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EA Richey  H Qin 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43118
Intraflagellar transport (IFT), the key mechanism for ciliogenesis, involves large protein particles moving bi-directionally along the entire ciliary length. IFT particles contain two large protein complexes, A and B, which are constructed with proteins in a core and several peripheral proteins. Prior studies have shown that in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, IFT46, IFT52, and IFT88 directly interact with each other and are in a subcomplex of the IFT B core. However, ift46, bld1, and ift88 mutants differ in phenotype as ift46 mutants are able to form short flagella, while the other two lack flagella completely. In this study, we investigated the functional differences of these individual IFT proteins contributing to complex B assembly, stability, and basal body localization. We found that complex B is completely disrupted in bld1 mutant, indicating an essential role of IFT52 for complex B core assembly. Ift46 mutant cells are capable of assembling a relatively intact complex B, but such complex is highly unstable and prone to degradation. In contrast, in ift88 mutant cells the complex B core still assembles and remains stable, but the peripheral proteins no longer attach to the B core. Moreover, in ift88 mutant cells, while complex A and the anterograde IFT motor FLA10 are localized normally to the transition fibers, complex B proteins instead are accumulated at the proximal ends of the basal bodies. In addition, in bld2 mutant, the IFT complex B proteins still localize to the proximal ends of defective centrioles which completely lack transition fibers. Taken together, these results revealed a step-wise assembly process for complex B, and showed that the complex first localizes to the proximal end of the centrioles and then translocates onto the transition fibers via an IFT88-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Kinesin-2 motors mediate anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) of IFT particles from the ciliary base to its tip, where particles are remodelled before retrograde transport by dynein 2 motors. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) and IFT-A proteins are now implicated in regulation of IFT assembly at the ciliary base and tip.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on bidirectional intraflagellar transport (IFT). Anterograde IFT is driven by kinesin II, whereas retrograde IFT requires cytoplasmic dynein 1b (cDHC1b). Little is known about how cDHC1b interacts with its cargoes or how it is regulated. Recent work identified a novel dynein light intermediate chain (D2LIC) that colocalized with the mammalian cDHC1b homolog DHC2 in the centrosomal region of cultured cells. To see whether the LIC might play a role in IFT, we characterized the gene encoding the Chlamydomonas homolog of D2LIC and found its expression is up-regulated in response to deflagellation. We show that the LIC subunit copurifies with cDHC1b during flagellar isolation, dynein extraction, sucrose density centrifugation, and immunoprecipitation. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the LIC colocalizes with cDHC1b in the basal body region and along the length of flagella in wild-type cells. Localization of the complex is altered in a collection of retrograde IFT and length control mutants, which suggests that the affected gene products directly or indirectly regulate cDHC1b activity. The mammalian DHC2 and D2LIC also colocalize in the apical cytoplasm and axonemes of ciliated epithelia in the lung, brain, and efferent duct. These studies, together with the identification of an LIC mutation, xbx-1(ok279), which disrupts retrograde IFT in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicate that the novel LIC is a component of the cDHC1b/DHC2 retrograde IFT motor in a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

Cancer is a disease of aberrant gene expression characterized by inappropriate (temporal or quantitative) expression of positive mediators of cell proliferation in conjunction with diminished expression of negative mediators of cell growth. Alteration of the normal balance of these positive and negative mediators leads to the abnormal growth of cells and tissues that typify neoplastic disease. Development of a better understanding of the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that induce neoplastic transformation and drive the cancer phenotype is essential for continued progress towards the design of practical molecular diagnostics and effective treatment strategies. Over the past decades, molecular techniques that facilitate the assessment of gene expression, identification of gene mutations, and characterization of chromosome abnormalities (numeric and structural) have been established and applied to cancer research. However, many of these techniques are slow and labor-intensive. More recently, high-throughput technologies have emerged that generate large volumes of data related to the genetics and epigenetics of cancer (or other disorders). These advances in molecular genetic technology required the development of sophisticated bioinformatic tools to manage the large datasets generated. The combination of high-throughput molecular assays and bioinformatic-based data mining strategies has significantly impacted our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of cancer, classification of tumors, and now the management of cancer patients in the clinic. This article will review basic molecular techniques and bioinformatic-based experimental approaches used to dissect the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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The intraflagellar transport machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
First discovered in the green alga, Chlamydomonas , intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the bidirectional movement of protein particles along the length of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Composed of ∼16 different proteins, IFT particles are moved out to the distal tip of the organelle by kinesin-II and are brought back to the cell body by cytoplasmic dynein 1b. Mutant analysis of the IFT motor and particle proteins using diverse organisms has revealed a conserved and essential role for IFT in the assembly and maintenance of cilia and flagella. IFT is thought to mediate this assembly through the delivery of axonemal precursors out to the distal tip of the growing organelle. Consistent with this model, the IFT particle proteins are rich in protein–protein binding motifs, suggesting that the particles may act as scaffolds for the binding of multiple cargoes. With most of the IFT proteins now identified at the level of the gene, this review will briefly examine both the structure and function of the IFT machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii .  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the bidirectional movement of multipolypeptide particles between the ciliary membrane and the axonemal microtubules, and is required for the assembly, maintenance, and sensory function of cilia and flagella. In this paper, we present the first high-resolution ultrastructural analysis of trains of flagellar IFT particles, using transmission electron microscopy and electron-tomographic analysis of sections from flat-embedded Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells. Using wild-type and mutant cells with defects in IFT, we identified two different types of IFT trains: long, narrow trains responsible for anterograde transport; and short, compact trains underlying retrograde IFT. Both types of trains have characteristic repeats and patterns that vary as one sections longitudinally through the trains of particles. The individual IFT particles are highly complex, bridged to each other and to the outer doublet microtubules, and are closely apposed to the inner surface of the flagellar membrane.  相似文献   

Ciliary transport in eukaryotic cells is an intricate and conserved process involving the coordinated assembly and functioning of a multiprotein intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex. Among the various IFT proteins, intraflagellar transport 52 (IFT52) plays a crucial role in ciliary transport and is implicated in various ciliopathies. IFT52 is a core component of the IFT-B complex that facilitates movement of cargoes along the ciliary axoneme. Stable binding of the IFT-B1 and IFT-B2 subcomplexes by IFT52 in the IFT-B complex regulates recycling of ciliary components and maintenance of ciliary functions such as signal transduction and molecular movement. Mutations in the IFT52 gene can disrupt ciliary trafficking, resulting in dysfunctional cilia and affecting cellular processes in ciliopathies. Such ciliopathies caused by IFT52 mutations exhibit a wide range of clinical features, including skeletal developmental abnormalities, retinal degeneration, respiratory failure and neurological abnormalities in affected individuals. Therefore, IFT52 serves as a promising biomarker for the diagnosis of various ciliopathies, including short-rib thoracic dysplasia 16 with or without polydactyly. Here, we provide an overview of the IFT52-mediated molecular mechanisms underlying ciliary transport and describe the IFT52 mutations that cause different disorders associated with cilia dysfunction.  相似文献   

In the post-natal growth plate, chondrocytes are arranged in columns parallel to the long axis of the bone. Chondrocytes divide perpendicular to this axis and then move into position one on top of another in a process called "rotation" that maintains columnar organization. Primary cilia are non-motile microtubule base appendages extending from the surface of almost all vertebrate cells. Primary cilia were described on chondrocytes almost 40 years ago but the function of these structures in cartilage biology is not known. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the process by which primary cilia are generated and maintained. This study tested the hypothesis that IFT plays an important role in post-natal skeletal development. Kif3a, a subunit of the Kinesin II motor complex, that is required for intraflagellar transport and the formation of cilia, was deleted in mouse chondrocytes via Col2a-Cre-mediated recombination. Disruption of IFT resulted in subsequent depletion of cilia and post-natal dwarfism due to premature loss of the growth plate likely a result of reduced proliferation and accelerated hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes. Cell shape and columnar orientation in the growth plate were also disrupted suggesting a defect in the process of rotation. Alterations in chondrocyte rotation were accompanied by disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and alterations in the localization of activated FAK to focal adhesion-like structures on chondrocytes. This is the first report indicating a role for IFT and primary cilia in the development of the post-natal growth plate. The results suggest a model in which IFT/cilia act to maintain the columnar organization of the growth plate via the process of chondrocyte rotation.  相似文献   

Bell LR  Stone S  Yochem J  Shaw JE  Herman RK 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1275-1286
The Caenorhabditis elegans genes dyf-6, daf-10, and osm-1 are among the set of genes that affect chemotaxis and the ability of certain sensory neurons to take up fluorescent dyes from the environment. Some genes in this category are known to be required for intraflagellar transport (IFT), which is the bidirectional movement of raft-like particles along the axonemes of cilia and flagella. The cloning of dyf-6, daf-10, and osm-1 are described here. The daf-10 and osm-1 gene products resemble each other and contain WD and WAA repeats. DYF-6, the product of a complex locus, lacks known motifs, but orthologs are present in flies and mammals. Phenotypic analysis of dyf-6 mutants expressing an OSM-6::GFP reporter indicates that the cilia of the amphid and phasmid dendritic endings are foreshortened. Consistent with genetic mosaic analysis, which indicates that dyf-6 functions in neurons of the amphid sensilla, DYF-6::GFP is expressed in amphid and phasmid neurons. Movement of DYF-6::GFP within the ciliated endings of the neurons indicates that DYF-6 is involved in IFT. In addition, IFT can be observed in dauer larvae.  相似文献   

The cilium is an important organelle that is found on many eukaryotic cells, where it serves essential functions in motility, sensory reception and signalling. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is a vital process for the formation and maintenance of cilia. We have determined the crystal structure of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii IFT25/27, an IFT sub‐complex, at 2.6 Å resolution. IFT25 and IFT27 interact via a conserved interface that we verify biochemically using structure‐guided mutagenesis. IFT27 displays the fold of Rab‐like small guanosine triphosphate hydrolases (GTPases), binds GTP and GDP with micromolar affinity and has very low intrinsic GTPase activity, suggesting that it likely requires a GTPase‐activating protein (GAP) for robust GTP turnover. A patch of conserved surface residues contributed by both IFT25 and IFT27 is found adjacent to the GTP‐binding site and could mediate the binding to other IFT proteins as well as to a potential GAP. These results provide the first step towards a high‐resolution structural understanding of the IFT complex.  相似文献   

The outcome of the Notch pathway on proliferation depends on cellular context, being growth promotion in some, including several cancers, and growth inhibition in others. Such disparate outcomes are evident in Drosophila wing discs, where Notch overactivation causes hyperplasia despite having localized inhibitory effects on proliferation. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we have used genomic strategies to identify the Notch‐CSL target genes directly activated during wing disc hyperplasia. Among them were genes involved in both autonomous and non‐autonomous regulation of proliferation, growth and cell death, providing molecular explanations for many characteristics of Notch induced wing disc hyperplasia previously reported. The Notch targets exhibit different response patterns, which are shaped by both positive and negative feed‐forward regulation between the Notch targets themselves. We propose, therefore, that both the characteristics of the direct Notch targets and their cross‐regulatory relationships are important in coordinating the pattern of hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Cilia play key roles in development and homeostasis, and defects in cilia structure or function lead to an array of human diseases. Ciliogenesis is accomplished by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) system, a set of proteins governing bidirectional transport of cargoes within ciliary axonemes. In this paper, we present a novel platform for in vivo analysis of vertebrate IFT dynamics. Using this platform, we show that the planar cell polarity (PCP) effector Fuz was required for normal IFT dynamics in vertebrate cilia, the first evidence directly linking PCP to the core machinery of ciliogenesis. Further, we show that Fuz played a specific role in trafficking of retrograde, but not anterograde, IFT proteins. These data place Fuz in the small group of known IFT effectors outside the core machinery and, additionally, identify Fuz as a novel cytoplasmic effector that differentiates between the retrograde and anterograde IFT complexes.  相似文献   

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