoy and tape recording). Unlike previous studies of north temperate passerines, high physiological levels of exogenous B had no effect either on circulating levels of reproductive hormones or on territorial behaviors associated with breeding. Nonetheless, untreated tree sparrows do mount a robust adrenocortical response, having a two- to fourfold increase in plasma B levels during a 1-h period of capture. Thus, adrenocortical responsiveness is maintained in these birds, but elevated levels of glucocorticoids do not suppress reproductive hormones or associated behaviors. We believe that this hormonal and behavioral refractoriness to glucocorticoids-or uncoupling of the stress response from the reproductive axis-may be advantageous for species having extreme temporal constraints on their breeding schedules.  相似文献   

Summary The frontal brain was removed from premetamorphic larvae ofXenopus laevis. Part of the animals was kept in a 0.01% propylthiouracil (PTU) solution for 21, 30 or 90 days, together with unoperated controls. Others were reared in tap water for the same length of time. The hypothalamus, the pituitary and the thyroids were studied in sagittal sections stained with aldehyde fuchsin or pseudoisocyanine (PIC).Operated tadpoles lacking the telencephalon only, could not be distinguished from unoperated controls. Extirpation of the preoptic region of the hypothalamus lowered the activity of the thyrotropic (TSH) cells and of the thyroids, and blocked metamorphosis. In animals with intact PIC-positive cells in the dorsal preoptic region, PTU induced a degranulation of these cells, stimulated the TSH cells and caused a strong hypertrophy of the thyroids. It is concluded that these neurosecretory cells in the dorsal preoptic region produce a thyrotropin-releasing factor (TRF), indispensable for the endocrine regulation of metamorphosis, and that the thyroid hormones have a negative feed-back influence upon the TRF cells.In part of the animals lacking the rostral hypothalamus, new PIC-positive cells were observed to develop immediately behind the preoptic region. In these animals PTU was somewhat less effective than in the animals with an intact dorsal preoptic region. This means either that the newly differentiated PIC-positive cells have a TRF function or that the thyroids can exert a direct negative feed-back upon the TSH cells. The latter possibility is supported by the fact that even in the absence of any neurosecretory cell PTU stimulated the thyroids.Blocking of thyroid hormone production by PTU inhibited the differentiation of the hypothalamus, of the median eminence and of the portal vessels. It may be deducted that during metamorphosis the general morphogenetic effect of the thyroid hormones stimulates the differentiation of the structures necessary for the augmentation of the TSH activity.The author thanks Prof. Dr.P.G.W.J. van Oordt for his active interest and helpful advices, MissTineke Aafjes for technical assistance and Mr.H. van Kooten for making the diagrams and photographs.  相似文献   

Summary Tadpoles of Xenopus laevis were treated with propylthiouracil from the second half of prometamorphosis. Sagittal sections of the head region were stained a.o. with pseudoisocyanine. The goitrogen caused a degranulation of neurosecretory cells in the dorsal part of the preoptic region of the hypothalamus, suppressed the development of ventral neurosecretory cells and of the outer zone of the median eminence, stimulated the thyrotropic cells in the adenohypophysis, caused a hypertrophy of the thyroids, and impaired metamorphosis. Returning the animals to tap water had reciprocal effects and restored the normal activity of the hypothalamus, adenohypophysis and thyroid glands. It is concluded that thyroid hormones exert a morphogenetic influence upon hypothalamic centres and the outer zone of the median eminence and that a negative feed back relation exists between the thyroids on the one hand and the dorsal neurosecretory cells and the thyrotropic cells on the other.The author thanks Prof. Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt for his active interest and helpful advice, and Miss Tineke Aafjes for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Normal and propylthiouracil (PTU) treated Xenopus laevis tadpoles were fixed during all stages of metamorphosis and sagittal sections were stained with aldehyde fuchsin (AF) or pseudoisocyanine (PIC). Whereas AF positive neurosecretory material could only be demonstrated in the preoptic nucleus from late prometamorphosis, increasing amounts of PIC positive material were found in cells of the dorsal part of the preoptic region from early premetamorphosis. The development of these cells correlated with that of the thyrotropic cells and the thyroids. Likewise, signs of hyperactivity in thyroids and thyrotropic cells of PTU treated larvae were accompanied by a depletion of the dorsal PIC positive cells. In the ventral preoptic region PIC positive cells developed from late prometamorphosis in control larvae, but failed to do so in PTU treated animals. It is argued that the differentiation of the PIC positive cells is largely dependent on thyroid hormones; that the dorsal PIC positive cells may produce a thyrotropin releasing factor; and that the function of these dorsal cells is inhibited by thyroid hormones.The authors thank Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt for his active interest and helpful advices, Miss Tineke Aafjes for technical assistance and Mr. H. van Kooten for making the photographs.  相似文献   

Ferah Sayim  Uğur Kaya 《Biologia》2008,63(4):588-593
A staged series with time data and original photographs of the embryonic development of the tree frog, Hyla arborea are presented, following Gosner’s generalized table. To contribute to species specific embryological studies of anurans, the external features of development of this species were described. Duration of embryonic development, from fertilization to 25th stage, is about 9 days at 20 ± 1 °C. Cleavage is holoblastic and unequal. Unlike the typical anuran development, neurular rotation was not observed in stage 15 or in any other stages. Other developmental stages resulted in a normal-looking. Embryos of H. arborea hatched at stage 20 or 21, which varied individually. Hatching occurred in the 4th or 5th day after fertilization. The mean total length of hatchlings was calculated as 6.38 mm. The mean size of ovum was estimated 1.4 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of implantation of testosterone propionate (TP) in various sites in the hypothalamus on the photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory functions in the White-crowned Sparrows were investigated in order to assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-testicular axis in the induction of these responses.Implantation of glass capillary tubes containing TP in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN), in the median eminence, or in the pars distalis inhibited the photoperiodically induced increase in plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), as measured by radioimmunoassay, and testicular growth. The effective implants significantly lowered the levels of LH in birds held on nonstimulatory short days. These TP implants apparently inhibited release from the pars distalis of both LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is concluded that the site of sensitivity in the negative feedback by testosterone is either the basal IN or the pars distalis, or both. The implants of TP that inhibited the increase in plasma LH and testicular growth completely did not prevent the birds from fattening.These investigations were supported, in part, by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-6527) and National Science Foundation (BMS 79-13933) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WashingtonThe author is grateful to Professor Donald S. Farner for his guidance throughout the course of these investigations. The assistance of Mr. Philip W. Mattocks, Jr. in performing radioimmunoassays is sincerely appreciated  相似文献   

The colours of the European tree frog, Hvlu urhorea , depend on three types of chromatophores: in dermo-epidermal direction melanophores, iridophores, and xanthophores. The ability ofthis species to assume a wide range ofcolours implies that very extensive changes in the chromatophores take place, which in turn require control by several regulating factors. The responses of the different chromatophore types to hormones with known melanophore-affecting abilities (α-MSH, β-MSH, ACTH, melatonin) were tested in an in vitro system (freshly explanted skin) using reflectance microspectrophotometry, light microscopy and time-lapse cinemicrography.
α-MSH, β-MSH and ACTH all induce a rapid dispersion of melanosomes during the 10 min after addition. The degree of pigment dispersion induced by ACTH is slightly less than after stimulation with α-MSH or β-MSH.
The iridophores react to MSH or ACTH treatment with a contraction of the entire cell (causing a reduction in reflecting area), and a change in orientation of the platelets, causing a decrease in selective reflectance. The iridophores appear to be especially sensitive to ACTH. A very striking feature of the iridophores when studied with time-lapse cinematography is their strong pulsations (approx. once per minute).
The xanthophores react to MSH and ACTH with a contraction. These cells appear to be sensitive to β-MSH in particular.
Melatonin strongly counteracts the effects of α-MSH, β-MSH and ACTH on all chromatophores.
These studies confirm the dynamic nature not only of the melanophores, but also of the iridophores and xanthophores, as pointed out by Schmidt (1920) and Nielsen (1978a). Furthermore the differences in the time course of the stimulation of the different types of chromatophores by various hormones may provide an experimental basis for the explanation of colour changes in Hyfa arboreu.  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine-like cells (ELC), which together with nerve endings form the neuroepithelial bodies, are located on primary and secondary septa in the non-ciliated epithelium of the lung of Hyla arborea. ELC protrude markedly toward the lumen of the lung and are surrounded by pneumocytes, which separate ELC from the lumen by thin cytoplasmic processes. ELC possess a light cytoplasm containing two types of granules: (i) numerous small granules, 50–110 nm in diameter, and (ii) single large granules, 290–860 nm in diameter. Numerous nerve fibers, often forming synaptic junctions, can be observed in contact with ELC.This study was supported by a grant No. 476/II from the Polish Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Parenteral administration of methylcellulose causes massive splenomegaly and hemolytic anemia in rats. The red pulp of the spleen is markedly cellular due mainly to: (1) large numbers of voluminous free macrophages containing methylcellulose-induced vacuoles, (2) an increase in the number of plasma cells and (3) stasis of blood evidenced by a large number of erythrocytes and platelets in vessels, sinuses and cords. White pulp changes are usually less marked. Here the major change is the presence of macrophages containing methylcellulose-induced inclusions. The slow circulatory time in the spleen and the increase in macrophages may cause the hemolytic anemia observed in these animals.  相似文献   

Summary Some of the components of the system that controls the function of the testes of the Japanese quail were identified by means of midline or bilateral electrolytic or radio-frequency coagulation of various regions of the hypothalamus. The destruction of two identifiable regions of the ventral hypothalamus resulted in different forms of testicular dysfunction. Extensive medial or bilateral damage to the infundibular nuclear complex, ventral regions thereof (including the tuberal nuclei), the entire median eminence or its posterior division resulted in regression of both the gametogenic and endocrine components of the testis and regression of the cloacal gland, an anal gland known to depend on testosterone for normal function. Damage to more anterodorsal regions of the infundibular nuclear complex resulted, in a single bird, in regression of the seminiferous tubules, but had no noticeable effect on the cells of Leydig; the cloacal gland of this bird, although reduced somewhat in size, appeared histologically active. Unilateral damage to the infundibular nuclear complex or the median eminence, or bilateral destruction of the antero—or posteroventral portions of the infundibular nuclear complex did not affect testicular function. The differing testicular dysfunctions are discussed in relation to the release of LH and FSH from the adenohypophysis.This investigation was supported by NIH Predoctoral Fellowship GM-33,458 to the author, and by Research Grants from the National Science Foundation (GB-11905) and the National Institutes of Health (NB-06187) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation (Stetson, 1971b) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology at the University of Washington. The hormones used in this investigation were generously supplied by the Endocrinology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

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